#and ignored everyone else 90% of the time and cut whatever she could from eddie's storyline
lovecolibri · 1 year
"It's like eating rice cakes" that description is soooo accurate and has me on the floor lmao 6A IS indeed dry af I can literally visualize the styrofoam taste lmaoooo
It's just sooooo lacking in substance. And it's really extra frustrating because the set up for some delicious and deep moments were like, RIGHT there! Even in s5 we had things like the perfect set up for Eddie having to listen to his firefam be in danger and unable to help, and Buck having some deep conversations with Bobby about Eddie and reinforcing their father/son bond. So then, when Bobby was in danger, the emotional beat with someone like Chim or Eddie telling Buck to relax because Bobby was going to be okay would actually land and would have given Bobby something to do as well. But s6 had SUCH potential with the blimp crash, with Buck being allowed to make a choice for himself instead of just having to react after someone else makes the choices, with Bobby having things about Wendall all season leading up to 6x09, with Madney's love story coming back together and healing ON SCREEN, with Buck/Bobby having that father/son dynamic back, with Buck's storyline being intertwined and influenced by Chris and Eddie's/Henren and Denny's/Madney and Jee's (for serious SO many opportunities), with the Eddie and Chim dynamic, with the Chim getting abducted while Maddie listened to that and then Buck putting himself in danger to save him, just....it's all RIGHT THERE. The emotional beats are so big it takes WORK for the show to completely miss them so hard.
This is why I'm always tagging things asking Tim to come back. Completely outside of the Buddie of it all, he was SO good at telling stories, bringing multiple plotlines together and having multiple plots for different characters running at once, not dragging things out more than needed, and just a general cohesiveness to everything, especially in regards to the emergencies helping push existing arcs along instead of just feeling like filler to take up time. He was also REALLY good at pacing and emotional balance between dramatics and fun as well as making sure that the characters, storylines, and emergencies/victimes were treated with respect and with heart.
We know for a fact that Tim was the one making Kristen include those intimate conversations so they happened on screen and those moments really held a lot of the heart and depth of the show. It's become really clear with 6a how badly those are missing now that there isn't the excuse of main characters being missing.
Take out the depth and heart of the show, and it looses what made it special, what made it stand out from other shows, and what made it resonate with such a wide audience. The fact that every social media has seen people mentioning the show feeling off/boring/filler/not the same really says that it's not just a handful of Buddie fans being needlessly picky. I know casual viewers and evey they are telling me they're bored and miss how the show used to be. And it's pretty clear where the issue is coming from because WHEN the cast gets their moments to shine they are still knocking those moments out of the park.
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