#and ilse gets very embarrassed on his behalf and it makes her so angry that she has to yell at him just to let off steam
I saw you are reading the Emily books by LM Montgomery. Have you read them before? I like them so much. They have a very fall-like feel for me. 🍁🍂🍃
Yes!! I read them once eight or so years ago so there’s a lot about them that I’ve forgotten and am now rediscovering. They have a fall-like feel to me as well, there’s just a certain cozy coming-home vibe that I think characterizes so much of L.M. Montgomery’s writing. I recently finished rereading the Anne series and I kind of think the Emily series feels like the Anne series’s older, slightly more melancholy sister. Have you read any of Montgomery’s other books? I haven’t yet, but The Blue Castle is next on my list!
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