#and im cry because i initially thought i'd write about a birthday party or a trip to the amusement park or smth
leejiieuns · 2 years
+⏰ for sofia and luca!
+⏰ for a positive memory 
ok i'm gonna write this from luca's pov because ~reasons~ agfdjkg but you'll find out!! i hope... if i manage to put my thoughts into words
The droning of the woman on the television starts to grate on Luca, and if it is already irritating him when he’s the one watching the show, he can only imagine how his sister seated in the dining room feels, hunching over some papers as she tries to solve one math problem after the other. 
Fridays for Luca usually means leisure as their mother isn’t around, but it is always a different story for his younger sister. Finn would have been doing the exact same thing as Sofia, too, had he not been away on some international competition, and Luca thinks how lucky his mother is that she could just leave them on a Friday evening and not worry about a secret party, or a night out on the town. If she even worries. But despite initially wanting to watch the show, he looks around for the remote and turns the tv off so he could let his sister study in peace.
But the sudden lack of background noise seems to have disrupted her concentration, and her head snaps up and she looks at her brother with furrowed brows. "Why did you turn it off? Weren't you watching that?" she says in German, preferring still to use their mother tongue despite having lived in France for more than a year now.
He turns to her and shrug, muttering something about how it was boring as he stood from the couch and makes his way to the kitchen. Luca thinks about how Sofia must have been annoyed by the sound too and yet, she is concerned about him turning it off, knowing it is a show he likes to follow now and then. This is why he is always secretly worrying about her. The day she starts to think about herself is the day he’ll stop being worried.
Luca inspects the contents of the fridge, lips pursed as he considers what he wants to eat, and after quick deliberation, reaches for an apple. 
"Hm?" He makes his way over to the table, and hands her his bitten fruit. "Did you want the apple?"
She shakes her head and grabs two sheets of papers, pulling back one of the chairs near her as if asking him to sit. Luca obliges and begins studying the papers, eyebrows furrowed as he tries to make out the writing on it. His sister might be a genius, sure, but she definitely does not have the best penmanship.
"I have to write this paper on this artwork, and I don't understand it. Could you explain it to me?"
His eyebrow shoot up and he looks at her, incredulous. She’s never asked for help before, or if she has, never from him. Why would she, anyway? She was smart-- smarter than both him and Finn combined, and she doesn’t need them-- especially Luca. And yet, she is looking at him expectantly, holding up the pieces of papers in his general direction. 
Luca slowly sits on the seat next to her, gingerly takes the papers from her hand, and says, “You don’t..understand...it? You don’t understand?” 
“I do, but it’s just-- I trust your opinion on this more than my own. You’ve always been better at this than me, so can you help me? Please, oppa?” 
It isn’t true. There is nothing that Luca could think that he would be better at than Sofia, and yet, there she is, asking him for help on something. And this isn’t like their mother, too, who used to ask him questions she knew he couldn’t answer, for his sister could never be cruel. 
And so he looks at the artwork and the accompanying text, and begins to speak his thoughts on the matter. Gingerly, at first, worries he might say something wrong despite knowing the artwork quite well. His second statement ends up sounding like a question and he pauses, unsure, waits for her to correct him or tell him she doesn’t need his help after all, but she doesn’t. In fact, she nods her head, seemingly agreeing, and the look on her face tells him she is very interested in what he has to say. 
He slowly gains confidence as he watches her listen to him intently, scribbling down on her notebook every now and then again, and he thinks about how it doesn’t even truly matter to him anymore if their mother sees him, because despite knowing full well that she doesn’t need him, Sofia never fails to make him feel that he is wanted. 
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