#and a big brother feeling happy about the fact taht his little sister is asking him for help with homework
leejiieuns · 2 years
+⏰ for sofia and luca!
+⏰ for a positive memory 
ok i'm gonna write this from luca's pov because ~reasons~ agfdjkg but you'll find out!! i hope... if i manage to put my thoughts into words
The droning of the woman on the television starts to grate on Luca, and if it is already irritating him when he’s the one watching the show, he can only imagine how his sister seated in the dining room feels, hunching over some papers as she tries to solve one math problem after the other. 
Fridays for Luca usually means leisure as their mother isn’t around, but it is always a different story for his younger sister. Finn would have been doing the exact same thing as Sofia, too, had he not been away on some international competition, and Luca thinks how lucky his mother is that she could just leave them on a Friday evening and not worry about a secret party, or a night out on the town. If she even worries. But despite initially wanting to watch the show, he looks around for the remote and turns the tv off so he could let his sister study in peace.
But the sudden lack of background noise seems to have disrupted her concentration, and her head snaps up and she looks at her brother with furrowed brows. "Why did you turn it off? Weren't you watching that?" she says in German, preferring still to use their mother tongue despite having lived in France for more than a year now.
He turns to her and shrug, muttering something about how it was boring as he stood from the couch and makes his way to the kitchen. Luca thinks about how Sofia must have been annoyed by the sound too and yet, she is concerned about him turning it off, knowing it is a show he likes to follow now and then. This is why he is always secretly worrying about her. The day she starts to think about herself is the day he’ll stop being worried.
Luca inspects the contents of the fridge, lips pursed as he considers what he wants to eat, and after quick deliberation, reaches for an apple. 
"Hm?" He makes his way over to the table, and hands her his bitten fruit. "Did you want the apple?"
She shakes her head and grabs two sheets of papers, pulling back one of the chairs near her as if asking him to sit. Luca obliges and begins studying the papers, eyebrows furrowed as he tries to make out the writing on it. His sister might be a genius, sure, but she definitely does not have the best penmanship.
"I have to write this paper on this artwork, and I don't understand it. Could you explain it to me?"
His eyebrow shoot up and he looks at her, incredulous. She’s never asked for help before, or if she has, never from him. Why would she, anyway? She was smart-- smarter than both him and Finn combined, and she doesn’t need them-- especially Luca. And yet, she is looking at him expectantly, holding up the pieces of papers in his general direction. 
Luca slowly sits on the seat next to her, gingerly takes the papers from her hand, and says, “You don’t..understand...it? You don’t understand?” 
“I do, but it’s just-- I trust your opinion on this more than my own. You’ve always been better at this than me, so can you help me? Please, oppa?” 
It isn’t true. There is nothing that Luca could think that he would be better at than Sofia, and yet, there she is, asking him for help on something. And this isn’t like their mother, too, who used to ask him questions she knew he couldn’t answer, for his sister could never be cruel. 
And so he looks at the artwork and the accompanying text, and begins to speak his thoughts on the matter. Gingerly, at first, worries he might say something wrong despite knowing the artwork quite well. His second statement ends up sounding like a question and he pauses, unsure, waits for her to correct him or tell him she doesn’t need his help after all, but she doesn’t. In fact, she nods her head, seemingly agreeing, and the look on her face tells him she is very interested in what he has to say. 
He slowly gains confidence as he watches her listen to him intently, scribbling down on her notebook every now and then again, and he thinks about how it doesn’t even truly matter to him anymore if their mother sees him, because despite knowing full well that she doesn’t need him, Sofia never fails to make him feel that he is wanted. 
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iamacolor · 7 years
We met at the library ( A Yousana HP AU)- Part 6
Hello everyone!! I’m back again! Here’s a new chapter with lots of thoughts about feelings and a certain big brother! If you prefer to read on Ao3, just go there Enjoy!
Chapter dedicated to @slytherino thank you so much for reading and being excited about this fic and thank you again for the manip (which I love!!!) and I hope you like this new chapter!
One day, as they’re working at the library, she notices that he is really stressed as he keeps on opening and closing his books as well as sighing messing with his hair . She decides to ask him what the problem is because she can’t concentrate if he’s fidgeting and being nervous next to her so he better have a good reason. He apologizes right away and explains that he is nervous about an upcoming test. She proposes to help him work through his notes but he just can’t focus on anything. An idea comes to her mind and she stands up motioning for him to follow her after she has packed all her notes and books in her bag. She walks all the way down to the pitch with him and explains when they arrive taht they are going to have a quick Quidditch session to blow off some steam so that he can relax (she also needs the break to be honest). The smile he gives her at that moment is enough to let her know that this was the right thing to do.
As they’re walking back to the castle and Yousef is talking about something that one of his friend did, she suddenly realizes that the exams are getting closer and closer which means that soon, very soon, Yousef won't be in Hogwarts anymore. It's only been a few months but at the thought of not seeing him again, her hearts tightens in her chest. He has become such an important part of her life in the last weeks , as her firends keep teasing her about, and she can't even imagine not hearing about him and she does not want to think about not seeing him and his smile and his soft eyes and the way his hair fall on both sides of his face and the face he makes when he’s working or reading and not hearing his voice and his laughter again. She thinks that more than not seeing him again, not talking to him anymore, not having any contact with him would be worse. She decides to ask him if she can write to him next year and during the summer but as she is about to open her mouth to ask him, she can't find the courage to do it. She doesn't dare to ask. What if once he doesn't have to study with her anymore he doesn't want to keep in touch? What if he doesn’t care about her as much as she care about him? It is only now that she thinks about losing him that she realizes just how much she wants to keep him around. She isn’t one to easily get a crush on a guy but she has to admit that Yousef is special to her, very special.
The day after, Elias stops her in the hallway and takes her into an empty classroom because he has “something so super important to tell her”. The real reason? He wants to ask her what is going on between her and Yousef. She replies sharply: - Nothing! And anyway, that's none of your business. - Hey! Ok, chill, I have no problems with it. I don’t want to impose, I was just wondering. - Ok. - And I don't mind really, I like the guy! We used to always be paired together in potions before I stopped potion. Which is a shame because we had a lot of fun together. - Potions classes aren't for fun Elias. - I know, Sana! Why do you think I stopped? Anyway, you'd be cute together. - We are not, nothing like that is happening. Does Sana whish something like that could happen? More than she cares to admit. But it's not happening, it's not realistic when so many obstacles stand in her way. - Ok, ok relax. I’m dropping the subject. - Good. - I didn't know he was Muslim though. - What? He isn’t! She has been thinking a lot about that conversation they had and she knows that this isn’t really the correct answer but it’d be too long to explain to Elias the situation and she doesn’t think Yousef would appreciate her talking about his struggles with her brother. - Well then, what was he doing outside the prayer room looking like he'd just come out of it? - What? - Yeah, I saw him there yesterday as I was going to it, he was leaving but I recognized him. - Oh. Ok. - Do you like him? - What? No, don't be ridiculous, Elias! - You do. - No, I don't - Yes you do, I can see it - I do not have time for crushes on boys - On boys, no but on Yousef , yes. - Get that stupid smile off your face and let me go back to class. She has a free period coming up but needs time to process this new information. What is happening? Should she get her hopes up? Probably not, that’s never a good thing to do. Just wait until he explains, she thinks.
She decides to ask him during their next study session. She is watching him as he writes and she knows she should let him be but she also knows that struggling with your faith is even harder when you’re on your own and he might need to talk about it. And she also just wanto know how he is doing and feeling. When she asks him about it, he stays silent for a while then replies: - I wasn't in the room, I couldn't get in. I wanted to go back to see what it was like after we had talked and I had been reminded of the room's existence. But when I arrived in front of it, it didn't feel right, I felt like a fraud and I didn't dare to go in. So I left. I...I don’t really know why I went or what I was looking for. And I still have so many questions that a single trip to the prayer room wouldn't sort out. - It's alright to be lost and to doubt, Yousef. You do not need to have all the answers now or tomorrow or even in a few days or months. Asking questions is already hard enough so finding answers is a whole other level of difficulty, she replies softly. - Do you feel lost sometimes as well? - Oh yes! It's hard sometimes to be here without anyone to guide me. When I'm at home I can ask questions to my parents or even to the Imam but here I'm on my own. Doubts are natural, I'm finding out.
She doesn't press the subject any further and he is grateful for that. To be honest, he simply doesn't know what to say or what he's looking for. He appreciates how Sana doesn't ask him to know or to give her answers he doesn't have. He never met someone like her, never had someone like her in his life. He realizes slowly how important Sana has become to him, how grateful he is to have met her, that she seems to enjoy his company. He knew he liked her, he knew from the beginning but now that he has shared all this with her he starts to realize just how much he likes her, how much she means to him. And he's taken aback by the strength of his feelings who grew so much in so little time. He wonders for a second what is going to happen to them during the summer. And what about next year? Yousef doesn't even want to think about the possibility of not seeing her or talking to her again. He needs to think of a way to keep in touch. If she wants to, of course.
Yousef never really thought about what other people might be thinking about the fact that he is spending so much time with Sana. Their time togetehr always feel a bit surreal, as if it belonged to another reality. Which is why he is surprised when, one day, as he is working in the library on his own, he hears someone seating next to him and he raises his head to find Elias smiling at him. - Hello! - Hi! - So,...I've been meaning to talk to you about what is going on with you and Sana. - Sana? - Yes, Sana, my sister Sana - Yes I know who she is. But there is no me and Sana. Don't worry Elias, really, it's nothing, I mean it is something but just friends, really friendly... friends, that's all. - Ok, calm down. There's nothing to worry about . I'm not here to play the “if you hurt her, I'll kill you” kind of big brother, although be warned I can be mean with jinxes. I know you're just “friends". As he says the word friends, he makes the finger quotes motion - Why the motion? - Let's just say that I can't wait to see how this evolves. - Elias... - Anyway! I actually wanted to say that I'm really thankful for what you're doing, studying with her and playing quidditch with her. He takes a break, looks down at the table then back again at Yousef and adds: - It used to be my thing with her but I've been a bit distant this year and I've felt guilty about it. I'm glad she found you, she looks happy. I'm a bit jealous actually but I know you're a good guy. - Uh thank you. I'm not trying to take your place or anything, I hope you don't feel like that. - Oh no, not at all, it's quite clear to everyone that your feelings for my sister aren't those of a big brother. - What? -Nothing, bye ! He stands up quickly and takes a few steps towards the exit before turning around and saying: - Oh we should meet up again one day with my boys and your friend, what's his name? Muta? - Uh, yes, yeah, that’s his name - We'd have a lot of fun and it's the last year, we should spend it with the people we enjoy! You’re in? - Why not? - Great, see you around!
He leaves and Yousef is left to sit there in silence wondering if his feelings for Sana are so visible and if people are really talking about it. He enjoys Elias’ company and he'd be glad to hang out again. Especially if he doesn't mind him being with Sana. Not that that would ever happen. Right?
He tries to go back to his notes and to focus on his work but his mind is full of Sana. As usual. Full of her smile and her dimples and her eyes that shine when she laugh and her cute little nose and her laugh and her many shades of lipsticks that all suit her perfectly and her little heart pins on her hijab and the way she looks at him and her small delicate fingers and the way she writes and holds her quill and how she sometimes stick her tongue out to him or the way she looks when the sun hits her shoulder through the window of the library and … It’s never ending. She is everywhere. Under his eyelids when he closes his eyes, under his skin every hour of everyday. He is having a rush of Sana right in the middle of the library and no one can help him manage. How do you manage a rush of love? How do you manage love?
Stop being so dramatic, he tells himself, a"rush of love"?? What are you? A cheesy romance novel character?
He asks himself again what will happen to them during the summer and how they will manage next year. Yousef decides that he wants to visit her on Hogsmeads' weekends next year. But in Hogwarts’ language, that means going on a date. How do you ask a girl on several dates for the rest of her highschool years without sounding like a weirdo? Especially when there’s a chance she might not want to go on said dates with him? And he, on his side, is sure of himself and his feelings. They can only grow stronger and he can not imagine a version of his future that doesn’t have Sana in it. Sometimes, he thinks she likes him a little but he also knows that she is nice and helpful with everyone that isn't rude with her so how can he be sure? And he also knows that his struggles with religion might not help his case either.
As the days go by, they both try to not think too much about their upcoming exams, or more exactly what might come after, even if all their time spent together in the library is a constant reminder. The closer the exams get the more intensely they work. It feels to Sana that time is running out of her hands. All her friends are starting to get nervous because of the exams and even if she feels ready, she can’t help but be worried. Sana tries to focus really hard on her work so she doesn't have to think too much about how it's going to be like without him at Hogwarts next year. How can one person become so important to you that you feel like your life just wouldn’t have the same worth if they stopped being in it? It’s like he came into her heart without any warning, moved a few things around and settled there, making a little home for himself there. And she got used to him. It felt right. But now she’s left with him and he doesn’t want to move.
She still hasn’t asked him if they could write to each other.
He still hasn’t asked her if he could visit her next year.
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