#and im gonna try to watch mortal before i go to bed tonight :D
ddaengyoonmin · 5 years
Chapter 5
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Genre: DystopianFuture!au; Prison!au; historical and mythological characters; based on the Fate/ anime series. Fluff, Angst, Smut (it’s gonna be real smutty in some chapters 😳) Action and fighting will be a definite theme.
Pairing: poly!Ot7 X Reader -there will be some three(maybe even more)some smut in future chapters
Warnings: Fingering, Unprotected sex, voyeur and exhibitionism? 
Word count: 4.8k
Taglist: @bellexwriter @3rachascompass
@im-emo-motherfuckers @i-like-puppy-mg
@mynameisstruggling @kaekae-h @skytime092
@seesawsmin-flower @oddkpopgirl @caibaby23
@spider-thot0115 @sunshine-or-some-shit
@em1joon @aclp-jb1d @monvieesdaebak @mother-forker @karissassirak
@littlebluebird-al @namjoonsslutakakoreanmanswhore @d-noona
(if i forgot you let me know lol i suck at taglists but i try my best!! <3 )
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As the car continued to speed down the road, Yoongi's foot was shaking on the pedal.  He’d had his fair share of experiences racing away from a terrifying situation, but nothing compared to this.  His palms sweat, slipping slightly on the steering wheel as he made a sharp turn.  The brutal sight from mere minutes ago playing in his mind on a loop. 
About twenty feet up in the air a silver camera drone hovered.  Almost as if it had eyes, Yoongi felt its stare intruding into the windows of the car.  Yoongi rolled down his driver’s side window.
“Did you like that you sick fucks? Did we put on a good show for you?” He screamed out, putting his arm out the window and sticking his middle finger up at the drone,  At the world, at the viewers who were probably all comfortable on their couches with popcorn and other snacks while they watched that gruesome event play out.  Some had probably even cheered when the team was taken out. If they had a bet going on they may have just won some money off the deaths that took place. 
Yoongi was growing nauseous at that thought, and put his foot to the gas even more, wanting to be home and indoors where the cameras wouldn’t follow. 
When the car pulled into the garage, the rest of the group assumed the same roles they had done the last time.  You slid off the back of the trunk shakily as Jimin held out a hand to steady you on your way down. 
“Thanks” you mumbled.
“Of course, you okay?”
“Been better” you shrugged.  You had thought that nothing could ever terrify you more than Vulcan did.  Yet, today had proved you wrong.  When you were faced with your possible demise, you had a thought.  You didn’t want to leave this world, not yet, you still needed more time with these men. 
Master, his cold way of dealing with you still hadn’t turned you off from the idea that he was still someone you wanted to be close with.
Jin, his caring nature, the way he carried you to the couch, and constantly checked in on you.
Hoseok, you hadn’t gotten extremely close with him, but you really like him and his ready to go attitude that really encouraged the rest of the team, and kept them positive despite what you were all going through.
Namjoon, the way he cared about his teammates, taking on a lot of the hard decisions and playing mediator even when he had his own shit going on, you knew that took a toll on him, but he didn’t show it. 
Jimin, the beautiful man who made you feel so good nights ago.  You had grown fond of his smile, and his warm heart.  He was moody and a bit rash at times, but he was good, and kind to you.
Taehyung, the man you had felt comfortable talking to about your past.  He listened well, and he didn’t seem to judge you for anything.  If he did, he’d never said a word.  He felt like safety in this world that was currently anything but.
And lastly Jungkook, the awkward shy man, who you noticed was scared and probably wanted to run away from this whole thing and never look back. Yet, he stayed with his teammates, not wanting to let anyone down and still trying his best.
These men, your team mates.  You weren’t ready to leave that behind.
So, for the first time in your life, or second life, whatever it may be...you were truly afraid of death.  You felt that ticking clock of mortality telling you that there wasn’t enough time, that there might never be enough time with them.
You were torn away from your thoughts when two strong arms were pulling you into a hug.  Which surprised you, the men had tried their best to keep skinship with you to a minimum so as not to risk getting carried away with the lustful feelings.
It was Jin, he had pulled you in tightly, and you accepted it, wrapping your arms around his waist and locking them behind his back.
He didn’t say a word, just holding you there for a minute in the garage.  You realize everyone had left and you’d been standing there in a daze, which must’ve worried Jin.
When he pulled back he gave you a small smile and patted you on the head.
“I needed that” you spoke softly.
“Yeah me too actually” he chuckled, then looked down at the small tent in his pants that had formed and sighed “Yeah that’s not my fault.” He winked
You giggled “yeah, my bad”
“Mmm, not sure if I’d call it bad” Jin brought his hand to your face and brushed your cheek lightly with his thumb. 
You felt a shiver run up your spine, and a small tingle of pleasure at his gentle and loving touch. 
“You know I really wish we could.  But I won’t force myself on you like Yoongi did” he frowned
“Yoongi didn’t force himself on me” you looked down and shuffled your feet
“Bullshit.  You’re telling me you let him treat you that way?” He shook his head, not believing you.
“I did.  And he could do it again. He can do whatever he likes to me.  He’s my master” you snapped, taking a step back from Jin.
“Hey hey hey, I’m sorry okay...I just find it hard to believe that you’re okay with that.  I’m just worried about you.” He sighed again “just don’t think you have to let him treat you that way.  You don’t deserve it”  Jin stepped forward, kissing you on your forehead and letting his lips linger there for a while.
“Thanks for your opinion” you said in a monotone voice.  Not wanting to discuss this further. 
“So you really want him…” he grumbled.
“I want all of you...but I want him most” you whispered.
Jin nodded, “well, I’ll try not to be too hurt by that.  At least I’m a contender huh?” 
“I really do like you too Jin,  please just don’t worry about how I deal with Yoongi and our... relationship….” 
Jin grinned “okay, I’ll do my best to stay out of it.  But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to worry okay?” 
You nodded. 
“Do you think…” he paused.  Debating on if he should finish. “Do you think the others would be mad if you slept with me tonight?” 
You raised your eyebrows “I mean, Namjoon set rules right?”
“Oh! No no, I meant like, just sleeping, literal sleeping, like...you share my blankets and pillows with me, maybe...we cuddle or something.  Nothing more” he ran his fingers through his hair, suddenly getting nervous like a schoolboy asking out his first crush.
“I’m not sure what they’d think” you chuckled “but if they don’t mind.  I’d love to” 
Jin nodded his head up and down quickly “I-I’m gonna ask about that.” He sped over to the door into the house, holding it open for you to go in first.  You felt his eyes locked on you as you walked into the house and to the kitchen for something to drink. 
Jin didn’t know how much longer he could take this.  He needed you, and he wished that you loved him most.  It seemed that your affections leaned towards Yoongi more than anyone else, maybe all you really wanted from the others was sex and nothing more.  But, Jin was convinced he could show you how a good man would treat his woman, and maybe then…
Everyone had grabbed something from the kitchen to either drink or eat before settling down to sit on their beds.  It wasn’t quite evening yet, but each of them had exhausted expressions.  Taehyung was trying to comfort Jungkook who still was slightly in shock.  
They were rightfully shaken up.  
Namjoon finally spoke up.
“So, I know it's hard to think of what happened today as a good thing.  But, it wasn’t us that got taken out.  So we have reason to feel some relief.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes, “Yeah I’ll feel relieved when it’s over” 
“Well I think we have reason to feel grateful.  Goddess saved us back there.  You saw what happened to the others, that could’ve easily been us.”  Taehyung spoke, casting a smile your way, “That was good thinking distracting Archer.”
You didn’t want to admit that distracting her wasn’t quite your plan, but yes, things did all work out.
Yoongi scoffed and rolled his eyes for a second time. 
Jimin jabbed him in the ribs with his elbow.  “If you don’t start being nice to her I swear I’m not talking to you anymore.  She’s been nothing but kind and helpful since the moment she got here.  Hell, she’s even put up with your sour attitude better than your own friends here have.  So I think it’s time to put whatever shit you have going on behind you and start appreciating YOUR servent” 
Yoongi suddenly frowned and looked down to the floor. 
“I’m sorry….” he muttered. 
“To us? Or to her?” Jin asked, “because I don’t think you should apologize to any of us before you’ve made things right with her.”
Yoongi didn’t quite know what to say.  How could he possibly put what he’d been feeling into words, who could possibly understand?  If he said what was honestly on his mind would that make things better? Or should he just tell them what they want to hear, then everything can go on like sunshine and rainbows even when he knows it’s not. 
Jimin spoke before Yoongi had made a decision on that.
“I think Yoongi's issue here is...that he hates the Escape war. He hates everything it stands for and he holds a grudge against society for making it acceptable.  And unfortunately goddess here is a part of that system that you hate right?” Jimin turned to Yoongi meeting his eyes.
Yoongi nodded shamefully “I don’t want any of this.  I don’t want to be a master, I just want to serve my time and live my life here in red brick like anyone else.  And every time I see her, or hear her speak.  I’m reminded that I’m a part of a sick game that rich fucks created to fill their wallets.”
The room fell silent for a long while.  No one quite knew what to say to make Yoongi feel better.
“Did you ever think that I didn’t ask for any of this either?”  You spoke, breaking the quiet. “That I’m no less of a victim in all of this than you are? I don’t represent thing sick game any more than you do Master.  But you know what? I was happy that I was summoned here the moment I saw you, when I asked who my master was, and you spoke, I couldn’t have been more excited to get to know you and be on your team.  Not because I was excited to win, or kill, but because of you and the goodness I saw in your eyes.  I love you Master, why won’t you accept me?” Tears started to form in your eyes as you spoke.  All eyes in the room were shifting back and forth between you and Yoongi, wondering how he’d respond.
His mouth hung open, like words were trying to come out but being held back.
What he did next wasn’t unexpected, but it didn’t stop you from letting out a loud sob while he stormed silently out of the room and into his bedroom.  
Jin shook his head angrily.  The rest of the group were motionless and still deep in thought about your confession.
“You love him?” Jimin spoke quietly.
“I don’t know what else to call it…” you muttered.  “It’s like I told Jin earlier...I care for all of you, but Master...what I feel for him is more”
“So do you love me?” Jin spoke.  It caught you off guard, you didn’t quite know if you could call your feelings for the rest of them love.  Lust? Yes.  Protectiveness? Also yes. Love? What even is love?  You just confessed that you loved Yoongi, but did you even know that it was what you felt?  
The next series of events happened far too quickly for you to stop.
“If anything she’d love me.  She kissed me, and touched me.  And we understand eachother” Taehyung's chest puffed out with pride as he confessed.
“Well she might love me too since I went down on her, and we understand each other as well” Jimin shrugged.
The rest of the group sat wide eyed and in shock at their admission of breaking Namjoons rules.
“W-what?” Jungkook stuttered staring at Taehyung with a look of betrayal.  
Jin stiffened and fell quiet and still.  Hoseok chuckled and patted Jimin on the back as if to say ‘nice one’.  Namjoon on the other hand looked furious.  
“Did I not say…” He started.  Then he looked to you, his face growing red and angry “Did you make them do this?” 
You couldn’t find the right words to say, you were embarrassed and ashamed.  The last thing you wanted was to cause tension in the group.  You felt that Namjoon now saw you how most men had always seen you,  a temptress and a witch who lured men into her spell of lust. 
Jimin stepped in before you came up with something to say.
“Namjoon stop.  If anything it was my fault, she honestly tried to talk me out of it at first.  I’m sorry I broke the rules.  But I think it was a ridiculous rule in the first place. You know we all want her, and it’s not that easy to hold back.”
Namjoon’s eyes narrowed “Fine then.” he said coldly “Fine.  No more rules.  Everyone just do whatever you’d like with her then.”  
The room was in shock at the lift on Namjoons ban.  
“Obviously if she wants to, which I don’t see being an issue.  I mean that's your whole thing right?” Namjoon looked your way a hint of disgust in his tone that made you feel ashamed. 
You frowned slightly
 “Y-yeah.  That’s my thing I guess” You stammered with an almost sarcastic tone, feeling slightly annoyed at the way he had just spoken to you.  Like a toy, like all you were good for was sex and putting out when someone wanted it from you.  You’d like to think that you were more than that, but your past experiences didn’t really give you much of a defense. 
Namjoon sighed and stood up from his chair, “I’m gonna go get Yoongi” he grumbled as he left. 
The rest of the night was awkward.  All of your team seemed to not know how to handle Namjoon’s rule being ended.  Should they give it a try?  Your reaction definitely didn’t seem like you were happy about it, and as irresistible you were to them, they weren’t going to force you into anything.  
When it came time to sleep you settled down on the couch, everyone including Yoongi and Namjoon were settling into their places in the living room and quickly falling asleep.  
Just as you were about to shut your eyes and do the same, a soft voice hit your ears from the side of the couch. 
“I suppose that means my proposition earlier is fine...if you still want to?” Jin whispered. 
You looked down to where he laid right below you along the length of the couch.  He smiled up at you, with a hopeful expression. 
You were happy that you hadn’t crushed his spirits earlier with everything that had gone down.  You really did like him too, he meant a lot to you.  When he asked you if you loved him, you wanted so badly to tell him that you did, even if you didn’t.  Just to see the way his face would light up at your words.  You wanted him happy, and loved. 
“Of course.” You whispered back with a smile.  Quietly you lower yourself down onto the floor, he held his blanket up for you to get under, he was shirtless and wearing only a pair of light pink sweatpants.  Almost instantly he pulled you tightly into himself, your back pressed against his hard and muscular chest, an arm clutching you around your waist holding you tightly to him. 
You could feel his erection start to grow against your backside.  You knew he couldn’t help it, it was just the spell, you told yourself. 
 But, feeling wanted by this kind and caring man had you feeling better about the day’s events, and you found yourself wiggling slightly against the hardness in the front of his pants, rubbing your ass against him.  
He reacted instantly to the feeling, shutting his eyes tightly and bringing his head to rest on your shoulder and his cheek against your own.  He let out a small moan as you continued. 
“Fuck baby.  Don’t stop doing that” he whispered into your ear. 
You started to press your hips harder back into him, rolling them in small circles and rubbing against him.  His hand now moved from your waist and clutched your hip, holding you tightly to himself as you moved.   He moaned lightly again and you could feel his chest start to rise and fall quickly as his breathing increased.  You felt your own arousal growing as you continued,  the hot sticky wetness that was now underneath your dress proving how turned on you were from this. 
“You’re making me want to fuck you right here.” He murmured. 
As much as you felt like you were only proving Namjoon right at this point, you couldn’t deny how badly you wanted to do exactly that. 
Fuck it, maybe sex was something that you just couldn’t resist, but that didn’t mean you weren’t more than that.  And you weren’t going to pass up this opportunity just because of what Namjoon said.  
You grabbed Jins hand that was on your waist, moving it down and underneath your dress to your dripping center, holding tightly onto his wrist as his fingers started to find their way between your folds.  You shivered at the feeling and your hips pressed back into him making him groan.  
“Shh” you quietly giggled.  
You felt Jin smile against the skin on your neck where he was now leaving light kisses. 
Jin's fingers started to circle your clit, making you gasp out. 
“Hey, shh” he chuckled, laughing at the hypocrisy of you being noisy right after shushing him. 
After circling around your clit for a few moments, his fingers trailed their way down and to your entrance.  He nipped your ear lightly as one of his fingers entered into you.  You tried your best to be quiet, biting your lip at the feeling.  Then another finger entered, and he started to slowly move them in and out, curling them and brushing against your sensitive walls.  
You wanted to moan and scream with pleasure but continued to bite your lip holding back your noises, not wanting to wake your teammates.  You don’t quite know why, but you’d feel slightly embarrassed if anyone woke up and caught you like this with Jin. 
Jin continued a steady pace of in and out, soft kisses trailing up and down your neck as he did, loving the way you’d move your hips against him when he’d brush against a spot or touch you in a way that seemed to feel exceptionally good. 
Your breathing was quickened and shallow, trying your best to not let out a scream that was building in your stomach next to the orgasm that was building under Jin’s fingers.
“Cum for me Goddess” he whispered into your ear. 
And that was your undoing.  You let out a long exhale as your walls convulsed and tightened around his fingers.  Your orgasm flooding over you, pure bliss hitting every inch of your body.  You shook and wiggled against him as you came. 
“Fuck baby, you’re so hot” Jin brought his fingers out of you and to his lips.  You turned your head just in time to see him take the two fingers that were covered in your juices and bring them past his soft plush lips, sucking on them and releasing them with a quiet pop.
“And delicious” he added
  You lean your head forward to him, your eyes locked on those tempting lips. 
He met you halfway and his lips touched yours passionately and heavily.  His kisses were sloppy but somehow precise at the same time.  You could easily get  lost in them for hours if he’d let you. 
You felt him reach a hand down, adjusting his pants to be able to pull out his cock.  You could now feel him against your ass as your dress was pulled up past your waist.  You repeated your previous motions, rubbing against him and rolling your hips in circles against him. 
“Goddess.  You are so perfect.” he muttered, his lips brushing against your ear now. 
“Can I?” he whispered, now moving to position his cock at your entrance that was still soaked from your orgasm. 
“Yes.  Please” you moaned. 
Jin then slowly started to lift his hips, pushing himself into you every so slightly, and groaning softly with every small movement.  
Once he was completely inside of you, his hand gripped your hip tightly and he held you still as he somehow pushed up even further.  You let out a small gasp at how deep inside of you he was, which caused him to chuckle and bring his other arm under your head.  He brought two fingers to your lips, and you instantly parted your mouth.  He pushed his fingers inside, his way of trying to keep you quiet most likely.  You started to suck on his fingers, flicking your tongue along them as he pushed them deeper into your mouth.  Jin now started to slowly move his hips, moving himself in and out of you.  
You hadn’t seen his cock, only felt it, but the way that it filled you up you could only assume he was huge.  Much longer than Yoongi had been.  
Jin growly softly as he started to pick up his pace, rolling his hips quickly and gripping your hips tightly, his fingertips digging into your side as his hips smacked against your ass.  
“Shit” he gasped a bit too loud.  Suddenly you felt his whole body still, and his hand grip tighter onto you.  He was hissing softly, and you could now feel a warmness hitting your walls, and his body starting to shiver against you as he breathed heavily. 
“Fuck.” he winced.  Pulling his fingers from your mouth, turning to look at you with an embarrassed expression.
“I’m so sorry, that came out of nowhere” he spoke shyly. “No pun intended…” he added starting to laugh at his own joke. 
“It’s fine” you smiled and brought your lips to his shaking mouth, planting a soft kiss.  “You are amazing.”
“Yeah?” Jin grinned widely “You’re more amazing.  That felt too good” 
“Yeah. It sounded like it.” A voice grumbled from the other side of Jin.   You jumped with surprise, Your hand shot up to your mouth and your eyes widened. 
Jin was equally as taken back by the voice, and he mouthed an ‘oh my god’ at you. 
“Maybe let me join in next time if you’re going to be so obvious about it.  I probably would have lasted more than a minute” the voice belonging to Hoseok whispered again, he lifted his head looking at Jin, then to you and winking.  
“Yeah right, maybe next time buddy.” Jin chuckled and rolled his eyes, putting himself back into his pants now and pulling you into him for some cuddles. 
“I’ll hold you to it.” Hoseok teased.  Though part of you knew he probably wasn’t kidding.  For the first time your mind imagined a scenario of all of these men at once and you,  all of them standing naked worshipping your body and touching every inch of you.  You smiled and felt a warmness grow in your cheeks while you pictured it.  It was a selfish thought, but now it was stuck in your mind all the way until you drifted to sleep in Jin’s arms
The next morning your group decided to do another patrol of the city, Hoseok had suggested venturing out a little further than your own neighborhood.  He felt the best strategy was just to get in the middle of things and hope for the best.  Jungkook seemed terrified of that idea, but being the youngest he tended to try and hold back from arguing too much decisions that the others made. 
Namjoon agreed as long as Yoongi was alright with it.  Which he was. 
As the eight of you filed into the garage and to the car, Yoongi pulled you aside from the group for a moment. 
He had grabbed your arm to pull you away and your heart fluttered wildly at his touch. 
“So I was caught up to speed on everything that happened after I left yesterday.” 
You felt slightly embarrassed that he now knew you’d been with Taehyung and Jimin, and possibly he now knew about Jin, considering that you two weren’t as quiet as you’d thought. 
“Oh?” you stared at him wide eyed. 
“ Yeah. So.  Just…” Yoongi stuttered, then paused a moment
 “Just, try not to break their hearts while you make rounds fucking the entire group.  That’s the last thing we need here trying to win this war” he grumbled.
It seemed like that wasn’t what he had planned to say when he first pulled you aside, maybe he had meant to use kinder words, or even talk to you about the fact that you had said you loved him.  Yet, instead, staying true to all his previous interactions with you, he was simply cold and mean.
You frowned and nodded as he stomped away to the drivers side of the car and got inside, slamming the door behind himself.  You could see him mouth something to himself as he ran his hands through his hair nervously and quickly. 
Jimin now approached, offering you a helping hand as the two of you got up on the trunk beside Jungkook. 
“So you and Jin now too huh?” He smirked. 
“Ahhh shit, did everyone hear?” you groaned
“Yeah…” Jungkook said on the other side of you.  You sighed and shook your head. 
“Do you really want all of us like that?” Jungkook spoke almost inaudibly, not meeting your eyes as he talked.  You thought for a moment, and figured it’d be best to be honest.
“Yes…” you answered “Yeah.  I do.”
“Even me?” Jungkook squeaked.  The innocence in his voice made you smile.  And you could hear Jimin chuckle on the other side of you.  
“Yes even you Kook”
He instantly became extremely shy and embarrassed, which was honestly incredibly adorable to you. 
“Maybe some time we can, huh?” you told him.  Now you were picturing it.  Sweet Jungkook moaning underneath you, eyes wide as he came from the pleasure that you’d give him...
He nodded, still avoiding your eyes.  How cute. 
Things were eerily quiet as your team drove around the buildings of Red Brick.  The other prisoners still kept in their houses, trying to avoid any crossfire.  
The car was now reaching the church, and you felt yourself tense up.  You knew he’d be there, right at the top like he was before. 
“Can we go down this street?” you yelled out, pointing to a street with a lot of tall shops and buildings and looking like a ghost town with no one working or shopping. 
You saw Yoongi shrug and do as you suggested.  You let out a sigh of relief at not having to drive past the tower where you knew Vulcan sat.
As your team's car drove down the abandoned streets a loud revving sound rang out from above.  You looked up to the buildings to see an older man on top of a building, sitting tall and confidently on a motorcycle looking down at you.  His team also stood there, all older men, each of them looking at least 60 or older, with long gray hair and grey beards.  The servant grinned and let out a loud belly laugh upon seeing you.  His hands clutched the handlebars of his sparkling motorcycle, red and white with blue stars decorating it.  
His voice boomed out loud, echoing down the whole street.  Almost as if he was speaking for the cameras and for the audience.  His showmanship was definitely apparent.  He seemed to be from a much later time in the world than you had lived.
“Gather round ladies and gentleman.  For my next trick, I will jump from this building,  taking out the legendary Aphrodite.  One step closer to winning the escape war.” 
His long red white and blue cape flew in the wind.  
The rider servant. 
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