#and im not only reminded of how much i love this puppet baking show
marinerainbow · 11 months
If Poppy was worry-free, she'd be Christine McConnell
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kichikichiko · 6 months
Ok, so I hope I don’t make you uncomfortable with this request. If I do, just tell me!
Ok, and you do a SFW/Fluff of Wally Darling x Y/N who is pregnant (I don’t even think it’s possible that puppets can be pregnant but I guess roll with it 😅)
So, can you do headcannons on marriage + pregnancy (If you’re comfortable with writing that. I don’t know why I just think sense he’s in a kids tv show and is overall calm, I think he would be amazing with kids) gender of children/kids if there will be multiple are up to you, doesn’t really matter.
Also I think you would be cute if we got a small reaction from the neighbors of the marriage and or pregnancy! Like how would the whole neighborhood react to this?
Our little family
I saw this cute request and literally could not resist I HAD TO!
I love reading n writing pregnancy related fics its so fun n fluffy UGH
Hope you like this liz! I totally agree with you. Wally would be good with kids no doubt
Synopsis: HC of Wally with a pregnant puppet reader!
Pairing: Wally Darling x AFAB reader
Cw: fluff, pregnancy, established relationship, reader is called mother @ the end, wally is probs OOC, defies all puppet logic known to mankind
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You and Wally Darling have always been Welcome Home's "it" couple, so imagine the happiness everyone felt when the two of you got married, and imagine the shock everyone felt when you got pregnant!
When you found out you're pregnant you couldn't contain your happiness
You had to tell Wally ASAP after he came back from Barnaby's place
You like knitting so you thought it'd be fun to surprise him with knitted baby clothes, so you got straight to work.
Wally came home at around 1 PM, right after lunch. "Darling I'm Home!"
"Over in the living room dear!" You called, and he made his way to the living room.
Seeing your giddy expression has become one he's used to, but Wally had a feeling that something was different "Darling, you seem really giddy today, did something happen?"
To his question you grinned wider "Im happy everyday with you dear, but I suppose you can say the reason as to why is..." trailing off you picked up the yellow knitted baby outfit you have finished in the morning
Wally couldnt believe it.
Mr. Darling had always been known to have the same expression no matter what, but hearing this news caused him to have his jaw dropped to the floor (quite literally)
Most people would take this as a bad sign, but you knew Wally better than that. You could tell all sorts of emotions and thoughts ran through his brain
"I'll be a father? This can't be happening!" "What a miracle!" "Ill be the best papa for my son or daughter... or both!" "Im so lucky" were just a few he manage to say to you before deciding to kiss you all over your face with his signature slow laugh.
All the other 8 neighbours were delighted to hear that youre pregnant! Thanks to Wally walking around and casually telling them of course.
Julie screamed with joy, hugging you jumping up and down (dangerously close to you) which caused your dear husband to kindly and gently, push and remind Julie to be more careful. To which she complied, causing you to giggle
Sally, a drama queen obviously giggled with joy as well, only she knew better than to hug you while jumping up and down. She promises to give your kid a show once they were old enough to understand.
Poppy was shocked and happy for you and wally, so much so the bird started baking you a cake as a congratulations. She promised you that if you ever had any cravings, just give her a call and she'll be more than happy to bake you something!
Frank was delighted to say the least, despite his face not showing it. You knew he cared. And Frank being Frank, gave you heads up on pregnancy, what to avoid eating, what to do when feeling contractions, letting you know the size of your baby etc. This is his love language, info dumping. He will come and visit Home whenever you need him. As he is Welcome Home's book worm.
Howdy was very delighted. Gave you a pat on the back as well as a hearty laugh. Howdy started stocking up on baby items like pacifiers, diapers and baby toys just for you in the shop
Eddie of course, was just as happy as the other members of Welcome Home. Being the Mailman, he told you that once your belly grows big and you can no longer walk, he'd be happy to deliver your mails and or deliver things to you.
It was delightful having so many wonderful and kind neighbours all around you! And having a wonderful husband made your pregnancy journey fairly easy despite its occasional ups and downs throughout the 9 months.
Once your daughter came into the world, everyone was in awe and took care of her like the niece they never knew they needed!
Wally was obviously a fantastic father, and you were a fantastic mother
When your daughter is old enough, he'd teach her how to paint and they'd go on father daughter dates around the neighbourhood. Painting all they can see and proudly showing their work to you once they get back
Wally would read your daughter bedtime stories to help her sleep
Maybe even throughout the day as well
Waddles up to her father and shows him a book
"Oh? Whats this my sweet peach?" He'd startd "you want papa to read you this book?"
With a gleeful nod she'd get on her tippy toes and give Wally a full clear view on the book
"My sweets its not even bedtime yet are you sure you dont want to save this for tonight?"
He ends up reading it to her anyways
His daughter is his greatest weakness
It made you feel at ease knowing that your daughter is surrounded by kind and loving people <333
Masterlist here!
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skyedill-blog · 7 years
300 things that make me happy (May 11th, 2014)
  music that reminds you of something good
doctor who
wes anderson
arctic monkeys
my grandma’s house
my grandma
my other grandma
my parents
getting money
my sisters
when my palms aren’t clammy
old photos
christmas lights
steel guitar strings
making movies
sleeping in
staying up all night
new converse
wifi working
benedict cumberbatch
sherlock holmes
family videos
the vlogbrothers
learning something new
teaching someone something new
calvin & hobbes comic books
ampersands &&&&&
remembering something i forgot
full battery
the fault in our stars
clean dishes
when my sister thinks im funny
getting better from a cold
colored napkins for parties
bad music that you still like
being the first to wake up
grapefruit soda
passionate political debates without bigotry
when you get to lick the spoon during baking
coming home
running away
strangers who smile back
when you and one other stranger see something funny and you smirk at each other
little kids that make faces with you
the london underground
winston churchill
colin firth
jarred telling me dumb jokes
the tylers
my cousins
when films are remade from a long time ago and they are really good
when films are remade from a long time ago and they are really bad but you see them anyway
appreciating good art
laughing at stupid pretentiously simple art
67 chevy impalas
oversized jumpers
indoles crew
chapin’s class
finding my old clothes from when i was little
the color green
sun shining through the cracks in the leaves
my family in denmark
carlsberg beer
meeting strangers on buses and having nice conversations
old english women named sally
maddy because she calls me a dork and makes me laugh
my grandma’s accent
my mom’s accent
bridget’s singing voice
getting to stay up when the little cousins have to go to sleep
the kids table at thanksgiving
finding out that you got accepted to college at your dream school
rosy cheeks
finger painting
days that my depression lifts a bit and i feel like a normal kid again
the smiths
three hole punching
getting glasses for the first time and its like you found god
old cameras
new cameras
101 dalmatians
new york city
being surrounded in books
when i do homework and dont cry
new music that i cant believe i didnt know about
internet friends
getting mad and just swearing like a sailor because damn it feels good
dean winchester because he taught me about love  
sam winchester because he taught me about forgiveness
cas because he taught me about redemption
bobby singer because he taught me that family doesnt end in blood
porch swings
alex turner’s accent and hair
The number 115
triangle banners
the hotel room i stayed in when i was in berlin
brushing my teeth
morning star farms veggie sausage
during spring when the sun is up by the time i leave for school
lord of the rings and the hobbit
going to the library for class instead
apple products
white linens
top gear uk
james may’s stupid hair
getting confirmation
star gazing
teaching my little cousins about science and the stars
the fact that we are all made of stardust
when you know a word in a different language and you feel really cool for remembering it and connecting it wow im cool
lower case letters
newly vaccuumed carpet
the sound of stapling
shredding paper
exact change
getting homework done early
mediterranean food
karl pilkington and how much he hates everything
stephen fry quotes
calling my friends nerds
waking up early
plane rides
soft socks
when family brings you home leftovers
when my step dad gives me life lessons
my cat rory. rip.
my dog seeger
les miserables
frank sinatra
billie holiday
queen elizabeth II
james bond movies
alfred hitchcock movies
billy wilder movies and how he was a sarcastic butthead
warm paper just off the printer
freshly mowed grass
evolution theories because wow that is so cool and learning how species grew and evolved is insane
colorful kites
old timey christmas music
the thought of moving away from home and doing something new even though its really scary
mac and cheese
when packages come for you in the mail
the feeling i had when i got my drivers license
mr. kato
when people fall asleep on your shoulder and you suddenly feel that being their pillow is your only purpose
my family in miami
winning board games
when people get their braces off
kick ass lyrics that perfectly make sense
accepting how fragile things are and being better for it
stand up comedians
rainy days that make you feel a little sad and chilly but its good to be sad sometimes
unrealistically tiny things
getting compliments from people you are trying to impress
backing out of plans you didnt really want to fufill
shows without continuity errors
when movies and tv shows say the title of the movie or tv show
songs turned acoustic
quirks about people like scars or birthmarks
leonardo dicaprio because like holy crap have you seen that guy act
formatting errors
having a good calendar
a clean house and your mom being proud of you
painting walls
finishing a good tv show or series and having a good cry
pepper jack cheese
concerts that make you feel like you belong somehow with all these strangers and the lights go down and you all sing
giving a waiter/waitress a good tip
writing lyrics on the back of your hands
feeling like a stupid teenager with loud music and ripped jeans which somehow feels like your own rebellion against nothing
knowing that however old i get i will still be that stupid teenager who eats cold pizza and plays my music a little too loud
listening to people talk
road trips
pranking my step-dad
filling up the gas tank all the way
my aunt tiffany’s house
peaceful people
diplomatic solutions to violent things
cool light fixtures
film scores
dystopian novels
finishing a long paper
basset hounds
photo booth
clark’s shoes
mayonnaise on wasa with yellow tomatoes and salt and pepper
veggie burgers with fried green tomatoes
nostalgic places
monty python
peter pan
boarding passes
blue skies
shadow puppets
blanket forts
the smell of mosquito spray
driving through the smoky mountains
bon iver
harry potter
learning about WWI and WWII
good quotes
google because without it i probably wouldnt be graduating high school
when people let me talk/encourage me to keep talking because sometimes im made fun of for talking too much
knowing weird facts about things and getting to tell people
hearing people talk about the things they love
hearing people laugh
when people stand up for me or notice when i am being wronged without me telling them
when people remember my name
having a sub for a teacher i dont like
understanding a math concept because it is rare
riding in golf carts
christmas trees
plot twists
nice patio furniture
waking up to thunderstorms
witty welcome mats
having the windows down all the way in the car and it's really cold but it feels good to feel something
tom hiddleston
that really nice business man i met on the tube several months ago
getting my hair cut
those really pretty flowers in england
laying in the sunshine on the living room carpet
high waisted shorts
the rain song by led zeppelin
those erasers shaped like food
rollercoasters (not too big)
campfire smell
waking up with good hair
conchita’s beard
really juicy pens
horse movies
april ludgate
the sun
the moon
weeping willow trees
acing a test
warming your hands on a hot mug
red noses after playing in the snow
watching old movies during a rainstorm
baby toes
those pretty lights on northumberland street
mushy peas and chips
scratch & sniff stickers
knowing that even though i will get older and my hair will grow and my skin will wrinkle and scar and this list will be revised… that i will still be me and its okay to change… its okay to run away and make stupid choices and dye all your clothes purple and waste your money and eat cheesecake… its okay because my list will change and so will i and hating what you used to be gets nothing done and neither does hating who you are. things are changing and they wont stop. today these 300 things make me happy and one day they wont but that doenst mean i lost myself. it means i grew. i know that. that makes me happy.
moving on
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