#and im so sorry anonie :( living in this country Sucks I'm not religious but I do understand the emotional dilemma all of this must cause u
xiaojaan · 2 years
I just wish they'd stop playing around with religion and religious figures when they know how seriously everyone takes it. Every time they do shit like this, the country goes 2 steps back and we lose more progress than we make. Like why did they have to make it a goddess holding a pride flag?? Upon that they showed her smoking. That is just plain offensive. But now narrow minded, orthodox people will also associate it with the lgbt community and we're back to square one AGAIN. Every time I get a tiny bit hopeful that the country is becoming is more tolerant or accepting towards the community, stuff like this happens and it just breaks my heart. I wish ppl start separating religion from media. That way it'll only reach the target audience and the others won't be "forced" to see it. Anyways sorry about that. Being religious AND queer fills me up with too much emotion sometimes 🙂
No anon you're right with your emotions. In this country everything comes down to religion some way or another honestly i too didn't understand the purpose of the picture like ???? it only worsens the image of the lgbt community. i stopped watching news ages ago just because of this. you can't find the right info anywhere. its always biased to some group and there's some new feud either islam related or hindu related or both of them fighting every goddamn day. we talk half step forward that too very slowly and go 10 steps back immediately im so sick
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