#and in THAT scenario azula/yue could be cute
zuzuslastbraincell · 4 years
tysuki and yueki?
thank you for asking about the girls!!
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell 
LOVE tysuki. I think it has ooodles of potential and is chronically overlooked. I really love it as a contrast to tyzula actually, as an example of a healthy and healing relationship where ty lee is the second / the right hand of a leader who she trusts and *doesn't* fear, as opposed to ty lee & azula's friendship-maybe-more as a toxic dynamic with romantic potential / genuine love slowly crushed, doomed by the power dynamics it was ensnared in. I think ty lee joining the kyoshi warriors is an impulsive decision that runs counter to certain statements she's made about her individuality and one that will challenge her - perhaps it's guilt driving her, perhaps it's a desire to escape again, perhaps it's on some level returning to a familiar unhealthy situation (being part of a matched set) - and the idea of her actually, ironically, counter to expectations, finding a home there (after a lot of hard work and healing) is lovely. I also think from suki's perspective, ty lee is so much needed levity and turns from someone she's unsure of (but is willing to give a chance, if she does the work) to someone she can really rely on and someone equally competent who begins to lead her own classes and training sessions that she can share the burden of leadership with, who challenges the kyoshi warriors to be at their best, and also brings some much needed levity and laughter in.
Like all of this is hypothetical and post-canon and we're talking two minor characters. But I really do love it.
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell 
I've talked about this a bit before but while I think yueki are cute and I honestly respect people who put two characters who never meet together because they'd be interesting, I don't quite get it or see them together? Like a lot of yueki stuff is extremely fluffy and I don't really begrudge that at all, it's just like, not what I want or really like personally? I also feel like if you qant a yue angst dynamic with people looking forlornly to the moon and regretting what could have been, yukka, or yuetara too, potentially, have waaay much more to offer there. I find 'yue lives and then runs away of her own volition' a little difficult to digest because it's so contrary to her character, she's dedicated to her tribe and wouldn't leave it (certainly not for romance). But also like, I think yue arriving with virtually zero combat skills and a somewhat limited understanding of the wider world from growing up sheltered in an isolated northern water tribe is probably... not what suki needs? I feel like yueki often places suki as 'the protector', but what suki really *needs* someone she can shoulder the burden of leadership with and someone she can goof off with and be more human less leader around. That's what makes sukka so good. That's also something I like about tysuki - while ty lee is from a background of privilege she rejects it to a degree, travels the world with the circus, can handle herself in a fight, etc. and I can see ty lee offering suki a similar thing. I struggle to see that with yueki. The one way I do like their dynamic is a scenario where they recognise each is a determined protector of their culture in their own way and admire each other afar but recognise it is never going to happen.
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bullshittierlists · 4 years
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I see no god up here other than me
Ty Lee- Ty Lee is best girl and I find it hard to argue with that statement. She’s just so bouncy and cute and honestly really powerful for not being a bender. I mean, the ability to paralyze someone on contact, much less being able to pinpoint specific parts of the body to paralyze, it’s just incredible. She was so cute in that beach episode because all the guys hit on her, which of course they do, have you seen how cute she is? I’m not super on board with her backstory, but it wasn’t a huge part of her character, so it’s fine.
Sokka- The man, the myth, the legend. It’s been said before, but the only reason Sokka couldn’t bend is because the creators knew he’d be too powerful. That’s the same reason he has to put his hair up. Also, he’s totally bi, change my mind.
Jet- I have several friends that watch this show and that watched the show before me. They all knew that I’d like Jet because he’s a “backstabbing traitor” despite their hatred of him and I guess I have a trend of liking those characters. I jokingly agreed with them and was excited to meet him. Little did I know just how much I would fall in love with him. A lot of my friends say that it’s just because he’s cute or he’s a sad boy, but there are honestly so many reasons to love him. I absolutely adore psychology and deep-diving into the minds of characters and his mentality is so intriguing. You would think this would lean me more towards Zuko, then. But Zuko gets so much focus that his psychology is always precedent, right front and center. But Jet doesn’t get that spotlight. I originally liked him more because he was under-appreciated, but now I realize just how amazing he is. At a very surface level, his actions are bad. He’s trying to murder innocent people for the sake of getting rid of a few fire nation soldiers. But as soon as you look deeper into his intentions, you can clearly see how badly he wanted to do good. These types of characters are always the saddest, the characters who think they are helping the world by destroying it. They legitimately think that the actions they are taking are the right ones even when everyone around them thinks otherwise. Other examples of this type of character are JD from Heathers and even Hector from Castlevania to some extent. Yes, he acknowledges that he will be sacrificing innocent lives. But he also knows that he will be saving lives in the future by going through with the dam plan. There’s so much more I could say about him, but I’ve been rambling for long enough.
Zuko- There’s nothing I could say about Zuko that hasn’t been said before. I already gushed about Jet for entirely too long, so have this instead: Sokka and Zuko have a wonderful relationship and I think that both parties could have benefitted greatly from being together romantically. Thank you.
You’re the best
Iroh- What can I say? He’s a good old man with lots of wisdom that we should all take to heart.
Momo- Some of my favorite parts of the entire show were scenes with Sokka and Momo just vibing. There should’ve been more emphasis on Sokka’s relationship with the animals in general.
Appa- I was really excited when Sokka started flying on Appa without Aang the first time, because I thought that meant that Sokka had created a really unique bond with Appa and was the only other one that could fly him. I was mistaken and incredibly upset.
Teo- He’s just a cute boy. I like his goggles.
Hey, I think you’re pretty cool, I like you a lot
Azula- Oh boy. There’s so much here to say, but she’s been analyzed to death, so I won’t go on for too long. As much as I would’ve loved to see Azula on the “good guy” team, I’m really glad she didn’t get a redemption. Not her, specifically, but more the villains in general. Zuko’s redemption was marvelous and there’s nothing that will ever top it, but if Azula had also gotten that redemption, his would’ve been downcast. It would’ve showed that anyone’s capable of a redemption and that he wasn’t special, he was just lucky to have that change of heart. Which maybe that’s still true, but at least with the ending we got, we give Zuko that spotlight. But back to Azula, she’s pretty cool, as the category would suggest. The Girl Gang (Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee) were a treat to watch and I instantly fell in love with all three of them as soon as they were introduced. Then they had to change to the Gayng once Zuko joined and I still loved all of them.
Longshot- It was super powerful when he spoke for the first time in Jet’s “death” scene. That was the first time he had said anything and he made it count. He helped show how even thought Jet is a “bad guy” at the surface level, he was still good enough of a leader and a friend for his group to stay with him in his ultimate time of need.
Suki- She’s badass. That’s about it. All parts of The Boiling Rock were my favorite episodes and they featured her pretty heavily in the back half. And I was not complaining.
Toph- Again, badass.
Aang- He’s the main character. I don’t have any super negative things to say or any super positive things to say. So he’s just here.
Kuei- I know he doesn’t do anything, like at all, but I can’t get over him and his bear.
Yue- When I started watching this show, I knew about some of the ships and I wasn’t super into it. Which was weird, because I’m always super into shipping. I wouldn’t have watched some of my favorite shows if it weren’t for the shipping aspect. But I just couldn’t get on board with it in this show. Aang and Katara felt kinda forced and weird, Sokka and Suki was alright, but I couldn’t quite get into it. But when I first saw Sokka and Yue interacting, I was enthralled. I was in love with their relationship and I thought it was so cute. I was genuinely excited to see where their relationship would go. But you know what happened next.
Mai- When I first met Mai, I loved her. She was an emo girl that just didn’t want anything to do with anything. Obviously, I still love her, but just slightly less. Something happened to her in the third season, and though I can’t pinpoint quite what, I have a feeling it was Zuko. I’m not a huge fan of Mai and Zuko’s relationship and I’ll possibly elaborate on that in a future post, but it really felt like the worst possible scenario for both of their characters. I do like Mai and Ty Lee together, but the shipping doesn’t really have anything major to do with it. She just dropped in quality a little in the third season and became a love interest instead of a character.
Kyoshi- Peace was never an option.
I remember you
Cabbage guy- This is normally the type of character I’d put at the top of the list and use as a joke to pretend like I especially enjoy the joke characters. Sometimes I do, but this list’s tone was a little different than usual, so I figured I’d put him where I really thought he should go. He was funny, sure, but I don’t religiously follow him like I do Ty Lee and everyone else in the top tier.
The other characters in this tier are in no particular order. Most of them are here just because I remember seeing them a little bit, but I don’t really remember much about them or I remember just not caring.
You are literally the worst. Actual scum. Leave this planet and never return.
Haru- This is more directed towards his newly-grown facial hair. He was so cute in his first appearance and then he had to do that. Even Sokka’s “I flirt with everyone” bisexual ass thought it was grody.
Hama- Nothing against her, personally, bloodbending’s just gross.
Zhao- He’s a typical villain. I can appreciate that, I just don’t like him.
Katara- This will take some explaining. It’s unpopular, but so is everything I say. I think of Katara in about the same way I do Allura. She was bearable in the first season, annoying in the second, and flat-out awful in the third. I understand that characters should have flaws, and I appreciate when they do, but her flaws aren’t necessarily treated as such. The worst offender I can think of with her is when she accused Sokka of not missing their mom as much as she did. This broke my heart. Seeing Sokka’s depressed face as he realized what his sister thought of him. He had been seeing her as sort of a replacement for their mom, but she accuses him of moving on without a second thought despite how much effort he puts into remembering her. This obviously isn’t the only bad thing she’s done. Another huge offender is when she assumed losing her mom was worse than Aang losing his entire nation. And then the show just keeps moving like she’s justified in thinking that. She’s done so many other things that caused other characters to halt in their development or causing the plot to just stop completely. Most of her actions are nonsensical at best and harmful at worst, but the show portrays her as always being a caring motherly figure. She does act like that at times, but we still need to acknowledge when she doesn’t.
Ozai- Literally the same as Zhao except he hurt Zuko physically AND emotionally.
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