#and in any case like i said i don't intend to pick up whereever it is that this was left off
littleeyesofpallas · 2 years
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shashin-ya[写真屋]: photo studio
IMODZURU-tei[イモヅル亭]: Sweetpotato-restaurant
gofuku-ya[呉服屋]: kimono fabric shop
sanpatasu-ya[散髪屋]: barber shop
zakka-ya[雑貨屋]: general store
GINGA-dan "AJITO"[ギンガ団本部]: Galaxy Team HQ
NANA-SHIMA Hanten[ナナシマ飯店]: 77 Four-of-a-kind (Chinese)Restaurant
AME-ya[アメ屋]: candy shop
CRAFT-ya[クラフト屋]: Craft store
[クラフト台]: CRAFT bench
kunrenjou[訓練場]: training ground
Koukan-ya[交換屋]: Exchange store
omamori-seki[おまもり石]: Charm stone
houbokujou[放牧場]: pasture
noujou[農場]: farm
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