#and in the end i was kind of burnt out ngl. i only persevered because I had to get them back together
johaerys-writes · 1 month
Do you like the Hades Game patrochilles story?
I really do! I love what the writers have done with their storyline, it really feels like they studied the source material closely and have handled it with respect. Their take on Achilles was so interesting and refreshing; most people that are even a little bit familiar with the Iliad, when they hear about Achilles, the first thing they think about is "the rage of Achilles" and all the people he killed in Troy. So I can imagine how jarring it must be for someone who doesn't know very much about him to meet Hades Achilles, who is sooo different from his stereotypical portrayal in most media. He is calm, quiet, soft-spoken, bound to his duty and his role as Zagreus' mentor, and he has a close and meaningful relationship with him. And it gets even more interesting the more we learn about him, how hollow he feels, how much he regrets the mistakes he made while living, how much he misses Patroclus and longs for him yet feels too guilty to actually seek him out. Like this might seem simple and straightforward to someone who might have known him through TSOA first or some other adaptation with a sympathetic portrayal, but it’s actually a huge deal when you consider that for decades Achilles was described as an unfeeling, unhinged sociopath who doesn't have real feelings for Patroclus (or anyone) but only acts the way he does because of his wounded ego and pride. It's just such a relief to interact with a version of him written by people who actually get it.
I also really like their version of Patroclus. I just love how snarky he is, and his soliloquiys have brought me to tears several times ngl haha. He's just so sad 😭 so so sad 😭
Also as far as their story itself is concerned, I enjoyed it quite a bit. Even though in the Iliad it's pretty explicit that they both long to be together in the afterlife, the fact that they're apart in Hades and Zagreus has to reunite them didn’t throw me off because.... yeah okay I can see Achilles being eaten up by guilt and choosing to leave Patroclus in Elysium in his stead. I assume the writers just needed a reason to separate them for the narrative's sake, but it makes sense and it works and it's angsty so I have no complaints lol.
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