#and in this they formed the dragon to be the greater evil hahaha
cheemken · 1 year
You know what? I didn’t even think of the relationship between the Legendary Dragons and their hero’s
Like are they just using Iris, Hilda, and Hilbert to get what they need? Or do they actually enjoy the Unova Kids company and wish to keep them around, even when they eventually overthrow Arceus? Bonus that they’re also strong trainers that’ll fight for them if the dragons decide to keep them around
Goddd Iris you deceiving piece of shit, Drayden is going to feel like it’s his fault that the Dragons fused back together. Cause he was the one who told Iris about the DNA Splicers and trusted her with them. But he made a bad call and now he’s facing the consequences of his actions, even if no one can truly blame him in the end for trusting Iris, his own granddaughter
Also I like to think the Dragons let the six of them have their fun by causing chaos throughout Unova and getting back at those who have wronged their Hero and their chosen person. Idk what we’re gonna call Bianca, Cheren, and N. But yeah causing thunderstorms, heat waves, blizzards. All different kinds of weather that absolutely destroyed the ecosystems around Unova
Let me be self indulgent in our lil aus and say that the dragons got attached to the kids bc I'm such a sucker for found family stuff and while yeah at first they were just using them, they gradually got attached and went "y'know what... Yeah, if anything happens to them, we'll kill everyone else and Arceus right?" And the other two just agreed hahaha
Like idk, I always see the dragons listening to any of the kids even if it isn't their respective hero or chosen, cause their bonds are that close and strong na and it's also a bit terrifying cause no one could ever know who currently has which dragon with them, if one of them has all three, if one has two, if one has none, either way, the dragons are quick to head to their aid when they need them, as the kids had been there to help them achieve their goal of becoming the original dragon once again
And ouugghhhfhfhfh Drayden cbdmcbdn like imagine if Iris did get the Splicers while Drayden was away, when he was doing his Gym Leader duties. Iris got the Splicers, she met up with her friends and the dragons, and they finally fused all three of them. Standing before them now was Unova's Dragon, it's thunderous roar could be heard at every corner of Unova. Storms raged, a sudden heat was carried by the winds, and in some parts a bitter blizzard swept the lands. The Dragon stood tall, black and white and grey scales gleaming beneath the Unovan sun, eyes a gleaming purple, a crown like crest on its head; the Crowned Zenith. The Dragon crouched down to it's heroes, a sign of appreciation, his voice echoing within their minds, his thanks apparent, as he held his claws out for them, so see the world how he sees it from above, and they too shall see how it's like being a god.
And just chdmdb ough, the kids going on about their commands with the Dragon carrying them out, and feeling the absolute power just within their palms, it sent a shiver of delight down their spines. When they got to Opelucid, Drayden could only look up in fear and in disappointment in himself. He saw Iris with the original Dragon, a sordid smile on her face, as she commanded the Dragon to freeze Opelucid once more, letting the people know she's had enough of their hatred towards her. God imagine that breaking Drayden tho cjxksjfkd cause like imagine if he hears what Iris said, how the people never saw her as anything more than a child, how she will never be enough, and god that was such a shot at Drayden's heart; not only has he failed his family's purpose of guarding the Splicers, but he also failed his granddaughter, failed to help her when she needed him the most. And now he could only watch helplessly as Iris' eyes glowed ominously, her friends stood beside her, the Dragon behind them, waiting for Iris' commands.
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buri-art · 6 years
Evil Plans for the Four Dragons
Synopsis: Gobi tries to convince Kuervo to capture the Four Dragons. Conveniently for the writer and unfortunately for Gobi, a handful of other minor characters with an interest in the Four Dragons are also present.  Genre: CRACK FIC.  Spoilers: Up to Chapter 160. Also, this will probably make no sense after 160, assuming we see any of these characters do anything else.  Word Count: 2,790 "Ha ha ha," Gobi cackled to himself. Ever since his mortifying encounter with the king of Kouka, cackling had become such a self-soothing habit that it slipped into his every day conversations, even at inappropriate moments. There was a time to laugh, and a time to smile, but also a time to be serious.  
Facing the warlord of Northern Kai, it was a time to be serious. He coughed to cover up his slip.  
"Ahem. A-he-hem."  
"I hear Xing is a humid country," said Kuervo, raising a rugged eyebrow fitting of a power-hungry tribe leader's face, particularly a face shadowed in candlelight. Gobi couldn't stand the sight of that face, if he was honest. This seemed like a man of simplistic ambition. However, Gobi recognized the merits of single-mindedness in building a charismatic leader that the masses would rally around, so he set aside his distaste. He needed Kuervo's help, and the man did have his good points. 
"It must be too dry for you up north. You, give the man a drink," he motioned to one of his soldiers, and the soldier nodded and poured the priest a drink. 
"Yes, it--it's--a ha--an adjustment," Gobi smiled politely and accepted the cup, eager to wet his throat with the cool water--a water that burned. That wasn't water, nor was that wine. It was pure burning alcohol. He stifled a cough and kept the tears in his eyes and went on, his voice a little higher. "But this is a time for flexibility, so it's no trouble. I chose to come all the way up here, after all."  
"That's not what I heard," a stubbly man in the corner with curly hair narrowed his eyes at him.  
"Excuse me, and you are?"  
"Me? Just a merchant, don't mind me. I don't know anything. Carry on. Of course you chose to come here. Why? I love to hear about a good opportunity."  
"Yes! An opportunity!" Gobi perked up at the perfect segway. He spun back to face his host and continued, "Lord Kuervo, I hear that you have your sights set on Kouka--and if you can attain Kouka, you'll attain the most miraculous, stupendous power!"
He yawned. "Yeah. I heard they've got a formidable army. It'd be a boon." 
The one-eyed man on a smaller chair next to Keurvo eyed him with the one eye he had. "You heard because they stomped on your troops the other day. Literally. In the face. With white boots."  
White boots? That sounded terribly specific to Gobi's ears. It sounded like one of the details of that day he would never forget. "Aha! Ha ha ha! You--you know them! You've seen the Four Dragons too?"  
"Oh, them," Kuervo grew a wide grin. "I have yet to see them myself, but this guy has--"  
"Gulfffpph--" the merchant gagged on his liquor. Kuervo stopped and blinked at him, and the merchant waved his hand in the air to say he was alright, and that he should continue.  
The warlord looked relieved, and turned his attention to the one-eyed man, but Gobi, who was excellent at reading the character of others, took kind notice of this. Kuervo had some honor in him, showing concern that a guest would not die in his care. That boded well for Gobi too. "Go on," he said to the one-eyed man, "Have you seen them too? The Four Dragons?"  
"Yes," he said. He stared at the layers of carpets instead of at anyone's faces.  
He said nothing else, so Gobi turned back to Kuervo. "Then you must have heard about their remarkable strength, and divine powers! But then again, perhaps you have not? You have been so busy learning the military arts that I would not blame you for not being familiar with the powers beyond. But I can see it in you, ha ha, you are a man who respects the awesome powers that be. Not like those punkish young rulers of Xing and Kouka."  
"I beg your pardon," a snide voice cut into Gobi's eloquent appeal, and in came a tall, thin, pale man. Based on the quality of his clothes Gobi would have guessed he was a man of rank, but the sheer lack of regard for combing his long tresses in any sensible way made that impossible. He was likely some uncultured merchant like the curly guy choking on his alcohol. This tall, dark stranger shot his eyes directly to said merchant and said, "There! I was looking all over for you. I know you have very direct inside information on the princess and--," he stopped, mouth pursed as he looked around the tent and its other occupants.  
The curly merchant cocked his head a couple abrupt times in the direction of Kuervo, pointed at Kuervo with his side to the warlord, and moved his lips as though to silently shout at the new stranger. The tall dark stranger got a few shades paler.  
"Who's this?" Kuervo asked.  
"I'm lost," he replied, stiff as a corpse.  
"He's really, really lost," the curly merchant sputtered. "And crazy. Don't listen to a word he says. I'll get rid of him."  
"Hahaha!" Kuervo roared. That was a handsome laugh, Gobi thought. "Let him stay. Warm the fellow up with a drink." So saying, he motioned to the soldier again, who poured a cup. The man accepted it with shaking hands as he sat on a pile of animal furs next to the merchant.  
"Careful--" Gobi raised his hand to warn him, but it was too late. The man downed it and turned so red that Gobi was afraid he'd soon turn purple. But that was no matter, there were greater things at stake than this man's esophagus. Gobi’s cape whipped about him as he turned back to demand Kuervo's attention. "My Lord! With your most capable armies, surely you can form a plan to ensnare the Four Dragons! Under my counsel, surely you will be the one capable of wielding--" 
There came a cough so strong from the dark stranger that his whole body sounded like it turned into a ceremonial horn.  
Peeved but still determined, Gobi went on. "--Capable of wielding their mysterious power! I have borne witness to a most fantastic display myself, and with your permission, I will impart upon you that which I have been humbled to behold."  
Still more coughing. The curly merchant shushed him.  
"Go on," Kuervo said, getting comfortable. His seat was the only one in the tent with armrests, and he flaunted it. "I can't say I know the first things about these characters, besides that they're the stuff of legends."  
"Aha! Ha ha ha ha! Good, then, let me tell you! The Four Dragon warriors of Kouka, the White Dragon, who possesses a claw that cut through anything--"  
"Ah--I know about that one."  
"You do? Oh. Well. Very well. Where was I? The Blue Dragon! Who can see for great distances!"  
"That's... nice, I guess."  
"The Green Dragon! Who flies through the air!"  
"I take it that's the one with the boots."  
"The Yellow Dragon! Who... um... is... strong? Hmm? Maybe I'm forgetting something, I know it sounded more impressive than that. Anyway! That's truly not all! That's not even the half of it indeed!" his voice picked up. It felt good to be back in a position of people listening to him, and Gobi's body felt more limber as he started making sweeping gestures through the air. "When their master is in peril, they combine their powers to take the shapes of the dragons themselves!"  
"You--ahem--hhghhacckk--you forgot more than a few details," the dark stranger with even darker eyes said. "That Blue Dragon, for instance--" 
"Sir!"  They all turned their attention to an entering soldier. 
"Report," ordered Kuervo.  
"There is an emissary here to see you. Well, not an emissary. The person himself."  
"Who is it?"  "Kan Kyoga, General of Kouka's Fire Tribe."  
"What?" the dark stranger stood straight up. He didn't look happy. But he was crazy, Gobi didn't have to care anything about him.  
He looked to Kuervo instead, who looked intrigued but unsure what to do with this information. To Gobi's surprise, the one-eyed man spoke. "From what I've heard of him, he wouldn’t do anything shameful. If he's here to talk, then he's probably here to talk."  
"Have you met him?"  
"I knew his father."  
"And here I thought he was the trustworthy one!" the dark stranger fumed. "Now he's following in Soojin's footsteps to--"  
"Quiet," the curly merchant pulled him down by the wrist. It was perhaps too low for Kuervo to hear, but Gobi heard him whisper, "If you want to know what's going on, you shut up and listen." Although seething, the other man settled back down, and pulled more hair in front of his face, then hid his nose and mouth behind his sleeve. Gobi inwardly scoffed at what a terribly suspicious look it was.
"This is getting interesting. Bring him in," said Kuervo.  
"But--but Your Lordship, I haven't finished telling you about the Four Dragons--"  
"The Four Dragons?" a young man in noble attire gasped immediately upon entering. He had long forelocks and could be said to be a handsome man, aside from the enormous purple bruise protruding from his forehead. "I came here to discuss peace, but I had not taken them into account. Are they here?"  
"No," said Keurvo. "Are they yours?"  
"Far from it," he bared his teeth. "They've been causing me almost as much trouble as your impending attacks have. I had planned to deal with them next."  
"Well, how about that? I could start these negotiations by offering to take them off your hands."  
"Oh! Ohhhhhh! A ha ha ha ha! Have I convinced Your Lordship of their value? We must make a plan to catch them!"  
"Yes, yes, that's already the plan, thanks."  
"They're not mine to grant to you," said Kan Kyoga, a little taken aback. 
"If I were you," said the one-eyed man, who seemed to view the young general with kindness, "I'd consider the enemy of my enemy my friend."  
"Friends? I could never be friends with them! First of all, I am loyal to my king, and befriending them would mean... well, I'm not entirely sure what it would mean, but I get the sense it's complicated. Rather than taking any chances, I will retain my honor."  
"Oh," Kuervo raised both rugged eyebrows, "I always heard Kouka's military was dashing and manly. How cute."  
"And second of all," he went on, pointing to his forehead, "How could I befriend the White Monster that did this to me?"  
"He got you too?" the one-eyed man stood up, almost smiling. "How did you get away with only a bruise?"  
"I--er--had the blessings of Hiryuu on my side."  
"Ha ha, how humble. Look what he did to me!" he pointed to the scar covering the right side of his face.  
"What? You survived an encounter with his claws directly?"  
"Of course. I look downtrodden now, but I'm still Li Hazara."  
Gobi blinked, unsure of what he was seeing and hearing. It sounded like bragging over injuries. Gobi would never understand these violent types.  
"Li Ha-what??" the dark stranger sputtered, but he backed down when the curly merchant put a hand to his shoulder.   
"Li Ha---you're the man who conspired with my father and led to his downfall!"  
"There are many things your father never told you, for he loved you too much. Sit down, let me tell you more about him," Li Hazara sighed, motioning for him to join him on the rugs at the side of the tent. Kan Kyoga, with eyes like a child, followed obediently.  
Well, that took care of that distraction. Gobi used that shift in the air to approach Kuervo's arm chair. To appease the warlord's ego, he got on his knees at Kuervo's right side and peered up into his face, pawing the arm of the chair like a cat. "Lord Kuervo, I'm very pleased that you are so wise as to use the power of the Four Dragons. With my help, of course, such a spectacular future awaits you, and of course, all of the Kai Empire that you'll overtake, to say nothing of this little peninsula!"  
"Sounds good. So what do you think?"  
"What do I--ha ha ha--you're asking me? Oh! I think so much. I have so many plans for how to use them--" 
"Yeah, that's great, and so do I. But if you know so much, how do we catch them?"  
"Oh! I did that once. You just need some rope."  
"Only rope?" a rugged eyebrow raised.  
"Well, no, that, and troops, stronger troops than the pitiful little Xing army. Ones that can fight off the Four Dragons' bodyguard, the scary black beast."  
"Alright. Ropes and men, sounds fine and vague. Then just a chop here and a chop there and we're done, right?"  
"Yes, then--what? Did--did you say, 'chop'?"  
"Like, 'chop, chop, snip-snip,' like..."  
"Like lopping off body parts. Those parts are the weapons, right? Just toss away the rest."  
"Toss away the---no, noooo, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, noooooooooooo, M-My Lord, you must have misunderstood, the--the Four Dragons, they, they're a living power--"  
Kuervo shrugged. "Sharp is sharp no matter who's holding the sword, right? Easier this way than trying to convince them to abandon their master or something. Koukans are notorious pains about that."  
"Nnn--no no no no no, Lord Kuervo, please, the Four Dragons' power doesn’t work that way--"  
"Go ahead and kill them," the dark stranger hissed. "But those weapons are property of Kouka and must legally be handed over to King Soowon. Seeing as he is, after all, the king, and if anyone should have them, it should be the king. Not some bratty meddling princess."  
"Sssssh! For the love of Won, shut up!"  
Kuervo eyed him, less amused. "You're still pretty lost if you think you can call the shots here, huh?"  
"Hmph," he stood up and tossed his inky tresses over his shoulder. "Maybe the Fire Tribe is scared enough to make concessions, but I'd have thought your new little underling Li would have warned you by now that Kouka's king is not to be underestimated. Not anymore."  
"This is not the time, this not the time," the curly merchant said, sweating profusely.  
"This is not the conversation we need to be having either, Kouka's king doesn't even want those weapons. N-not if they're lopped off the Dragons' bodies, anyway, because surely they don't work that way," Gobi said as he rapidly switched his glance between Kuervo and the dark stranger, but neither one looked back at him.  
They all heard voices picking up from the side of the tent.  
"Agreed what?" gulped Gobi.  
Li Hazara and Kan Kyoga stood up, proud and injured, smiling straight at Kuervo. "We're joining forces," announced the one-eyed one, "to reclaim our honor by annihilating the Four Dragons."  
"No!!" the priest shrieked. "No, don't kill them! That--that is not at all what we came here to discuss today, please--"  
"Oh?" grinned Kuervo.  
Kan Kyoga smiled back. "But only after we defeat you!"  
"Holy dragon flames on a riceball, that's enough, I'm out!" the curly merchant screamed and darted for the exit. The generals unsheathed their swords, and the dark stranger started pointing fingers and screaming, and Kuervo roared like a lion as he took to battle. Someone knocked over the liquor, someone else knocked over a candle. Both of those fell not on the abundance of animal skin rugs, but all on Gobi's cape. The candle and alcohol birthed a stunning blaze.
The priest screamed and ran out of the tent, ran and ran and ran from the heat that followed him, he knew there was a river he passed on the way in, if only he could reach it before the flames reached his head. They did, they reached his hair, good bye hair--and splash, he managed to salvage his skin.  
Gobi was not a bad swimmer, but he was not a good one either. He was unsure how far the river took him downstream before he finally made it to the bank and crawled out, hardly clothed. Out there, alone in the night, he reflected on this predicament. It was a new low in his life.  
But once he attained the power of the Four Dragons, someday he would look back on this and laugh.  
A ha ha.  
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.  
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royalnovels-blog · 7 years
MGA Chapter 1988
Chapter 1988 – Stellar Key Chu Feng sped forth. Enroute, he heard many explosions. Later on… he finally saw the Weaponry Refinement Immortal, as well as that Elf Protector. However, at the same time, he also saw Luan Jie. Luan Jie was currently fighting against the Weaponry Refinement Immortal and that Elf Protector. Furthermore, this time around, Luan Jie was serious. He had become exceptionally fierce. To a greater or lesser degree, both the Weaponry Refinement Immortal and that Elf Protector were injured by Luan Jie. If this were to continue, the two of them would undoubtedly be defeated by Luan Jie. However, at that moment, Chu Feng’s gaze was fixed onto the sky above the location where the three men were fighting. There was an enormous silhouette in the sky. She had a snow white skirt and long fluttering hair. Her appearance was exactly the same as the Moon Immortal that Chu Feng had seen. Merely, her face was exceptionally sinister, and her eyes were emitting a crimson, murderous shine. It was as if she wanted to kill all the living things in the world. In fact, the killing intent that she emitted was many times more frightening than that of the Ancient Era’s ferocious beasts. Most importantly, her aura was extremely frightening. She was an existence even more powerful than the Elf King. That frightening silhouette covered that entire region of the sky. It was a truly frightening sight. Moon Demon. That was most likely that so-called evil thoughts, that Moon Demon. Merely, that Moon Demon was trapped in the sky. Even though she was struggling violently, she was unable to break free. It turned out that seven keys had trapped the Moon Demon in the sky. Upon seeing those seven keys, Chu Feng’s expression changed. Those seven keys were like the starry sky. They were extremely special. They were the Stellar Keys. Chu Feng also possessed one such Stellar Key. He had obtained it from the Beast Emperor, the Black Dragon King’s inheritance. Originally, Chu Feng had been curious the entire time as to what use that Stellar Key possessed. And now, he finally realized what its use was. “Chu Feng, get away from here! Those Stellar Keys are actually capable of controlling the Moon Demon! If this is to continue, the Stellar Keys will end up completely controlling the Moon Demon!” “Quickly, get away from the Moonlight Maze! Have everyone else escape from the Moonlight Maze too!” Upon seeing Chu Feng’s arrival, the Weaponry Refinement Immortal and that Elf Protector began to shout at Chu Feng. “Hahaha, you won’t be able to escape. All of you will die. Even if you manage to escape today, you will not be able to escape tomorrow,” Luan Jie laughed loud and sinisterly. “That’s not for certain,” As Chu Feng spoke, he took out his deep blue treasured bow and aimed it at Luan Jie. “What are you trying to do? You couldn’t possibly be thinking about shooting me with that bow, right?!” “You damned fool. Even if you used that Furious Coiling Dragon Beheader, you would still not be a match for me. Yet you actually want to shoot me dead with an Incomplete Imperial Armament? Chu Feng, have you gone retarded or what? Hahahaha!” Upon seeing Chu Feng’s deep blue bow, Luan Jie laughed even more wildly. His laughter was filled with mockery. He truly found Chu Feng to be ridiculous. Especially after he saw how confident Chu Feng was, as if he could really shoot him dead, Luan Jie was unable to contain himself from wanting to ridicule Chu Feng. “That, could it be?!!!” However, upon seeing the deep blue bow that Chu Feng took out, both the Weaponry Refinement Immortal and the Elf Protector’s expression changed. They seemed to have thought of something. Immediately, the two of them revealed joyous expressions. The very next moment, Chu Feng’s right hand streaked across his Cosmos Sack. Then, the Qilin Arrow appeared in his hand. He placed the arrow onto the deep blue bow and pulled the bowstring fully back. “That… that arrow?” Upon seeing the Qilin Arrow in Chu Feng’s hand, Luan Jie was startled. Fear emerged in his previously complacent face. Evidently, he realized that that Qilin Arrow was a remarkable item. The very next moment, Chu Feng shouted, “Rank seven Martial Emperor, Luan Jie, die!!!!” “Whoosh~~~” Once Chu Feng shouted those words, the Qilin Arrow shot forth from the bow. As golden light streaked across the sky, it instantly arrived before Luan Jie. Everything happened too quickly. “Boom!” That Qilin Arrow pierced Luan Jie and completely shattered his body. “That arrow is actually that powerful?” After personally seeing Chu Feng shoot Luan Jie to death with a single arrow, the Weaponry Refinement Immortal and the Elf Protector were feeling both fear and joy. “Woosh~~~” Right at this moment, Chu Feng leapt forth. He waved his sleeve at the empty space before him. Then, a layer of boundless world spirit power turned into an enormous net and enveloped over half the sky. “Condense!” Chu Feng shouted. Then, that enormous net began to condense in size. After condensing, the net formed a silhouette in the space before him that was originally without a single soul. “Still not revealing yourself?” Chu Feng looked to the humanoid-shaped silhouette and sneered. “Chu Feng, if you dare to kill me, my father will definitely not let you get away with it,” Right after Chu Feng spoke, Luan Jie’s voice was actually heard. Soon, Luan Jie appeared in the net. Merely, the current Luan Jie already no longer had an actual corporeal body. Instead, he had turned into an awareness. In other words, he was in his spirit form. Furthermore, his cultivation was greatly inferior to before. He was no longer a rank seven Martial Emperor, and had become a rank five Martial Emperor. With such a cultivation, he would naturally not be a match for Chu Feng. The reason why his cultivation had decreased this much after he turned into a spirit was actually also because of that Qilin Arrow. The fact that he had managed to escape in spirit form before the Qilin Arrow hit him was already very remarkable. Unfortunately, his plan to escape in spirit form was unable to bypass Chu Feng’s eyes. In the end, he was captured by Chu Feng. “My ass!” Seeing how Luan Jie actually dared to threaten him in such a state, Chu Feng raised his leg and ruthlessly and repeatedly kicked Luan Jie, who was contained in the net. “Stop, stop,” Luan Jie was currently in spirit form. Thus, he was unable to vomit any blood. However, to be kicked repeatedly by Chu Feng caused him to vomit out green gaseous substances nonstop. His state was truly miserable. “Remember, even if I don’t kill you, your father will not have planned to spare me anyways. Thus, do not use your bastard father to threaten me. I am not someone who’s afraid of threats,” Chu Feng pointed at the shivering Luan Jie who he had just ruthlessly beaten. “Yes, yes, yes,” While shivering nonstop, Luan Jie nodded his head. At that moment, he no longer possessed any arrogance. He was like a timid little mouse. The reason for that was because he did not wish to die, as Chu Feng was someone who dared to kill him. Afterward, Chu Feng did not bother with Luan Jie anymore. Instead, he turned his gaze to the Moon Demon. He discovered that while the Moon Demon had been fixed to the sky by those seven Stellar Keys, those seven Stellar Keys would not be able to control the Moon Demon for an extended period of time. “Chu Feng, what are you planning to do?” The Elf Protector asked. “I am going to contain the Moon Demon,” Chu Feng said. “Chu Feng, Luan Jie used those seven Stellar Keys to capture the Moon Demon. Likely, he was planning to use those seven Stellar Keys to contain the Moon Demon.” “However, even after all this time has passed, the Moon Demon’s strength had not weakened in the slightest. Furthermore, it does not seem to have the intention to obey those seven Stellar Keys.” “The way I see it, those seven Stellar Keys are simply unable to subdue that Moon Demon. How about we think of a way to eliminate the Moon Demon’s resentment? We should use the Fire and Ice Pearls in Lil’ Rou and Lil’ Mei’s bodies to turn the Moon Demon into the Moon Immortal,” The Weaponry Refinement Immortal said. As for that… it had been their plan from the very beginning. “No, I have another method,” Chu Feng said. As matters stood, Chu Feng no longer planned to remove the Fire and Ice Pearls from Su Rou and Su Mei’s bodies. He had an even better plan. “Hehe…” Hearing what Chu Feng said, Luan Jie laughed mockingly. He had laughed very secretly, and actually did not emit any sound of laughter. However, his laughter was still heard by Chu Feng. Thus, Chu Feng turned to him and asked, “What are you laughing about?” “I didn’t laugh,” Luan Jie shook his head repeatedly. “Thump~~~” Chu Feng raised his leg and kicked Luan Jie in the face, causing him to grimace in pain. Even though he was currently a spirit, Luan Jie was still able to feel pain. After that kick, Chu Feng asked again, “Did you laugh or not?” “I laughed, I laughed,” Luan Jie nodded his head repeatedly. “What are you laughing about? Are you laughing at how I’m unable to control that Moon Demon?” Chu Feng asked. “No, no,” Luan Jie shook his head repeatedly. “Thump~~~” Chu Feng raised his leg and unleashed another kick. Once again, the kick landed on Luan Jie’s face. Then, he asked, “Is it?” “Yes, yes, yes,” Luan Jie nodded repeatedly. However, immediately afterward, he shook his head repeatedly. He said, “What the Weaponry Refinement Immortal said is actually very correct. Those seven Stellar Keys have been unable to weaken that Moon Demon’s strength even after so long. This means that it is impossible to contain her with only those seven Stellar Keys. You will not be able to subdue that Moon Demon, much less control her.” “Oh? What if I use this?” As Chu Feng spoke, he took out an item. “That… how could that be?!!!” Upon seeing the item in Chu Feng’s hand, Luan Jie was struck dumb. Even the Weaponry Refinement Immortal, the Elf Protector, Su Rou and Su Mei were also stunned. The reason for that was because, according to the legends, there were only seven Stellar Keys. Three were scattered throughout the Holy Land of Martialism, and the Four Great Imperial Clans each possessed one for a total of seven. It was already a very miraculous feat for the Dark Hall to be able to gather all seven Stellar Keys. Yet now… Chu Feng actually took out an eighth Stellar Key. Previous          Main menu           Next Click to Post
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