#and in this universe the hermits can change form between seasons depending on their theme
aliferous-ly · 4 months
Gem kicked her legs absentmindedly. She sat at the edge of a cliff on a random world, scrolling through Pinterest and humming. She was, at this point, wholly human - ten fingers, ten toes, not a speck of antler to be found.
She groaned in annoyance and fell backwards. The clouds, unbothered by her frustration, floated gently in the far-away breeze.
"Maybe I'll just make a dragon," she said aloud. She puffed air to move her bangs out of her face, and when that didn't work she pushed them aside with a huff.
"A big dragon that breathes ice, a big dark castle... Deepslate for sure, Blackstone, maybe some purple..."
She pictured a dragon-person Gem. Gilded horns would adorn her skull, winding up to a sharp point. She'd have slitted eyes, sharp teeth, and rough-dry scales crawling up her back. Something deep purplish, maybe blue, maybe red.
She scowled and reopened her eyes. The clouds remained floating in their unencumbered way. She was close, but not quite there.
Gem sat back up, picked up a stray rock, and launched it off the cliff. It sailed silently until it landed in the ocean's crashing waves with a soft plop. She glared at the ocean, eyeing the way sunlight glinted off the cresting waters and how salt stung her lip where she'd got a cut, somehow.
Then her expression shifted to something more thoughtful. Maybe there was something to this ocean idea...
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