#and inability to write when it isn't bullet style
faithfulcat111 · 4 years
Okay, not gonna lie, I am an absolute sucker for the TUA AUs where Five manages to get out of the apocalpyse after like a couple years being stuck there, so I'm sharing some of my favourite headcannons since I can't do any cosplay until the last part of my apocalpyse!Five costume comes in (just needed the hat, as i freaking owned everything else). Anyways, here we go:
-He figures out the equations and jumps back, lands at the same time in 2019, blah blah blah
-When Five first sees his siblings, he just stares. It takes him an embarrassingly long amount of time to remember he has to speak out loud for other people to understand him.
-He definitely has communication issues. Only being gone for two years and talking to Delores means they aren't super severe. And he can read and write no problem. He bad to keep those skills up to work on his equations to get out. But he definitely has a hard time talking to his siblings and expressing his needs.
-Howver, he is much more touchy than he was before he left. After he gets over his shock of seeing his siblings alive, he just barrels into Vanya and doesn't let go. It is a bit much for him as well. He hasn't touched a living human in two years.
-It is also super gross cause Five is a dirty boy. Water was rare so like hell was he gonna waste any of that precious supply of cleaning himself when it could be used for drinking. He is covered in so much grime and dirt and ash.
-They eventually get him inside and he pulls his scarf down to drink the water they get him. He has to stop for a moment cause this is the first time he has breathed fresh air in years. It is incredible. There is red around his mouth. It takes him awhile to remember it must be from the strawberry jam he finished last week.
-Because, he is still attached to Vanya, Alison and Diego find the materials to his favourite sandwich growing up. Five is distrustful at first, bread went bad very quick in the apocalpyse, but he snatches the peanut butter jar and starts shoveling it in cause food. Diego has to physically stop him and make him use a spoon instead of his fingers cause that is disgusting please stop Five.
-Alison has to stop him eating very shortly after cause he looks like he's gonna be sick. After just a few spoonfuls. Which is scary.
-Next order of business is getting him clean, which is difficult cause it means separating Five from at least some of his siblings. And they all quickly discover that Five is very anxious about whatever siblings are not in his immediate line of sight.
-Eventually, they attach him to Klaus instead (Vanya goes with Alison to find a clean shirt for Vanya and clothes for Five. Neither of them even think to go to Five's room to grab a uniform). Klaus and Diego get Five to the bathroom and realize just how many layers their definitely little brother is wearing. And while the top layer is filthy, at least it is whole as the layers underneath are full of holes and burn marks.
-Five removes from his top coat the two things he brought with him from the apocalypse: Vanya's book and a small cloth wrapped object. Both are very carefully set aside. Diego makes some sort of snide comment about the book, Five actually growls. Their brother is slightly feral.
-Near the bottom layer is a nasty looking button-up. The two think nothing of it until they see the 5 stitched into the label. It is the last piece of his old uniform he was able to keep. The entire pile of clothes is shoved into the hallway to later burn.
-Five is actually amazed as the sight of clean, running water. It had been so long. Then he started freaking out about the wasted water. Eventually they get him clean.
-Five's hair is long. And greasy. But Luther is getting antsy about Veggie's funeral. So Five just gets put into some of Klaus's childhood clothes the girls unearthed and a beanie.
-it is at this point that Five thinks to ask about the date. Cause Veggie died approximentally eleven days before the end of the world. And they are now having his funeral a few days later. And he begins to panic.
I got way more stuff, but this took two hours to write and we are now picking up at work, so I'll make a new post whenever it slows again tonight.
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