#and is stunned at the judai yuki
I love him dearly
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He's such a fanboy oh my god. He summoned them out just to tell them how cool he thinks they are oh my god. My heart cannot take this cuteness.
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starshippingweek · 11 months
🌟Day 3 : DREAM
☆ Source : https://twitter.com/meltmethane/status/1686632226820325376
(Original text below !)
Google translation :
【Starshipping Week 2023】 Dream by Meltmethane
Fudo Yusei often has the same dream. In the dream, he was in a grassland, the wind was very comfortable, and there were always some strange creatures running around him. As long as you keep moving forward, you will meet that person. "Is this also the power of elves, Judai- san?" Yusei asked.
Yuki Judai was sitting cross- legged on the grass, and the winged chestnut ball was bouncing around to find other friends to play with. He looked back at Yusei, who followed his example and sat down. "That's right. It's not that easy to travel through dimensions, but it would be much easier if you just let your consciousness briefly enter the gap in a dream.” "Is this the gap between dimensions?" Yusei looked around for a while. As a researcher, his instinct made him want to explore this place, but considering that time was limited, and Judai might not be able to support himself to go that far. Even if it is far away, it will still be done stop. Judai fell back and lay on the grass in a "大" posture: "So, how have you been recently? "Lua and Luka are on summer vacation, and everyone happens to be free. We got together a little last weekend." Yusei briefly talked about his current situation. There are no traces of past disasters in today's cities, and everything is changing for the better. After Crow and Jack saw Yusei, they pestered him to have a duel. Aki also joined in. The four of them took turns to form two teams and spent an extremely lively afternoon. Yusei's own research is gradually getting on the right track. Although the experiment cannot be said to have failed, it is still going well overall.
"Oh…that's great! A double duel or something sounds really exciting!" Judai said, holding the back of his head. "What is Judai-san doing now? "Me? I'm still traveling around. I just left Europe recently, and I want to go to Egypt next. Although the tomb of the unknown pharaoh is now in ruins, I still want to take a look! What's that word called? Going on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land? Next time I see Yusei, I’ll bring you some souvenirs!” "Thank you…" Yusei replied with a smile.
The two sat on the grass and chatted wordlessly. Yusei talked a lot about research, and Judai also shared his experiences on the road. While chatting, Yusei noticed that the sky suddenly darkened, and the dueling elves around him disappeared at some point. Judai stood up, patted the dirt on his coat, and said: "It seems that this time the dream has ended." Has it been so long? Yusei felt a little regretful, and he knew Judai felt the same way. When did this start? They often meet in dreams like this. Sometimes after you wake up, you will forget the content of the dream, but only such ups and downs of thoughts will remain. Since that time travel, perhaps something has been permanently added to their hearts, and it has gradually taken root and sprouted every time they meet again.
While Yusei was hesitating, Judai suddenly stopped talking again. At the moment when the dream broke, the two people's lips touched. "After a while, I will go find you.” Judai whispered against Yusei's ear. After Yusei was stunned for a moment, he hugged Judai tightly as well. "Then, see you next time."
Original Text :
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gearchronocle · 1 year
I enjoy Burst and Metal a lot too! Enjoy Gingka, Kenta, and Yuki from Metal. Shu, Valt, Aiger, Drum, Free, Kensuke, and all the male leads of Burst too. Is there any characters you find good looking or attractive from Yugioh or Beyblade? If that’s too offensive I apologize. 😣😔
honestly i think all the yu boys from arc v r pretty attractive. rio is pretty... kotori and yuzu are cute... ruri is stunning, serena is stunning... rin is pretty..
asuka is also pretty!! i think judai can have his fair share of moments where he's a bit good looking especially his s4 design
as for beyblade i don't really know
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yugirl · 3 years
Day 1: “Hero Signal”
We’re kicking things off with everyone’s favorite hero Judai/Jaden Yuki’s birthday! Show the fluffy boi some love!
((Well I won’t but the others will show some long over due love))
Aster gasped for air before sighing in relief to see that everyone was ok “looks like we all survived our trials”
“Sure did…” Syrus muttered before looking around “where’s Dyspia and Jaden?!”
The woman in question cackled before emerging from the shadows with a very stunned Jaden in tow.
“Well done children... You’ve been very good... what did you think Jaden...?”
“You... you came to rescue me?”
Dyspia sighed “don’t you see Jaden... if your friends really hated you they would not have come running to your rescue... and as you can see, you don’t need to rely on Jaden for every little thing to help you... you’re all capable of helping yourselves...”
“H-how do you know about that?!” Jaden stammered.
Syrus was confused “Jaden... thought we hated him?”
“I-is this about the dark world?” Alexis finally caught on “w-we didn’t mean it!!”
“Look it doesn’t matter if you didn’t mean it or you were under Bronn’s influence. The bottom line is Jaden **believed** what you said. Why do you think he’s been avoiding you all this time. He thinks you want nothing to do with him”
They looked to see the Slifer Student’s face, hollow and empty with sorrow.
“J-Jaden!! I-I-“ Syrus stammered
“You’re the ones who trapped Jaden in this labyrinth of despair…” Dyspia smirked “I just made it visible for all to see…”
The shadows lingered around as the ominous voices turned into ones that were familiar.
Their own…
“You’re the reason I’m here in the first place!!”
“Guess we didn’t matter to you”
“I thought we were friends”
“You did this to me Jaden! It’s your fault!”
Everyone was so shocked, they barely noticed Jaden sinking into the floor of sludge in despair.
“My fault… it’s all my fault… I’m dangerous… I’m all alone…”
Syrus was crippled by guilt at first, but then he saw Jaden sinking. He had time to pity himself later, his dark self had slammed him for how much of a bad friend he was already.
Without a second thought he lunged for Jaden and held onto him. Trying to pull him out of the sludge.
“Jaden!! I can’t let you die like this but if you do take me with you!! It’s my fault that this happened!! You’ve done nothing but help me and raise me up but all I’ve ever done is drag you down or expect you to get over this… a-and when you went against Bronn and needed the me the most I wasn’t there for you!! All because I was wrapped up in my own cowardice and jealousy… I’m so sorry I let you down Jay… but I’m not going to do it any more… not matter what I’ll be here… by your side!!” He sobbed “so if this really is the end then I’ll be right here… holding on… by your side to the very end because that’s what true friends do…”
Syrus tried to pull Jaden out but despite his change of heart it wasn’t enough. He struggled, He tried, but Jaden’s heart was still so broken.
“Hang on Jay!!” Chumley appeared behind the Slifer slacker and tried to pull him up. “Come in Sy! On three!!… and three!!!” As they struggled to pull him out the koala man poured out his own heart.
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you Jay! Distance and burying myself in my work is no excuse!! You helped me realise I’m worth so much more than I thought I was but I couldn’t help you when you were in the same position I was… depression hurts… it’s scary and you feel so alone and isolated… but you made me realise that it’s important to remember that friendship and bonds help you over come anything… so let me help you!! It’ll be hard and it’ll be long but I’m not giving up!! Just like you never gave up on me!!”
Suddenly another pair of arms joined the effort. “You better not die on me! You got that slacker!?”
Chazz teared up as the desperation broke his mask. “I know I’m terrible at opening up. But there were so many times when I was supposed to help you and I let you down!! Getting possessed by the light, becoming a duel ghoul, becoming Bronn’s sacrifice… and not once did you ever resent me for it!! So what makes you think some mind control would make me hate you!! You’re my best fucking friend Jaden!! Never forget that!! I can’t let you die!! You have to get out of this!! So I can be there for you like you always were for me!! I’m sorry I let you down!! I’m so so sorry!!!”
“Hang on Sarge!!” Hassleberry joined in, trying to pull Jaden out. “I need to apologise too!! Not just because of what I said at the duel with Bronn but because I always treated you weirdly about the duel spirits!! I thought you were crazy and that wasn’t fair!! I should’ve believed you from the beginning!! Before we went to the dark world!! I’m sorry for not being the friend you needed Sarge!!! But hang on!! We can get through this together!! Like we got through everything else!!”
Bastion wasn’t too far behind. “Jaden you can’t let this destroy you!! Please!!”
He held onto the other as tears ran down his cheeks “when I became the King of the Light I blamed you for it but that’s not fair!! It takes two to tango!! I’ve should’ve been stronger… I should’ve trusted you more instead of the light… you’re the first person who ever made me feel like I mattered and were so open to forgive me…. So of course I forgive you for the duel with Bronn!!! But I’m also sorry I wasn’t better support for you!! You needed me and I wasn’t there!!! I’m so sorry Jaden!! I won’t let you down again!!”
Alexis reached out as well “they’re right Jaden!! I’m so sorry I didn’t support you… I see how much my words affected you… even if I didn’t mean it that doesn’t matter, I hurt you and I can’t forgive that!! But you have to know we love you Jaden! All of us!! We love you so much and we want to help you… please believe in us”
Aster grabbed at Jaden’s jacket and tried to pull with the others “you better not die Jaden! We have been through too much to let you give in now!! I know I don’t show it but… thank you for always supporting me… you were there when I needed you and when I didn’t!! I’d be a terrible friend if I didn’t do the same for you…”
Zane and Atticus joined in too “it wasn’t fair for me to put the pressure of being the top duelist onto you Jaden, I cracked under the pressure so expecting you to handle it is just cruel!! But you’re so strong Jaden! Stronger than you know… I always believed in you so believe in yourself and us ok!?”
“Zanes right Jay! You’re so strong and because of that we relied on you too much but not anymore!! Now it’s your turn to rely on us! Got that Jay?”
Jim, Axel and Jesse watched on. Seeing these people pour their hearts out, showing how much they all loved this once person. How much those three loved him too.
They join in as well, The whole group working to pull Jaden out of the swamps of sadness. All telling this one person how much he meant to them… then… the floor stopped sinking….
Jaden snapped out of his stupor, looking at them all with tears in his eyes. “D-do I really mean that much to you?”
“Of course you do Jay…” Syrus sobbed, nuzzling his oldest friend with tears in his eyes. “We just didn’t show it until now… we thought it was obvious how much we loved you…”
“But now we’ll show it every day!” Alexis smiled softly and kissed his forehead in a maternal fashion. “We weren’t being fantastic friends before… but we’ll do better from here on out…”
“You’re a part of us Jaden” Axel nodded “always will be”
Jaden started shaking… and then a sob escaped his lips. The others let go only to hold onto him into a tight, loving group hug. Comforting him as best he could.
“I love you all too…” Jaden sobbed. “I love you all so much… I’m sorry… I’m sorry…”
“We’re sorry too Jaden…” Chazz mumbled, rubbing circles on Jaden’s back.
Dyspia watched the group reconcile, a smirk gracing her black lips.
Mission accomplished…. Her work here was done.
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the-evil-authoress · 4 years
GX Month Day 1: “Game on!”
It’s Judai/Jaden Yuki’s birthday today! Let’s celebrate!
Precious fluffy boi!
Cross posted on Ao3!
Jaden doesn’t do birthdays.
He has maybe one or two memories of cake and candles and his parents’ faces, a couple more surrounded by friends and presents. After that it’s just a card and present or two left on the dining room table of an empty house.
Christina tries at least. She drags him out of the empty house and over to her place. There’s cake and candles and presents that actually match his interests and off key singing. Her mother cooks his favorite dishes. They duel.
It’s bittersweet, but it’s better than hiding under his blanket with his GameBoy all day.
/I’m heading to Yugi’s today. You should come too!/
Biting his lip, Jaden glances at the calendar and wonders if he’s gotten the days mixed up again. But, no, the home screen of the Duel Academy issued PDA proudly proclaims August 31. He looks back at Christina’s message. They hadn’t made any plans which isn’t unusual - Christina usually just shows up to drag him off, so that’s the weird part of this situation.
This is the first time they’ve both had cell phones tho.
He stares at the message, rubbing his thumb against the side of the device, until Winged Kuriboh trills at him to respond instead of sitting here angsting about it.
“Okay, okay- I am not!” Jaden protests.
Winged Kuriboh snorts.
Groaning, Jaden sends his reply.
/3 o’clock! Bring an overnight bag!/
“Are you even listening to me?” Jaden grumbles, but he has to admit to curiosity. This will hardly be his first time at Christina’s cousin’s house, but sleepovers had gotten rarer over the years.
“Oh, fine!” Jaden huffs as Winged Kuriboh headbutts him, tossing off the sheet he’d wrapped himself in to actually get dressed. It’s a little after 1 so he might as well get his stuff and leave now. The train to Domino alone will take an hour.
Ugh. He forgot how much he hated riding this thing alone.
The lights in the game shop out front are off, the door locked, so Jaden goes around to the side door and knocks. Muto-san lets him in.
“Judai! Glad you could make it.” The woman smiles warmly as Jaden toes his shoes off. “Christina’s in the living room.”
“Kay.” It’s a fairly mundane exchange. The few times Christina has dragged him over here on this day in the past, the woman nearly squeezed the daylights out of him. It felt like he might break, but he also felt really safe. He’s still confused by the memory but it’s a good one.
Did everyone forget? That’s not possibly, right?
Winged Kuriboh chirps at him again when he stalls too long in the genkan, and Jaden tries not to look like he jumps at nothing but air. “Alright!” he hisses out the side of his mouth and stalks down the short hallway.
Great. He’s in a bad mood now, and he hates dealing with people when he’s in a bad mood. Christina’s okay, but Yugi and Gramps have only seen his sunny side. Why is it so exhausting to be happy all the time?
Jaden shrieks as he rounds the corner to an explosion of bright colors and popping noises. It takes him what feels like an eternity to realize he’s just been assaulted with confetti by his friends who definitely don’t live in Domino.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JADEN!” they chorus, every single one of them and what the actual fuck how??
“What?” He blinks dumbly at them, confetti dangling in his face and too stunned to even tell a giggling Winged Kuriboh to shut up.
“We came all this way to surprise you!” Alexis beams. Huh, she looks pretty good out of uniform; the kapris are definitely more practical than those stupid skirts.
“It was Christina’s idea!” Syrus declares, the redhead in question practically vibrating where she stands like she’ll explode into confetti herself any moment. It’s been a long time since he’s seen her that excited. “I was so nervous on the train I nearly missed my stop! But it was worth it!”
“Ha! My brother’s got you beat there. This idiot tried to board the wrong train,” Alexis scoffs, slapping the back of her hand against Atticus’s arm.
“Heeey!” the older boy whines, pouting dramatically. “It was an honest mistake!”
“Well, whatever mishaps on the way, we all got here,” Bastion interrupts, standing proud and tall as always, and Jaden might be a tiny bit delusional but he could swear Bastion looks proud of him. “And I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be. You’re one year older. Congratulations, chap!” Bastion claps him on the shoulder and Jaden’s eyes don’t deceive him; the smartest kid in his grade, if not the whole school, is proud of him for simply turning 16!
Since when are birthdays an accomplishment to be proud of?!
Oh, right, this is the part where Jaden is supposed to smile, not stare at his friends like a dead fish. “R-right!” Did his voice just crack? His face feels creaky and numb. Oh god, is doing the serial killer smile?
“Who wants cake?” a boisterous voice calls, saving Jaden from falling further into panicked thoughts as its owner sweeps out of the kitchen holding a massive cake.
“Yeah, duh! I wouldn’t miss your birthday for the world!” the newly hired card designer declares. “And I got a leave of absence, don’t worry! Apparently Mr. Pegasus is pretty big on the whole family and friends thing.”
Jaden can only gape. Then he notices Chazz lurking behind Chumley, his trademark scowl and dark clothing at total odds with the lopsided, brightly colored party hat someone else must have forced onto his head, and Jaden just loses it. The hysterical giggles bubble up his throat and he’s wheezing before he even understands what’s going on. But he’s...happy? No way, this has gotta be more than just ‘happy’. Jaden doesn’t think he’s felt so much in years!
“C’mere you guys!” He throws himself at them, instigating a group hug as Syrus squeaks and rushes to catch him. He hides the tears in Atticus’ shoulder and laughs instead of sobs. Christina’s hands finds his and he squeezes.
He has to swallow the ache in his throat again, when he sees the mountain of presents on the table.
“We may have gone a bit overboard.” Atticus laughs sheepishly.
“Dad’s gonna murder you when he sees the credit card balance,” Alexis grumbles.
“Oh, posh! Nothing is too big a sacrifice for Jaden’s big day!”
Jaden doesn’t even know what he’s gonna do with all this stuff! They end up building the model Gundam kits together. Jaden’s never had so much fun with those things.
He also gets that soul squeezing hug from Mama Muto.
“Thanks,” he whispers later, sitting on the couch with Christina while their friends argue over a puzzle strewn across the table.
“It wasn’t entirely my idea,” she hums, thumb rubbing his knuckle in a familiar, soothing rhythm. “Syrus wanted to know when your birthday was and pouted when he realized it’d be during summer break. When I told him you weren’t really fond of your birthday anyway, I guess he told Atticus and, well... Atticus got it in his head to throw you the ‘best birthday ever’. Mom doesn’t have enough space for a big party so I asked Yugi if Gramps and Aunty would mind. And here we are.” She smiles at him, so genuine and pure.
His throat aches again. He ignores it.
“Yeah. Best birthday ever.”
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