#and it came crashing down last week just absolutely horrible i have no energy nothing left
hecksupremechips · 9 months
I love animal crossing and I’m about to become hyper fixated on it so teehee 💅
#the klock keeps ticking#hey listen listen up real good#you know what ive been doing these past few months? nothing#and by ‘nothing’ i dont just mean that i havent done anything ‘productive’#ie working making money studying what have you#i mean ive literally been doing nothing#in this house i exist as nothing more than an oversized decorative pillow#i dont speak. i eat when no one is looking so i dont cause trouble#i dont have any interests that are known to anyone and i dont leave and i dont feel#and it came crashing down last week just absolutely horrible i have no energy nothing left#and then i was just like. talking to a special person and mention animal crossing and my extensive experience with it#and they also talk about their love of discovering life in nature like insects and mushrooms#and i realized that i just. really wanna play animal crossing again#and i did! i finally did! i finally let myself do a happy thing thats fun and not productive!#and i decided id experience the life the nature of it and i just kept catching all the fish i saw!#spent so much time just doing that and ive donated to the museum too!#when new horizons came out i made a goal to actually donate to the museum cuz it looked cool as hell and i had never cared about the museum#in the past#but i fell off that wagon pretty quickly and all together kinda stopped catching fish and bugs#and then without even trying to i just. started noticing them and ended up donating#and im so like. proud of myself for accomplishing an actual goal ive had and that i had fun doing it cuz i was just letting myself be#and im proud that i let myself do something fun again#cuz guess what fuckers i actually did stuff ive been putting off doing like applying to jobs that may actually happen#and i get to see my bestie tomorrow for the first time in a while 😎#anyways yeah my character is very cute and tangy sent me a letter saying she loves me and im her bff and i cried
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lacie-crying-ruby · 1 year
Of planets and homes, far away
It all begun with a tiny little cough in the morning. Nothing serious, easy to ignore in every way, quickly forgotten throughout the day. His work was a real stressful after all, since the whole big deal was over and the manga ended, he hadn't a lot of opportunities to sleep during duty, there was just too much to do.
The coughing didn't stop tough, got more persistent with every passing week. He ignored it. Ignored the haunted gaze the black haired gave him from time to time, every time he heard him cough for more than a minute. He didn't like it to be watched like that, so he begun to avoid the other. The coughing got worse. He ignored it, went on with work. He wouldn't... he wouldn't, not at all!
He was knocked unconscious out of the blue. Was he going to finally die the deserving cruel dead by the hands of his enemy?
It all begun with a cough. She had been on one of the jobs, somehow pretty soon in the morning, chasing after a really big animal she was sure to have seen once before, when she suddenly collapsed, landed on the floor rather nasty and absolutely not pretty, coughing like she didn't get any air at all. After she realized that the animal was no where to be seen anymore, would remain hidden another day as it was. And to be honest, she couldn't care less about it, was about to head home and lie down to sleep - because Gin had taught them to never force themself to work when sick, he had given a wonderful example in that - when the next coughing fit came, brought her down again on the middle of the damn street.
She cursed, waited it out. Now up and home - again. How bothersome - but maybe the last few plates of rice at Fuyumi’s princess party had actually been too much? Was eating too much even possible? She shook her head, forced herself up. If Gin somehow managed to find home when drunk as fuck, then she would manage it too, no way she would fail! The young woman did it again and again, until she finally collapsed in front of the familiar house - of the Shimura family. Well, home all the same, surly Gin had made the same mistake too a couple of times before he'd been punched out of it (and she hoped he had been punched good, how dare he just bother Anego with his problems like a total loser?).
She wanted to stand up in order to get in, but just decided to fuck it and stayed, trusting the other's to find her soon enough, as another, this time actually painful cough dragged her energy out and let her fall asleep in the end.
She woke up to the scent of delicious food. Completely having forgotten about the reason she had been sick in the first place, the red-haired jumped out of the futon she was lying on, searched for the food that belonged to the scent, finding her way into the kitchen. Shinpachi and Anegos pet gorilla were both standing there, talking about everyday things while making food - both stopping when they noted her presence.
"Kagura, are you up again?"
"Are you blind? Of course I am! Food?"
The brown-haired smiled while she went past him, took a look at the thing inside the the pot. That looked like beef. Why would there be beef?
"Are you trying to propose again? After being rejected all the time? How pathetic."
It all begun with a crash into another ship. He discovered that he was coughing blood uncontrollably while smashing the skull of a fellow pirate from the other crew to the next wall. He was glad that his body was full of adrenaline, otherwise he would've fallen into a horribly state of hysterical laughing. He knew what that meant. He didn't knew if it would help him if he payed their mother' planet a visit in order to restore the amount of Atlana that had somehow kept them alive so far. He didn't know if he wanted to in the first place. It just didn't sound like any fun, leaving the battlefield just to stay alive for a little longer; it sounded like something a coward would do.
Over the next days, the coughing became worse, not because it got intenser, made him doubt if he would be ever able to breath again, but because it interrupted him in almost every meeting he had, making it more or less impossible to talk normally without looking like a sick child no one cared for. Simply put, it sucked. Maybe he should put all of them to a suicide mission, so he could at least die like he had always wanted to, in battle, surrounded by corpses of his enemies and covered in more blood of others than his own. Yeah, that sounded like an idea. And he wouldn't have to face his stupid family this way, don't look into their stupid sad and guilty eyes as if it was their fault - well it was the fault of the old man because he made them, and it kind of was his sisters fault to because she was stupid, so maybe the guilt in their eyes was reasonable, but he didn't want to see them anyway.
He ignored the other because he hadn't done so in a while to not look like he was so in pain that he couldn't even listen to anymore. As if that was any different to before, he hadn't ever listened to things that were unimportant or simply boring in the first place. He thought he had a point to prove, but it was more of a pain than just ignoring him, so he went back to doing it again, looking out of the window into the big galaxy as if the answers for the question he didn't have and wouldn't ever voice out aloud lied somewhere in the big nothing of the endless night where no umbrella ever was needed to shield him from the sun.
Maybe he could spent his remaining time on a planet where there was a lot of sun, walking and letting it burn his skin to compensate for the pain inside of his dying body? if a Yatos body was dying, then there was nothing that could change that, no machine that could save him anyway, spending his time in bed would be totally beneath him too. Daydreaming in a eternal night was boring too though. He turned around to face the Aato, hoping that the information he had to tell would be interesting at least this time. If he saw something that could be almost mistaken for worry, he ignored it, forced a smile on his face.
"Are you sure about that? I didn't listen, but I don't agree anyway."
The other didn't even look irritated, only tired and resigned. (Better than worry. Much better.) He was about to open his mouth to start a new, probably knowing that he just had to repeat himself in order to get this over with, when the door to the cabinet was thrown open, one of his man shouted out, that they were about to get attacked by an enemy.
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