#and it isn't clementines smut but it is silly goofy boys so
queerdiazs · 7 months
i am just a fool, but i have loved you all along | 5.1k, teen
for @spagheddiediaz. love u loser.
“I made a list,” he says, digging in the pocket of his jacket and producing a wrinkled piece of paper. “I figured if you could see all the reasons why we shouldn’t date, it’d be easier for you to understand.”  Buck raises a brow, unimpressed, and holds out his hand. “Let me see it.”  Like a scolded child, Eddie hands over the crumpled piece of paper. Buck takes it stiffly, primly, and does his best to unfold it without ripping the corners more than they already are. He reads over the list; Eddie watches his face the entire time, unsure if Buck’s impassive expression is good or bad.  “‘His big tits stretch my shirts out every time he wears them,’” Buck reads aloud, sounding terribly bored and wonderfully amused all at once. “‘He won’t be able to kiss me properly the first time because he’ll be smiling too much. He keeps the AC at seventy-four.’” “That’s hot,” Eddie interjects pointedly. “That’s hot, Buck.”  Buck rolls his eyes. “It’s not that hot.”  “It’s seventy-four. It’s hot.”  Snorting, Buck moves on. “‘Aggressive use of cumin.’” He crinkles his nose and shrugs. “I do love my cumin.”  Eddie nods, swallowing around a lump in his throat the size of Buck’s tits. “As—as you can see, these are all valid reasons why we shouldn’t be together.”  “Oh, definitely. It’s a solid list.” He looks up at Eddie and grins, backlit by the yellow-orange-red of the setting sun. He looks like he’s on fire, but not like he’s going to burn Eddie up. He looks like he’s going to keep Eddie warm instead. “But you do realize it’s nowhere near complete, right?”  Eddie blinks. “It isn’t?”  Buck chuckles. “Nope. I can think of, like, a dozen more reasons why we shown’t date off the top of my head.”
read the rest on ao3
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