#let me continue with britt asked me to be her valentine and i dodged the question BUT HEY I WROTE HER A WHOLE FIC
queerdiazs · 7 months
i am just a fool, but i have loved you all along | 5.1k, teen
for @spagheddiediaz. love u loser.
“I made a list,” he says, digging in the pocket of his jacket and producing a wrinkled piece of paper. “I figured if you could see all the reasons why we shouldn’t date, it’d be easier for you to understand.”  Buck raises a brow, unimpressed, and holds out his hand. “Let me see it.”  Like a scolded child, Eddie hands over the crumpled piece of paper. Buck takes it stiffly, primly, and does his best to unfold it without ripping the corners more than they already are. He reads over the list; Eddie watches his face the entire time, unsure if Buck’s impassive expression is good or bad.  “‘His big tits stretch my shirts out every time he wears them,’” Buck reads aloud, sounding terribly bored and wonderfully amused all at once. “‘He won’t be able to kiss me properly the first time because he’ll be smiling too much. He keeps the AC at seventy-four.’” “That’s hot,” Eddie interjects pointedly. “That’s hot, Buck.”  Buck rolls his eyes. “It’s not that hot.”  “It’s seventy-four. It’s hot.”  Snorting, Buck moves on. “‘Aggressive use of cumin.’” He crinkles his nose and shrugs. “I do love my cumin.”  Eddie nods, swallowing around a lump in his throat the size of Buck’s tits. “As—as you can see, these are all valid reasons why we shouldn’t be together.”  “Oh, definitely. It’s a solid list.” He looks up at Eddie and grins, backlit by the yellow-orange-red of the setting sun. He looks like he’s on fire, but not like he’s going to burn Eddie up. He looks like he’s going to keep Eddie warm instead. “But you do realize it’s nowhere near complete, right?”  Eddie blinks. “It isn’t?”  Buck chuckles. “Nope. I can think of, like, a dozen more reasons why we shown’t date off the top of my head.”
read the rest on ao3
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g0dblessthefandom · 7 years
Brittana Valentine’s Semi AU (Updated Daily Unt-bwhahahahahaha) February 14, 2017
Oh, didn’t I post this already?
February 14, 2018
Santana was suddenly struck by the weirdest feeling that she’d experienced this scene before.
She was laying on the couch in her apartment, Brittany sitting on the other end speaking Spanish with a rapidity that even made it hard for Santana to keep up. She’d wedged her feet under Brittany’s butt, to keep them warm, and was doing a crossword puzzle. Even though it was Valentine’s Day, it was still a weekday, she and Brittany had both decided that they’d just have a quiet dinner at a restaurant Mercedes had suggested. Of course, she’d gotten a gift for Brittany, hidden in her desk drawer, but they’d probably just eat, get home and fall asleep in front of Netflix.
Ah, the life of two grandmas.
Brittany covered the phone with her hand, giving Santana her attention. “Your mother wants to know when we are bringing a baby home for the holidays and I asked her if Ash counted and she’s been fussing at me for the past eight and a half minutes.”
Santana laughed. “You sister is not a baby, and I don’t think she’d appreciate the implication, Britt. Anyway, the last time she was complaining that we were ‘living in sin’ and should rectify that situation immediately, so she should really make up her mind.”
“Yeah, I’m going to tell her that so she can come down here and force us into a church at gunpoint.” She went back to the phone for a moment. “Pero, pero Mami- And she’s off again.”
“Just tell her we’re working on it and get off the phone. We need to catch up on Game of Thrones before I get spoiled by some random Buzzfeed quiz.”
“Okay, in the meantime, go get dressed. I don’t want us to be late for dinner.”
“Why do I have to go now? My feet are just finally getting warmed up and you’re still on the phone.”
“Because, my love,” Brittany said, scooting for ward on the couch so she could reach Santana’s hand and bring it to her lips. “You take twice as long as me to get ready, and I already have my outfit picked out. Now, skedaddle.”
Santana dodged a soft swat and with a laugh headed towards the bedroom. She listened to Brittany’s side of the conversation from the bedroom, and couldn’t help but smile. As a teenager, Santana had spent most of her time smiling and nodding whenever her mother went on one of her rants, but somehow Brittany knew just the thing to say to get her to come around to their way of thinking. It wasn’t always easy, but it generally worked. Which was why Santana’s mother had called Brittany instead of calling her daughter. Santana didn’t mind, though, her mother were far too alike to keep their disagreements civil, and so alike that they both adored Brittany.
An hour later, Brittany had finally gotten off the phone with her mother in law, and they were both showered, perfumed and ready for a nice, quiet Valentine’s Day dinner. The Uber Brittany called right outside the brownstone, and were on their way. Santana was caught up in a story about the new weird guy at work and suddenly looked around and realized she recognized the neighborhood.
“I thought the restaurant was in Queens?” Santana said, looking carefully out the window. “We’re in Flatbush.”
Brittany looked up from where she was playing with Santana’s fingers in  her lap, her mouth a little ‘o’ of surprise.
“Oh yeah? Hm.”
Santana turned, wrinkling her brow. “What’s going on here, Pierce?”
Brittany seemed to consider doing her ‘Who, Me?’ face, but after a moment, thought better of it. “It’s a surprise. For you. And kind of for me, I guess.”
“I thought we were going to Queens, and that place that Mercedes suggested?”
“Well, yeah. I considered that, but then I came up with a plan B. Don’t worry, I know you’ll love it.”
“It’s not that, Britt. I just told Mercedes we’d tell her all about this place and how much we love it during game night.”
“We’ll go another night, trust me, this will totally be worth it.”
“Just spending Valentine’s Day with you is enough, honey.” Santana said, leaning over and planting a soft kiss on Brittany’s lips.
Brittany pulled Santana closer with a laugh, but they came to a stop, and Santana gently guided her out of the backseat. Santana turned with a small gasp.
“This is our apartment!” She said, looking up at the building.
Brittany took Santana’s hand and lead her up the steps, reaching into a pocket with her free hand, pulling out a bundle of keys. “No, hun, we live in Manhattan.”
Santana gave Brittany a playful smack on the arm. “You know what I mean. The place we shared with Kurt and Rachel. When was the last time we were here? Ten years ago? Twelve?”
“Something like that. It has been a while.”
Brittany pulled Santana through the brightly lit landing and up the steps to the third floor. She unlocked the door, and gestured the way with a flourish.
“After you, m’lady.”
Santana laughed and went into the apartment, letting her eyes adjust to the low light. There were candles everywhere, including all over a table near the window. Suddenly, there was a tinkling of a piano. After a moment, she recognized the piano player.
“Brad?! Is that really him?”
“Yep. He owes me a favor.”
Brad nodded to the two of them, and continued playing.
“I got us some dinner.” Brittany walked towards the table, pulling out the chair for Santana who sat down, still looking around in awe.
“How’d you plan all this? And I had no idea? Britt, this is amazing!”
Brittany went around the table and sat herself, chuckling. “It wasn’t easy. Mercedes and Jane had to run interference for me. But, I thought it would be nice to surprise you.”
“This is amazing, Brittany.”
Brittany gave Santana a little nod. She uncovered two plates, and they began to eat, chatting about their days and plans for the upcoming weekend. After a nice dessert, and another glass of wine, Brittany cleared her throat significantly.
“What’s up, babe?” Santana asked, concerned.
Brittany took a breath, and then signaled to Brad, who change songs mid-stream, and began playing something more familiar to Santana. Songbird by Fleetwood Mac.
Before Santana could get out another question, Brittany was in front of her, and then on one knee, holding up a velvety box.
“Santana, a year ago we stood in front of each other not knowing what to say. For the first time in my life I wasn’t sure if we were going to make it. But, I should have known; we were always going to make it. No matter what we go through, no matter the changes in our lives, we will always be Brittany and Santana, and I never should have doubted that for a second. I love you, Santana and I never want to be without you. Will you marry me?”
Santana’s eyes welled with tears, and she sank to the floor with Brittany, wrapping her up in her arms. They stayed like that for a moment as Santana rocked them back and forth, and Brittany cleared her throat.
“I take it that’s a yes?”
Santana nodded, taking the ring and slipping it onto her finger. “That’s a yes.” She said, through her tears. “I love you, too.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Santana.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Britt.”
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