#and it isn't enough for me to feel guilty generally for meat consumption
kvotheunkvothe · 1 year
was talking to my brother and saying that for years now I hadn't felt I could, ethically, eat squid or octopus because of their intelligence (which is sad because calamari is delicious, but it's a personal choice) and because we had no "social contract" with them like we have with some smarter barnyard animals that let them proliferate and be protected from predators in exchange for their flesh (get domesticated, idiot). I noted that, given the opportunity, I also wouldn't eat monkey or elephant or dolphin for similar reasons.
"or humans," I added, as an afterthought. "...but only generally. there are some people whose hearts I would eat in the marketplace."
"what about squid-people?" my brother asked. "like Zoidberg, maybe?"
"oh I'd eat Dr. Zoidberg," I answered immediately. "...he knows what he did."
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capriciouscaprine · 6 months
meal blogging tw
(oops it got long I'm putting a readmore just to save your dash)
did drop a bit this week despite my fried indulgence and probably bc I was being aware the rest of the days; started today off with waffles my mom sent home with me (2 of them, about the size of eggo freezer waffles I guess) and also used the cold foam and whipped cream I got on my food scale and OH BOI are those not low c foods; when you actually weigh how many grams you add instead of guestimating how many tablespoons an amount looks like, the c's add up FAST (all told, I'd have to guess at least 500 realistically, although paranoia brain is saying 700 to be safe)
the waffles were informative bc while they were pretty good, they got cold quick and I was hungry again only an hour after eating them, probably bc they had no significant protein
also tried some low c vegetarian bacon and it really wasn't worth it; I'm not a bacon fiend like I was in high school so it's not that it didn't satisfy a craving, more that it just wasn't very good in general: it was like someone cut lunch meat into strips, dunked it in flavoring, and called it bacon; call it what you want, it's not going to make anyone who actually wants bacon happy
I'm going to have to have a snack if I don't want to eat the exact same c's in tictacs anyways, plus my second coffee to stay awake at work, and possibly some snacks during stream I'm hoping to watch tonight, so today is already trending higher, BUT I've learned several things and there's a whole week ahead of me, so I don't feel guilty and I'm grounded enough to know this isn't any sort of 'rapid over-consumption' I need to 'make up for'
I think I'm getting leftovers from family dinner for lunch today, which was a rich slow cooker beef stew, so I'll be getting a good amount of protein from that along with the c's and then can simply be carefully aware the rest of the week
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