#and it took Butler literally getting gored to death for Artemis to realize 'oh hey he's kind of important to me'
The part in the first Artemis Fowl book where Artemis & the Butlers escape the time stop is actually so funny.
In the past eight hours, Butler has dealt with a loose hostage, a dwarf intruder, a squadron of cops, and a troll, seen his sister be deeply hypnotized, and practically died, and his last thought before falling unconscious after his twelve-year-old boss essentially poisons him by mixing liquor and un-prescribed pills is (understandably) "I am so ready to kill this little shit but won't for my sister's sake."
Whereas Artemis's last thought is just "I'm a bit sad I couldn't tell my friends that I drugged their drinks :( . Oh well. Bottoms up!"
Like...c'mon, Artemis. I know you're twelve, but let's develop a bit of self and situational awareness, yeah?
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