#and it was either this or mac’s speech but thats long and i feel like not a lot of ppl put a lot of thought into this. it probably doesnt-
bebbie-bilinski · 1 year
Hi! Do you have any adhd/asd stiles headcanons? They're always so fun to read!
ohmygosh hello!! boy do i have plenty of headcanons pertaining to autism ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(apologies in advance this is going to be incredibly self indulgent as a lot of these are based on ways autism shows up for me. i'll put a little "*" next to those!)
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Autisic Stiles Stilinski Headcanons
it was incredibly obvious that he was on the spectrum when he was growing up - he didnt always respond to his name when called, no eye contact with anyone aside from his mom and dad, had the same outfit in multiples because thats the only thing he felt comfortable wearing, stuff like that! since then he's expanded who he allows himself to make eye contact with like anyone from the pack but its pretty sporadic eye contact and not consistent
was in special education for a portion of elementary school until it was deemed he didnt quite need that anymore *
selective mutism - as a kid he rarely spoke more than a couple sentences throughout the span of a week and because of this he was taught ASL and still uses it when he experiences speech loss (the pack has taken it upon themselves to learn at least the basics to understand stiles when he switches over to that) also sidenote to any autistic people who may be reading this i highly recommend learning whatever version you have of sign language in your country its been such a positive change in my life its so worth learning!
hes a sensory seeker and sensory avoider but his most favorite textures are: rocks, sherpa, faux fur (only the soft and very short kind, water, bamboo fabric, sorta-wet dirt, door frames, beards (if any of the guys in the pack grow out their facial hair get ready for lots of pats from stiles), and the feeling of running his hands over his freshly-buzzed hair *
stims - his stims consist of popping his lips, shaking his head side to side, sucking in air, rolling his tongue, hand flapping, knee bouncing, swaying, spinning, humming, grunting, pacing, touching the textures he likes, having a particular song on repeat, pursing his lips, and laughing! the ones pertaining to age regression are: rattles, having a pacifier in his mouth, and the sound blocks make like getting tumbled over *
safe foods - he is an incredibly picky eater but has safe foods he either has had everyday for years now or some for special occasions: oatmeal, toast, curly fries, lemonade, grilled cheese, mac n cheese (are we seeing a theme here haha), ramen, any sort of veggie-meats, soup, any sort of snack that crunches like cheese itz goldfish veggie straws etc.
his bed - he likes his bed in a very particular way i'll even throw in a pic of the bed frame he has!
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he lines all the edges with stuffed animals and/or pillows and does not like having his bed made neat, he likes to keep it looking like a nest and hes very serious about that Noah knows better than to make his bed if he's ever tidying up around the house! he only sleeps with a jersey comforter and a 25lb weighted blanket and does not like laying his head on his pillow but rather hugging it so most nights he sleeps flat against the mattress *
outings - any sort of long outings is going to require a bag of sorts and stiles will often forget to bring such bag, his dad always brings it and makes sure to tell anyone he might be with (like Derek, Lydia, Scott etx) to bring The Bag ™ it consists of: noise canceling headphones, a couple of fidget toys, at least one small stuffed animal, his backup anxiety medication, sunglasses, and a change of the most sensory friendly clothes *
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thethingost · 2 years
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes? 
not sure if this is supposed to be from anything particular SOOO im choosing the thing: “i don’t know what the hell’s in there but it’s weird and pissed and off, whatever it is.”
it’s just a bit funny to me but for me it also really lays a foundation that there’s something truly unknown in there. nobody’s got a clue what it is. clark wouldn’t know, whatever it is isnt a dog in the dog kennel nor is it any animal he knows of. it’s unknown what it is but it’s recognizable that it’s dangerous and aggressive
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cicinicole-14 · 4 years
Hi for the ship thing and headcanons, please do jolex 🥰
Who is a night owl:
dont get me wrong, they both most definitely will stay up late together or both pass out before 9pm on a Friday night, but some days when the depression hits, its jsut different and Jo is definitely more of the night owl. Alex is more of a morning person and Jo would rather sleep like the dead. 
Who is a morning person:
as we’ve discovered, more so Alex esp when they have kiddos. Alex is the one to get up with them early and let Jo sleep, he makes breakfast with the kids’ help and keeps their room quiet for jo to get some extra sleep but will unleash their evil spawns when he deems she’s slept in long enough. 
Are they cuddlers:
some days, yes, mostly. jo definitely loves the affection from someone who genuinely loves and wants her back. but there are days where she literally is like “do not come near me with your (temperature) hot body Alexander Michael Karev, you are a heater and I am already too warm” 
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon:
Alex is def the big spoon. Jo likes cuddling into him because sh feels safe, he feels like home. but she def has big spooned him too it’s a 50/50 relationship we have equal roles people
What is their favourite sleeping position:
no lie, both spread out like starfish in their bed. 
Who steals all the blankets: 
Jo. Alex is a space heater and doesnt need blankets she freezes and likes being snuggled up and warm
What they wear to bed:
I mean some nights, nothing, but like jo def loves Alex’s old Iowa state shirts or his wrestling shirts from HS that smell like him. an old worn in t-shirt, anything with a pair of booty shorts or his boxers even. and Alex will just wear a t-shirt and boxers or flannels in the winter. 
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt:
Alex wholeheartedly loves when jo wears his shirts unless its his favorite flannel and she steals it “come on, jo. you know that’s my favorite one. I wear it all the time.” its exactly why she takes it. 
Who falls asleep mid-conversation:
jo, unintentionally. sometimes the insomnia hits and she won’t have slept for a couple days so when life catches back up to her she will fall asleep randomly. even more so while pregnant and right after their daughter is born. she just “night night Josephine” 
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares:
they both have their fair share of horrid nightmares. Alex’s deal a lot with his trauma of growing up. his mom pulling various knives on his siblings and dad attacking them. even nightmares of jo leaving him like Izzie did and he wakes up without her. 
jo’s are terrifying as well. she dreams that Paul’s death was just an illusion and that hes still out there and he’ll still come and get her. she wakes up drenched in a cold sweat and Alex holds her and they pull up his death certificate on the gsm database to prove it. she also has nightmares about being abandoned again. dreams of herself as a baby, dreams of her mother leaving her at that firestation. horrid nightmares. and Alex just holds her. she also has many nightmares about Alex abandoning her too just like her mother abandoned her but he’s never done that he’s always there when she wakes up and everything is okay again
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep:
jo is an absolute horrible bed partner. she does NOT sleep still. she will move around so much during sleep its dangerous. yes, Alex did wake up with a bruise across his cheek one night from an elbow to the face...
Who can’t keep their hands to themself:
both of them. theyre notorious horndogs no autocorrect they are not corndogs please stop correcting me when you’re wrong 
and just because, im throwing in the parenting meme one too bc my heart melts
packs the lunches
Alex. he gets up with the kids in the mornings and also we do not trust jo to make their children food. she’d feed them boxed Mac n cheese and take out the entirety of their lives. and while they love that and Alex wouldn’t care if it was jsut them, their kids need real food. he packs them lunchables and uncrustables but at least its a little more of a variety. 
blows raspberries while cuddling
jo, more so. they both do, but jo LOVES a good chunky baby belly she can blow raspberries onto. and yes she leaves maroon lipstick marks on chubby cheeks and bellies. 
is the tickle monster
Alex. and she runs to mommy to save her from daddy! “oh, now you want mommy, huh? as soon as daddy is the tickle monster all you want is mommy? not when I wanted cuddles, or we picked you up from daycare or I dont know, I gave birth to you and wanted snuggles you cry and want daddy but now hes the tickle monster you want me?” and jo scoops her up and tries saving her but ultimately they lose and get attacked in their very large bed by the tickle monster. 
gives life lesson speeches
they both do just depending on the situations. 
when the girls start dating, jo sits them all down separately, and explains to them a bit of her past. letting them know that no man should ever lay hands on them. she teaches them how to defend themselves and Alex ofc shows them in example how women should be treated. Alex makes it clear that if a guy or girl ever should treat his daughters or his son in any other way than he treats jo, that he needs to know and gOD forbiD one of them lay a finger on one of his children there WILL be hell to pay. jo obviously consoles him in front of her children but tells him “u already have a record. if anyone lays hands on our children I will be putting them in the ground not you”
kisses the boo-boos
Alex he is a pushover and 100% makes sure all boo-boos are kissed and even when the kids are way too old for having their boo-boos kissed, he makes sure the bandaids that are no longer avengers or dinosaur or unicorn or princess themed, have been properly kissed. even through protests of “dad, im not five anymore I dont need my bandaids kissed” “how do you expect them to heal, then, CJ? you’re my most clumsy kid, and I have had to kiss all your boo-boos and never once have I not. thats why you’re still in once piece” 
breaks the bad news
jo makes Alex do it most times. she claims she’s the fun parent and tries to stay the fun parent by making Alex break bad news like “we cannot get another dog” she blames it on Alex but then brings home a puppy the following week. 
joins the PTA
listen. LISTEN. when Greyson started big kid school, in kindergarten, they placed her in private school to give her everything they didnt have growing up. jo was determined to make sure she gave her daughter everything made sure she felt loved and was spoiled it was terrible. so jo, of course, sent her to Seattle Elementary academy and was not paying attention when she signed some forms signing up to be in the PTA. she loathed it so much and “Alex im sorry I cant do this. I know we wanted to give Gracie everything we didnt have growing up but I cant take it I cant take the private school. the volunteer hours the strict dress code violations? she is FIVE. I also have to volunteer FORTY HOURS this year alone. no! I am a surgeon, a mother of two and im pregnant! I do not have time for this! all these PTA moms are stay at home moms who have nothing better to do than gossip about their neighbors and drink wine. and I swear to god if I have to hear about Jessica’s fucking essential oils pyramid scheme one more time I will shove those oils so far up her a––” “Jo! Look, Ali, mommy’s here!” Alex interrupts her just in time. he doesnt blame her. those private school moms are quiet the handful. every time, one of them has the nerve to hit on him. “and I swear, if one more of those moms hits on you in front of me, im going to backhand her with my engagement ring on. no hate to most of them, but theyre too much” they end up ending Gracie, and Ali and the rest of the kids to public school just like they had grown up in and did just fine. 
crashes sleepovers with embarrassing stories
oh one hundred and ten percent Alexander Michael Karev. he will find any moment to break out embarrassing stories and photos. hell, even when Zola, Bailey, ellis, Sofia, Harriet, scout, any of the bunch come over he’ll embarrass them too!  
gives the crazy nicknames
not really either of them (that ive figured out in the moment) (the kkc kids do not have crazy nicknames yet) (we jsut have Gracie for Greyson, Ali for Alice, and CJ for Cristina Jo. Alexis goes by Sissy because of Alexis and Alexa and Eli usually goes by bubba seeing as how that’s what the twins have called each other growing up with Izzie and that stuck) 
thank you so much for these! I loved loved loved doing them! even threw in some KKC universe things so if yall have questions about that feel free to ask I will share! tho there is yet to have a fic out about them yet… its been a bit difficult with writers block /: 
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shellheadtmarc · 6 years
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v; fallout 4 companion 
October 23, 2077:  The world ends.  The East and West bomb one another into annihilation, the government retreats into the safety of their oil rigs, an awol group of soldiers form their own little militant survival group, the vaults seal well below their maximum capacity, and the rest are left to loot, riot, panic, and either ghoulify or die in the leftover chaos.
Not everyone dies.  It isn’t a, “and then all was silent,” situation.  More people scrambled and panicked than tried to keep the peace, but those not caught in the immediate area of the bombs survived - at least for a time.  Tony Stark is one of those people.  Something he should have seen but hasn’t, is the buffering effect of his arc reactor, which keeps him in a stasis all its own.  It keeps his heart beating, it keeps the shrapnel out of his heart, it keeps the ambient radiation neutralized.  He survives.
And survives.
And eventually lives long enough to see settlements begin to form again in the New York wasteland, begins to establish his own, help connect them in a network of security and exchange.  Sees, on a smaller scale, his goals for things like clean energy start to come to life in making the post-war world he finds himself living in as comfortable as possible.  His own technology advances, not through his most-used fix on fail method of testing, but through simulations, calculations, long years of ruminations that are carefully weighed and considered before he acts, because resources are scarce and there are some changes he’s making the he knows he can’t take back if he goes through with them.  Errors are checked for, the math checked and rechecked a hundred times, all while the vaults open and people begin once more to strive for some semblance of life in a place that’s far removed from the one before the bombs.
And he’s content that way.  He’s busy.  He’s occupied and making a difference somewhere, until a group of power armored soldiers pass New York a little too slow in their cosplay of the Hindenburg and he decides that, with New York as stable as he can personally make it, it’s time to branch out and see what else is out there, following them into the Commonwealth just in time to hear their “do not interfere” speech.  He doesn’t have an intention to stay, but plans have a way of going awry, at the worst of times.
technical info ;;
Tony comes as his own free agent to the Commonwealth to investigate the Brotherhood of Steel.  From his position in New York, he’s heard rumors from passing caravans both coming from DC and leaving Boston, but rumors are rumors, and he wants solid, verifiable facts, because their crawl past New York was too slow for his own liking.  He’s been alive long enough in the wasteland that he, like everyone else that lives there, is much less trusting than he originally would have been.  He’s suspicious, can be cagey, paranoid, and above all, take an us vs. them mentality when it comes to anyone that displays violent tendencies, such as raiders.
He doesn’t go by Iron Man - if you put that one together it’s probably because it’s been a dire situation, and he’s used the suit.  He doesn’t do that often anymore.  Instead, he picks up the moniker Handyman from various settlements, or the Mechanic.  Or he’s just plain old Tony.  He’s learned the value of keeping certain things close to the vest, and doesn’t hand out personal details like candy to just anyone anymore, and he’s not exactly a public figure.
His primary goals in the Commonwealth are gaining info about the Brotherhood of Steel, and will grow to finding out more about the Institute, Railroad, and Minutemen, as he starts to put together pieces to see there’s a bigger picture in front of him.  It’s because he’s insatiably curious, nosy, and likes to put his thumb in pies it probably doesn’t belong in, because he’s a busybody.  The Minutemen gain him as an ally, as, outside of a SoSu, he’ll put together settlements (eventually) of his own, because he can’t help himself.  The Railroad does good work, but he’s not interested in joining, and they don’t want him.  He’s too loud, too direct, and even if he did get Black Ops training from SHIELD, he doesn’t use it in a way that would be conductive to the Railroad’s goals. 
His main bases are: Fort Hagen:  This he cleans up after the SoSu has their Kellogg-killing rampage and turns it into a lab.  The town around he spruces up and makes ready for settlement...Further down the line.  He’ll start with the ones in Fort Hagen at first, but he’ll also rebuild and reprogram Gen 1 and 2 synths in Commonwealth, building a ground force of the Iron Legion.  Waste not, want not, you know how it goes.  The same goes for unclaimed power armor, he’ll snag that, as well, and any assaultrons, protectrons, and other robots he can get his hands on.  He’ll gripe about the wiring and coding of General Atomics and RobCo, but he’ll strip them clean and use them as a case to do his own work. Cambridge Polymer Labs:  If anyone’s going to get this place workable in seriousness again, it’s definitely him.  Will wander along and find it either with or without the SoSu (depending on if a SoSu is in play and if they mess with the quest there or not).  This will be Lab #2, with no settlement outside.  This is the one he keeps quiet and private.
He also has various boltholes he’ll establish throughout the Commonwealth, but you gotta be a VIP to know where they are.
He mostly hangs around Goodneighbor, out of the larger settlements.  He’s got a good rapport with Daisy and KLEO and prefers to trade with them over Myrna in Diamond City, and he barely glances Bunker Hill’s way because of how the raiders are paid off.  Otherwise, the best place to run into him are prewar industrial ruins.  He’s always picking them over for resources.
He favors energy weapons over ballistic weapons, but he can use either.  Wouldn’t say no to a power fist, either.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE:  If RJ MacCready has NOT been romanced or picked up as a companion by a SoSu, Tony directly defaults to the romantic relationship he has with @gwinnetts‘s MacCready, especially if there’s no expectation of shipping with the other character in play.  This is not a thing that’s set in complete stone, but Mala and her Mac have been instrumental in helping me hammer this whole verse out, so extracting Mac out of it isn’t impossible, but will require some plotting.  Note:  I don’t mind doing that plotting.  It also means that Tony isn’t unwooable - he is.  Just if nothing is initially discussed with this verse, that’s where he directly defaults to.
(The short version is Tony runs into Mac fairly early on in his time in the Commonwealth for information on the Gunners.  MacCready sees Tony is a possible cash cow because if you don’t think Tony uses his math brain to hustle at pool in the Third Rail, you’re wrong.  Shit happens.  Feelings happen.  Whoops, there’s attachment.  He helps Mac get Duncan to the Commonwealth.  They’re a ridiculous family with a grumpy merc, a reckless superhero, and a cute af kid.  The end.  Also thus why I say if he hasn’t been taken as a companion and max affinity reached, because there’s a rewriting of Mac’s whole questline in play there.)
Obviously the above does not count if threads are with a different MacCready.  I mean.  /props on elbow  /leans closer  Unless you wanna do a thing.  /waggles eyebrows  Especially since Mac is a good foil for Tony, but hey.  Just throwing that option out there.
Some Links! About The Suit Some Info On The Fandom Mashup Tony & Settlements Tony As A Companion About M.O.E. Tony And Other Factions Concerning Institute Sole Survivors More Tony In The Wasteland Notes The Original Take On This Verse Using Tony As An Endgame Faction About Traveling At Night Should You Loot His Body Appearance Headcanons & Wasteland Vocabulary Quirks And Habits #1 Things Game Mechanics Left Out But Probably Exist #1 New York Wasteland Misc Notes The Playlist
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daandori · 8 years
rules: answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
Tagged by: @daisho-u​ & @eejoon​ tysm guys ily!! ♡♡♡♡
so sorry mobile ppl :’(
1. coke or pepsi: coke!
2. disney or dreamworks: i love them both ;o;
3. coffee or tea: tea!
4. books or movies: movies, just bc you can have it on in the bg and you dont have to set aside certain time for it
5. windows or mac: windows
6. dc or marvel: marvel!
7. xbox or playstation: i only have a ds :’) i wasnt allowed video games as a kid
8. dragon age or mass effect: havent played either !
9. night owl or early riser: defs a night owl omg but if i rly have to study then ill rise early 
10. cards or chess: cards omfg chess rly frustrates me
11. chocolate or vanilla: vanilla!
12. vans or converse: dont have either! id probs wear vans over converse tho
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: ???
15. beach or forest: beach!!
16. dogs or cats: cats but i love dogs too :’))))
17. clear skies or rain: clear skies! i do like rain tho
18. cooking or eating out: i eat out way more often
19. spicy or mild food: mild im too white
20. halloween or christmas: both!!! but i love the atmosphere around christmas sm ;v;
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too hot
22. if you could have a superpower what would it be: time control!
23. animation or live action: hmmmmmmm animation
24. paragon or renegade: ?
25. bath or shower: i would take a bath every single day if i could
26. team cap or team ironman: cap forever
27. fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy!
28. do you have 3 or 4 favorite quotes if so what are they: hmmm im not sure! weirdly enough i rly liked metroman’s speech to megamind in the movie???? so ill put that lmfao (i know it from memory, jic you thought i was cool)
“you know, little buddy, there’s a yin for every yang. if there’s bad, good will rise up against it! it’s taken me a long time to find my calling; now it’s about time you found yours.”
“yet, even amidst the hatred and carnage, life is still worth living. It is possible for wonderful encounters and beautiful things to exist.” - hayao miyazaki  
“so what? You failed your finals. You gained some weight. So what? You’re single again. You lost your job. So what? What now? You live. You try again. That’s what.”
29. youtube or netflix: youtube! youtube videos calm me tbh
30. harry potter or percy jackson: harry potter!! grew up with it :’))
31. when do you feel accomplished: when i work hard on something and i get a good grade aha
32. star wars or star trek: never watched either sry guys
33. paperback books or hardcover books: paperback!
34. fantastic beasts or cursed child: havent seen either! 
35. rock or pop music: pop!!
36. rock, paper, scissors GO!: usually scissors 
37. anime or cartoons?: anime
38. handwriting or typing: typing
39. favorite film: hmm i rly like scott pilgrim! i love lots of movies tho
40. favorite place in the world? seoul!
41. cds or vinyl: cds?
42. song lyric that’s important to you? but music and singing have been my refuge, and music and singing shall be my light
43. what’s your form of self-care? sitting in my basement and watching friends over and over (and taking super longs baths)
44. what language/languages would you like to learn? i defs wanna improve my korean during my exchange!! and my russian in general, haha. id wanna learn japanese too!!
45. fave song currently? hmmmmm, idk if i have a fave, but ive been listening to vip kid, 404 not found, and  サマーホラーパーティ (all by reol) and salaisuus by rajaton a lot lately!!
46. favorite game? all pokemons, all mario games, and acnl!
my question: 47. what type of bender would you be?
im not gonna tag 46 ppl lmao thats too much even for me, but i will tag @akaaishii @asexuallyaroused @yukiyuna @hinanoyas @koushii @flawlessmangakarohan @galaxy-tooru @oikz @tsuyius @heckks @caycchi no pressure!!!
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