#and it was never presented as 'if you want whiter teeth you should stop drinking tea'
btsbloodtearssquees · 8 years
Kill Me Gently
Vampire Au/Royal Au Request
“Kill me gently...I can’t run anymore”
They always said it was an honor to serve the royals, and had those royals been human, Taehyung might have agreed with them. Doing things like working guard shifts or carrying trays of food or sweeping dirty floors sounded simple, even if one had to do them day in and day out with never a day off. But even if the constant work was tiring, it would be far better than constantly looking over his shoulder, watching those that lurked in shadows and the endless waiting. It was an honor, they always said, because the royals only chose those who were attractive to serve them. But that wasn’t because attractive servants were nicer to look at, no. It was because the better looking a person, the better they tasted.
Taehyung rubbed his hands together anxiously as he stood with the other selected servants before the elegantly carved doors. Just behind those doors waited the entire court and his future. He swallowed, the fear rolling about in his gut, but somehow he found the strength to lift up his chin. No matter how scared he was, he didn’t want the royals to think he was paralysed by fear. After all, vampires were known for their ability to manipulate and enhance the emotion of fear. The royals would only be even better at it than any other he’d encountered.
“Alright, Fresh Meat” the captain of the guard said with a laugh, “The royals are ready to see you now.”
Taehyung felt his hands begin to shake as the doors were slowly pushed open to reveal the court. He couldn’t move, not until one of the guards shoved him forward with a hiss of annoyance. The others stumbled into places around him, apparently having the same fears about moving forward. Steeling his nerves, Taehyung looked about at the dark interior and those who lurked within it.
Lounging on elegant chairs under the haze of smoke, vampires watched from all corners of the room. Their skin was so white it glowed out of the shadows, lips a dark crimson as they sipped a red liquid from glass goblets. Somehow, Taehyung didn’t think it was wine.
At the position of honor were the royals, seated on thrones at the head of the hall. The whole family was present, the king and queen flanked by their three children - two princes and a princess. Taehyung was startled by their appearance. All the other vampires at the room had an unearthly horror to them, a chill and decay that meant they could never be attractive. But the royals were completely different, the chill and horror only making them more eerily beautiful. The princess look at him, catching his eyes with her crimson red gaze.
Taehyung looked away in an instant, the group of cowering servants coming to a stop under the king’s stern watch. Silence stretched out, mingled with the whispered laughs of vampires and the thick smell of blood. Taehyung waited, eyes fixed on his feet, unwilling to look up.
“Well this is certainly a very attractive group” the king finally spoke, voice sounding as though it was coated in dust of the ages. “I am very pleased. And now, there is the matter of who these lovely humans should serve.” A menacing chuckle came from about the room as the king continued. “Does anyone have a preference? Who will be the first to speak?”
Barely a breath had passed before the first spoke up from the room, laying claim to a dainty girl who looked absolutely horrified at her fate. But there was nothing that could be done for her now. Once you stepped into the doors of the royal vampire court, you rarely stepped back out again. The first claim sent the other vampires into a frenzy as they began to call for the one they wanted, fighting among themselves as to who would get sole control of a servant or if they would share. But the flurry of sound suddenly stopped, all attention being focused to the front. Taehyung dared a glance up through his hair to see what was happening, but a voice spoke, giving him the answer.
“Father, I want the boy.”
You had had your eye on Taehyung since your eyes first met and as princess, you knew no one could challenge your claim. There was something about him that intrigued you and you were determined to find out exactly what that was before some other vampire got their teeth into him - literally. Your father turned to look at you. “The boy?” he asked, surprised. You had never shown interest in claiming your own servant before.
“Yes. The young human in front” you said, making a lazy gesture towards Taehyung. “Will you allow me to take him?”
A slight smile twitched at your father’s lips. “Of course, my dear. The human is yours. Do with him what you will” he said, motioning to one of the guards to remove Taehyung.
Taehyung’s heart was stuttering as the guards seized hold of him, dragging him almost unwillingly from the court. He struggled against his own will, digging in his heels or pulling his weight against the guards at random intervals. But the guards were far stronger with their unnatural strength and his half-hearted fight went practically unnoticed. Into the labyrinth of the halls they took him, twisting and turning several times before reaching the desired door. It was the same wood and design of the court doors, signifying that it was one of the many royal bedrooms. The guards pulled Taehyung inside, shoving him roughly before finally releasing him.
“Your new mistress will be along shortly” one said with a grin. A grin that showed his fangs. “But I’m sure she won’t mind if we were to sample you first.” The guard came forward with unfathomable speed, pinning Taehyung against the wall. “In my opinion, the princess got the best looking of the group.”
“No!” Taehyung immediately protested, raising his arms to protect his head and neck. “No?” the guard asked, amused at the protest. “That’s a word you’re going to have to forget, Fresh Meat. You aren’t allowed to say it here.” He brought his mouth closer to Taehyung’s neck, moments away from a bite.
“Get out of my room, Guardsman” you suddenly said, your voice right next to his ear, calm and serene. “Unless you want me to use you as an appetiser.”
“Apologies, your highness” the guard said, glaring at her reproachfully for a moment before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. In his mind he had already promised himself that he would steal Taehyung away from you, by whatever means necessary.
Taehyung had slid down the wall and was sitting in the corner. He was trembling ever so slightly, waiting in fearful anticipation of what was to come. You waited until you heard the guard’s footsteps fade before turning your attention elsewhere. Despite being a royal, you had no real protection against the others. Vampires were vicious creatures and could attack each other with little provocation. You had seen it happen yourself more than once just in the court. Most fights were over servants such as Taehyung.
“Are you alright?” you asked. He looked up at you hesitantly before nodding.
“What’s your name?” you said, attempting to elicit a response from him that went beyond a nod or shake of the head.
“Taehyung” he said. He didn’t look at you again.
With a sigh, you sat yourself down beside him, stretching your legs out across the floor. Your skin looked whiter than ever against the black fabric of your shorts. Taehyung tensed beside you, glancing sideways at you warily. “I’m not going to hurt you” you said, even though you knew he wouldn’t believe you. It just felt like the right thing to say at such a time. He didn’t relax, hugging his knees against his chest a little tighter.
You leant your head back against the wall, considering your next choice of words. Having no idea how to comfort a frightened human, you found yourself distracted by the subtle warmth radiating from his body - the warmth of his blood. You’d lived your whole life around those that had no such body heat, and having never had your own personal servant before, the close proximity of it was completely foreign. But it was nice. Like all vampires, you loved the feeling of warmth, even if you could never retain it within you.
Shaking yourself out of such thoughts, you busied yourself instead with making a mental list of all the things humans needed to survive. You were fairly certain you knew everything that was essential. “Are you hungry?” you asked him.
He shook his head.
Again, he shook his head.
“I’m thirsty” you said, starting to get up but stopped when you saw the sudden way he looked at you in fear. You laughed. “Not for blood, Taehyung, don’t worry.”
You got to your feet and moved across the room to a pitcher with glasses. Glancing at Taehyung again, you decided you owed him an explanation. “Fun fact about vampires” you said, pouring yourself a glass of water. “We only drink blood at night if we can help it. Nothing will happen if you drink it during the day, but it’s just more fun at night. Besides you can drink more then and just laze about all day until the effects have worn off.”
“Like alcohol” he said, finally relaxing slightly. At least he now knew he was relatively safe until night fell.
“Alcohol?” you asked, raising a quizzical eyebrow. “Ah right, that stuff you humans drink and go a little crazy. Yeah, I guess it’s a little bit like that.”
There was a soft rustle of sound behind you as Taehyung got to his feet. You turned and noticed he was still trembling slightly. “Are you cold?” you asked. You never had been good at differentiating between different temperatures very well. You generally only noticed the cold when it started making you lethargic, the heat when it burned you.
Taehyung started to shake his head before reconsidering. “A little.”
You pursed your lips in consideration, trying to think of anything you might have that could help him. “I’m not sure I have any warm clothes, but I can let you borrow a cloak” you said, taking one off the hook and throwing it to him. For a moment, it looked like Taehyung might protest, but in the end he gave in to the possibility of warmth and slipped it over his shoulders.
“Thank you” he said, bowing his head.
“Don’t worry about it” you said, smiling at him.
“How many times do I have to remind you not to be wandering around by yourself at night?” you sighed, looking up from your book at Taehyung’s dishevelled figure. He shrugged and smiled sheepishly while you rolled your eyes. “Was it that same guard again?”
Taehyung nodded, before holding out his arm. “He scratched me” he said.
“I know, I caught scent of the blood as you came down the hall” you said, putting down your book and going to inspect the wound. “It’s not deep, and so long as he didn’t do it with his teeth, you’ll be fine.” You released his arm and crossed to the other side of the room, wiping the blood from your hand. “Sort yourself out.”
Taehyung pouted at you. “It hurts a lot, you know” he said, trying to wrack up your pity.
“Of course it does” you said nonchalantly, opening your book again and pretending to ignore him. Such a thing was never an easy task, even when the smell of his blood was slowly saturating every corner of the room. The boy had a way of getting your attention and holding it indefinitely. It was one of the many things that attracted you to him. But the blood...you couldn’t allow yourself to lose control.
“Y/N-ie~” Taehyung whined, sitting beside your chair and leaning against your legs.
“Stop” you said, kicking him lightly. “Clean up the blood and bind the cut.”
Taehyung opened his mouth to protest further. “Now!” you commanded, visibly startling him with the volume of your voice. “Before the blood drives me crazy, go and clean it!”
A look of understanding dawned over his face and in a moment he was gone, vanishing into the en suite to do as you’d told him. Rubbing one of your temples, you stood by the window, looking out across the moonlit grounds. It was a full moon. Perhaps that was the reason behind your heightened sensitivity to the smell of blood - especially his. Without even focusing, you could sense his pulse in the next room, and almost even taste the blood. Closing your eyes, you breathed deeply, reminding yourself that you were in control, and that you didn’t have to give in to bloodlust. You hadn’t touched him for eight months in that way, and you weren’t going to begin the downward spiral that ultimately ended in his death now.
You were so immersed in monitoring your breathing that you didn’t hear Taehyung come back into the room. You only became away of his presence when his arms slipped around your waist from behind, enveloping you in his steady warmth. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think” he whispered before kissing your cheek.
“It’s not your fault” you said, leaning back against him.
“Are you alright?” he asked, making you laugh.
“I should be asking you that, Tae. You’re the one who was just attacked by a vampire.”
“I live in servitude to a vampire, being attacked by one is a daily occurrence” he responded teasingly.
“What are you talking about? I never attack you!” you protested.
“So tickling me until I fall out of bed isn’t attacking?” Taehyung asked in amusement, reminding you of what had occurred that very morning.
“It’s not my fault you’re ticklish” you muttered as he pressed several more kisses to your face. “Besides, you don’t complain until you need something to blackmail me with or argue about.”
Taehyung grinned, hugging you close to him.
“This doesn’t get you out of trouble” you reminded him.
“Why am I in trouble?”
“Because you didn’t listen to me again and walked around alone. On the night of a full moon. Vampires want more blood on these nights” you said, tapping his nose rather than hitting him. You had quickly discovered that as a human, Taehyung was far more fragile than those you were used to - it was far too easy to break him. “And acting cute won’t stop me from being annoyed at you. You could have been badly hurt. You could have been bitten.”
Taehyung winked before shooting several little hearts at you. “I love you” he sang, making you roll your eyes but laugh at the same time.
“I love you and your complete inability to be rational too.”
“You’re sure you heard this?” the king asked, his eyes thunderous.
“I am sure, your majesty” the guard said, humbly bowed before the king. “Your daughter and her human servant...what I have told you is true. They have ventured into a relationship not befitting of their situation.”
“Very well. I will deal with this. Go.”
The guard nodded, leaving the presence of the king with a triumphant smirk tugging at his lips. You had jealously guarded your servant, never allowing another vampire to touch him or to feed off of him, even though you never did so yourself. It was a waste, in the eyes of the guard. In his mind, the only purpose that humans had was to serve and feed vampires. Any other use for them was unthinkable, especially when that use appeared appeared to be a romantic interest. He would not stand for it, and just because you were the princess, was not going to stop him from bringing down swift punishment.
And now that the king was aware of the dishonorable doings of his daughter, such punishment would only be moments away. Once you were banished or disposed of, he would be able to take Taehyung as his own servant.
As a general rule, vampires didn’t need to sleep like humans did, but that didn’t stop you from laying on your bed next to Taehyung as he slept. You had been reading a book through the early hours of the morning, but now as dawn crept into the sky, you found yourself watching Taehyung’s sleeping face. His eyes closed, lashes fanned out and lips slightly parted, he looked so impossibly young and innocent - a miracle for a human surrounded by vampires. Within several months, most of them became hagard and wraithlike. Reaching back, you ran your fingers through his hair, smiling as he stirred slightly.
“Taehyung, wake up, it’s almost dawn” you whispered before sleep could entirely claim him again.
“I don’t want to wake up” he whined, trying to burrow into the pillows. “It’s too early.”
You laughed at him, pulling the blankets away from him. “Wake up.”
“I am awake” he said, sitting up at pouting at you with closed eyes, his hair sticking in just about every direction possible.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought humans opened their eyes when they were awake.”
“Not before dawn.”
You ruffled his hair and kissed his cheek before sliding off the bed. “Get out of bed before the servants come, okay Tae? We don’t want my father to learn of this.”
“Yes, that would be unfortunate indeed” a cold voice spoke from the shadowy corners of the room. You froze, instinctively clenching your fists for a fight but you knew it would never come to that. “Father?”
“I am going to give you one opportunity to redeem yourself, my delinquent daughter” the king said, stepping out of the darkness with his guards. You had forgotten about his ability to lurk silently in the shadows without anyone noticing, not even someone with the heightened senses of a vampire.
“What’s happening?” Taehyung asked, hiding behind you slightly. He was definitely awake now, awake and frightened by the intimidating presence of the vampire king. You didn’t answer him. Instead, you locked eyes with your father, attempting to channel any defiance you could summon past the fear you currently felt. It probably wasn’t working very well.
“What is happening, Fresh Meat, is that you have been caught. Y/N has broken one of the greatest vampire laws, and so will be punished most severely.”
His eyes widened and he looked at you. “Y/N….”
“Be quiet, Taehyung” you said. You briefly hoped that perhaps your father would let him go, but you realised almost immediately that it was a forlorn hope. Taehyung would never be allowed to leave the palace. If he wasn’t killed, he would only be passed to another vampire as a servant, and just die much slower. “You said I had a chance to redeem myself?”
“Yes” the king said, a carnivorous grin spreading over his face. “Prove that this supposed romance is nothing more than an immature infatuation. Feed off of the human, right now.”
You balked, nausea rising in the back of your throat - though you weren’t sure if it was from the fear or the disgust of what he was asking you to do. “No” you said firmly, keeping your voice measured and calm.
Something alarming flashed through the king’s eyes. “Do you wish to add open defiance of the king to your list of crimes?”
“No” you repeated in much the same tone.
“Then feed. Now.”
The king looked as though he would very much like to strike you, to hit you so hard with the back of his hand that you would bruise. But he held himself composed as ever. “Daughter, you know what the punishment is for any crime.”
“Yes I do.”
“Y/N…” Taehyung said, tugged on your arm slightly. You wished you could comfort him in some small way, but there was nothing you could say or do to reassure him. You knew what awaited you. You could only hope that Taehyung would find a way to keep his head down, survive and maybe even escape. You would cling to that hope. So long as you cooperated with your own punishment, nothing should happen to him.
“Very well” the king said, looking somewhat upset with the decision you had made. He turned to the guards that flanked them. “I hereby sentence the former princess, Y/N and the human servant to be executed by means of starvation.”
“Father!” you protested immediately.
The king ignored you. “Take them to the cell.”
“Father! I was the one to break the law! Father!” you continued to shout as the guards seized hold of you and Taehyung, dragging you apart. You hissed at the nearest guard, showing your fangs as you pulled against their grip. “Let go of me!”
But it was no use. With the announcement of your execution, the king had stripped you of your title of princess and with it, taken the thin veil of protection you had around you. You were nothing more than a vampire criminal and would be treated as such. The guards wrestled you into a twisted armlock and dragged you hissing and screaming from the room. Had you not been so enraged, you would have been able to see that Taehyung was being dragged out just after you. He struggled, but such a fight was distracted by the growing alarm within him. He didn’t understand what death by starvation specifically meant. He didn’t know where he was being taken, and he didn’t know why you kept lashing out at the guards around you. He couldn’t understand what was happening.
The reality of the situation only came to him when he hit the floor of the cell, having been unceremoniously thrown in next to you and the door slammed shut. He had been locked in to slowly starve to death. Taehyung’s breathing quickened as he sat up, slamming his hands against the door in an attempt to move it. All he achieved was to hit his hands into numbness.
“It’s no use” you said from behind him, having calmed down from your anger. You leant against the wall, hugging your knees to your chest. “The only people who get out of this cell are the dead ones.”
Taehyung looked at you, seeing the grazed skin on your pale arms. “Are you hurt?”
You glanced at the grazes that would have been bleeding had you had any blood. “I’m fine” you said with a sigh. “I’m sorry.”
“I got you mixed up in this. I thought I could protect you. I forgot that my father is cunning enough to have a dozen plans to punish the both of us.”
“We could escape” Taehyung said, looking at the old stone walls. Surely one of them had to be loose or broken. “We could escape and get away from here.”
You smiled sadly at him. “Fun fact about vampires” you said, “We starve within two days with no blood.”
Taehyung’s eyes widened and then his expression fell. “You’re going to die?” he asked in a hushed voice.
You shook your head, feeling uncharacteristic tears gathering like pools of ice in your eyes. “No” you said, fighting to keep your expression under control. “No, before I can die, I’ll revert back to survival instincts. I’ll kill and feed off of anything.” You paused, tearing yourself away from Taehyung’s gaze before continuing. “That’s why my father put you here as well. That’s my true punishment. To know that eventually I will kill you, and there’s nothing I can do to stop myself.”
You hid your face against your knees, not wanting Taehyung to see the tears. And not wanting to see whatever expression was on his face. You didn’t want to see anything from him. Not pity, not anger, not sadness, nothing. Because anything he could express would only make you feel worse about the inevitable.
You sensed him moving, but were still startled by him suddenly pulling you into his arms and resting his chin on the top of your head. “You won’t do that” he said. “You won’t. I trust you.”
“Why?” you asked in despair. “Why do you trust me? You don’t know what I could do!”
“I trust you because for over eight months you did nothing to hurt me. You protected me and stopped anyone who wanted to take my blood. And because you promised that you wouldn’t ever take my blood. I trust your promise.”
“You shouldn’t. A vampire in a bloodrage doesn’t keep promises.”
“I still trust you.”
“You’re completely irrational.”
“It’s why you love me” he said cheekily, giving you a kiss on the top of your head. “We’ll just have to get out of here before you go crazy.”
You sighed. “I don’t think there is any way out. If there were, someone would have found it by now. It’s common for vampires to be locked up in here.”
Taehyung pursed his lips thoughtfully and hummed as he looked about the room. “How long does it take for a vampire to go into the rage thing?”
“It depends. Usually about 24 hours.”
“And when the rage thing is happening, they aren’t in control?”
“Then maybe” Taehyung said, testing the words before going into the rest of his theory. “Maybe the reason no one has found a way out is because they couldn’t think to look for one?”
“Maybe…” you said slowly, looking about the small space. There was scratch marks along the walls, the marks of desperate former captives. You repeated his words several times in your mind, discovering you had no argument against it. “We might as well try” you said, pulling yourself to your feet. “We could look for loose bricks or something.”
Taehyung grinned at you, relieved and excited that you seemed to be fighting again, rather than surrendering yourself to death. Together, you began to press against the stones, pushing at any that looked loose or where the mortar had begun to flake away. Working systematically around the walls, you had begun to give up. Every brick you had touched had been firmly wedged in. “I don’t think-” you started to say when red flashed over your eyes. Fear clawed at you with sharp fingers. “No” you whispered, “Not now.”
The red swelled up again, but you managed to push it down. You had to hold on, just a bit longer. Surely Taehyung would find a way to get out, surely at least one of the bricks would be loose.
You had just finished your silent prayer when Taehyung’s delighted voice called out. “I found one! This one’s loose and I think I can see the sun outside!”
At a moment, you were at his side, helping him to push the massive stone. Bit by bit, it inched outwards, throwing up dust and mortar chips. Suddenly Taehyung lurched forward, the brick giving way without warning and tumbling to the ground outside. He cried out slightly, holding up his hands. The skin of the heels of his hands had been scraped away, streaks of blood beginning to work their way out. The scent hit you like a wall.
“Get away” you said, shoving him towards the hole. It was big enough to crawl through. Red was snaking over your vision, making you tremble and lose the ability of reason.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Taehyung asked in alarm. His voice rose sharply in pitch as he saw the whites of your eyes going red.
“I didn’t feed last night. My time’s up” you gasped, still pushing at him. “Get away, escape now. Then I can’t hurt you.”
“I don’t want to leave you” Taehyung said, trying to pull you so you could crawl through the hole first.
“No, Tae. Please, just go. Get as far away as you can before my mind goes. Please” you begged him, feeling your fangs fully emerge to slide over your bottom lip.
Taehyung looked torn for a moment before leaning over you and pressing his lips against yours. “I’m sorry...I love you” he said, resting his forehead against yours for as long as he dared.
“I love you too. Now go” you said, the words shaking as you forced them out, before pushing him away.
The last thing you remembered seeing was Taehyung’s feet disappearing to the other side of the hole. You held on as long as you could after that but then a dark bloody red became all you could see and savage, animalistic instincts took over.
The sky was dark and speckled with stars by the time you came back to your senses. You were laying on your back, something tucked around you and your head aching. You could taste the tang of blood in your mouth and you were sure it probably coated your lips and chin. Your head ached. Perhaps you had fallen and knocked yourself unconscious after feeding.
Shaking your arm free of whatever was around you, you pushing yourself up into a sitting position and touched your forehead. There was a slight swelling on one side but it was already going down. You obviously hadn’t hit your head too hard. “What is this?” you asked yourself, pulling at the thing that covered you. It was black and long and… your cloak. It was the cloak you had given to Taehyung all those months ago. “Taehyung?” you whispered, hardly daring to hope.
There was no answer.
Still nothing.
You sighed and wiped the dry blood off your face. As you did, the last remaining ghost of its scent wafted up to meet you. It was one you recognised instantly. It was Taehyung’s. The world seemed to crush around you as the truth became clear. You had fed off him, you had broken your promise, you had hurt, probably even killed him. It was the only scenario that made sense to you.
“I’m so sorry, Taehyung…” you managed to say before the cold tears began to drop down your cheeks and the sobs closed your throat over.
“Sorry for what?”
You jumped, spinning around to see who had spoken, eyes widening. Taehyung stood just a little way behind you. His hair was dishevelled, his cloak missing as it had been carefully tucked over you. In his arms, he held a little bundle of firewood and his left forearm was hastily bandaged to cover and injury that had been bleeding only recently.
“If anyone is going to be sorry it should be me” Taehyung continued, dropping the wood down beside the dead fire. He would have continued had you not suddenly sprung up and thrown your arms around him, hugging him as tight as you could possible manage.
“You don’t have to be sorry. You’re alive” you said, tears of grief changing to ones of joy. “You’re alive, I’m so glad you’re alive.”
Taehyung laughed lightly, returning your tight embrace. “And I’m glad you’re back to normal. I’m still sorry though.”
“What for?”
“For knocking you out, and for letting the fire go out” Taehyung admitted a little sheepishly.
“You did what?” you asked in confusion, pulling back just enough to look at him. “You knocked me out?”
“Yeah..” Taehyung said a little reluctantly. “It was the only way I could think of to stop you from hurting anyone.”
“I had your blood on my mouth, did I attack you?”
Taehyung shook his head, holding up his bandaged arm for you to see - you could now see that the bandage was a torn strip of his shirt. “When you were unconscious, I cut my arm to put a bit in your mouth. I thought it might help you.”
You smiled, grateful that he was trying to help before alarm flooded back. “You didn’t use my fangs to cut your arm did you? Did you?”
“No” Taehyung said, immediately quelling your fears. “I cut it crawling through the hole.”
You sighed in relief before leaning your head on his shoulder. “Promise me you’ll never do something like that again.”
“Save your life?”
“Never give me your own blood. Promise me that?”
Taehyung ran his fingers through your hair, taking his time with his answer. “Only if you promise to always let me try and help you” he finally said.
“Deal” you replied.
Taehyung grinned, pecking your lips several times in rapid succession. “Now, let’s get out of here before you need blood again. We’ll need to find something that’s not me” he said with a giggle, though you could see he was worried about you attacking other people.
You grinned. “Fun fact about vampires” you said, “Even though it’s not as nice, vampires can survive just as well on animal blood as on human’s. Don’t worry, I won’t attack anyone.”
“Ever again?”
“We’ll see.”
“Okay, okay. Ever again.”
I would like to apologise for how long it took me to write this (I had battles with writer’s block and watching Hwarang and Scarlet Heart) but here it finally is. I hope you enjoy it. :D
I will start work on the other requests soon and remember that requests are always open.
- Quillfire
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blogofbored · 6 years
Smart, Useful Dental Care Tips That Work
Are you considering whitening your dental care efforts? Have you looked into the right research?There are a growing number of available products currently on the market. The content below is full of easy to use tips which will brighten your teeth.
Sugar in those sodas can affect the look of your teeth, and so you should switch over to water.
Fluoride helps your teeth become healthy and strong. Your tooth may be more resistant to decay if there is no fluoride in your tap water. One thing you can do is get toothpaste that has fluoride. You can also get a mouthwash or rinse that contains fluoride.
You can wear lipstick to camouflage your teeth look white. Light red or coral can help your teeth looking whiter than they really are. Lipsticks with a lighter have the opposite effect. Even white teeth they could look like they're yellow.
You must floss at least once a day.Flossing correctly makes a difference. Carefully slide the floss down near the gums between two teeth. Use a motion going back and forth motion. Avoid forcing the floss down under your gums.
Use a natural mouthwash every day. These products fight bad breath smell good without a burning sensation. Alcoholic washes can cause dry out your mouth. Dry mouths can cause bad breath.
You should never use a toothbrush with hard bristles. The teeth may begin to show some wear down with repeated use. Use a brush with soft bristles to avoid developing sensitive teeth and gums.
Most teens are pretty lazy with their dental care routines. Remind your teen that taking care of their mouth so they don't have bad breath. This can provide some motivation for teenagers because they won't want to have bad breath around their peers.
If you have a tooth come out due to an injury, avoid throwing that tooth away. Clean it off by gently rinsing it. If you cannot place it in the socket, use milk to soak the tooth in and call your dental office as soon as possible.
Smoking can cause a lot of problems with your oral health. If you think that you are not being affected, you should research what damage smoking can cause on your teeth. You really need to stop smoking as soon as possible. Speak with a dentist or physician on which smoking cessation method is best for you.
Buy a package of flossing picks to help you can always floss. These products are just floss sticks. They are convenient because their design allows you to just pull one out and start flossing. Some people actually prefer these than traditional floss. Young children may especially benefit from using dental picks compared to dental floss.
A sealant is basically a clear that gets brushed onto the teeth. This sealant protects against cavities and strengthens tooth enamel is weak. The dentist will be able to apply the sealant and you probably won't need to be sedated.
It's best to teach kids good dental habits early in life. The sooner your child establishes dental hygiene as a habit in their life, the better. This can lead to better health overall in addition to lower bills than those who do not.
Limit the amount of soda pop. Acid is present in all cola beverages. This acid can cause deterioration of your tooth enamel and cause discoloration. Drink your soda using a straw.You can also brush right after drinking and use water to rinse teeth with water.
Make sure you floss every day. Many people skip this important part of their dentist.Your teeth aren't going to be completely clean if you just by brushing and using mouthwash. Flossing helps eliminate food stuck in between your teeth. This works wonders on whitening your teeth white and keep your gums.
Chewing sugar-free gum is a great way to help keep you teeth strong and strong. Chewing gum helps your mouth to produce saliva. This saliva can stop plaque from building up. It can also help neutralize acids in your mouth which can decay your teeth with time. https://bakedshrimp.tumblr.com/
Do you have the habit of opening containers and tearing plastic packages? You must stop right away. These products may also have bacteria into your mouth.
You can research dentists online and look at reviews from actual patients of theirs. You must read up on their education and beliefs to make sure they fit your needs. Make a list of dentists that make you feel the most comfortable and then decide from there.
Select a good dentist that can treat your dental concerns. If your dentist can not, he will probably refer you to a specialist who can.
Wait for a while to brush your teeth if you had an acidic drink.Your enamel softens after the consumption of acidic things. This can lead to damage if they are brushed too soon.
These foods can damages your partials and fillings.The hulls from popcorn can also get stuck in the gums and cause them to become inflamed.
Leaving the product on for far too long can damage your gums and teeth. Don't do anything different from the instructions tell you to do. Stop if you notice any irritation of the whitener.
You may be damaging your teeth if you clench your jaws. This can put excess pressure on the teeth and it may cause them to possibly fracture. Stop clenching to save your jaw so much.
Using a mouthwash that's antibacterial will allow you to be safe from plaque formation and can help to treat gingivitis. Follow your dentist's advice about flossing and good brushing.
Choose sugar-free gum instead of mints. You may find yourself reaching for a mint after any meal. Gum causes saliva which then cleans your mouth.
Thumb sucking can affect a child's mouth in children. Try to encourage your child to stop when their teeth come in. Thumb sucking can lead to expensive dental work later on.
There are many different whitening products you can purchase. Take the time to learn which ones are right for your needs. Be sure to incorporate the above suggestions when you want to learn the best ways to care for your teeth.
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Best Way To Reverse Receding Gum Line
A lack of excellent dental hygiene may create you to lose over your teeth. This may be deadly.
Reverse Receding Gum Line At Home
Current studies present that gum disease, an infection from the tissues that support your teeth, is actually connected to three main deadlies: heart disease, diabetes and breathing disease. Regrettably, gum disease is actually quite typical, influencing 3 in four adults over 35 in the U.S., inning accordance with the United States Dental Organization.
Gum disease is triggered by certainly not completely taking out plaque, a layer of bacteria that constantly bases on the tooth's area. Symptoms from the disease differ off reddish, tender gums to loose teeth that need to be drawn out.
Listed below are some reliable tactics for gum disease prevention:
* Heal choices. Eat a well balanced diet plan and stop tobacco usage. Study presents that tobacco smokers are up to six times very likely to create gum disease in comparison to nonsmokers.
How To Reverse Receding Gum Line
* Brush appropriately. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. For the most successful brushing, the ADA advises brushing your teeth at a 45-degree angle versus the gums, moving the brush simply put movements and brushing all areas of your teeth. To accomplish this without inaccuracy, some dentists recommend using the HydraBrush Express. Do Receding Gums Heal?
Prevent Dental Cavities Using These Dental Hygiene Tips
You possess unanswered questions about suitable dental care in case you are like a lot of people. Aside from the have to clean and floss daily, what different are you able to do today to love a wholesome and eye-catching smile? Start with reading through the article below. You'll locate a wide range of helpful tips and observations with the solutions to most of your concerns.
Read Full Article: https://educatorpages.com/site/DentalPro7Reviews
It is best to make an effort to clean your pearly whites at the very least two times each day. When you find yourself cleaning, be sure that you take your time. You want to make certain that you're doing a in depth task every time which you remember to brush. By hurrying with the procedure, your teeth may not be getting as nice and clean as they should be.
Should you commonly expertise dried up mouth and smelly breath, it is likely you truly feel ashamed or self-conscious whenever you consult with other people. To treat this problem, purchase a bit of gum or challenging candy that contains xylitol. You can also utilize a scraper or gentle-bristled brush to gently nice and clean the stop, leading and underside of your own mouth 1-2 times everyday.
If you are suffering from teeth pain or cracking, go to your dentist instantly. Whenever you hold off your oral visit, you risk more injury to your tooth. Going to the dental practitioner when you recognize a concern could help you save a lot of cash than if you wait around.
Flossing isn't easy. Look at collecting a product or service which is "waxed. should you find it difficult working the floss then and downward support once again" Also you can search for a floss holder, which ought to assist you in receiving the floss to accomplish what you need it to perform.
To prevent acquiring tooth decay you must carefully check the amount of sweets that you just consume. Whenever you consume a lot of sweets, you improve the possibilities of obtaining cavities. Attempt water to drink as an alternative to soft drinks and juices that include considerable amounts of glucose. Eat sweet meals only occasionally.
If you are interested in a fresh dental office, you must see the online reviews that other individuals have placed. As being a dental practitioner needs a lot of attention. When you can read through some evaluations of the others contemplated the dentist prior to you making an appointment, it helps placed your mind comfortable, many people are afraid of the dental professional, so.
Hating peppermint is just not reasons to boycott toothbrushing! You can find toothpaste in a large choice of potential colors and tastes. Check out a number of possibilities. Speak with your dentist about other options if not one of them work.
Dental Pro 7 Reviews
A diet is an integral part of the healthier oral cavity. Steer clear of eating lots of fizzy drinks and other sweets. They are able to equally result in serious issues with regards to your pearly whites. You have to avoid consuming too much gourmet coffee if you wish to have clean white teeth. Caffeine can wind up offering your teeth a brownish tint that may be quite difficult to get rid of.
Stick to appropriate brushing tactics. Prior to going to sleep, you want to do it when you awaken and appropriate. Saliva can dry up whenever you rest, that causes harmful bacteria to grow more rapidly. You need to be environment a timer for two a few minutes at the very least whilst scrubbing your pearly whites with all the tooth brush organised at 45 degrees.
Try to eat far more crispy veggies. Greens like green beans and celery contain nutrients and vitamins that help your gums and the teeth. Not just that, in addition they assistance to clear your teeth. Eating them enables you to rid your pearly whites of foods particles and plaque buildup. They job just like natural teeth brushes.
Whenever your child is six months older, it's time for his or her very first dental professional pay a visit to. This begins them on the road to excellent dental health by inspecting the gum line and making you for teething. Provide them again every single half a year for the remainder of their youth and they'll never have oral problems.
Be sure your brush dries out as soon as you use it. It's safer to abandon your brush outside because toothbrush instances can promote the increase of harmful bacteria. You don't wish to placed a bacteria-packed tooth brush into your mouth.
Before you choose a dentist, determine if they are part of the American citizen Dentistry Connection. This group of people is abbreviated as being the ADA. You will find expert requirements that are the same nationwide for the oral hygiene specialist to participate. You can also just look at the ADA site to begin your local dentist look for.
This is a myth that setting an aspirin by way of a tender tooth will alleviate the pain. Many individuals erroneously feel that aspirin capsules can certainly make the anguish vanish entirely. On the other hand, this can basically result in the tooth to decay.
If you've obtained discolored tooth, consider gargling with a bit of apple company cider white vinegar well before cleaning your tooth. The white vinegar will destroy off of irritating germs and actually assist clear those unsightly stains over time. Carrying it out before brushing is very beneficial as it'll raise the stain removal possible. It's a fantastic a single-two impact!
If you cannot remember to brush your pearly whites soon after food, have a business or crispy foods after your food. green beans, apples, Popcorn and celery are fantastic cases. If you find a period you cannot remember to brush after consuming, these foods aid to make sure your the teeth are looked after.
They'll stick with you for your life-time should you effectively look after your pearly whites. Be sure to possess a great dental professional to tend to your the teeth, even so. To care for your mouth, learn from this advice.
Cultivated by Oralbotic Study Inc., the HydraBrush Express washes all 6 surface areas from your teeth simultaneously, dealing with the individual error element from brushing. The toothbrush utilizes automatic bristle positioning, massage therapies the gums and has brush heads that relocate at 810 strokes every min. To utilize it, you bite right into the brushes and guide the deal with toward the back of your mouth. The process takes 40 few seconds or even less and, along with day-to-day use, you may enjoy whiter teeth, healthier gums and a decrease in plaque.
Reverse Receding Gum Line Fast
* Do not forget to floss. Clean between your teeth at the very least daily along with floss or even interdental cleansers. Doing so are going to take out bacteria and meals bits off areas that a toothbrush cannot get to.
Click Here For More Detail: 
* See the dental professional on a regular basis. Receive your teeth properly cleaned every 6 months. Right now, report any kind of concerns or issues you have regarding oral treatment.
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moldytrash-blog · 7 years
Improve Your Looks And Obtain Whiter Teeth Now
A great number of people want to have whiter teeth. There are numerous techniques for getting whiter teeth. In addition there are plenty of methods for you to remove stains. This post outlines various whitening methods that may be right for you. This can be less damaging in your teeth compared to a whitening strip system. The best way to achieve this is always to gargle the hydrogen peroxide while you're taking a shower, holding it inside your mouth only and taking care never to swallow. One or two times every week needs to be enough to maintain your teeth white. Should you be whitening your teeth in the home, clean your teeth well before you start. Whitening be more effective over a clean surface, unlike hair dying. Dirty |dentist in scarborough|scarborough dentist|scarborough town centre dentist| teeth will present obstacles for the whitener, and you may end up having uneven shades of white and yellow on the teeth. Brushing your teeth and flossing thoroughly will prevent this from happening. Laser tooth whitening is actually a service available from dentists. This is the easiest method to get make teeth as white because they can be. A laser activates a bleaching agent, which was painted on the teeth. In just minutes, your teeth will end up 5-6 times whiter and brighter than before. In order to naturally whiten your teeth, try mixing together water and baking soda. The baking soda behaves as a mild abrasive and definately will obtain your teeth as white as you can, without resorting to bleaches or treatments on the dentist's office. It is possible to mix the paste right on your toothbrush by dipping your wet toothbrush to the baking soda. Tend not to smoke and steer clear of wine and coffee. The chemicals seen in all these latch on to your teeth and cause stains. If you cannot live without drinking these liquids ensure you brush right after drinking them. To maintain your teeth clean on the run, you can use a travel toothbrush or try the newest mini finger brushes designed to provide a gentle abrasive cleaning wherever you happen to be. What will clean your teeth is abrasiveness. There are several methods you can attempt to stop or reverse dingy, stained teeth. Applying the information in the following paragraphs will allow you to better know you should do so that you can have healthy, unstained clean white teeth.
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