#and it's also where I got the inspo to finalize my own personal vampire rules
dan-crimes · 9 months
Me when I see someone MCSM posting DON'T PULL ME BACK IN I'M NOT READY
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seductns · 7 years
there’s indie rp and then there’s URBAN indie rp. what is urban indie, you ask? urban indie is a group of independent roleplayers who mainly use black/poc FCs in an urban setting. how do i run my own urban indie blog? this is not that much different from indie rp so let’s get down to the basics of indie roleplaying in general.
make your blog!
your url can be whatever you wish it to be. using my alias as an example, it can be kitty1x1, kittyrps, kittyofrps, or.. SEDUCTNS. 
draft up your muses!
figuring out how many muses to use is always the hardest part for me. you can use just one muse which is the most easiest, but you can also have 3+ muses. however many you have, you need to have a page on your blog with their respective information.
if you want to use a single muse, you can have a lengthy bio, background info and stats for them since that’s easier to do if you’re working with one muse. doing that for multiple muses can be tedious so it’s not up to you tbh. if you don’t want to that for your multiple muses, just have basic information like their age, dob, zodiac sign if it’s relevant, likes/dislikes, personality type, traits. a great example is my friend’s.
for urban indie your muses should mainly be poc.
pick a theme!
organization is key so depending on how many muses you have, you want to make sure that the theme you use is adequate enough for all the links you’ll have. it’s perfectly fine to pick a theme with three custom links, as long as one of those directs you to a navigation with all your other links.
rules rules rules!
these are just things that you want people to adhere to when roleplaying with you. you don’t want to rp with a certain FC? add that to your rules. you don’t want to start off threads already in a ship? add that to your rules, and the list goes on. fcrinas’ is another great example.
the mun is you, the person behind the characters, the person running the blog. it’s typical to have a section on your page dedicated to a short intro on who you are. you don’t have to give out your gov name and ss number, just your alias, pronouns, age, and whatever else you want to share about yourself.
the main tags you need to have:
a tag for each of your muses’ interactions.
ship tags.
verse tags.
that is literally it. everything else is optional. you can have an OOC tag, an INSPO tag, a tag for each of your muses that consists of posts that define who they are, a music tag, a visual tag for each of your muses, a tag for faces/celebrities you love, a tag for aesthetics, a tag for scenery, etc. it’s up to you.
if you want to be fancy with your tags here’s a great post with a bunch of symbols and.. stuff.  
loserps also has this fantastic master-list for tags.
what the feck is a verse/canon?
a verse is the universe in which your plots/interactions are taking place. for example: DCs The Flash/Arrow on the CW takes place in a completely different universe from DC’s Justice League movie. Marvel and DC are two different universes. 
your muse’s main verse is their default verse, it’s the one that they’re always in and the one where most of their interactions fall under. however, if your muse has a ship in their main verse and you want them to have multiple ships you can create different verses where your muse is in other relationships that are completely separate from your main one, whereas it doesn’t even exist. 
another example: my muse Sasha is falling for another muse named Derek in one thread, but in her main verse she’s a married woman. instead of making her cheat (which i could) i can just classify Sasha x Derek’s thread as a different verse.
if you want to make your muse a vampire in another verse, you can do that as well.
if you’re using a muse from a show, a book, or comics, a canon is the actual event that occurred in those things. you didn’t make them up, they’re life events set in stone. 
for original muses, your canons are things that you set in stone for your muse. using hostilitics’ verse page for example, her muse Katya had a ship that is canon and even though it’s inactive it still affects Katya in her different verses and is apart of her character development.
btw, here is a great guide on all the indie terms by rphelper.
icons, gifs, cute things, aesthetics!
these are not required. you do not have to use icons or gifs to indie roleplay. they are optional!
intro post!
imo you don’t have to do this, but you can. it can be a simple hey i’m abcd, or a graphic introducing your blog to the tags.
finally, we’ve got the basics out of the way and you’re ready to rp! how do you do it? pick a muse and pick a gif icon or rp icon of their face if you’re going to use one for them, and post your starter. tag your starter #open starter, #indie rp. specifically for urban indie roleplayers add: #urban indie rp, #indie urban rp.
an open starter is a starter in which you’ll accept replies from anyone. a closed starter is a starter that is for one specific person and only they can reply to it.
your starter can be a few lines of dialogue or a paragraph. you can write in first person or third. it is up to you, don’t let anyone tell you any different. just make sure that your starter itself is open for response. 
for example: “simone walked into her room and closed her door, locking it behind her. finally, she was alone. she then jumped in her bed and fell asleep.” imo that’s not very open and i would scroll past that. people could work with that, but it’s like conversation.. leave it open to reply. “simone walked out of her house and locked the door behind her, flipping her hair as she descended the front steps.” that’s open because my muse can easily form an interaction with Simone.
das’ it, that’s that!
feel free to hmu if you have any more questions & s/o to fcrinas/hostilitics for allowing me to use her as an example.
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