#and it's interesting that soubi seems to be coming to pity nisei. idk there's a lot going on here screams.
soubiapologist · 1 month
ritsu = "no" is meaningless to him because he has the power to do literally anything he wants without consequence and "no" will just drive him to do everything in his power to violate the "no" because he wants to exercise power because the one time he lost control. well. sanae.jpg
nisei = "no" is just background noise to him because he's been told "no" his entire life to the point where he would literally be sitting in the dark staring at a wall if he just obeyed every "no", like he's been trained, effectively, to ignore "no" as self preservation. which is ironic because i firmly believe that after seimei took control of his life nisei spends all his time sitting alone in the dark at home waiting for seimei to tell him what to do.
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