#and it's not like i forgot everything but i will admit i'm a wee bit rusty on certain aspects
tvrningout-a · 1 year
staring at my hands and wondering why i didn't practice korean more during the summer
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an-ecu-harrypotter-au · 5 months
TPS Part 6: The Man In The Painting
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"Toby wake up. We’re here."
Ah snap awake. Trevor jumps off mah lap an back inta mah hand. Ah look out the window an see the entrance ta Hogwarts. Mah eyes look out tha window wit excitement, but mah mind still feels half asleep. Ah hear tha kids all round us gettin' their bags an Ah realize Ah haven't moved. Ah put Trevor back in his tank an get everythang ready.
"Do you have everything? I don't want you to leave anything behind."
Ah nod an watch Jacklin pick up a weird lookin cage.
"I forgot to mention this, but this is my cat, Tiger."
Ah'm still gettin' Trevor's tank an bags set up.
"Ya have a cat? Mah grandpa had a cat when Ah was young. He named it Mittens. Mittens' dead now."
Ah realize Ah probably shouldn't have brought tha up, but the words're already outta mah mouth.
"Is Tiger yer family's cat, or your cat?"
"Father bought him last year after our last cat died of old age. The Gryffindor Manor has a library full of journals and diaries from every wizard family who ever went to the school. Mice nibble on the paper so my father uses a cat."
Ah stop a sec while Ah'm packin up everythang.
"How'd yer dad get a fancy job like that?"
"Oh. I wasn't aware that you didn't know. My father, Henry Gryffindor, is the descendent of Godric Gryffindor. Godric was one of the school's founders over 1000 years ago. Our family is one of the only wizard families who had every family member go to Hogwarts. There isn't a single non-magic user in our family tree which makes me pure blooded. Pure blooded families are so rare that they end up having a lot of power."
Ah jus blink at 'er. This girl's jus too fancy ta be nice ta me.
"That'd make ya a princess a some kind then."
She laughs a lil bit as we walk. Nicest laugh Ah've ever heard. Ah look down at Trevor in his tank like he's readin' mah mind. He's lookin' at me wit his big, round eyes an that makes mah heart want ta melt.
"So if yer Godric's whatever many great-granddaughter does that mean ya gotta be in Gryffindor too?"
"Every descendent of Godric was sorted into that House. It isn't necessarily a rule that all members of the same family have to be in the same House though."
"Do ya think yer dad's gonna get mad if ya don't get inta that House?"
Ah see her stop an look a lil nervous.
"Well. Father wouldn't necessarily be angry. Even though there is a lot of expectations to be the next heir of Gryffindor, he never told me that I must be sorted in that House. Since my mother never went to Hogwarts, she doesn't have any expectations either. They both just want me to be true to myself. But I will admit, I'm still nervous."
Ah nod as we keep walkin.
"Well either way Ah still wanna be in tha same one as you an a boy Ah met in the robe store named Pacer Burton. We can go ta all the classes tagether."
Ah grab 'er hand an lead 'er off tha train, makin' sure Trevor stays in tha tank.
"Then I guess that means we need to be sorted in Gryffindor together."
Ah blush as Ah realize tha way Ah'm holdin' 'er hand makes it look like we're more than friends. Ah start ta get real worried. Ah'm startin' ta get real nervous.
"Fers years this way!"
Ah get a lil spooked by the loud noise an let go a Jacklin's hand. We follow the other kids ta the lake. We find an' board the row boat an Ah hear a real big guy at the oars talkin' in a Scottish accent.
"This way, ya wee gawks."
We sit in the boat an Ah see the castle on the other side a the lake.
"That’s the groundskeeper, Hagrid. He’s a half giant."
"A half giant? Ya mean he's like half human an half monster?"
She starts ta giggle an Ah start ta get confused again. Was Ah bein' real stupid an a dummy jus' sayin' that?
"Hagrid’s not a monster. Stories about giants eating kids are just a myth. They have their own villages away from humans."
Ah see what she means now: Hagrid ain't some big ugly monster. Ah look up an can see a kind face beneath that beard. We pull up ta shore an start gettin out the boat.
"That's the main entrance to Hogwarts Castle. Just think, in a few minutes we’ll officially be Hogwarts students."
Mah heart starts ta beat faster now as the weight of what's happenin now gets ta me.
"How they plan on sortin us? Do we gotta take a test or somethin?"
"No not at all. The Sorting Hat has been sorting students for over 1000 years. It was Godric's idea to put a spell on his hat so that it can read students thoughts."
Ah blink. Ya gotta be kiddin' me. Ah'm worried it's gonna read mah thoughts an' put me in tha dummy House.
"Everyone please hand your luggage to the porters and follow me. You will line up by last name once we get inside. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your House points, while any rule-breaking will lose House points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honor."
Ah hear an old lady talk an a group a people linin up. Ah give 'em mah bags, backpack an carefully pass 'em Trevor's tank. Ah see Jacklin walkin ahead a me an Ah know G comes before K. She's gotta be ahead a me in line. Ah ain't Pacer at all but Ah know he's gotta be even more ahead a Jacklin. A real old guy wit a pretty red robe stands up.
"Welcome to Hogwarts, first years! I must tell you all that the forest surrounding the castle is forbidden due to the extreme amount of dangerous creatures within it. I would like to introduce your new Defence Against The Dark Arts professor, Professor Quirinus Quirrell. Professor Arif Sikander will officially succeed him as our Muggle Studies expert."
Ah see a man wit a purple turban stand up wavin before sittin back down.
"Also on behalf of the entire staff including our caretaker, Mr. Flich, I would like to inform you that the corridor in the Charms section of the 3rd floor is also forbidden. Unless you wish to die a most terrible death, I suggest you heed my warning."
Before Ah can even get scared Ah see all the other kids an teachers stand up. They all start singin.
"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, Teach us something please, Whether we be old and bald, Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling, With some interesting stuff, For now they're bare and full of air, Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing, Bring back what we've forgot, Just do your best, we'll do the rest, And learn until our brains all rot."
Ah have no idea why this' happenin. Ah hope Ah ain't gotta sing this one day. Too embarrassin.
"When I call your name please sit down on the stool. I will put the Sorting Hat on your head. When you have been sorted, please take a seat in your respective section."
Ah wait patiently wit all the other kids as the old lady talks agin. She takes out the Sortin Hat an then the hat starts singin. Ah dunno why though.
"Oh you may not think I'm pretty, But don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can't see, So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hands (though I have none) For I'm a Thinking Cap!"
Ah like how the hat tol me what every House's like. Ah know if Jacklin were ta explain all this ta me it'd take jus bout all day. It ain't like listenin ta 'er'd be too bad cause that'd mean she's nice fer wantin ta explain all this ta me. Shame Ah jus wouldn't be able ta tell 'er Ah stopped understandin 'er after 5 minutes.
"Jacklin Gryffindor."
Ah missed a lot while Ah was thinkin an watch her as she walks up to tha Sortin' Hat. A look round an Ah see Pacer's in Hufflepuff. Ah wonder if Jacklin's gonna be in that House too. Some a the boys're lookin' at her hair, the girls lookin' at her eyes an some a the older boys're lookin' at her chest. Ah dunno who ta feel bad fer cause they ain't got a clue bout 'er Veela magic or Jacklin cause she ain't asked fer all this.
"Ah yes. Another member of the Gryffindor family. I see you have a high level of intellect never before seen. Very tempting the notion of putting you in Ravenclaw."
Ah start ta worry that we won't be in the same House cause Ah know Ah ain't gonna be smart nough.
"What's this? You seek something more than just wisdom? I see. Better be.. Gryffindor!"
All a Gryfdor jus starts screamin cause a how happy they are. Ah gotta cover mah ears cause it hurts too much. Ah look at Jacklin an she kinda looks happy like the kinda happy ya get when ya pass a test ya thought ya failed. She sees me lookin at 'er then she turns an walks over to tha table. She looks back at me, kinda embarrassed when she sits down.
"Toby Kwimper."
Ah'm nervous as Ah move over ta the Sortin' Hat an' wait for it ta read mah mind.
"Toby Kwimper. How interesting. Such a perfect blank slate."
Ah start ta get excited cause if tha Sortin' Hat says Ah'm a blank slate then Ah won't be goin' ta tha dummy House.
"Shh. Let your mind go, little wizard."
Ah hear the hat whisperin' an mah head gets a little woozy. Mah eyes close even though Ah ain't tol 'em too. Ah kinda feel good though like when Jacklin's wit me.
"Slytherin's definitely out. No big ambitions. Ravenclaw would be a good challenge but not good enough. Hufflepuff? Yes I feel a strong sense of loyalty.
It sounds like tha Sortin' Hat's whisperin' ta itself or like there's a million voices talkin' at tha same time. Ah feel real torn cause Ah like Pacer but Ah also like Jacklin an they ain't in the same House. Ah know Jacklin's magic's dangerous but Ah still wanna be 'er friend.
"Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff. Such a hard decision."
Ah dunno wha's been said but Ah feel a little tap on mah shoulder makin me almost jump outta mah skin.
"We’re in Gryffindor together, Toby!"
Mah head's still spinnin a lil bit but Ah'm real excited! Ah'm a lil sad too that Ah won't get ta be wit Pacer too. But Ah guess the Sortin' Hat read mah mind an put me where Ah wanted ta be. Ah see Jacklin lookin' real relieved an Ah know Ah can relax a little bit.
"You must've been in a trance like state so the Sorting Hat can read your memories. You should sit down since you look about as pale as me."
Ah shakily walk over wit her ta the table an' sit down next ta her. Ah wipe the cold sweat off the back a mah neck. Ah can't believe Ah'm really here.
Time Skip
"I would like to welcome all of the 1st years and returning students. With the conclusion of the Sorting Hat ceremony, and before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you."
Ah'm still a lil outta it an hearin the ol' man talk jus makes it a lil worse as Ah had no idea wha he said. Everythang jus appears outta nowhere an mah eyes light up. This' a lotta food.
"What would you like to try first, Toby?"
"Ah dunno... Ah ain't ever seen food like this before. What should Ah try, Jacklin?"
Ah see 'er lookin over the table. She points at this weird lookin thang Ah ain't ever seen before.
"This is Yorkshire pudding. It's a baked pudding made from a batter of eggs, flour, and milk or water. You can eat it as a starter because it's small."
Ah look at the Yorkshire pudding an' try ta get mah mind round what it should taste like. Then Ah reach inta the pile a food an' start ta put a little bit a everythang on mah plate. Ah chew a couple a times an swallow. Ah look over at Jacklin an' she looks like she can tell how Ah feel.
"What are puddings like in the States, Toby? Here we have sweet and meat puddings."
"Only meat puddin Ah know bout's sausage. We got banana puddin, chocolate puddin, a whole buncha sweet puddins."
"I guess we're not that different then. There's sausages and mash on the table. We also eat a lot of roasted foods and lamb chops."
Mah stomach starts growlin.
"Sounds good ta me, Jacklin. Ah'm real hungry now. Ah'mma try the gravy now."
Ah take the tip a the spoon now, an' Ah hold it over tha plate. Ah sloooowly start ta pour the gravy on it.
"Now this is an onion gravy that goes with the Yorkshire pudding. It's very common when you eat it as a starter."
"An' tha meat puddins tha's on the table. They go wit onions, too?"
"We use brown gravy for foods that have meat and potatoes. The cream gravy can also go with potatoes but we usually use that with chicken."
Ah try the cream gravy. It tastes really good. Ah get a nice big helpin a mashed potatoes on tha plate an' Ah pour gravy on 'em. Then Ah eat the whole thang while Jacklin watches. She tells me that tha puddin, mashed potatoes, gravy, the whole meal's called a roast.
"The Kitchen Elves work in the kitchen. They put the food on tables there and use magic to make them appear on our tables."
Ah jus shake mah head.
"Tha's strange."
"It's a normal thing. They make food appear when something runs out so that none of us go hungry."
Ah start ta get worried it's gonna happen anyway. Mah momma wouldn't a never let me get way wit takin' tha last a anythang.
"See Toby. Just like that, another roast chicken appeared a little bit to your left."
Ah see the chicken an Ah'm startin' ta feel better now.
Time Skip
Desserts start ta appear on the table.
"Have you ever thought about making a food list, Toby?"
Ah look at 'er all confused. She's real good at askin me questions bout thangs Ah don't got a clue bout.
"A food list?"
"Yes. There are so many types of food served here, that it isn't possible to try all of them in one day."
"Oh. Well what do Ah gotta put on a food list? Mah favorites?"
"You can write down everything you tried and how it tasted."
Ah start ta fill mah plate wit cake. Ah eat up tha cake while Jacklin writes somethin' on a piece a paper.
"This is my food list, Toby. We can compare our lists and see what we still need to try."
Ah look over at what Jacklin's holdin' up. Ah wonder if Jacklin's got room fer another dessert.
"Have you ever had a St. Honore cake, Toby?"
"Nope. Sounds like somethin' tha elves'd make. This St. Honor's cake's on yer list?"
"Oh yes. My father brought one back from his trip to Paris a few years ago. It has a lot of chocolate and cream as it's basically a cream puff cake."
Ah feel real full but Ah jus gotta try it.
"Do ya think they've got one here fer me ta try?"
"Of course, Toby. This is big enough for us to split it up."
Ah pick up a slice an' Ah start ta eat it. So good.
"Have you ever been to Paris, Toby?"
Ah manage ta answer even though Ah got a lotta cake in mah mouth.
"Ah've ain't ever been anywhere, actually. Ah've never left Florida till June so's Ah could live wit mah Irish cousins. Pop done tol me it's the only way Ah'd be able ta go ta school here."
"Fascinating. I'm amazed you weren't asked to attend Ilvermony in Massachusetts. They're supposed to serve all students from North America."
Ah jus shrug cause it ain't like Ah know wha she's talkin bout anyway. The cake's the only thang on mah mind.
"Jacklin, this cake's tha best thing Ah've ever tasted. Ah like it so much Ah don't even wanna swallow it."
"You need to have some ice cream so you don't choke, Toby."
"Okay. Ah'll have some ice cream."
Ah use a spoon ta scoop up a big bite a ice cream. Jacklin starts wipin 'er face wit a napkin.
"I believe that's enough for me. How do you feel, Toby?"
"Ah'm not too good, actually. Mah stomach kinda hurts. Do ya think Ah can go walk it off?"
Ah move ta leave the table.
"We have to wait for our prefect to take us to the Gryffindor Tower. Since they act a role model for us, they want us to follow the rules so we won't get into trouble."
"Oh. So… Ah gotta sit at the table till tha prefect shows up."
"Yes. We all have to go to our common room together."
Ah jus hope Ah can last that long.
Time Skip
We get to the top a the stairs an mah stomach starts ta feel better. Our prefect stops.
"First years this is the way to get to the Gryffindor common room. The password to enter will change every month so pay very close attention."
Ah listen hard ta the password so Ah'm not left outta the Gryffindor common room.
Ah hear this word an' try ta remember. Bezoar... Bezoar... Bezoar's somethin ya get from a goat's stomach an's an antidote fer most poisons. Ah dunno how know it but Ah do. The door ta the common room opens an we all walk inside. All a our luggage's there.
Ah follow Jacklin an' the others inside the common room. We leave the luggage in tha corner of tha room. Ah look 'round an' it's the nicest room Ah've ever seen.
"Hey, Jacklin... Ya like the room?"
"It's just like my father described it."
Ah nod an start ta remember bout 'er talkin bout 'er dad.
"So tha other kids at Hogwarts are they jus' a hodgepodge a every which kind a bloodline?"
"Yes. Do you know if your parents are wizards?"
"Pop knows somethin bout it. He said he don't do magic though."
Jacklin's bout ta say somethin when our prefect comes ta us.
"First years take a look at this painting. We have been honored to see the very founder of our House, Godric Gryffindor! Born of Scottish and Welsh ancestry in what's now Cornwall, England, this man helped found our very school. He's the only founder with a direct descendant and she's right in this room!"
Ah look at tha painting an Ah see a man with red hair in a red robe lookin like a lion's mane. He's holdin' a sword, an' Ah wonder if he used ta go an' fight those dark wizards.
"He looks tough."
"I'm just so speechless. I know father has his own portrait of him in his study, but it's still so amazing to see him."
Ah feel real good bout that one. Ah turn ta Jacklin an' Ah start wonderin' what she thinks.
"Did mah granddaughter teel ye abit me?"
Ah'm a little surprised bout the paintin talkin ta me, but Ah'll just go wit the flow. Ah nod an' Ah get more comfortable.
"Yeah... She did tell me a bit 'bout ya."
"Ye hae some Irish in ye. Whaur ur ye frae?"
Ah think a bit ta make sure Ah don't say somethin' dumb.
"Well... Well, Ah’m from tha South, but Ah live wit mah cousins in a place called... Cork."
"Dae ye hae onie fowk in Irelain boy?"
Ah can't believe Ah have ta answer tha question from tha founder a Gryfdor. Mah mind goes blank an' Ah think Ah might puke. For a minute Ah think Ah'm gonna be sick ta tha floor an' then Ah just remember tha Ah gotta get my answer out. Ah'm real glad Jacklin's not tryin' ta help me out wit words.
"Uh, yes, Godric, Ah do..."
"What's yer nam boy?"
"It's... Ah'm Toby. It's Toby Kwimper."
"Ay th' Kwimper clan?"
Ah nod real quick an' Ah'm amazed Godric knows mah last name.
"Yeah, tha's right."
"Ah thooght ye aw died it. Ah huvnae seen a Kwimper come tae Hogwarts in ower a hunder years."
Ah feel like Ah can breathe again. Godric's kinda lookin happy ta see me.
"Diz anyain still use magic?"
"Well, Mr. Godric, Pop done tol me Ah'm the only one wit real magic."
"Th' Kwimper clan is huir uv a weel knoon fur havin' squibs."
Ah shake mah head cause it's not the answer Ah was hopein' for.
"No, no Mr. Godric, tha's just not possible. Ah got magic!"
"That's a sign th' Kwimper clan is gettin' their magic back. Whit can ye dae sae far boy?"
Ah dunno why, but what Ah'm about ta say feels so important.
"Ah mean, Ah can talk ta animals. Ah can make 'em feel better an' Ah can help 'em an' Ah can make 'em like me."
Ah notice Godric is listenin' real good an' Jacklin's eyes ain't left Godric one second.
"Woods ye min' tryin' tae reid mah granddaughter's future?"
"No, sir. Ah guess Ah can try."
"What do you need me to do, Toby?"
"Ah need ta see yer hand. Ah can tell a lot more tha way."
Godric looks over mah shoulder as Ah look at Jacklin's palm an Ah let out a loud gasp the startles Jacklin.
"Yer gonna be attacked by a strange man!
"What about my 2nd year?"
Ah feel like Ah know what's gonna happen but Ah gotta make sure.
"Yer gonna be in trouble. There's a flash an yer gonna be lyin in a hospital bed all stiff!"
Ah feel Jacklin's hand tighten round mah own hand 'cause Ah think Ah jus really scared her.
"Can you see my 3rd year?"
"There's gonna be a werewolf an it's gonna be chasin ya!"
Ah'm so deep in the visions all Ah can hear's Jacklin's voice.
"Will my 4th year be any better?"
"There's… there's gonna be… there's gonna be some… some… some death! Somebody's gonna die an everybody's gonna be sad!"
"How bad will my 5th year be?"
Ah sniff an Ah blow a snot bubble.
"Yer gonna be attacked agin. This woman's gonna split the school in half... but... there's gonna be so much blood!"
"Do you think my 6th year will get worse?"
"Ah... Ah... Ah think things will get bad… an worse! There's gon be trouble. Someone's gonna be fightin’ fer someone else an it could get bad! There'll be some… some bad blood!"
"Is the bloodshed going to end in my 7th year?"
Ah see a vision of a man turnin' inta ash.
"So… Ah think when good guy wins tha battle it'll be a beautiful thing, but it's a terrible path."
Ah gotta be lookin weird cause mah eyes're blinkin real weird an swayin a bit.
"Ye better sit heem doon hen. Th' boy's lookin' as peely waly as ye."
Ah feel weak in mah legs an Ah can feel my head slippin' down off a mah shoulders. Everythang goes black an Ah don't 'member anythang else.
Tagging: @arrolyn1114, @nemos-rapture, @xanatenshi, @briefpandatimemachine, @hooked-on-elvis,
@vintagepresley, @aliengoth3, @smokeymountainboy, @bigdaddyelvislover, @mercsandmonsters,
@pledgingmylovee, @presleysgirl6, and @thetaoofzoe.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 8 months
Toby Meets Godric Gryffindor
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"Toby wake up. We’re here."
Ah snap awake like tha frog snapped out of tha chocolate. Trevor jumps off mah lap and back inta mah hand. Ah look out tha window an see tha entrance ta Hogwarts. Mah eyes look out tha window wit excitement, but mah mind still feels half asleep. Ah hear tha kids all round us gettin' tha bags an tha things Ah need for school an Ah realize Ah haven't moved. Ah put Trevor back in his tank an get everythang ready.
"Do you have everything? I don't want you to leave anything behind."
Ah nod an watch Jacklin pick up a weird lookin cage.
"I forgot to mention this, but this is my cat, Tiger."
Ah'm still gettin' Trevor's tank an bags set up.
"Ya have a cat? Mah pawpaw had a cat when Ah was young. He named it Mittens. Mittens' dead now."
Ah realize Ah probably shouldn't have brought tha up, but the words are already outta mah mouth.
"Is Tiger yer family's cat, or your cat?"
"Father bought him last year after our last cat died of old age. The Gryffindor Manor has a library full of journals and diaries from every wizard family who ever went to the school. Mice nibble on the paper so my father uses a cat."
Ah stop a sec while Ah'm packin up everythang.
"How'd yer dad get a fancy job like that?"
"Oh. I wasn't aware that you didn't know. My father, Henry Gryffindor, is the descendent of Godric Gryffindor. Godric was one of the school's founders over 1000 years ago. Our family is one of the only wizard families who had every family member go to Hogwarts. There isn't a single non-magic user in our family tree which makes me pure blooded. Pureblooded families are so rare that they end up having a lot of power."
Ah jus blink at 'er. This girl's jus too fancy ta be nice ta me.
"That'd make ya a princess a some kind then."
She laughs a lil bit as we walk. Nicest laugh Ah've ever heard. Ah look at her and Ah see that she's smilein', too. First time Ah'd ever seen anyone smile so much. Ah start ta have tha warm, fuzzy feelin's like maybe this could... Ah look down at Trevor in his tank like he's readin' mah mind. He's lookin' at me wit his big, round eyes an that makes mah heart want ta melt.
"So if yer Godric's whatever many great-granddaughter does that mean ya gotta be in Gryffindor too?"
Ah see the way she's lookin at me an Ah wonder if Ah said somethin' only a dummy would say.
"Every descendent of Godric was sorted into that House. It isn't necessarily a rule that all members of the same family have to be in the same House though."
"Do ya think yer dad's gonna get mad if ya don't get inta that House?"
Ah see her stop an look a lil nervous.
"Well. Father wouldn't necessarily be angry. Even though there is a lot of expectations to be the next heir of Gryffindor, he never told me that I must be sorted in that House. Since my mother was only born and raised in Bulgaria, she never went to Hogwarts. They both just want me to be true to myself. But I will admit, I'm still nervous."
Ah nod as we keep walkin.
"Well either way Ah still wanna be in tha same one as you. We can go ta all the classes an' sit next ta each other at tha feasts."
Ah grab her hand and lead her off tha train, makin' sure Trevor stays in tha tank.
"Then I guess that means we need to be sorted in Gryffindor together."
Ah blush as Ah realize tha way Ah'm holdin' her hand makes it look like we're more than friends. Ah start ta get real worried. Should Ah let go? Should she? Ah don't want her to want ta let go. Ah'm startin' ta get real nervous. Ah'm startin ta get upset now.
"Fers years this way!"
Ah get a lil spooked by the loud noise an let go a Jacklin's hand. We follow tha other kids ta tha lake. We find an' board tha row boat an Ah hear tha real big guy at tha oars talkin' in a Scottish accent.
"This way, ya wee gawks."
We sit in tha boat an Ah look back ta see tha whole of tha castle. The clouds are startin' ta cover tha sun. It gets a little windier an' tha boat moves slowly twords tha docks.
"That’s the groundskeeper, Hagrid. He’s a half giant."
"A half giant? Ya mean he's like half human an half monster?"
Ah look at her to see if tha answer's on her face. She starts to giggle an Ah start ta get confused again. Was Ah bein' real stupid an a dummy jus' sayin' that?
"Hagrid’s not a monster. Stories about giants eating kids are just a myth. They have their own villages away from humans."
Ah stare an stare at tha oars as they creak an move back an forth in tha water. Ah see what she means now: Hagrid ain't some big ugly monster. Ah look up an can see tha kind face beneath tha scruff of tha beard an' the smile in tha eyes. We pull up ta tha shore an start gettin out the boat.
"That's the main entrance to the Hogwarts Castle. Just think, in a few minutes we’ll officially be Hogwarts students."
Mah heart starts ta beat faster now as tha weight of what's happenin now gets ta me. Ah'm real excited, too.
"How they plan on sortin us? Do we gotta take a test or somethin?"
Ah start lookin' a little scared at tha sound of tha school's huge doors swingin' open.
"No not at all. The Sorting Hat has been sorting students for over 1000 years. It was Godric's idea to put a spell on his hat so that it can read students thoughts."
Ah blink. Ya gotta be kiddin' me. Ah'm worried it's gonna read mah thoughts an' put me in tha dummy House.
"Everyone please hand your luggage to the porters and follow me. You will line up by last name once we get inside."
Ah hear an old lady talk an a group a people linin up. Ah give 'em mah bags, backpack an carefully pass 'em Trevor's tank. Ah see Jacklin walkin ahead a me an even though Ah ain't got a clue how ta spell Gryfdor, Ah know G comes before K. She's gotta be ahead a me in line.
"Welcome to Hogwarts, first years! I must tell you all that the forest surrounding the castle is forbidden due to the extreme amount of dangerous creatures within it. Also on behalf of the entire staff including our caretaker, Mr. Flich, I would like to inform you that a corridor in the Charms section of the 3rd floor is also forbidden. Unless you wish to die a most terrible death, I suggest you heed my warning."
An old man wit a long gray beard makes an announcement bout how this school's real dangerous. Before Ah can even get scared Ah see all the other kids an teachers stand up. They all start singin.
"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, Teach us something please, Whether we be old and bald, Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling, With some interesting stuff, For now they're bare and full of air, Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing, Bring back what we've forgot, Just do your best, we'll do the rest, And learn until our brains all rot."
Ah have no idea why this' happenin. Ah hope Ah ain't gotta sing this one day. Too embarrassin.
"When I call your name please sit down on the stool. I will put the Sorting Hat on your head. When you have been sorted, please take a seat in your respective section."
Ah wait patiently wit all tha other kids as the old lady talks agin. She takes out the Sortin Hat an then the hat starts singin. Ah dunno why though.
"Oh you may not think I'm pretty, But don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can't see, So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hands (though I have none) For I'm a Thinking Cap!"
Ah like how tha hat tol me what every House's like. Ah know if Jacklin were ta explain all this ta me it'd take jus bout all day. It ain't like listenin ta 'er'd be too bad cause that'd mean she's nice fer wantin ta explain all this ta me. Shame Ah jus wouldn't be able ta tell her Ah stopped understandin 'er after 5 minutes.
"Jacklin Gryffindor."
Ah missed a lot while Ah was thinkin an watch her as she walks up to tha Sortin' Hat. Some a the boys're lookin' at her hair, the girls lookin' at her eyes an some a the older boys're lookin' at her chest. Ah dunno who ta feel bad fer cause they ain't got a clue bout 'er Veela magic or Jacklin cause she ain't asked fer all this.
"Ah yes. Another member of the Gryffindor family. I see you have a high level of intellect never before seen. Very tempting the notion of putting you in Ravenclaw."
Ah start ta worry that we won't be in the same House cause Ah know Ah ain't gonna be smart nough.
"What's this? You seek something more than just wisdom? I see. Better be.. Gryffindor!"
All a Gryfdor jus starts screamin cause a how happy they are. Ah gotta cover mah ears cause it hurts too much. Ah look at Jacklin an she kinda looks happy like the kinda happy ya get when ya pass a test ya thought ya failed. She sees me lookin at 'er then she turns an walks over to tha table. She looks back at me, kinda embarrassed when she sits down.
"Toby Kwimper."
Ah'm nervous as Ah move over ta tha Sortin' Hat an' wait for it ta read mah mind an' tell tha world tha worst kept secret in tha history of tha universe.
"Toby Kwimper. How interesting. Such a perfect blank slate."
Ah start ta get excited cause if tha Sortin' Hat says Ah'm a blank slate then Ah won't be goin' ta tha dummy House. Wit any luck Ah won't get stuck in tha Evil House, neither.
"Shh. Let your mind go, little wizard."
Ah hear tha hat whisperin' an mah head gets a little woozy. Mah eyes close even though Ah ain't tol 'em too. Ah kinda feel good though like when Jacklin's wit me.
"Slytherin's definitely out. No big ambitions. Ravenclaw would be a good challenge but not good enough. Hufflepuff? Yes I feel a strong sense of loyalty.
It sounds like tha Sortin' Hat's whisperin' ta itself or like there's a million voices talkin' at tha same time. Ah dunno what he's sayin but Ah jus wanna be in the same House as Jacklin. Ah know 'er magic's all dangerous but Ah still wanna be 'er friend.
"Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff. Such a hard decision."
Ah dunno wha's been said but Ah feel a little tap on mah shoulder makin me almost jump outta mah skin.
"We’re in Gryffindor together, Toby!"
Mah head's still spinnin a little bit but Ah'm real excited! The Sortin' Hat read mah mind an put me where Ah wanted ta be. Ah see Jacklin lookin' real relieved an Ah know Ah can relax a little bit.
"You must've been in a trance like state so the Sorting Hat can read your memories. You should sit down since you look about as pale as me."
Ah shakily walk over wit her ta tha Gryffindor table an' sit down next ta her. Ah wipe tha cold sweat off tha back a mah neck. Ah sit there kinda dazed tha we're sittin at tha Gryffindor table now.
Time Skip
"I would like to welcome all of the 1st years and returning students. With the conclusion of the Sorting Hat ceremony, and before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you."
Ah'm still a lil outta it an hearin the ol' man talk jus makes it a lil worse as Ah had no idea wha he said. Ah look round tha big, tall table an' see all the students an' teachers talkin' an' eatin' an' havin' fun. Everythang jus appears outta nowhere an mah eyes light up. This' a lotta food.
"What would you like to try first, Toby?"
"Ah dunno... Ah ain't ever seen food like this before. What should Ah try, Jacklin?"
Ah see 'er lookin over the table. She points at this weird lookin thang Ah ain't ever seen before.
"This is Yorkshire pudding. It's a baked pudding made from a batter of eggs, flour, and milk or water. You can eat it as a starter because it's small."
Ah look at tha Yorkshire pudding an' try ta get my mind round what it sounds like it should taste like. Then Ah reach inta tha pile a food an' start ta put a little bit a everythang on mah plate. Ah put tha smallest of tha little puddins on mah spoon, blow on it a little, an' shove tha whole thang inta mah mouth. Ah chew a couple of times and swallow. Ah look over at Jacklin an' she looks like she can tell tha taste on mah face without lettin' me say anythin' out loud.
"What are puddings like in the US, Toby? Here we have sweet and meat puddings."
Ah swallow tha rest of tha Yorkshire puddin to tha sound a Jacklin's laugh. The last bits are stuck, but Ah get 'em down.
"In the US we like meat puddins when they're in tha form a sausage. It's mostly what we put in tha gravy fo' tha mashed potatoes. And tha sweet puddings in tha form a pies... tha apple pies Ah love."
"I guess we're not that different then. There's sausages and mash on the table. We also eat a lot of roasted foods and lamb chops."
Mah stomach starts growlin.
"Sounds good to me, Jacklin. Ah'm real hungry now. Ah'm gonna try tha gravy."
Ah dip m' finger inta tha gravy an lick it off. Then Ah start to dip tha Yorkshire pudding into tha gravy an' Ah look over at Jacklin again an' see tha look a concern on her face again.
"You shouldn't put your finger in that, Toby. We pour the gravy onto our plates or use the spoon that goes with it."
Ah take tha tip a tha spoon now, an' Ah try some gravy from tha gravy boat. Ah hold it over tha plate an' Ah sloooowly start ta pour tha gravy on. It kinda sounds silly when Ah say it like tha, but Ah'm tryin' ta be careful. Ah get tha whole thing on tha plate without makin' tha gravy run off tha edge like Jacklin does it. Ah turn ta her with tha plate like a big deal. She looks a little surprised tha gravy didn't run off tha edge, too.
"Now this is an onion gravy that goes with the Yorkshire pudding. It's very common when you eat it as a starter."
"An' tha meat puddings that's on tha table. They go wit tha onions, too?"
Ah hear laughter from tha table next ta us where some students are waitin' fer tha food ta be served ta them. Some tha students turn ta look at me because Ah'm bein' a little loud. Ah hear Jacklin laughin', too. Ah'm startin' ta wonder if tha gravy is supposed ta make ya laugh an' Ah'm the only one tha don't get tha joke.
"We use brown gravy for foods that have meat and potatoes. The cream gravy can also go with potatoes but we usually use that with chicken."
Ah try tha cream gravy. It tastes really good. Ah get a nice big helpin a mashed potatoes on tha plate an' Ah pour tha gravy on 'em. Then Ah eat tha whole thang while Jacklin watches. She tells me that tha puddin, mashed potatoes, gravy, the whole meal, is called tha roasts. Ah nod an' start to get th' hang' a eatin' tha food.
"Don't worry, Toby. The Kitchen Elves make plenty of food for us."
She musta saw mah head goin in all directions or has 'em mind readin powers cause Ah dunno how else she knew what Ah'm thinkin.
"Kitchen… Elves?"
"Yes. They've been working at Hogwarts for as long as the school existed."
Ah look round the room an the floor tryna look fer 'em.
"Well, where they at? Ah don't see no little men runnin' round. Just tha students an' tha teachers."
"The Kitchen Elves work in the kitchen. They put the food on tables there and use magic to make them appear on our tables."
Ah jus shake mah head.
"Tha's strange. If tha elves put all tha food on tha table in the kitchen an use magic fo' tha food ta just appear on tha tables at tha feast, we can just keep eatin' as much as we want."
Ah watch Jacklin as she takes tha last a tha meat pies an starts to eat it.
"Yes that's a normal thing. They make food appear when something runs out so that none of us go hungry."
Ah look round an' notice tha food tha other students got on tha table.
Well, Ah sure hope they have enough food fo' all tha students who show up here. They don't seem ta check an' see who's here tha first week of school then make sure tha right amount a food's there.
Ah start to get worried tha it's gonna happen just tha way Ah thought. Ma wouldn't have never let me get away wit takin' tha last a anythang.
"See Toby. Just like that, another roast chicken appeared a little bit to your left."
Ah see the chicken an Ah'm startin' ta feel better now that Ah feel Ah have tha problem solved. All Ah gotta do's stay right here next ta Jacklin an' as soon as somethin starts ta run out Ah can take advantage a tha magic ta make more appear.
Time Skip
Desserts start ta appear on the table.
"Have you ever thought about making a food list, Toby?"
Ah look at 'er all confused. She's real good at askin me questions bout thangs Ah don't got a clut bout.
"A food list?"
"Yes. There are so many types of food served here, that it isn't possible to try all of them in one day. We have 7 years to try everything."
Ah start ta like tha sound a makin a food list.
"What do Ah gotta put in tha food list? Mah favorites?"
"You can write down everything you tried and how it tasted."
Ah start ta fill mah plate with tha cake tha elves made appear, even though tha plate's already pretty full. Ah don’t wanna miss out on tha opportunity ta put everythang on m' food list. M' eyes are big as tha saucers tha cake came on. Ah eat up tha cake while Jacklin writes somethin' on a piece a paper tha looks like a food list.
"This is a child's paradise of sweets."
M' stomach is gettin' a little too full ta eat any mo' ah tha desserts. Ah turn ta Jacklin an' Ah notice tha paper she's holdin'.
"Wait a minute, ya said somethin' bout a food list. What are ya makin'?"
"This is my food list, Toby. We can compare our lists and see what we still need to try."
Ah swallow tha last mo' a tha cake an' look over at what Jacklin's holdin' up. Ah see tha words she wrote down on tha paper an Ah wonder if Jacklin's got room fo' tha stuff on her list.
"Have you ever had a St. Honore cake, Toby?"
"Never heard a it, Jacklin."
Ah'm almost full. But Ah'm willin' ta push tha food around tha plate a little longer ta hear what kinda stuff's on tha list.
"Is it good?"
"It's a cream puff cake."
Ah nod at 'er.
"Sounds like somethin' tha elves'd make. This St. Honor's cake's on yer list?"
"Oh yes. My father brought one back from his trip to Paris a few years ago. It has a lot of chocolate and cream."
Ah look at Jacklin an' m' belly's too full for food, but this cake on tha list is so temptin. Ah'm willin tha move tha food 'round if Ah can have tha cake. M' eyes are on tha prize: tha cake tha elves made appear an' tha voice in m' head is speakin' loud an' clea'.
"Do ya think they've got one here fo' me ta try?"
"Of course, Toby. This is big enough for us to split it up."
Ah keep m' eyes on tha cake as Jacklin pulls it half way between us. Ah've never wanted anythin' so bad in my life. Ah pick up tha slice that's meant for Jacklin an' Ah start to eat it without even waitin' fo' her ta take tha slice Ah left for her. Ah notice tha look Jacklin got when Ah did that, but Ah can't stop eatin'.
"Have you ever been to Paris, Toby?"
Ah manage ta answer tha question while eat'n tha cake.
"Never. Ah've ain't ever been anywhere, actually. Ah've never left Florida till June so's Ah could live wit mah Irish cousins. Pop done tol me it's the only way Ah'd be able ta go ta school here."
The cake's tha only thang on m' mind.
"Jacklin, this cake's tha best thing Ah've ever tasted. Ah like it so much Ah don't even wanna swallow it. Ah could just sit here with tha cake in mah mouth fo' the rest a tha day.
"You need to have some ice cream so you don't choke, Toby."
Ah turn mah 'tention from tha cake ta tha ice cream tha elves just put on tha table. Ah look back an' forth between m' cake an' tha ice cream, an' Ah don't know which one Ah should go ta first. Ah take tha time ta consider tha options. It takes more effort ta force m' eyes away from tha cake, but Ah get it done.
"Okay. Ah'll have some ice cream.
Ah use a spoon ta scoop up a big bite a ice cream an' start eatin' tha ice cream while Ah chew tha cake.
"You and your Pop should come with my family when we go to France during our Christmas holiday."
"Go ta France?"
Ah'm chewin' tha cake, thinkin' 'bout tha ice cream tha's almost gone an' how the elves are probably makin' more ta replace it an' tha words "France" jus' come out.
"Yeah Ah could do tha, Jacklin. Food's so good here... it must be even better in other places."
"I'm glad to hear that your autism doesn't make traveling difficult for you, Toby."
Ah don't really know what Jacklin's sayin'. Ah don't like when other people hear what Ah'm thinkin' bout. Tha's how all kinds a trouble starts. But Jacklin's smilin' at me, an' Jacklin's been very nice so Ah nod at her smile.
"Ah ain't afraid a travelin'. Ah jus don't like loud plane noises."
"Splendid. We won't be going by plane so you have nothing to fear."
Ah'm still chewin' tha cake an' eatin' tha ice cream at the same time. Ah think this cake goes well together wit tha ice cream. Ah look over at Jacklin, but Ah decide ah shouldn't say anythin' just in case Ah'm wrong. Ah see 'er wipin 'er face wit a napkin.
"I believe that's enough for me. How do you feel, Toby?"
Ah finish up tha last of the cake an' turn away from tha ice cream. M' belly's so full an' mah food list is lookin' a lot longer now. Ah start ta get uncomfortable jus' sittin' an' eatin'; Ah think Ah should move round a lil bit.
"Ah'm not too good, actually. Mah stomach kinda hurts. Do ya think Ah can go walk it off?"
Ah move ta leave tha table.
"We have to wait for our prefect to take us to the Gryffindor Tower. That would be a long walk."
"Oh. So… Ah gotta sit at tha table till tha prefect shows up."
"Yes. We all have to go to our common room together."
Ah don't like tha idea a sittin' at tha table an' not doin' anythin'. But Ah don't wanna argue an' seem weird tha first day. Ah'll just move my legs under tha table an' tap m' feet when nobody's lookin' ta burn off tha energy.
"Gryffindors come with me! You will all be given the class schedule for the year when we get to the common room."
Ah stand up an' start walkin' with tha other 1st year students. We walk to tha stairs tha prefect pointed out. Ah'm not really thinkin' bout where Ah'm goin'. Ah'm just watchin' m' feet an' m' belly is hurtin' so bad, Ah hope Ah can make it up tha stairs.
"Oh dear. This is just like father said. The staircase is moving."
Ah'm not sure if Ah like the movin' stairs, but the stairs stop movin' when they reach tha new floor. M' belly is so full it's hurtin' bad now. Ah look 'round for Jacklin after Ah get off tha stairs. Ah see her standin' wit tha prefect an' a bunch a other 1st year kids. Ah'm not quite sure what Ah'm s'posed ta do nex'. Ah don't think Ah'm too good at this game.
"Please calm down."
Ah look 'round an' notice Jacklin is speakin'. Ah can see tha Veela magic is work'n on tha other kids. Ah can feel m' belly gettin' even more an' more upset from tha food. Ah think Ah should go wit Jacklin before Ah make m' belly trouble show on m' face. Ah manage tha walk ove' to Jacklin an' stand nea her. Ah think Jacklin's notice tha way Ah look. Ah'm startin' ta get worried.
"Are you about to meltdown, Toby?"
Ah nod 'da' at Jacklin, jus' like earlier when Ah couldn't get m' words out right. Ah think Ah want help, but Ah don't wanna hurt her feelins. Ah have tha idea tha's how m' last school ended so suddenly. But Ah think Ah need a bathroom now or somethin'.
"Does anyone need to use the restroom before we continue?"
Ah raise ma' hand.
"Very well then. Lads follow me."
Ah follow tha other boys inta tha bathroom. M' belly's hurtin' worse an' worse. Ah go inta tha stall an' shut tha door ta do ma' business. It's no good. Ah feel sick. Ah'm havin' a meltdown an' Ah can't do anythin' 'bout it. Ah feel tha tears start'ta fall.
"Everythang hurts."
Ah'm cryin' an' poopin' at tha same time. After it's over Ah open tha stall door an Ah come out lookin' like tha saddest little boy tha's has ever existed.
"Too hot."
Ah stick mah hands under cold water an Ah feel kinda better 'cause m' belly don't hurt so bad no more. Ah'm still cryin' a little. Ah splash mah face wit water. It feels a little better.
"Hic. Oh."
Ah belch one more good time an' Ah feel better. Ah dry m' face wit a paper towel.
"Are you ready to go to the common room now Kwimper?"
"Uh… Yeah. Ah guess so."
Ah follow tha other 1st year students out tha the bathroom an' walk behind Jacklin up tha stairs ta tha Gryindor common room.
"Are you feeling better, Toby?"
Ah nod at Jacklin jus' like earlier, like m' voice don't work right or somethin'.
"Very well then. Up we go."
Ah hold onto Jacklin wit both hands as tha stairs move again. Ah don't like tha movin' stairs very much, but Ah'm not gonna tell anyone tha stairs are tha problem. Ah'm jus' gonna follow Jacklin an' not say anythin' else ta make m' problems worse.
Time Skip
We get to the top of the stairs. Our prefect stops.
"Gryffindors this is the way to get to the Gryffindor common room. The password to enter will change every month so pay very close attention."
Ah listen hard ta tha password so Ah'm not left outa tha Gryffindor common room.
Ah hear this word an' try to remember. Bezoar... Bezoar... Bezoar's somethin ya get from a goat's stomach. Ah dunno how know it but Ah do. The door ta the common room opens an we all walk inside. All a our luggage's there.
Ah follow Jacklin an' the others inside tha common room. We leave tha luggage in tha corner of tha room. Ah look 'round an' it's the nicest room Ah've ever seen. Ah'm so amazed tha Ah forget about m' belly again... for now. Ah turn ta Jacklin.
"Hey, Jacklin... Ya like tha room?"
"It's just like my father described it."
Ah nod an start ta remember bout 'er talkin bout 'er dad.
"So tha other kids at Hogwarts are they jus' a hodgepodge a every which kind of bloodline?"
"Yes. Do you know if your parents are wizards?"
Ah start think'n 'bout m' family while Ah look over tha room.
No one in ma' family's ever talk'n bout doin' anythang magical. We all jus do simple farm work."
"I think one day you should ask your Pop about it."
"Maybe Ah will. Ah'm curious now."
In tha meantime, Ah look round tha common room, noticin' tha fire tha burns bright in tha fireplace. Ah like tha feeling it gives tha room. Ah feel comf'table here in thi Gryffindor common room. Ah want to sit nea tha fire. Ah see Jacklin's lookin shocked.
"Wha's wrong?"
Our prefect comes ta us.
"First years take a look at this painting. We have been honored to see the very founder of our House, Godric Gryffindor!"
Ah look at tha painting and Ah see a man with red hair in a red robe lookin like a lion's mane. He's holdin' a sword, an' Ah wonder if he used to go an' fight those dark wizards with tha sword. The paintin's... well, it's so... Ah jus don't know what to say. After a beat Ah just say tha first thang tha pops into mah mind.
"He looks tough."
Ah feel real good bout that one. Ah turn ta Jacklin an' Ah start wonderin' what she thinks about tha compliment Ah just gave tha founder a Gryffindor.
"Did mah granddaughter teel ye abit me?"
Ah'm a little surprised bout the paintin talkin ta, but Ah'll just go with tha flow. Ah nod an' Ah get more comfortable.
"Yeah... She did tell me a bit 'bout ya."
"Ye hae some Irish in ye. Whaur ur ye frae?"
Ah think a bit ta make sure Ah don't say somethin' dumb.
"Well... Well, Ah’m from tha South, but Ah live wit mah cousins in a place called... Cro-Croo."
Ah feel like a moron.
"Croom, County Limerick."
"Dae ye hae onie fowk in Irelain boy?"
Ah can't believe Ah have ta answer tha question from tha founder a Gryfdor. Mah mind goes blank an' Ah think Ah might puke. For a minute Ah think Ah'm gonna be sick ta tha floor an' then Ah just remember tha Ah gotta get my answer out. Ah'm real glad Jacklin's not tryin' ta help me out wit words.
"Uh, yes, Godric, Ah do..."
"What's yer nam boy?"
"It's... Ah'm Toby. It's Toby Kwimper."
Ah can't believe Ah answered tha question. Jacklin smiles an Ah smile real wide. Ah feel like Ah can't believe Ah'm here, talkin' wit tha founder of tha House.
"Ay th' Kwimper clan?"
Ah nod real quick an' Ah'm amazed tha Godric remembers tha name.
"Yeah, tha's right."
"Ah thooght ye aw died it. Ah huvnae seen a Kwimper come tae Hogwarts in ower a hunder years."
Ah feel like Ah can breathe again.
"Ah can't help it, Mr. Godric. We're a real rare breed."
Ah can see in Godric's face tha he knows what Ah'm sayin' an' Ah think Ah handled it just right. Ah look at Jacklin an' Ah know Ah've been talkin' wit Godric so long she's a lil nervous. Ah get ready ta speak again.
"Diz anyain still use magic?"
Ah don't wanna upset Godric so Ah'm real careful ta get this response right.
"Well, Mr. Godric, Pop done tol me Ah'm the only one wit real magic."
Ah hope that answer is alright for Godric an' Jacklin. Ah don't really know any more, especially 'bout tha magic gettin' weaker, but it don't sound half bad. Ah give mahself a gold star an' Ah look around tha room an' Ah figure it's safe ta talk again.
"Th' Kwimper clan is huir uv a weel knoon fur havin' squibs."
Ah nod an' it's not tha answer Ah was hopein' for. Ah know tha word 'squib.' Ah figure it means Ah got no real magic in mah veins. But Ah'm not gonna give up.
"No, no Mr. Godric, tha just not possible."
Ah turn ta Jacklin an' Ah look a lil desperate. Ah almost feel like Ah'm boutta cry.
"Ah do have magic. Ah know Ah do."
"That's a sign th' Kwimper clan is gettin' their magic back. Whit can ye dae sae far boy?"
Ah dunno why, but what Ah'm about ta say feels so important.
"Ah mean, Ah can talk ta animals. Ah can make 'em feel better an' Ah can help 'em an' Ah can make 'em like me."
Ah notice Godric is listenin' real good an' Jacklin's eyes ain't left Godric one second. Ah ain't scared ta say tha answer Ah know they both wanna hear.
"Woods ye min' tryin' tae reid mah granddaughter's future?"
Ah feel so good tha they're leavin' tha subject of tha lack of magic an' tha fact Ah can talk ta animals. Ah've heard about readin' tha lines on someone's palm. But Ah figure tha's just some ol' wives tale, like the future bein' already written so Ah ain't too nervous 'bout doin' it.
"No, sir. Ah guess Ah can try."
"What do you need me to do, Toby?"
"Ah need ta see yer hand. Ah can tell a lot more tha way."
Godric looks over mah shoulder as Ah look at Jacklin's palm an Ah let out a loud gasp tha startles Jacklin.
"You're gonna be attacked by a strange man. Ah feel like Ah've seen 'em before."
Ah'm so amazed tha this is workin' that Ah just spit tha words out an' Ah don't know if Ah'm makin' any sense or not. Ah ain't really seein Jacklin no more as all Ah can see's mah visions.
"What about my 2nd year?"
Ah feel like Ah know what's gonna happen but Ah gotta make sure.
"Yer gonna be in trouble. Ah feel like Ah've seen this. You'll be in danger too. There's a flash an yer gonna be lyin in a hospital bed all stiff."
Ah feel Jacklin's hand tighten around mah own hand 'cause Ah think Ah've just really scared her with tha answers.
"Can you see my 3rd year?"
Wit mah eyes closed, Ah know Jacklin's scared 'cause she's squeezin mah hand so hard her fingers are hurtin' a little bit.
"Yer gonna be in danger again, an it's gonna be at night when tha moon is the biggest in tha sky. There's gonna be a werewolf an it's gonna be chasin ya.
Ah'm so deep in the visions all Ah can hear's Jacklin's voice.
"Will my 4th year be any better?"
Ah get a lump in mah stomach an Ah feel like Ah'm about ta throw up. But Ah gotta tell Jacklin what Ah see. Ah let out a big gasp an now it's like Ah'm holdin' onta Jacklin ta stop both our hands from shakin.
"There's… there's gonna be… there's gonna be some… some… some death! Somebody's gonna die an everybody's gonna be sad!"
"How bad will my 5th year be?"
Ah sniff an Ah blow a snot bubble an' Jacklin's still holdin' mah hand barely. Ah gotta tell her wha Ah see.
"Yer gonna be attacked agin. This woman's gonna split tha school in half... but... there's gonna be so much blood!"
Ah feel tha Jacklin's shakin a lil more, 'cause she's prolly scared what she might hear next. Ah know Ah need ta take a break an' Ah blow tha snot away so Ah can take a minute ta calm down.
"Do you think my 6th year will get worse?"
Ah blow a couple more snot bubbles.
"Ah... Ah... Ah think things will get bad… an worse… and jus' when y’all think tha nightmare can't get any worse... it will! There's gon be trouble wit uh… people… in relationships. It's like a love triangle… but it ain't quite. Someone's gonna be fightin’ fer someone else an it could get bad! There'll be some… some… some bad blood!"
"Is the bloodshed going to end in my 7th year?"
Ah feel like Ah should tell her tha her hand's hurtin me, but Ah have bad visions ta tell her bout. Ah don't think she'll want me ta stop, so Ah force tha words out.
Ah see tha vision of tha man turnin' into ash. Ah still got tha snot stuck in mah sinuses from earlier an' Ah start sniffin real hard, but it won't come out. So Ah just continue tellin' what Ah see.
"It's gon get better, but not… not jus yet. It's… it's gonna get a little worse, an then tha war's gonna happen. Then… an then a good guy's gonna win it. There's gonna be a giant snake an a big sword that makes the bad guy lose."
Ah sniff again and again an tha booger still won't come out. Ah take in a big, big breath an' Ah open mah eyes look at Jacklin. Ah notice she's still holdin' mah hand an Ah think tha's so sweet.
"So… Ah think tha when tha' good guy wins tha battle it'll be a beautiful thing, but it's a terrible path tha he takes ta get there. Tha… uh… tha evil ain't gon be easy ta kill an uh… tha good guys won't win it without payin’ a price."
Ah gotta be lookin weird cause mah eyes're blinkin real weird an swayin a bit.
"Ye better sit heem doon hen. Th' boy's lookin' as peely waly as ye."
Ah feel weak in mah legs an Ah can feel my head slippin' down offa my shoulders. Ah start hearin' tha words tha Godric's sayin', but Ah don't wanna listen tha his voice right now. Ah just wanna sit mah behind down and try an get my head back on the right way. Everythan goes black an Ah don't 'member anythang else.
Tag list: @arrolyn1114, @aliengoth3, @vintagepresley, @comebackep, @thetaoofzoe, and @presleysgirl6.
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omoghouls · 2 years
What about Ed finding out Stede has a lil omo kink and decides he’s going to do a hold for him, but he pushes himself too far and ends up straining his bladder a bit, so now it’s extra weak and prone to accidents for a few days. ;w;
👀👀👀👀👀 omfg
And ofc, it's by Ed's own volition so he doesn't know to take it slow, that he probably shouldn't just chug a shit ton of fluids in one go- that's just a recipe for a rapid desperate time
And he wants to hold it long enough to where he and Stede could have uninterrupted time alone but, that's becoming increasingly less and less likely- he's squirming, tapping his foot, anything to hold it in that isn't full out holding himself.
Stede picks up on this and gently pulls Ed aside like, "??? Ed is everything okay??"
And Ed is like, "Fuuck I wanted to hold for ya but, perhaps, didn't plan through the best," he says as he's practically doubled over.
Stede ofc is like "Ed darling, you're going to hurt yourself," because he can tell Ed definitely didn't go steady with this, how could he? He didn't have guidance with this xD
By some miracle, Ed is able to make it back to their room, but, not a second longer. Stede barely closes the door before he hears Ed moaning as the hissing noise echoes in the room.
It's very,,nice Stede can absolutely admit to, watching Ed wetting himself after holding it god knows how long. Stede goes to Ed, cupping his jaw and kisses him, praising him for doing such a good job, how beautiful he looks.
Ed snorts, "You know, don't hear the word 'beautiful' after pissing myself that often, take it I'll be hearing that more?"
Stede rolls his eyes, a pink blush growing over his cheeks as he wraps his arm around Ed's shoulder, "If you want, dear. But, first things first, a nice bath is in order, yeah?"
After the bath, Ed can still feel a slight ache where his bladder is, if he stretches too far the muscles feel, taut yet weak all at the same time. But, he just takes it as what happens after a hold like that- so he just laps up the cuddling he's doing with Stede♡
However, the next day Ed swears to god he's pissed like, several times and it wasn't even mid morning yet??? It's feels as if his bladder has become the size of a thimble, something he wished he had known before drinking as he normally does in the morning-
Ed doesn't really want to bring it up to Stede just in case he's just being dramatic or something-
But, then, they're out on an island and Ed is holding it because he doesn't want to go take his third leak since they've been here. It's getting tricky, how on earth did he hold it for so long yesterday and now he's practically potty dancing over this??
Again, Stede quickly picks up on Ed's squirming. Ed's sorta on the sideline, pretending to be sharpening his knife, when he's really just sneakily holding himself. His back his turned to Stede, so when he feels the hand on his shoulder he jumps slightly
Just enough for his bladder to give in- and he starts wetting himself right where he stands- it's not a whole lot but, enough for a little puddle under him.
Stede is shocked, as is Ed- but, Stede thinks quick and mentions to the crew the he forgot to bring a basket and Ed's going to help him find it (which Ed just stiffly nods to as they shuffle off-)
That's when Ed spills the beans about how many damn time's he's had to pee today. Stede rubs his shoulder as they're heading onto the ship.
Telling him that can happen, especially since he had drank so much and held it for so long yesterday- meaning his bladder might be a bit weak until it's healed from the hold. Ed is like, "So I'm going to be a piss pants for the next few days??"
"Not necessarily, Edward. But, you will have to be mindful with how much you drink and," he pauses as he pulls out some dry clothing for Ed, "Will have to go wee whenever you need, so, no holding it, dear."
Aka: Stede is making sure Ed isn't trying to hold it until his bladder isn't strained xD
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