#and its like i dont need a fucking note taker i need my professors to stop making it mandatory to go to every single class bc i will
clowngremlin · 3 years
oh god oh fuck how do i attempt to survive college? ik you're not like the king of college or anything but i need something to break me out of my dread
ok my advice is to be friendly to ur professors because if ur on good terms with them and u need something like an extension or something like that on an assignment, they will be more likely to do it!! another bit of advice is to find the accessibility services at ur school and see if u can get any accommodations if u need that type of thing! i got a note taker, extra time on exams, and help with math related things cause of my adhd and learning disability! i also suggest finding a quiet place at ur college to chill/go if u are feeling overwhelmed......at art school i would hide in the stair well very often!! also pack food/coffee/water because the food and drinks on campus are so expensive, at least they were where i went to school!! also dont take too many courses at once because u will burn urself out, its ok to take a lil bit longer to finish school than it is to try to finish it all very quickly and then burn urself out and never finish!!! also make sure u do ur readings and also get a special little planner to put all ur due dates/class schedules/room numbers/etc in!!! also, as for making friends, i always found that joining clubs at school helped!!! good luck, lennox, u will do great, i believe in u!!!! OH ALSO DONT TAKE 8 AM CLASSES IF U CAN HELP IT, THEY ARE THE WORST!!!
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machinavillage · 5 years
I feel like whining about how disability accommodation works at my school. I dont whine to anyone irl except other disabled ppl i know because i know they won’t tell on me and would really relate. 
So. The main things always suggested are “you can take twice as long to finish a test!!!” and “you can take a test in a quieter room” 
And these do a lot of help for people honestly. My complaint is that its limited and the limitations mean I’m not really being helped. I’m frustrated because at this point I know for most things, it’s better I don’t complain or ask for help, because there is literally no help for me. I think I whined on here about this before but my issues aren’t entirely with tests (and I have work, I cant take twice as long on a test?) It’s classroom environment and certain things professors do while running class that frustrate me, esp with sensory processing stuff. 
I’ve also had times where I just cannot focus enough to take notes in class, and sometimes theyre like “oh you can get a note taker in class :)” but the professors are never informed about how to do accommodations, so they turn it on me and make me do everything and force me to put myself out there and out myself basically. It’s so tiring that I don’t even fucking bother, like. whatever i’ll take the bad grade or cry or something whatever whatever whatever.
All of this feels like having a cut on your leg and sticking a bandaid on your forehead lol. 
But today I was pissed because i finally noticed a pattern!!!!
All the easy accommodations to get? They’re easy because they involve the disabled person just FUCKING OFF! Like “oh i’ll leave the room and do the test elsewhere!” and “I’ll take twice as long on the test and do it elsewhere” etc. Always “fuck off” and “elsewhere” but. I’ve only had 1 professor who actually tries to change the classroom setting so that its accessible to everyone. I’ve never asked for something that would be Bad for the whole class. Rather, changes this guy has made have benefited everyone, and that’s cool. He finds a way to make it work and I respect that a lot, but it requires that he as an individual give a lot of shits that most people don’t give. And its like the only time I’ve never thought “Oh I’d be better just fucking off and not bothering anyone, I’ll deal with it alone and not ask for help”
It’s like. there’s accommodations but only when you can fuck off and get the accommodation. If you have chronic pain and maybe the “miss class 4 times and you fail?” thing needs to be rethought? No!!! Fuck you!!! Chronic pain or sensory processing issues and you would like some class materials posted online (so you can sit there after class for hours and struggle with understanding it, because you have a disability in class?) Probably most definitely, a NO. Fuck you!! You ask for help ever in a way that inconveniences abled ppl slightly? No, fuck you. And some people i’ve known in k-12 esp, and a bit into college, will just mock you for it like “hehe sensitive snowflake” 
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dreamerand-high · 3 years
vi isso aqui, quis responder
studyblr asks (feel free to add to the list)
What year are you? COLLEGE
What’s your major/what do you think you want to major in? 1ST YEAR IN PSYCHOLOGY
If applicable, what is your thesis about? WHAT
Do you think you picked the right major? ABSOLUTELY YES
Ultimate educational goals? DOCTORATE DEGREE
Career goals? CLYNICS
Do you think your goals are realistic? OF COURSE
What classes are you taking right now? I DONT WANT TO WRITE, IT WOULD TAKE SO LONG
Favorite class out of everything you’ve ever taken and why? ANTHROPOLOGY AND HISTORICAL FUNDAMENTALS
Least favorite class ever and why? ANATOMY BECAUSE ITS FUCKING BORING AND USELES
Current favorite class and why? I DONT KNOW
Current least favorite class and why? ANATOMY
Favorite STEM field? WHAT
Favorite humanities subject? ALL OF THEM
Class that you’ve always wanted to take but never had the chance? I DONT KNOW
Do you use caffeine and if so how much daily? YES
What’s your preferred method of taking in caffeine? DRINKING IT
Have you ever tried study drugs? NO, I'M NOT DUMB
Are you a homework-in-the-morning kind of person? YES, SO NICE
Do you listen to music while you study? NO, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE
Crowded area or quiet place? QUITE PLACE>>>>
What’s your preferred writing implement? WHAT DO MEAN GIRL
Do you need to work out before you can study well? NO??
What was the last thing you procrastinated? RIGHT NOW
Are you a perfectionist? NOT EVEN CLOSE
Do you like easy classes or do you feel bad if you’re not working hard? I FEEL SO BAD IF I'M NOT WORKING HARD AND FREAKING OUT
Are you a good test taker? YES
What are you the proudest of out of all the assignments you’ve ever had? MY PODCAST AND MY VIDEO ABOUT FREUD ITS JUST SO NICE
Do you talk to your teachers/professors a lot? NO BECAUSE IM ONLINE
Describe your favorite teacher/professor and why you like them. FAB. SHE'S SO PERFECT, SHE'S 41 AND SHE'S PREGNANT
Describe your least favorite teacher/professor and why you dislike them. I DONT HAVE IT
Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher/professor? YES
Most profound thing ever said to you by a teacher/professor? BITCH I DONT KNOW
Best feedback you’ve ever gotten on something academic? SORRY, BUT IT WAS A LOT, I CANT DECIDE THE BEST
Worst study habit and how are you working on it? I CANT REMEMBER
Are you an in-class fidgeter? HECK YEAH
How’s your handwriting? SO GOOD
Write “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” and post a photo. OKAY, NEXT POST
Neat or messy notes? NEAT
A lot of notes or the bare minimum? A LOT
Post a photo/scan of your notes from your favorite class. OKAY, NEXT POST
Are you a doodler? LOL YEAH
Post a photo of your doodles if you have any. I DONT THINK I HAVE IT
Do you have pre-test rituals and what are they? NO
Are you a tangent-question asker? NO
Do you make jokes in class? OMG NO
How many hours do you spend on academics per day? EIGHT HOURS I GUESS (I'M ONLINE THIS IS WHY ITS NOT TOO MUCH)
What’s something more important to you than school? MY FAMILY, MY RELATIVES, MY EATING HABITS, A LOT OF THINGS
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