#and just gave up bc like he can't date someone who is just as ruthless as he is
grandwretch · 2 years
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now why the fuck would he say this
if not for the fact that he just realised he has a type
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campbelldanielle · 7 years
How can you ship K/D when he killed her? H/E is the healthiest ship on the show and I can't believe K/D got to ride off into the darkness while H/E is the bad ship. What bs.
I’m sorry I haven’t answered this until now. I truthfully didn’t think I would because I didn’t want to start drama but… I hope you’ll just read my thoughts here and maybe see what I think on the matter.
Under a read more bc I don’t want to clutter the tags.
Personally… in a show full of sadistic murderers who show little to no remorse for their actions time and time again, I think it’s hard to find a truly healthy ship. I believe that Kolvina is the closest TO has to that, being as their only problematic times have been when they had their fight after Davina learned who he was in 205 and his 3b curse. 
Well…. Kol didn’t kill Davina. Yeah, his body did, I will never deny that, but it wasn’t him, the ancestors cursed him. He didn’t know what was happening until it was too late to save her, and even then, he tried feeding her his blood to save her. Kol Mikaelson is a lot of things, but one thing that you can be canonically sure of is he would never hurt Davina if it was in his power not to. He was cursed in 317 when he yelled at Davina and grabbed her roughly and he was still cursed in 319 when his body killed her. He was able to run off in 317 because the ancestors still didn’t have a good hold on him yet. I don’t think the ancestors would have anticipated how hard it would be them to get Kol, who had been shown to be a ruthless killer only caring about himself in his past, to actually kill her. I think they genuinely thought it would be a quick job and then she’d be in the ancestral plane where they could shred her soul and bring her unending torment rather quickly. For his past actions and the curse in him, he restrained himself for quite a length of time, which I believe says something in itself about how hard Kol would try and save/protect Davina. When Van (I think it was Van… along with the ancestors? Idk I haven’t watched 318 in a while) had done spell in 318 with candles in the cemetery and Davina and Vincent tried to stop it, that was one thing that brought the ancestors one step closer to what they wanted. Kol tried having Davina dagger him (which is something he hates so much but he was willing to do it to keep her safe) after being unable to leave town and even the daggering didn’t end up working out because of the ancestors causing the earthquake and finally having all the power to make what they wanted to happen, so they did.  They could have chosen anything/anyone to be the weapon to utitlize to kill Davina, but they wanted her to suffer at the hands of the person she cared about more than anything, so they messed with the spell that brought him back. Davina’s demise in 319 was the ancestors’ doing, not Kol’s. 
Kol had always been shown to be protective over Davina; when Klaus was going to attack Davina in 315, when Finn attacked in 316 after Davina made certain he’d not be able to swap bodies (sidenote: WTF was Kol gonna do with that candle? Setting Finn on fire wouldn’t have killed him… it just would have pissed him off more), even back in season two of TO, he could have easily run off from the date when his mother sent the werewolves to attack, but he didn’t, he shoved the one werewolf who tried to go after Davina. He’s done it more but those are times I can think of right off of the top of my head.
Hayley and Elijah always gave… me the creeps tbh. Like she met him when she was vulnerable and scared which was finally acknowledged in the narrative in 410 (I think it was? idk maybe 411?? idk can’t remember). He made her feel welcome in the family and even as a Klayley shipper, I’m not afraid to admit that Klaus made her feel like shit during that time. I will give Elijah points for that, but idk I’ve always had a distaste towards Elijah and Hayley being together because she has a kid with his brother and that’s just gross imo. Putting aside my grossed out feelings about the matter, I can’t deny that Elijah’s done some good with Hayley and they did fall for each other, but until 410, Hayley had only heard about the red door. She’d never seen it. Knowing about something and experiencing it first hand are two entirely different things. Elijah’s soul was in the worst part of himself. Why out of all the memories he had, did he choose to go to the worst part of himself? That, to me, shows he’s a true monster. Quite possibly the true worst of the worst Mikaelsons instead of someone like Kol, who’s never truly been shy about admitting his wrongdoings while Elijah doesn’t really readily open up about his monstrous core. I’ve always like characters like Kol and Klaus for being ones to admit their wrongdoings over pushing them because he did them “for family” which is what Elijah typically does. Basically what I’m saying is, Hayley had every right to question and make a choice about what she felt was best for herself and her daughter. 
I know some have shown distaste about why this HE choice was made but…let me try explain it. The 2016 American election changed a lot of perceptions, my own included. I knew there was racism, I knew there was sexism, I knew there was hate in the world, but I didn’t realize how much until now. If I’m not badly mistaken, the writing team consists mostly of white people, who I feel like are kind of in my same position of realizing. Kind of like what I was saying with Hayley, you don’t truly see it until you experience it for yourself. It’s not okay for violence to ensue, while I’m aware this is a vampire show with killers as the main players, I’m glad that the writers took this step with Haylijah. Hayley’s decision is 100% justified with what happened to her by Elijah’s hands, no forcing him like the ancestors were Kol. 
I hope that gives you a better understanding of my feelings on the matters of Kolvina and Haylijah. I’m sorry you feel like your ship has been done wrong by the decision. 
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