{{Someone tell real life to slow down for a bit. I’ll be back tomorrow to try and make some replies/starters.
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Muse: 6′5″ Mun: 5′4″
Reblog this with your mun and muses height
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about the blogger
bold what’s true about you
I am under 18. I am a cuddler. I am a morning person.  I am an only child. I am currently in my pajamas. I am currently pregnant. I am left handed. l am right handed. I am ambidextrous. I am a little shy around the opposite sex. I bite my nails. I can be paranoid at times. I enjoy folk music. I enjoy smoothies. I enjoy talking on the phone. I have a car. I have/had a hard time paying attention at school. I have a hidden talent.  I have a pet. I have a tendency to fall for the “wrong” guy/girl.  I have all my grandparents. I have been to another country. I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor. I have or had broken a bone. I have bathed someone. I have changed a diaper. I have changed a lot over the past year. I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. I have had major/minor surgery. I have killed another person. I have had my hair cut within the last week. I have mood swings.  I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life. I have rejected someone before. I like the taste of blood. I like Michael Jackson. I love sleeping. I love to shop. I own 100 CDs or more. I own and use a library card. I read books for pleasure in my spare time.  I sleep a lot during the day. I watch soap operas on a regular basis. I work at a job that I enjoy. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. I am wearing socks. I am tired. I love to paint/draw/sketch/sculpt. I consume at least one alcoholic drink every month.
I have/had:
Finished college.  Smoked cigarettes. Ridden every ride at an amusement park. Collected something really stupid. Gone to a concert. Helped someone. Spun turn tables. Watched four movies in one night. Been broken up with. Taken a college level course. Been in a car accident. Been in a tornado. Been in a hurricane. Been in a cyclone Watched someone die. Been to a funeral. Cut myself. Ran a marathon. Your parents got divorced. Cried yourself to sleep. Spent over $200 in one day.  Cheated on someone. Been cheated on. Written a 10 page letter. Had a best friend. Lost someone you loved. Skipped school. Gotten in trouble for something you didn’t do. Stolen books from the library. Been in a mental hospital. Watched the “Harry Potter” movies. Fired a gun. Been in a school play. Been fired from a job. Taken a lie detector test. Swam with dolphins.  Attempted suicide. Written poetry. Read more than 20 books a year. Gone to Europe.   Loved someone you shouldn’t have. Used a coloring book over age 12. Had surgery. Had stitches/staples. Taken a taxi. Had more than 5 online conversations going at once. Had a hamster. Gotten straight A’s.  Been handcuffed. 
My hair is naturally the color:
Light brown Medium brown Dark brown Blond Black Dirty blonde Strawberry blond Multicolored Red
My eyes are:
Brown Dark Brown Blue Green Hazel Light brown Grey
People sometimes label me as:
Slut. Boyish. Colorful. Ugly. Nerd.
Some of my fears are:
Spiders/other insects. Slimy things. Dying/Afterlife. Doctor/dentist appointments.  Hospitals. Needles.  Disease.  Being alone in the dark. Heights/Falling. Small spaces. Oceans/large bodies of water. Large animals. Small animals. Open spaces. Lightning/Fire. Tornadoes. Clustered holes.   Bodily fluids. Corpses/Zombies (don’t know why...) Thunder/loud noises.
I have:
A friend with benefits. A laptop in my room. A television in my room. Good grades. My own car.  Parents who are still married. A dog. A cat. A game console.
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"There’s too much steam"
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Reblog if you’re okay with side rpblogs going in your ask box on anon as long as their URL is in the ask somewhere.
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"I'd say forgive me father, but that's kinda the wrong side of the equation. Cause there ain' really nothin left to seek forgiveness, an' nothin' I feel like I need to be forgiven for. You believe in Demons? I mean, real, honest-to-lucifer demons?" His eyes flick black as he leans against the wall. "An' fore you go gettin' out your fifty words, that don' work on me. This ain't-- shall we say borrowed." (blackeyesnosoul) ((Here, have a demon bobby))
Adam was used to this type of confession, or really a lack there of, of a confession. It wasn’t until he asked the one question that he tried to avoid at all costs. Of course he believed in Demons. He’d be a sad excuse for a priest if he didn’t. He opened his mouth to speak, only to shut it quickly, stumbling back, and staring with wide eyes.
“Yes…” Adam managed to get out, swallowing past the lump in his throat, “I um..I do believe in demons..”  His hands shook as he gripped his rosary, trying to find the strength that he was supposed to have, “No, no I wouldn’t..I don’t know if I have enough faith to try and do that sort of thing.”
He moved around so that a pew was between them, trying to busy himself by picking up hymnals. “You shouldn’t be here. If an angel finds out you’re here, this whole place could go up in flames.”
Adam wasn’t in the dark about a lot of things these days, and he didn’t put it past an angel to take out his church just to get rid of one demon. 
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"They say every atom in our bodies was once a part of a star…Maybe I’m not leaving…maybe I’m going home."
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10 100x100 gif icons of Matt Smith under the cut               for whole-armies-turn-and-run     I in no way claim credit for the original gifs                simply for cropping/resizing.                Please Like/Reblog if using. 
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Adam glanced at her, looking back away quickly at her smile.  The Lord only put things in a person’s life that they could handle. That meant the Lord knew that a pretty brunette with big blue eyes was a weakness, and he was trying to use her to teach him a new lesson.  He just had to keep his distance, and not forget that the angels were watching, and judging him. Somehow, that just made him feel even more guilty.
He didn’t despise her at all. It was just that sometimes it was literally painful to be around her, and in a very unholy way. 
Adam glanced at her again, shrugging a little, his too long hair hanging in front of his eyes as he looked the Bible over, “...I’ve given up things. I mean, I have wants in my life that I’ve surrendered to the Lord.” Before he wound up here, Adam wanted to be a professor. He believed in things like evolution and logic, but he gave all that up because his father was scared of what would happen if someone in their family didn’t get into the cloth. 
Adam was buying his father’s way into heaven, and he was willingly giving up all of his beliefs to get him there.
"Miss Iris..I really don't think your hand goes there..."
“     Right. Forgive me father.”                The young nun removed her hand from the       older man's leg, looking back  down  at        the  hymnal  that  lie  open in her lap          however  her  half  hidden  smirk   was                           anything but repentant.
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Superhero/Superpower Sentence Meme
As requested by Anonymous
"You? A superhero? Don't make me laugh"
"Tell me, what's your power?"
"Remove the mask, and reveal your identity to me, hero"
"You're a superhero? Well, what's your power then?"
"If you have superpowers then why aren't you wearing spandex?"
"A superhero? Of what?"
"I don't believe in heroes, let alone superheroes"
"I'm a hero!"
"I'm not just a hero, I'm a superhero!"
"I have superpowers"
"Woah, woah, woah- what did you just do?"
"Was that magic, or am I dreaming?"
"That wasn't magic, that was my power/s"
"I have to tell you... I'm not your regular human being- I'm a superhero, with superpowers and everything"
"I'm a superhero, I don't need to deal with you peasants"
"What's your superpower?"
"Do you believe in superheroes?"
"You best start believing in superheroes, because I am one"
"So how did you get your powers? Bitten by a radioactive animal? Dumped in toxic waste?"
"I inherited my powers from my parents"
"I got bit by a radioactive animal"
"I had a problem with toxic waste..."
"I got my powers from/by _____"
"I don't know. Maybe I was just born with my powers"
"You think just because you're wearing a mask I won't recognise you?"
"Nice spandex"
"No one has superpowers- that's just made up"
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The Angel by Giulio Monteverde, Giulio Monteverde and family grave, Verano Monumental Cemetery, Rome, Italy,
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{{gross inappropriately loud sobbing
{{I will reply to you lovely people I owe tomorrow. After a long work week, I’m just not feeling too hot tonight.  <3 This goes for everyone who follows heavensdropout as well <3  It’s spring break so I don’t have to teach, and will be around MUCH more! Thanks for hanging in there <3
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Saint  Denis, Notre Dame de Paris, France, 1225.
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