#and kakashi wanting to explore and learn the techniques he has read in his book with someone real
rottiens · 4 months
i believe the first time you let (virgin) kakashi play with your pussy, it comes accompanied in an unusual way of talking on his part. it's almost like he takes notes to himself, almost like he doesn't talk to you. the tired gaze is set between your sticky thighs, watching carefully how your folds stretch as he puts his finger in and pulls it out, you exhale. 
"oh, here?" he slowly bends it and pushes, you cry out. "too much?" 
he doesn't even look at you as you gaze at him in raw adoration. you don't even know what expression he has because he refused to take off his mask. 
"you're squeezing so tight." his eyebrows draw together for a second before returning to his usual expression. with the thumb of his free hand he squeezes and strokes the bundle of nerves. "so wet." kakashi pushes deep, faster this time and your legs tremble, you call out to him and he ignores you with a hoarse throaty purr. "here. i like that sound." 
wet clicks fill the office. kakashi fucks your pussy with one finger and then adds another with perspicacity, careful of every step he makes next. 
"I think it's gonna cum for me." your looks become one, unbreakable as he massages you like someone with experience and makes you wet his knuckles, juices dripping down his fingers and wetting his gloves. you scream his name clinging to that intangible, rushing to hold on to his thick white strands pulling him further into you. 
kakashi do it, he's guided by your fingers leading him further in; to take a glimpse of how you open up for him, how you tremble, how you squeeze. "does it always get so swollen?" he asks, and you know once again he's not talking to you. he leans in and the tip of his nose brushes the lovely sore nub back and forth almost as if he's teasing, then he takes a deep, shameless inhale, and you forget to breathe. "cute. you can cum now, I have to try again to see your reaction one more time."
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bloominroses101 · 4 years
Kakashi x reader part 1
"Oy, f/n! " That all too familiar voice is calling you.... Again. It was Naruto. For weeks now he's been begging you for advice on how he could win Sakura from Sasuke. After all if anyone would know, it would be you. You've been Sakura's best friend since you were kids.
"Ya?" You reply "this game is starting to feel a little old" You think to yourself as Naruto runs up behind you. "Look if this is about Sakura again I've already told you everything I kno-"
"For once it's actually not about that. "
"Ok, go on."
" Well, I was wondering if after we get back if you could work with me on a new technique I'm trying to learn?"
"Sure." You reply with half a laugh. Sure he is annoying sometimes, but you actually never minded hanging out with Naruto. Contrary to popular opinion, you thought he was a pretty cool guy.
"Oy, listen up." Ordered Kakashi sensai as he stopped in the middle of the road. You and your squad were on your way back from a mission in a neighbouring village. You were all veryvery tired and just wanted to get home asap. You and the others were wondering what he could possibly have to talk about. If you did something wrong, he would tell you at home. "It's getting late and it's still half a day's walk to the village, so there's a place about a mile down the road where we'll stay tonight. Any questions? No?" He resumes walking. You almost wish you could have thought of a question just so he'd have to keep talking. You always loved listening to your sensai's voice, but he never talked to you much and when he did, you've always started the conversation (unless he had something to tell you to do). However, you were also glad he decided we'd stop for the night. As much as you wanted to get home, you were exhausted from the day's mission.
It's just barely after dark and you all have finally reached the inn. You, Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto run to get settled in the room while Kakashi checks in. There were no beds, only three, large blankets, so everyone laid theirmats down on the floor and divided the blankets. You were on the opposite side of the room from Sasuke and Sakura. Naruto was in the middle of the floor. You left quite a bit of space between you and him. Normally Sakura would sleep next to you, but you weren't surprised at all that this time was different. Who knows when she'd have another chance to sleep next to Sasuke. You chuckle at the thought of it. After you were all settled, Kakashi enters the room. You felt bad that he had last pick. You knew out of everyone he deserved first choice, but thankfully there was still plenty of space he could have to himself. To your great surprise, he lays his mat down between you and Naruto... right next to you. He sits downleaning against the wall, sets his lamp down next to him and pulls out his book. Trying to get comfortable(and also to hide the blush on your face) you turn on your side with your back to him. You could tell the others were already asleep, but Kakashi's lamp seamed very bright to you and was keeping you awake.
"Kakashi sensai, if you don't mind, could you dim your lamp a little?" You ask after a while. You knew he had a habit of reading for at least an hour before bed and you did not want to stay up that long. With relief, the light dims and you close your eyes. "Now, hopefully I'll fall asleep before he's finished." You think to yourself. However, after he dims the light, he puts his book down and crawls under the blanket. "Is he done already? It's only been about five minutes." You hold your breathe trying not to give away how you feel about him being five inches away from you. "Just go to sleep, just go to sleep." You tell yourself, but your mind is racing and you feel your blood begin to boil. You hope he can't tell what's going on inside you. Suddenly, you feel a firm hand grasp your arm. As Kakashi turns toward you, you feel him scoot close behind you. You freeze and your breath stops.
"What's going on? No. He can't possibly......." You think to yourself. Now his chin is over your shoulder.
"You know I want you, fn." He whispers. Your face turns bright red. "And I KNOW you want me." You can feel his hot breath on your neck and you know he has his mask off, but you don't dare move. "I also know you try to hide it, but you should know by now you can't hide anything from me." It was true. You have loved Kakashi since your first mission with him and your squad a year and a half ago. You have tried to hide it ever since. Not only did you think he'd never fall for someone like you, but even if he did, that kind of relationship is forbidden and if you were caught.....you would die and more importantly, he would die.
"Look at me." He orders. Somehow you manage to turn your head to obey. The moment you do, your lips are met with his. Your in shock. You never thought this possible. Then, reality sets in as he continues to kiss you. You open up to let him in. He gently pulls your arm so that you're now on your back, then reaches over to grasp your other arm. He pulls away briefly for breath as a single tear of joy makes it's way down your cheek. He smiles, rubs it away with his thumb, and begins to kiss your neck. You've never been kissed before, and he knows it. He continues to explore your neck. You never knew how pleasurable this would be. Then suddenly he hits a spot that triggers an enhanced feeling which makes you flinch a little due to the excitement. You feel him smile briefly. He digs a little deeper and you uncontrollably let out a little moan. You didn't know why, just that you liked it. He was clearly satisfied with the noise you made. You never knew how strongly this kind of thing would make you feel. He then began to move back up your jawline until he reconnects with your lips. You feel his hand move from your arm, under your shirt, to your waste.... caressing your side and back as he continues to kiss you. Your shirt lifts halfway up due to the movement. You turn to face him as he pulls you closer so that there's no longer any space left between you. With his other hand he reaches through to hold the back of your neck as he deepens his kiss. He pulls away and stares down at you. This is the first time you've actually seen his full face. "Oh my gosh" you think to yourself "I always imagined he was cute, but this man is..." Your thoughts are interrupted by another kiss. You could tell he simply wanted to know what you were thinking....and he got his answer from the look in your eyes. You know he knows what you were thinking. As he feels your back, he pulls you even tighter to him for a brief moment before he releases you. You gently role onto your back, but with his arm still around you. He stares at you intently in another attempt to read your thoughts, now that you have once again made eye contact. He smiles as you simply stare back at him with the same look of desire and love that he has. He gives you one last peck on the lips and puts his other arm around you as you scoot over to rest your head on his shoulder.
"F/n" he replies. You pause for a moment.
"I love you....but ...how is this going to work? I mean....we could never actually be together in-"
"Sshhhhhh......" He whispers in your ear. "Who has to know?" Not content with his answer, but not willing to go on, you submit and decide to simply enjoy the moment..... enjoy the satisfaction that he at least likes you back...enjoy it just for tonight at least. You tilt your head up to kiss his chin as he caresses your arm. You sink in and allow yourself to rest in his embrace. You wish it would never end and the thought of tomorrow begins to haunt you. You knew it would come all to soon and then you would have no choice but to go back to hiding your feelings. However, he can sense you beginning to worry.
"Don't think about that. It'll be alright." He comforts. "Just live in the present." He kisses your forehead. "Tommorow will always have it's own sorrows...but it's own joys as well.....just like today." You close your eyes and let his words sink in.
"I love you." You whisper.
"I know. I love you too." He replies.
"Oy. F/n." A quiet voice arouses you from your sleep. "F/n." You wake in the same position you were while your sensei was reading last night. On your side, facing the wall. You begin to stir. "Was it all a dream?" You think to yourself.
"F/n!" You quickly sit up somewhat startled to see Kakashi standing by your feet, staring down at you.....mask on and already dressed. He looked somewhat annoyed that he had to wake you. Definitely not the kind of looks you thought he was giving you last night. You look around. It's only you and him in the room.
"Where are the others?" You ask.
"Outside checking their equipment as you should be doing." He said without a hint of affection.
"Aye sensei." You reply as you rise to your feet. He turns and walks away. "Maybe it was a dream after all." You think to yourself. "With no one else around, there would be no reason for him to be so cold to me." You get dressed and take a look in the mirror. "Well, at least there were no marks left, if last night was Indeed real."
"Oy! F/n! Are you ready yet?" Kakashi reappears in the room.
"Aye, sensai!" You reply. You can't take it. You must know if last night was real or just your imagination. You work up your courage and begin to reach towards him slightly.
"What do you think you're doing?" He demands. Shit. It was definitely a dream.
"Uh- nothing." You turn around towards the door and start walking.... completely embarrassed. You stop. Kakashi is leaning right behind you against your back.... His arms around you and his chin once more over your shoulder.
"Don't you know it's MY job to make the first move?" He pulls down his mask, kisses the side of your neck one last time, pulls his mask up, and walks to the door. You don't move.
"Are you coming?"
"Aye, sensai!" You reply with a smile on your face. You exit the room right after him and get back on the road......Kakashis up front as usual.
"Eh. F/n?"
"Ya, Naruto?"
"What took you and sensai so long back there?"
"Oh, heh! It was my fault I thought it would be the best time to check if it was ok about me helping you with that new technique. Don't want to get into trouble you know."
"Oh, ya, that makes sense. We are almost home and I want to start right away. But the FIRST thing I want to do is..... Get some RAMEN!!!"
"Haha! Of course!" You reply "He doesn't have a clue" You think to yourself. You let out a smile at the thought. Last night was by far the best night of your life.
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