#and keep in mind there were like. multiple bomb/shooting threats at my school and drug busts
okay I'm japanese right and my parents were talking about how much I'm going to be offered alcohol in american high school and so I started drinking my freshmen year because my parents wanted me to know what it tasted like in case my drink was ever spiked or something?? well long story short I've gotten more alcohol from my parents than anyyyyy kids my age
OK BUT REAL maybe its cause i was too scary or just a loser but i never had to deal with The Temptations during high school so i ended up just getting boozed up more from my parents than my peers
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cleopatrachampagne · 2 years
About your thread on gun safety regulations: It's always so scary to see how even the smallest, tiniest little baby suggestion to improve things somewhat triggers such an aggressive response from US American gun nuts. There's millions if not billions of us on earth who've never even touched a gun and certainly don't need 300 bullets in our homes. We thankfully don't even have to think about firearms outside of the context of the US.
But every once in a while I'll see an American go "no actually if I'm not allowed to have 100 laying around my home and a garage full of ammo, I will certainly perish", as they send their kids to school on active shooter drill day.
I've got nothing but respect for people like your grandmother. I'm sure it's scary, having to deal with unhinged, antisocial maniacs who you know for sure are stockpiling guns and ammo at home. She sounds like a badass.
thank you so much for this. i sent a screenshot to my gram over text if you don’t mind that! gun violence isn’t the only thing she’s spent a lifetime fighting against — she’s followed in the footsteps of her parents (soldiers and journalists who were investigated by mccarthy for sticking by their morals) and dedicated herself to trying to stand up for what’s right and leave the world in better shape than she found it — but her work for feminism (burning bras and protesting banks for the right to have her own account rather than one co-signed by her father or husband and more), against antisemitism and the parents in an area heavy on skinheads recently managing to ban the holocaust from school curriculum, her work in conservation especially in the colombia plateau and henry’s fork, caring for a sanctuary farm in her retirement, battling for unions and workers rights, picketing corporations trying to pollute the columbia river, advocating for lgbt people even in the 1980’s and the aids crisis, the kids with special needs she and my grandfather fostered, her time as a special ed teacher, and her years spent with the pdx police force working to lower police brutality, improve responses to mental health crises, advocate for women and weed out the bigots have been almost overshadowed by her work towards gun control in recent years. she spends so much time on it i think because of the level of opposition and she even had to stop posting on facebook about it after receiving mailed threats from local gun nuts and skinheads but she still is a member of multiple activist groups and dedicates time to helping with campaigns and speaking out against it.
i feel so ashamed of how other countries must see america largely due to the fact that we send children to school in bulletproof backpacks but keep allowing the gun nuts and nra run the nation and keep us from doing anything to lessen the harm. mass shootings don’t happen elsewhere the way they do here and it’s embarrassing.
my grandmother grew up in a warzone, she saw people killed in front of her, she had my mom as a baby in her arms as they fled a bombing once, and two of her six siblings were held hostage by a drug cartel and tortured, but i believe her when she says the united states right now is in worse shape than spain under francisco franco or cartel-dominated cities in mexico when it comes to violence and shootings.
i know a lot of our legislation is absurd and unhelpful and performative but that’s because of the people who have been manipulated by western films and the nra pushing back against anything helpful. no one needs more than a basic, single shot hunting rifle and a small amount of ammunition. people put their children at risk, themselves at risk and others at risk by so irresponsibly owning guns and ammo. there are plenty of other forms of self defense that aren’t more likely to kill you than the assailant.
too many people seem to believe that if they have guns and a stockpile of ammo they could take on the government (which is laughable), invading forces or whatever other perverse fantasy they seem to have. in reality, having a gun makes you more likely to commit suicide, for a child to get shot, for a domestic conflict to end in death and so on. i don’t trust any government — believe me — but we have a government for the purpose of keeping our society safe and stable and it’s a display of utter narcissism and overconfidence to believe that your “right” to own a gun is worth more than someone else’s right to live.
not to mention that the frequent argument is that gun control won’t stop criminals from getting guns but the same exact people helped overturn roe v. wade to ban abortion under the assumption that it will stop abortions. absolute hypocrisy.
i not only appreciate the breath of fresh air from my favorite mutual and the compliment to my grandmother (she is a badass: she’s a wilderness survivalist, cowgirl and political powerhouse with a backbone of steel) but also the perspective from someone outside of the united states because i think it’s super weird that so many people here are convinced they’ll die without a rocket launcher and basement full of ammo — or that their 2k hours of fortnite have prepared them to fight an organized armed force — while the rest of the world is doing perfectly fine with reasonable gun control.
thank you, my sweet cheese, my rotten soldier, my good time boi 💝💝💝
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taehyungie-is-bae · 7 years
Undercover Love - Prologue
So once again; Just like the characters, the back story is a bit hard to portray in a story. So with further ado.. Undercover Love - Prologue : Backstory.
(P.S : Please be patient with the chapters of the story; I’m also writing my other series Amazing Surprises, so I need to take time to write both. Please bear with me! XD)
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Kim Seokjin. One of the most powerful names in all of South Korea. Legend says if you call his name in vain, his extremely skilled men will hunt and kill you. To me on the other hand, Kim Seokjin was a loving, caring, special big brother anyone could ask for.
When Jin and I were only at the tender age of 10 and 7 our parent's had unfortunately passed away. Jin and I afraid of becoming orphans and being split apart became on the run. We lived on the streets either begging for food or stealing it on our own.
At age 16 and 13, Jin and I had encountered two men in black. Unfortunately for us, they were not like the men in the movies; They were merciless, ruthless, and uncaring for our safety. They captured us and brought us to a huge mansion looking house.
We were met up with a big looking man. He offered Jin and I a place to stay but when Jin refused we were threatened. We were brought down to a basement prison where I was forced to sit and watch my older brother get tortured.
One day Jin was finally taken back up to the boss. I cried so hard that day, believing he was taken to be killed, but when he came back Jin seemed calm, at ease almost. I was baffled of course, he was just tortured just hours ago and now he looks almost happy.
Jin explained that he was fine and he would no longer need to be tortured. I thought they had brainwashed him but nothing was different about Jin other than his decision on staying with them. Jin tried convincing me to stay as well but as much as I trusted my older brother, no way in hell did I trust any of those men.
I decided to leave and live on my own, hoping to get a decent job and work my way up. I still kept in touch with Seokjin, texting and calling him every single day; We would update each other on our status. I had found a well paying job to be a teacher at an art school, using my skills of painting to good use.
Seokjin on the other hand had become the owner of the company he was working for, the same company that had offered us a place to live. It was great news but it was still suspicious by how every time I mentioned his job he would quickly change the subject.
It wouldn't be until a little later that I found out Seokjin wasn't only a boss of a huge company, no. He was a boss of a mafia gang company. It has been said our great, great, great-grandfather had started the family "business". It started only as a selling business but as time passed the "selling" business elaborated and became larger, soon becoming a mafia gang.
Our grandfather was the first to announce it a mafia gang, the first to recruit anyone in need of a home and money to be his men, and the first to handle deals illegally. Our father on the other hand was the first to officially buy a mansion and making it the head quarters. That is until he passed away.
I had lived my entire life believing my parents died in a tragic car accident. Unfortunately that's not what happened at all; A rival gang didn't exactly like how my father double crossed them in a deal. They hunted them down and hijacked their plane ride, killing them before they could even reach their destination.
When Jin took over he was told not to tell anyone, not even me, unless I wanted to join as well. Unfortunately I didn't, which forced Seokjin to keep the family business a secret.
Meanwhile Jin had recruited some of his own men. His best man being Jung Hoseok, a professional hitman. Hoseok never misses when he shoots, they nickname him "Domino", based off the American comic superhero who never missed a shot in her life.
Hoseok was our friend for as long as I can remember, soon becoming the stereotypical "over protective brother"; Any guy I liked he had to approve first, any decision I made he had to hear first. It broke his heart when I had to explain to him I was no longer a little girl and now graduating college to take my teaching in art. But Hoseok will always be an older brother to me, maybe even more than Seokjin himself.
Some of Seokjin's other men I had not met yet though; Like Kim Taehyung. Taehyung was a professional hacker. Normally one wouldn't consider hacking a profession, but to Taehyung, it was his life. Seokjin found him on the run from attempting to hack into the highest and most guarded facility in the world; The Pentagon.
Fortunately for Taehyung, Seokjin was able to convince The Pentagon that Taehyung was caught and Jin would "take care of him". Unfortunately for him though, that meant he would have to live in secret with a fake identity, the entire government believing he was killed by my brother.
Park Jimin was their personal trainer. If you needed to get back at someone without loosing or even just a workout, Jimin is the person you go to. Seokjin found him cage fighting, living off the clothes on his back and the single travel truck. He is now their best fighter and can take out any threats that come their way. Many people fought over him, paying lots of money for him to be on their team, but in the end he went to Seokjin.
Jeon Jungkook was a professional bomb maker. Most people wouldn't exactly consider bomb making a mafia defense or offence, but for Seokjin's gang, bombing was one of their trade marks, so of course he needed the best of the best. Jungkook had almost died multiple times making and setting off bombs but the thrill is what kept him from quitting.
Although Seokjin found him in an unfortunate state; When his girlfriend had accidentally detonated a bomb, he couldn't save her in time before she blew up right in front of his eyes. It destroyed him, and he swore never to make or sell bombs ever again. When Seokjin found him, he gave him hope again. It took some time-And a lot of ice cream-but soon Jungkook was back to building bombs.
There are still others in his group, but they are still working their way up to big leagues. Including; Jackson Wang, Park Jinyoung, Choi Minho, Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo, Chae Hyungwon, and Lee Minhyuk [Monsta X].
Every now and then you will see some females walking around as well, some just being one night stands or others being payed to do anything the guys want. I even once saw Hoseok's sister at the house-but that's another story-
Jin even had his first rival gang; "The Vampires". Their leader, Kim Namjoon, used to be one of Seokjin's best friends, that was until Namjoon double crossed him and decided to take all of his money to spend it on drugs. It messed up his mind, and now Namjoon is the most lunatic gang leader in all of South Korea. Anyone who crosses his path doesn't stand a chance.
Namjoon has a knack for recruiting unstable people; he doesn't give them enough time to train, and when he does train them, he teaches them to kill anything and anyone in their path, no matter who they are unless said otherwise.
His recruits consist of; BamBam, Kim Yugyeom, Lee Taemin, Oh Sehun, Byun Baekhyun, Shownu, Jooheon, Wonho, and a new recruit no one knows of yet.
Unfortunately for me; keeping the secret from me, made me a secret to everyone else that I was Seokjin's sister-other than Hoseok of course-It was a risk for me to visit, so Jin tried to keep me away as much as he can. It was a bit hard to do that to a stubborn 22 year old.
But of course; I had not known any of this until a certain special day I had decided to visit my big brother; Kim Seokjin.
~To Be Continued~
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