#and knowing in hindsight that that brief calm was the precursor to All Of That
destinyandcoins · 1 year
one thing about Destiel Putin Election night that doesn't really get mentioned is that if you weren't watching spn 15x18 live and only tuned in when unfounded putin resignation allegations were flying and canon destiel was trending on twitter, you missed both the slow build of absurdity and the initial flat-out radio silence when the episode ended
like. i was staring at my tv for a solid 2 minutes before i managed to pull up tumblr and check if i had just hallucinated The Confession, and there was a solid 5 minutes where everyone was just reeling and, idk, calling their irl besties to break the news or staring blankly at a wall processing The Implications before the "oh my god they really Did That" posts started hitting my dash from people who had already been watching and liveblogging the episode. literally everyone was just so gobsmacked that there was like 15-20 minutes post-episode were only a couple of "oh my god they just made destiel canon IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2020" circulating, and then at about the 30 minute mark everyone recovered enough for the entire internet to absolutely erupt into chaos
i'm not kidding when i say that looking back at the chaos of that night, the cherry on top of that indescribable psychic-damage, fever-dream, shrimp emotions unlocked night was the 20 minutes of calm before the storm where everyone was still too shocked to even react even though the impact had already hit, and none of us knew how quickly things were going to spiral out of control. and i'm sorry but if you tuned in halfway through the night when you heard about the ongoing madness, there is something fundamentally impossible to accurately convey missing from your experience
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