#and lancer n we got a little ways in it was so incredibly fun
How would the Members react if their s/o brought back a little bunny rabbit they found back from a mission?
Another one from Sam! She’s really taking the initiative now that I’m so busy at work. It’s trial time for our attorneys so everyone’s going crazy, so everyone give her some love for picking up the slack!
Also, I ended up doing the Luxord and Marluxia ones since she wasn’t able to finish!
He is NOT pleased. Like, his expression stays the same as it almost always does, but you can clearly tell how displeased he is with you. Of course he doesn’t say this outright. 
”Hmmm….” the Superior’s low voice echoed through the hall. “What made you think that bringing a creature like this here? To the Castle that Never Was?” You suddenly regret bringing the creature anywhere near this place. When you answer, your voice shakes. The rabbit was hurt. You brought it back with you to try and help it. 
”Well… If it’s injured…” the Superior paused. “Maybe it isn’t fit to survive.” The superior took another step towards you and the rabbit and summons his glowing blade. You knew what was going to happen next and it horrified you. You quickly turned to run out of the room, but before you could reach the door, within a flash, then Xemnas appeared in front of you. But instead of striking down his wrath, the larger figure swooped in and got within inches of your ear and whispered. “Make sure the creature is gone by the next time you are within my sight, or I will do what I must.” 
Of course, you weren’t one to listen to rules. So you decided to instead, hide it and help heal the bunny yourself without getting caught and releasing it when it was healed. Some rules were meant to be broken, anyhow. 
But it doesn’t last long until Xemnas finds it and after a long argument, your stubborn ass gets the mighty Xemnas to agree that you may keep the rabbit, but it must be as FAR away from him as possible. Rabbits stink, after all.
As soon as he sees the little ball of fluff in your arms, Xigbar can’t help but start to laugh. “What is that you got there, kiddo?” he snickers. When you say, ‘it’s a rabbit’ like any normal person would respond, he shrugs “Well yeah, I can see that. What I meant was why do you have it?”
You tell him ‘why not?’ and explain that you want to keep it. And you are immediately given a taunting ‘tsk tsk tsk’ as Xigbar crossed his arms. “Hmmmm, the bossman isn’t gonna like this…” You sigh. He was right but.. “I’m in.” Wait what? You ask if you heard him correctly and he nods. “Yeah, sure, What the hell? This could be worth a few laughs to keep around for a while. Plus you seem pretty into it, so why not?” You smile and give the free-shooter a big kiss on his scarred cheek.
”Does this mean we also have to do it like rabbits, in the spirit of everything?” He gives you a playful smirk before punching him in the arm. What an ass.
”Why hello… What have we here?” The lancer peers down at the small fuzzy creature you’re holding in your arms as you entered your shared quarters. You tell him how you found this bunny alone in the woods and how it was much too small to be full grown and how you were hoping to do something to help it.
Xaldin reached down and picked up the small creature from your hands and looked it over. As he placed a finger on the tiny bunny’s head and gave it a small pet, he couldn’t help but smile. “Well you’re a sweet little thing, aren’t you?” The lancer cooed to the rabbit as he continues to pet the baby’s soft fur. It was actually incredibly sweet to see the usually hard faced lancer fawn over a baby bunny.
“Well, you’re right…” He sighed. “This little one is much too small to survive on it’s own.. Do you know anything about raising a baby bunny?” You grin. “I’ll Moogle it.”
At first the scientist is absolutely thrilled to see you carry the rabbit in to him. “Oh wonderful, Y/N! You’ve found us a new test subject!! How intuitive of you! Now bring it here!” But as he reached out to take the rabbit from you, you pull back.
You explain that the rabbit was not for experimentation but because you wanted to keep it as a pet, and as soon as you do explain, Vexen is not pleased. He then explains exactly how many rules you are breaking for bringing such a filthy creature into the castle and how much trouble you could be in if you are caught.
As he gives you the riot act, he starts to he how upset you become, eyes filling with tears as he scolds you. And as soon as he does, the words stop. And now the scientist feels bad. Good going Vexen. But as you cry with the rabbit in your arms, he speaks again.
“Okay, alright. No - no tears.. Okay? You can keep the creature here for now.. And I’ll promise not to experiment on it… But you need to bring it back to where it came from by the end of the week. Alright?” You nod and give him a kiss on the cheek as thanks, knowing how much doing such a task would be for him.
Oh man. You’ve brought this rabbit to just the right person. As soon as you come through the door and he sees the fluffy ball, the silent hero’s hardened featured soften immediately. Ans without a word, looks at you questioningly.
As you move your arm to better show the small bundle in your arms, the tiny creature pops it head up and looks up at Lexaeus. The larger man then reaches out and you place the bunny in his arms. Such a tiny creature looks even smaller as it sits in his giant hands. He pet the rabbit softly and smiled as he ran his fingers over the rabbits soft fur before speaking again. 
”You should bring it back,” he said, as he continued to fawn over the rabbit as if he didn’t just tell you to take it away.
“What? What do you mean bring it back? You love it!” You ask, but the silent hero only sighed.
“It won’t be happy here,” He said in a low tone looking sadly at the bunny. And then it clicked and you realized what was going through the mind of the silent hero. He knew how unhappy the rabbit would be in a place like this, and he didn’t want it to suffer. You sigh and place a kiss among the giant mans head.
“Okay… Let’s go bring it back.”
Zexion doesn’t pay the rabbit much mind at first, not even looking up from his book when you come through the door to the library. It may have been your track record with these things, but it was as if the boy already knew that you were up to something. “What did you bring back?” he asks, refusing to tear his eyes from his reading to see what you had brought back this time. 
”Why don’t you look for yourself?” you smirk as he slowly looks up from the book to see the fluffy bundle in your arms, and as soon as he does, the boy’s expression changes completely. His eyes immediately grow soft  and his mouth opened just enough for a silent gasp to pass through. The bundle was so small. And he couldn’t help but look at it in that way.
”Where… Where did you find it?” He asks, in a much softer tone than he had moments before. You tell him how the rabbit was in the forest and seemed to follow you. You mentioned how you thought it wanted to come with you so you could take it home.
As you explained what had happened, the wonder in the boys eyes started to fade. He placed a hand on the rabbits head, caressing the soft fur before speaking again. “You took it from it’s home? To bring it here? Y/N… We should bring it back It doesn’t belong here with us…”
You knew he was right. As soon as he worded it that way, you suddenly realized the thing that you thought was right, wasn’t really a good situation for anyone. However, that didn’t stop the two of you from holding the rabbit a little longer and letting it hop around the library a short while before the both of you released the creature back where it belonged.
It wasn’t long after, however, that the two of you decided that the rabbit was so fun to have with them that day and you both traveled to the local Radiant Garden pet shop and looked into getting a domestic rabbit of your own, one that needed a new home.
”What is that?” The Lunar Diviner looked down on you with scrutiny as you held the little bunny in your arms. You pull you hand away and the tiny creature pops its head up and looked up and returned Saix’s gaze. He didn’t react much as the rabbit’s nose twitched and sniffed the air. He really didn’t show much of an expression at all. He just stared down silently for a moment, looking at the rabbit with stern disapproval before speaking. “It can’t stay here. It needs to go.”
Your mouth hangs open a moment before you start to object, claiming how it wasn’t safe for such a small bunny to be out on it’s own and how he wasn’t giving the opportunity a chance and was being unfair, but with one glance up into your eyes from him silenced you greatly. His golden eyes felt like they had pierced your soul with a single glance.
With that glance, you knew he had made his decision. Sadness wells in your eyes as you agree that little rabbit needed to go and agreed to take it home, but before you could open the dark portal, he spoke again.
”Not now,” he stated with a commanding tone. “It is late, and you must rest. We can go return the creature tomorrow. For now… we can keep it. I will make the necessary preparations.” With the omission, you smile and place a kiss on the Diviner’s cheek before making your way to your shared quarters with your new friend.
That night, you played with the rabbit as it scampered across the floor and giving it pets and all around having a good time, but as much as you urged him, you could not get Saix to come near the rabbit let alone even pet it. He simply watched from a nearby chair in the room as you and the rabbit played. And as you went to sleep that evening, you sighed, knowing that you and the bunny were going to be parting ways the next morning. But you were happy to have had the chance to play with the bunny that you did. 
Sleep came quickly for you, but you had the strangest dream that night. It felt as you awoke in the night but instead of sleeping next to you, Saix was sitting in a chair across the room, holding the rabbit close to him and gently stroking the creatures soft fur. And you could swear he was… talking to it.
“You have made her so happy, little rabbit, and for that I thank you. I wish I could bring her as much joy as you do, but we are beings that can’t provide such comforts. Not that you understand me…” You quickly fell asleep again after that, but awoke the next morning to see Saix asleep in bed as he was before. It had to have been a dream… Right?
As soon as you bring the bunny through the door, the guy’s expression breaks out into a cheeky grin. “Aw hey! You got yourself a friend!” he chuckles as you continue petting the little bunny. “Where did you find this one?” As you sit next to him on the sofa in your quarters, you explain that you had found the little guy out on a mission and that you had decided to bring the little guy home with you until it’s injury healed and it could survive on it own. The redhead can’t seem to help himself but chuckle.
”You really are a good person, you know that?” he smiles, but the smile almost seems sad. “You always are bringing home injured animals and helping others when they need you… You ever think that… you’re in the wrong business?”
You look at him, confused, before you place a gentle kiss on his cheek. “My place is here, with you!” you smile back, and Axel lets out a soft laugh, one different from the chuckle before. This one was almost… more vulnerable.
”Yeah… Right. With me.” He pauses, assumedly lost in thought to somewhere you couldn’t go. He would seem to go to this place often in recent months, but whenever you would ask if he was okay, he would ask you to not worry and quickly shift back to the Axel you knew, and this worried you. This time, instead of asking what was wrong, you decide to change the subject.
“Axel? Do you wanna hold him?” you ask, and it’s as if you calling his name brings him back from his thoughts.
“Oh, uh. Sure? Sure. Why not?” he shrugs and holds his hands out to take the rabbit as you gently place the fuzzy little thing into his arms. The bunny settles into the redhead’s arms with little struggle and quickly gets comfortable as Axel starts to stroke the rabbits soft fur with his free hand. As he continued to pet the rabbit, the pain and worry in his face started to relax, as if this simple action was enough to soothe his worries, at least for the moment.
“This is… really nice.” Axel smiles softly, and it was a smile you knew was genuine. It was soft, and almost carefree. But then, the smile disappeared and a face of fear.
“Is something wrong?” you ask swiftly, fully prepared to take the rabbit from him at a moment’s notice.
“I– I think it peed on me?!” Quickly you scramble up and take the rabbit from Axel and sure enough, right there on the redheads coat a nice little wet spot from where the rabbit peed on him.
You tried to be nice, but you could not help laughing hysterically as Axel stood up and tried to wipe the pee from his coat.
”Aw man!! No This isn’t funny!! Aaghhh Now I’m gonna smell like bunny pee!!” But your laughter doesn’t relent and soon enough Axel is laughing right alongside you. This bunny pet project is going to be really fun.
“Hey welcome ba– Whoa! Oh my god, is that a rabbit?” The musician excitedly asks as soon you enter the door after a long mission, but before you can enter the room any more, the boy had already swarmed to you, staring quizzically at ball of fluff in your arms. “Can I pet it?”
You nod enthusiastically as the boy reaches out a hand to pet the soft little rabbit, and as soon as his hand presses against the soft fur, another excited noise escapes his lips.
“Woooow!!! So soft!!” He exclaims as he continues to pet the rabbit as you hold him in your arms. You urge Demyx to be gentler with his petting as the rabbit is soft and delicate. You then ask if he would like to hold the bunny and it was as if every star in the sky appeared in his eyes. You quickly took his expression as a yes and instructed him how to hold the rabbit before placing it gently in the musicians arms. And as soon as the rabbit settled in, Demyx made another excited squeal.
“This is… SO COOL!” he exclaimed but you quickly hushed him, saying how the rabbit is still a skittish animal and could be easily startled. “Oh! Sorry!” The boy replied in a loud whisper. He was trying his best. “I just was so excited that I forgot that we needed to be quiet!” And with his explanation, you couldn’t help but laugh.
You both broke out into silly laughter as the rabbit simply twitched it nose in confusion, but within a flash Demyx’s smile disappeared. Before you could ask what was wrong, the answer became perfectly clear as Saix’s voice erupted from behind you through the doorway. Oh yeah. You forgot to close the door.
“Is that what I think it is?” The blue hair wasted no time staring Demyx down with that piercing stare of his. And of course the soft boy holding the bunny couldn’t do much more than stutter.
“I— Uh– This is–”
“That was a rhetorical question, Demyx. I can see that there is a wild animal in your hands.” The Lunar Diviner slowly reached down, and picked up the rabbit with trying to make as little contact with the creature as possible and placed it in your hands. ”Y/N, would you kindly send this creature back to where it belongs while I escort number IX to his new position for the next month on dish cleaning duty?” He asked as he grabbed your partner by the arm and harshly dragged him out of the room.
”WHAT? BUT THAT’S DUSK WORK!!!” He objected. 
”Not anymore.” Saix retorted before disappearing down the hall with the small musician lagging behind. Demyx never ratted you out for being the one who brought the rabbit into the castle in the first place and took his punishment in stride. That was just like him. And even though you had to send the rabbit home, you were still kind of happy the three of you got to have those moments together.
You didn’t expect Luxord to be in your shared quarters when you walked inside, but he was. He looked up from the table where he was sitting and smiled, eyes flickering down to the fluffy bundle you carefully cradled in your arms.  You followed his gaze and glanced up. “I can explain.”
“I’d more prefer if you explained how you managed to get it past Xemnas,“ he said. He stood and walked over to you, hovering as he examined the rabbit. He reached out and rubbed behind its ears with the tips of his fingers.  “It’s adorable, but he’d never let you keep it.“
“And that won’t be a problem if we all keep our mouths shut, right?“ you warned, almost as a threat. “The poor thing was shivering in the cold outside and I couldn’t just leave it there.“
“You and your bleeding heart,“ he replied, chuffing you playfully under the chin. “I won’t cover for you if you get caught.“
“Noted.“ There was a pause. “I hope you realize that this means I’m keeping it in our room for the unforeseeable future.“
“Yes,“ he sighed. “I figured you would. Just make sure it doesn’t reproduce. I don’t think I’d have the patience for that.“
Marluxia was always prone to overreactions, but whatever response you were expecting from him when you brought the adorable little bunny into your room, it certainly wasn’t anger.
“What... the fuck... is that?“
“Uh...“ You were wondering if it was supposed to be a trick question as you looked down at the rabbit in your arms.  It curled up into your sweatshirt and shut its eyes sleepily.  “A bunny?“
“Where did you find it?“ he demanded.
“... In your garden? I found him under one of the shrubs. He was -“
“That little bastard has been eating my plants for the last six weeks. GET RID OF IT!“
Wide-eyed, you protectively cradled the animal to your chest as if Marluxia would just reach out and snatch it from your arms. “No! It’s not his fault if he was hungry!  He was just looking for something to eat! He’s just a baby!”
“A little baby that destroyed my begonias!“
“Well now he’s my pet,“ you scoffed, gently rubbing your face against the soft fur.  “Look, he’s cute and he likes you!“ You lifted the bunny in your arms, holding it up dangerously close to Marluxia’s face. It sniffed at his nose and let out the most adorable sneeze you ever heard. “Aw, isn’t that nice!“
Marluxia wrinkled his nose in what you were sure is disgust, but he just shook his head and scowled.  “I take it that there’s nothing I can do to get you to bring it five hundred miles away from here, isn’t there?”
“Absolutely not.“
”AgH!! What is That THING?!” Larxene squeals, jumping back 20 feet from where you were standing holding the rabbit in your arms. “Is it a rat? A big rat? And you’re holding it?!?”
You look at her, seriously perplexed. “Uh… No? Larxene, it’s a rabbit… You do know what a rabbit is… right?”
”What? Of course I know what a rabbit is!” She snaps. “I just… Haven’t seen one in person before.”
You let out a little gasp. Did she really just say that? This needs to be remedied immediately. You sit down on the edge of the bed and inch closer to where Larxene sat and urged her to pet the bunny.
At first she refused, but she stared at the little harmless creature in your arms with skepticism before slowly reaching an arm out and hesitantly placing her fingertips on the rabbits head between it’s long ears. And as soon as she felt the bunny’s soft fur, the fear on face disappeared.
”Whoa! It’s so… Soft.” She says with surprise as she continued to pet the rabbit.  You smirked as she quickly gave in to the temptation of the rabbit’s soft fur. At first she only allowed the pads of her fingertips to touch the ball of fur but eventually found her hand stroking the tiny beast from it’s head and down its back. It was obvious that both Larxene and the bunny were enjoying themselves. 
”You want to hold it?” You ask and she looks at you with shock.
“Can I?” You nod and slowly place the creature on her lap, and within a second, the rabbit snuggles itself in the nymphs lap and looks very pleased. Larxene’s mouth falls open as she softly gasps.
”So… We’re keeping it, right?” She asks. 
With a chuckle, you nod. “Absolutely.”
As the rabbit hopped closer, Roxas’ eyes went wide and looked to you in question, almost pleading with his eyes. ‘Can I pet it?’ With a grin, you wiggle a nod and urge the boy on. Cautiously, his hand came up, and landing in front of the bunny, allowing it to sniff his hand. It sniffed for just a moment before sliding it’s head against the boys hand and allowing a pet.
As Roxas’ hand touched the fur, he gasped quietly to himself, maybe even unaware he did it. But his wonder just made you feel so good. If you had a heart, you knew it would have been swelling in your chest. It just made you so glad that you could do something like this for Roxas.
”Oh, cool!” Roxas smiles as you bring the rabbit into the room, its soft little face sniffing the air and examining this new place. You shut the door behind you and place the small bunny loose on the floor as Roxas stepped closer to get a better the little creature.
He sits on the ground near the bunny, watching it hop along the floor and you soon join him.  You both sit quietly on the floor a minute, watching the tiny fluff hop and explore its new surroundings. 
”Look at it check the place out…” The boy points out as the rabbit sniffs a nearby table leg. You look over to Roxas as see that for the first time in weeks, that he is smiling. To see him having fun and enjoying something as simple as this. Well it was cathartic. As the bunny finished it’s romp around the room, it moved closet to Roxas, sniffing the boy’s foot curiously before coming closer.
She had never seen a rabbit up close like this before and this fact is very apparent that she is trapped in wonder as she steps closer to you upon realizing what you are holding. “Can… Can I touch it??” She asks, just above a whisper, almost afraid of scaring the little thing. 
As soon as you nod in approval, her hand is reaching out to gently touch the bunny’s soft fur. And as her hand makes contact with the fur, a tiny gasp escaped her lips. 
“It’s so soft!” she whispers excitedly as she continued to pet the bunny. Watching her be so happy and enthralled was enough to be worth any kind of trouble you were going to get in for bringing the rabbit into the castle in the first place.
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queenofnohr · 5 years
Fate/Grand Order Gareth Line Masterpost
Here’s what I’ve been working on alongside my other work! I’ve been taking more time on my translations to be a bit more liberal with phrasing/making it not so literal, so I hope it’s paid off? Gareth is one of those types who’s kind of a huge Round Table fan, so while she speaks politely, her excitement shines through a lot. I hope I was able to capture that kind of youthful energy.
EDIT: All her lines are now available!
I.... should be using my patreon, probably, but I feel like voice lines are things that won’t really benefit me by being on there. I will hopefully have my first patreon only post up by next week (it’ll be a Material Book Profile from Book IV!)
💜 If you like these translations, please consider supporting me on my patreon - for just $1 you’ll get early access to translations I do that aren’t commissions, and for $5 you can have a say in what I decide to translate! If patreon isn’t your cup of tea, I also have a ko-fi you can donate to! As always, thank you for supporting me!
Summoning: I am Gareth. A knight who sat 7th at the Round Table, and as such served King Arthur!
Level Up: I could get used to this magical power! Ooooh~
Ascension 1: Yeah, this is what I’m most used to wearing after all. If I’m armed, I’ll be able to fight with you, you know? By the way, this armor is from back in the day, when I was traveling around as a page. Ascension 2: Hm? Did anything change? I don’t really think so, but thank you anyway! Ascension 3: Ooooh! Incredible!! This is my Round Table armor, Master! So cool, so cool!! Ascension 4: My lance was once praised by my former king, His Highness, King Arthur. If it is by your decree, it shall pierce through anything. In accordance with your will, it shall pierce through anyone. But, please, I pray you use me for the sake of building a peaceful world. —Whaaat. I tried to be just a little cool. Ehehe.
My Room Generic 1: If you just stand around, roots will start growing out of you! You’re young, Master! I’m young too! So let’s get up and get out there! My Room Generic 2: Masters and Servants are like kings and knights…… Hm? ...It’s….. A little different than that? Mm…… Ehehe, it’s kinda complicated, huh. My Room Generic 3: Okay, so, with knights and kings, King Arthur would be my superior…… That makes the relationship between a “senpai” and “kouhai” easy to understand, but…… Your kouhai is Miss Mash, so…… Hm…… Hmmmmm…… I don’t really get it…...
With Arturia: Our King of Knights…… Ah! Your Highness, King Arthur! ……To be able to meet again…… *sob*... *sob*....... I’m so sorry…… I’m so very sorry…… I wasn’t able to fight alongside you in that final battle…... With Bedivere: Sir Bedivere! Aha, it really is you! Oh, what’s with that arm? Strictly speaking you’re a different person? What do you mean by that? With Gawain: Brother, it looks like you’re in a good mood. …….Lord Gawain. Um……. Ehehe…… If you don’t stop ruffling my hair, I’ll get mad! …...But, Brother, I really am happy to see you again. I love you! With Mordred: It looks like Mordred is here too, but…… Mm…… I want to talk more, but I feel like there’s no chance of it happening. With Tristan: Infidelity is bad, you know! Sir Tristan? …...Sir Tristan! Don’t just look away, Sir Tristan. With Merlin: A- Actually, Lord Merlin is kind of difficult to deal with. I like him, but he’s a little…… how should I put this - a little scary. I can’t really put it into words. Master, please keep this a secret from Lord Merlin, okay? After Chapter Camelot (?): Ah, Sir Galahad? Sir Galahad…… that’s you, right? Why did you turn into a girl? …...Oh, my mistake, you’re Miss Mash! My apologies! Aha…… That was close. With Lancelot (Saber): Kya! N- No way…… no way, no way, no way!!! …...Could that really be……? No, it can’t be…… The great Lancelot from back then…… It is him- No way, you’ve gotta be kidding me! Awawa.... Awawa… Awawa…. What am I supposed to do with myself…... With Lancelot (Berserker): This sinister aura…… It’s just like from the day I was killed…… Sir Lancelot…… Even now, my voice still can’t reach you. With Astolfo: Oh boy! A Frankish Knight! Let’s joust! I won’t take no for an answer! With ???: Joust!!! With me!!! With Arturia (Lancer/Lancer Alter): Eh…… Is that His Majesty, King Arthur? But, there’s so much that’s different…… Like, um, it’s really hard to say this directly, but…… How did his majesty get a horse indoors……? With Arthur Pendragon: Your Majesty…… that’s you, isn’t it? Isn’t… it? Hmmmmm.
Likes: What I like? A spear and shield! Or even just a spear is good with me! Is there anyone who’s up for a joust? Then again, we can’t really have horses running around indoors…... Dislikes: What I hate most is oil slicks. It’s really easy to slip on them, you know? Holy Grail: A mass of magical energy? I have no interest in the Holy Grail. Perhaps if my former king wanted it, then maybe…… No, even if that happened, I wouldn’t be able to get it. Of all the Knights of the Round Table, only Sir Galahad was able to obtain it. If there was anyone else who might be able to…… Oh, that’s right. Sir Percival probably could.
Bond 1: I’m the child of King Lot and Morgan, Gareth. I once served King Arthur, and received the seventh seat at the Round Table. Oh, of course, it wasn’t the original seventh seat. The Knights of the Round were constantly shifting members around. Bond 2: You want to know…… how I became the final knight of the Round Table? Even though I was inexperienced, the other knights - and more than anyone else, His Majesty and Sir Lancelot - supported my joining. Oh, that’s right, I don’t think I mentioned that. I served as Sir Lancelot’s squire. Bond 3: “One day, you’ll rank among the greatest of knights. In time, you’ll become a true knight, comparable to your elder brothers.” Those are the kinds of things everyone used to say, and they were more than I deserved. …...Eh? Was there a lot of pressure? O- Of course there was back then, but certainly not now! Bond 4: When Big Brother Agravain decided to accuse Sir Lancelot, I was sad. I was just... so, so sad. I objected, of course. Because he was Sir Lancelot, the one who bestowed upon me the ranking of “knight.” To me, he was the ideal knight - someone I wanted to be. Bond 5: Yes, long ago…… I was killed by Sir Lancelot. I didn’t really understand what happened…… I was helping Lady Guinevere, and then I saw Sir Lancelot running toward me, and I- He-...... No, it’s all simply a shame. No matter what I say, I cannot stop that day. My words can’t yield anything, and so the past- the moment he took my head in his hand and crushed it- it can’t be changed. In his eyes, I didn’t exist - not one bit. This, I am perfectly aware of. I don’t regret it anymore. But, I was summoned in peak form, spear in hand! And so I’ll fight with all my strength, just like I did back then! I’ll do my best!
Event: It looks like there’s some kind of fun festival going on! An event… Aha, so that’s what it is! Then, let’s head out right away, Master! Birthday: Happy Birthday! It’s an auspicious day, so even though it’s been a while, I’ll try to occupy myself in the kitchen. Just leave everything to me. I’ll even pretend to be your assistant for the day.
Battle Start 1: You face the seventh of the Round Table, Gareth! Battle Start 2: I will absolutely attain victory! Battle Start 3: I’ll go all out. That’s okay with you, right?
Card Select 1: Yep! Card Select 2: I got it! Card Select 3: Hm…...
Extra Attack 1: Ei! Ya! Haugh…… Fire! Extra Attack 2: Ei! Ya! Take my Arondight Overload!
(she actually has 4 Extra Attack lines - but the other two are just variations on these 2 with different yelling)
Skill 1: I have confidence in my endurance! Skill 2: My hands are often praised! Ehehe! Skill 3: O, ring! Lend me your power!
NP Select 1: Is it really okay? NP Select 2: Absolutely!
NP 1: Face me! Augh! Haugh! Time for the finishing blow! Ira Lupus (Rampaging Wolf Maiden)! NP 2: I’ll take you down! I am a wolf! My spear is my fang of certain death! Here I go! Ira Lupus (Rampaging Wolf Maiden)!!
Damage 1: What was that? Damage 2: It’s not over!
Defeated 1: How…… regrettable…... Defeated 2: I- I…… can still…...
Victory 1: Victory! I won, Master! Victory 2: Fufufu, think I’m small and you’ll be sorry. Victory 3: I’m still a Knight of the Round! I won’t lose!
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