#and leaf longclaw oleander my thistle bat plum and sir monty
bri1234 · 6 months
Poems that remind me of TCH pt. 3 🖤
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Honestly going through TCH withdrawals, I miss Kieran so much 😭
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bri1234 · 24 days
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Meet my MC: Ella
TCH Masterlist
Book: The Cursed Heart
Love Interest: Kieran
Pronouns: She/her
Birthday: March 19th
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Birthplace: A tiny village
Current location: The Moon Palace
Found Family: Kieran, Longclaw, Sir Monty, Oleander
Magical Animal Friends: Leaf, Plum (thistle bat), Kieran's ravens (occasionally, depends on the day)
Personality: Kind, caring, trusting, patient, loyal, curious, accepting, resilient, honest, imaginative, stubborn, clever, empathetic,
Many believe that Ella's kindness and willingness to trust others is her weakness, but it is truly her greatest strength. She defeated the Sun Court and a power-hungry Fae after all. She even was able to get Kieran to warm up to her, which seemed like a near-impossible task for a while. Her warmth and generous nature shine through in almost all her interactions.
Physical Appearance
Hair: Orangy redish, wavy with curls
Eye color: Blue
Height: 5'6"
Reading: She picked up reading while in the Moon Palace and became a huge bookworm. Kieran would often have to pry books out of her hands to get her to come to bed.
Healing: Despite this technically being a job, she loves being able to help others. She often finds herself reading about all the different Fae plants and learning more about their magical properties from Longcalw, which she finds fascinating.
Ice skating: Winters were normally brutal in the village she grew up in, but her parents would take her to a nearby lake to ice skate on days when the weather was decent. She became very good at it and often would challenge the other village children to races and "skate-offs," as she called it. She explained ice skating to Kieran and he couldn't believe that humans would willingly stand on blades just so they could move on frozen water.
The Past
Childhood: Ella has always been a curious girl. She often would find herself wandering into the woods despite her parents warnings. She dreamed every night of the world the was just past the woods, wonding whether or not the grand, magical tales her parents would tell her before bed were real.
Besides her curiosity, her mother trained her in the art of healing. Ella would often assist her in treating those who were ill in the village and others in neighboring locations. As a young child, she could tell you about any plant growing in the woods, whether it had healing properties, and if it was safe for humans.
When her parents died from illness, the owner of the local tavern took her in. That is where she stayed and when she was old enough, worked until the beginning of TCH 1. But, she did dabble in healing here and there when someone was ill. I like to believe that if fate hadn't brought her and Kieran together, she probably would of become the village healer, following in her mother's footsteps.
The Future
What happens in my HC: Honestly, I'm not really sure yet. I know for a fact that Ella and Kieran get married, but I'm still unsure if I want Ella to stay mortal like how book 2 ends, or somehow find a way to make her become immortal. Maybe I'll have to expore this in a fanfic someday, I'm just not sure when I'll make up my mind lol.
What doesn't happen in my HC but is fun to imagine: Kieran gives up his immortality at the end of book 2. Ella and him get married, have kids, and grow old together. I touched base on this in a fic I posted here. Genuinely want to continue this because I loved writing it soooooo much, so stay tuned lol.
Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations
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