#and like! wookiees are a good example since their cultures are so linked with the wroshyyr forests of kashyyyk
besalisks · 2 years
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Posting a screenshot cuz I don't wanna go on a rant in the tags lmao
But shit like this feels weird to me. That isn't how culture or heritage works necessarily. It isn't just 'you can do your traditional tattoos and speak your native language' [even though yes those are important], there are so many parts of cultural heritage that would be lost when people are taken from their homeworlds and raised in the temple, even if they were raised with other jedi of the same species. The jedi religion and the temple and courscant all are part of that specific culture, the republic culture, the Basic culture or whatever. Raising a kid as a jedi is definitely taking them from their culture and raising them in a different one, no matter how many tattoos you let them get. They'd still be separate from the community and traditions of their homeworld.
People in the comments are talking about how jedi are encouraged to stay in contact with their homeworld and engage in the culture and I think that's great, but what about cultures that specifically have a lot of importance in familial connections? No matter what, the jedi are breaking the bond between the younglings they take and their cultural heritage and community and replacing it with the jedi religion and the basic culture. And with how the jedi do things [no emotional attachments at all, don't act on emotion], it can be damaging! And especially when a certain culture / species isn't common in the Order, imagine how isolating that but feel. I think about wookiee jedi which are canonically rare, can't speak Basic, and not everyone can understand Shyriiwook. Iirc the wookiee jedi in the new republic series canonically dislikes social events at the temple because they make him feel isolated since a lot of people can't understand him. And wookiee culture prominently focuses around community and family!
Etc etc etc it's just so wild to me to see someone say 'see! They can have tattoos, they're definitely allowed to connect with their heritage' like congrats to the jedi order you did the absolute bare minimum, it's still fucked up
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