#and like a master's thesis already according to supervisor no. 2
cleargreyskies · 6 months
Despairing a little about the state of my master's thesis. It could have been so good if I hadn't stopped caring. I keep losing interest when it is one of my favourite topics and one I chose a year in advance. More guidance would have helped me a lot. Someone who showed they cared and would have made me work on it, too. (I am so bad at doing things if there is no extrinsic motivation. Sometimes I feel lost like a dog that needs a task and attention.) And a better work ethic. A better research question. The thesis feels so random, and I am not qualified for the discussion. Two weeks left, the most important intellectual part still missing. I hate this. One paper in your time studying has to be your worst, but why does it have to be the final one?
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thetiredstuff · 11 months
i have a model UN simulation on november 30th and dec 1st about the nagorno-karabakh conflict for a course of my uni and it's a group project I do with one other student ...
i have never in my life experienced such a terrible project partner
like i have found 74 pages of research for our MUN and she has done 2 ... 2 pages ... we have to write our position paper to be handed in on Thursday which says where our country stands on everything and I'm waiting for her to research a very important agreement which according to an article is 1 page long (1 PAGE!!!!) and she said on Wednesday last week she's research it. it's now 9PM Monday evening and I still don't have that research ...
i already wrote an email to our supervisor last week to say she's not carrying her weight and then she got mad at me saying that we still had time bla blah ... we literally need a ton of info and I just don't have the time to google it all cuz it's too much for me alone and she's not doing her part.
like i haven't even been able to read anything for my master thesis cuz I've spent every waking moment working on this fucking MUN project
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dear--charlie · 2 years
Dear Charlie,
Today was a great day. Until it wasn’t.
In the morning I went to university to some sort of welcome thing for master students. It was unnecessary. After awkwardly trying to talk to new people, I called the quits and stuck to the ones I semi-knew. I got a little closer to V. who used to really intimidate me. We spent the day together and went for food together. The new uni, the third and last one in my master’s program is really nice, a little posh though. I like this city a lot. And I adore the teacher. We had a meeting with all of them. We are only 10 stuents, but 5 of them haven’t arrived yet, so it was 5 students meeting 4 teachers. A little awkward, but Sara the teacher initiated an ice breaker. It helped a little. It was quite nice to get to know them. I’ve had Sara before, in online classes. In the beginning I didn’t really like her, but then I grew fond of her. She is really fair and good at bringing messages accross. She has helped me out, academically and personally, when I just really needed it. She is very empathetic and I feel like she feels what her students do. Anyway, in Denmark, last semester, she held a lecture on diversity in children’s books, a project she is currently working on. Well, this semester, we have to do internships, and out of the list we could choose from I didn’t really like any, so I shot my shot and asked Sara if she needed an intern on that particular project she presented. She loved the idea. I’m now her intern. We start in 2 weeks. Today she told me she was really happy that I asked her because without me asking she wouldn’t have worked on her project this semester. She also said she liked that I asked for what I wanted and that I had the guts to do so. She said in Dutch there is a saying along the lines of don’t settle for less than what you want. And well, she seemed happy. She also told me she will be supervising my thesis, which made me very happy, as I’d already talked to her about it in Denmark. She told me she “requested me” aka, the one shot she had at making a decision of somebody she wants to mentor isntead of all the others who are allocated according to capacity. I’m her choice. She made that very clear. Even clearer, we talked about PhDs and she offered me to be my second supervisor. So that’s that. I was bursting with happiness. All that came after a long long email exchange settling the internship and talking about the thesis. She asked me why I wanted to research what I want to research. It’s about queer YA. And I told her that I’m queer and that’s why during a conversation but I hated that answer, so I explained myself cleaer in an email and got a little deeper and personal. And she answered me back in the kindest way possible, getting a little personal as well and telling me that I shouldn’t aplogise for such a long email, that she wanted to thank me for opening up and that, if anything, the email made her feel privileged to be my supervisor. Needles to say I was super touched. Anyway, then things got bad. I was supposed to have dinner with a friend from another city but she got on the wrong train and couldn’t make it anymore. So I went for dinner with v. which was okay. Then I came home and we’ll that’s when it got bad bad. I called A and she was quiet and weird so I asked what the matter was and she said nothing. Well then she texted saying she reread one of our arguments. I also did. We said horrible things. I feel so bad about what i did that I drafter goodbye letters and stood on my window sill looking into the abyss. I was close to jumping off. I didn’t. I didn’t wand my flatmate to find my body. I feel stuck. I’m scared of the future. A great day turned into a bad one because I remember what a horrible person I can be and how hard my relationship can be. I love A. But sometimes we do things we really shouldn’t. Like digging up old arguments, or like fighting in the first place. Anyway. Now I can’t sleep so I thought I’d write it out of my head. It didn’t help, but hey, at least now you know I’m still alive. Sometimes I’m better. Today I was. But then I really wasn’t. Well, that’s that.
Love always,
24.08.202 (00:32)
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kkatot · 4 years
How to read (at MA level, for exams/quizzes)
We are using reading quizzes to enhance our Zoom classes this semester, and when I asked, my MA students thought some guidance on how to read efficiently for comprehension might be useful. So, this is a quick collection of advice that I find useful from a variety of excellent sources (some of which are linked in the end).
1. Prepare your mind to read this text. If it’s an article, it has an abstract, read the abstract, then read what the subtitles of different parts are. If it is a book chapter, read the introduction and take a look at what the subtitles of subchapters are.
What is this text about?
Why has it been assigned? What topic does it link to? How does it link to what you already know or what has already been covered in class?
2. Take notes while you are reading. What is important to remember is that note-taking is an exercise that starts from a frame or a question. What are you reading FOR? A. Are you reading to comprehend the text and get everything that your teacher / supervisor probably considered relevant (and thus may have put on a quiz or an exam) out of it?   B. Are you reading because you are looking for ideas, inspiration, research findings, conceptual frameworks for a particular topic (this will happen when you are working on your own thesis, research or your own writing)? C. Are you reading to get an overview of the state of the art in a field as you are embarking on a new research project?
These will lead to different types of reading / different types of note taking.  For B it might be a good idea to take notes freehand, for example, my colleague Jenny Hagedorn recommends restricting yourself to one A4 page for notes - instead of copying quotes, write down key words/ideas/things you’re not sure about and link them together as you read...it becomes a visual map of the text - excellent reference point for discussion or quickly sourcing.  For C it might be a good idea to start from skimming a number of texts to then decide on a smaller number to read critically. Critical reading is guided by questions like these (by Wray and Wallace)
1. Why am I reading this? 2. What are the authors trying to achieve in writing this? 3. What are the authors claiming that is relevant to my work? 4. How convincing are these claims, and why? 5. In conclusion, what use can I make of this?
However, whatever you read for; you should read FOR THE ARGUMENT. Most of the key content in the text is given in the form of arguments. So, it is useful to be able to recognize arguments. If you haven’t read a lot of academic writing Graff, Birkenstein & Durst (2018, 11 - 12) have a MASTER TEMPLATE for writing arguments, or their “they say, I say” model: 
In recent discussions of …. , a controversial issue has been whether …. . On the one hand, some argue that …… . From this perspective, …… . On the other hand, others argue that ……. In the words of ….. , one of this view’s main proponents, “……” According to this view, ……  In sum, then, the issue is whether …… or ………. My own view is that  ……… Though I concede that …….. I still maintain that ………  For example, ………. Although some might object that …….. I would reply that …….. . The issue is important because ………. Taking it line by line, this master template first identifies an issue in some ongoing conversation or debate (“In recent discussions of a controversial issue has been”), and then maps some of the voices in this controversy (by using the “on the one hand / on the other hand” structure). The template then introduces a quotation (“In the words of”), explains the quotation (“According to this view”), and states the argument (“My own view is that”). It qualifies the argument (“Though I concede that”), and supports it with evidence (“For example”).
If you are reading for comprehending / to study for an exam or quiz, I recommend:
1. Whether you highlight, underline or take notes, pay attention to the elements of the argument as outlined in the They say, I say model above. Important stuff is bound to congregate in the neighborhood of 
where the author is making conclusions or summarizing (often they will spend a paragraph or two explaining something and then summarize the main finding in a conclusive sentence),
when the author is categorizing (making lists, or saying there are two reasons, or three problems, or four approaches),
when the author is making statements about something causing or related to something else (writing that something is because of, caused by, leads to, explains, or comes after questions that start with "why" and "how"),
when the author is engaging with existing scholarship in ways that elevate it as most important (this is where they will condense and paraphrase what they think is important knowledge in the field, look for when the author is named not just cited;
 and whenever "some scholars have argued," "there is research that," "Researchers claim," etc is used.
2. If you highlight:
research suggests that just highlighting is not very efficient. Rather, if you highlight, add your own comments in the margins, as notes or in a separate file. If you read digitally, I recommend copying out the highlighted snippets and adding your own comments to them. Make sure you add your comments in a visibly different way, I put in my initials KT in bold to indicate that this is where the quoted text ends and my own thoughts begin.
Some people color code their highlights (by level of importance or by category, i.e. yellow is theory or concept, blue is methods, pink is findings).
3. If you underline: I like this advice by Amelia Hoover Green (see here for more)
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Green explains her system: “First, signposts. I circled “theory” in the first line because I imagine he’s going to tell me what it is. I also circled “prediction,” because I want to know what his theory predicts will happen in the real world. I circled “in other words” because that suggests he’s going to restate something important (in this case, the prediction). After circling, I read carefully in the neighborhood of my key words and underlined a few key sentences. Your goal: underline no more than a few sentences on any page.”
After you are done reading and taking notes, review your notes and try to return to the questions you asked yourself when preparing your mind to read
What was this text about? What was its main argument?
How did it link to what you already know or what has already been covered in class?
What new things, terms, concepts you learned
Links to more advice:
Amelia Hoover Green advice on how to read https://www.ameliahoovergreen.com/uploads/9/3/0/9/93091546/howtoread.pdf
Terri Senft’s awesome guide to reading visually https://www.dropbox.com/s/ock2oep04thgla9/READING%20VISUALLY_SENFT.pdf?dl=0
Elsa Devienne’s “How to read an academic history article or chapter” infographic https://twitter.com/E_Devienne/status/1305899621064028161/photo/1
Mike Wallace’s and Alison Wray’s book Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/critical-reading-and-writing-for-postgraduates/book245471
Raul Pacheco-Vega’s extensive collection of resources on reading strategies and note taking strategies (in the form of very accessible blog posts)> http://www.raulpacheco.org/resources/reading-strategies/
This thread started with A LOT Of recommendations https://twitter.com/eveewing/status/1143345817463472128
Ashley Rubin’s’ guide to reading non-textbook texts: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f32p4xsaqzddo8a/Reading%20Guide.pdf?dl=0
Miriam Sweeney’s blog post on how to read for gradschool https://miriamsweeney.net/2012/06/20/readforgradschool/
Jessica Calarco’s blog spot on reading for meaning in the academia http://www.jessicacalarco.com/tips-tricks/2018/9/2/beyond-the-abstract-reading-for-meaning-in-academia
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