#and like. a soprano 1 soprano 1… i think the highest note i ever sang as a solo was D6 but i could go higher
starbuck · 2 years
even tho it was a positive post speaking against the negativity, that post about “t voices” from about a week ago made me reaaaaalllly insecure about my voice because i had no idea that was a stereotypical thing for singers on testosterone to be concerned about so, although i hadn’t been anxious about it before (all the trans singers i’d talked to said i’d be fine as long as i kept up with the singing), I suddenly was (because that’s how my shit brain works). So, counter-intuitively, I’d been avoiding singing high because I didn’t really want to accept that I’m gonna lose that range, but i FINALLY got up the nerve to for real sing again and I’m back to report that my voice IS cracking if i try to take it past E5, but I’ve also gained a couple new low notes and the entire rest of my range works fine, so I’m feeling really good about it!!!!!!
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