#and like.. I've theorised in an earlier post before that Silver does not think of himself as anything remarkable because he takes *himself*
true-blue-sonic · 1 year
Silver's Powers not being unique to him kinda makes sense because Silver doesn't think of himself as special and is canonically considered a loser at this point.
I personally would say it's mostly the IDW comics that wildly oscillate between the amount of respect they give Silver. They give me the feeling that they simply just can't make up their mind on who or what they want Silver to be, which I would say is because the end goal of the plot is entirely driving the bus here, not the characters and their actions. So that means in the comics, Silver is either a bumbling idiot who needs to be hand-held by the more powerful smarter OCs while nearly getting wiped out by one random Egg Pawn in a flashback, or someone hella OP and serious whose powers while Super can clear an entire planet of a virus that changes its victims on a molecular level. And I think Silver has absolutely amazing moments in IDW! I love the issue where he and Sonic take the six Chaos Emeralds and make a mad dash for Zavok to get the seventh one, where Silver is a crucial component and shown off as his powerful self. And also during his fight with Zor he's no-nonsense, clear about what he stands for, and even shown as unforgiving to an extent. That is definitely why I find it so unfortunate that these moments are counteracted by Silver either being innocent uwu bapy boi, or just being written as incompetent because that's what the plot needs him to be to get to what it wants to achieve.
But that is just the comics. Forces painted Silver a lot more respectably in my opinion (e.g. shown as being capable of making a stand against Infinite, who's been callously murdering people in the streets beforehand with nothing they could do to fight back having the slightest effect), and TSR did too if you ignore the trash talk scene (e.g. Silver being the first to learn of Eggman and Dodon Pa's plans, and keeping an eye on things with help from his friends). Furthermore, the Sonic Channel stories and information about Silver give a much more respectable view of the character, that leans far more towards his positive sides: his straightforwardness, kindness, desire for justice, willingness for peace, reliability, the fact people feel endeared to him, etc etc. Simultaneously, they are not afraid to mention that Silver can take things too far, and can be put on the wrong track at times. Generally, those stories thus paint him as someone serious and incredibly strong (e.g. able to stop the Eclipse Canon beam with a shield of PK) while still being naive and having slight tunnel vision (e.g. not understanding why he was not taken seriously when he told the Soleannan officials about the bridge collapsing, which he knew because he came from the future). It's... better than what the comic is giving us, in my personal opinion; it's at least more enjoyable if you like Silver's personality from the actual games. So I do not at all agree with the idea he's "canonically a loser" currently. It just depends on what media you look into, and how that media treats the character in regards to what Silver's actual personality is like.
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