#and look viri choromatsu is here too!
halfeviltotty · 2 years
Osomatsu X Erina/OC/Self Insert
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Disclaimer: These are personalized fics for @girlymatsu and use some of his personal details such as parts of his background. So this isn’t one size fit all and isn’t intended to be.
There is sexual content or suggestive themes but no other triggers that I can think of.
“Say, doctor.” Osomatsu announces into the room to Choromatsu’s turnt back. “Put your dick away, I need advice.” Osomatsu rolls his eyes and digs the wax out of his ear while Choromatsu gets all of his shrieking insults out of his system. “I mean it, I need advice!” Choromatsu’s cursing his name and bloodline and all of that bullshit but Osomatsu doesn’t care because he’s in a serious dilemma!
“You’re disgusting, Osomatsu! Did you know that?! You’re the worst – we all hope you die.” Osomatsu waves his little brother off. “That’s the thing I wanted to talk to you about!” Osomatsu drags his body past Choromatsu who’s just beginning to put up those magazines and pull his pants up. “What? That we all want you dead? It’s true, we’re all counting the days down until you slip on a banana peel off a cliff. Hurry up, bastard.”
That makes sense. Osomatsu knows that’s probably the truth so he’s not even going to dispute it or think about the implications on how that’s going to affect his fragile psyche. At the moment only one thing is on his mind and it’s your smile as he lies down on his back. The cushions don’t feel as soft without Osomatsu’s head on your lap and it doesn’t feel as nice when he stares up to the ceiling without making eye contact. You wouldn’t have said something like that to Osomatsu, in fact in the back of his head Osomatsu can hear your voice, “I’m not.” And Osomatsu would ask you to clarify what you mean. To repeat those words because in his mind they’d be a confession. “I’m not waiting for you to die, I want live with you as long as possible.”
Osomatsu sighs heavily as the blood rushes to his cheeks and the world goes pastel. Everything about you is cute, you’re smart, your comedic timing is one of the best Osomatsu’s ever seen before and he works with some real professionals, and…Osomatsu lets his mind drift just for a moment about your body but his mind immediately jumps back to the memory of your laughter. “Choromatsu-sensei I have a problem.” Osomatsu announces once more with both of his hands gripping the pine symbol on this red hoodie. Right where his heart is. “What’s wrong?” Choromatsu’s heaving a sigh, “I think I might be broken.” Osomatsu begins.
“Yes, you definitely are a broken person but we’ve been over that. What’s wrong?” Osomatsu wishes his brother would be kinder but he swallows down the comment. “Well I’ve been hanging out with Erina-chan a lot lately.” Choromatsu groans and nods, “Yeah?”
“Well…” Osomatsu fidgets more with his hoodie because it’s hard to put these emotions into words. His heart is beating so rapidly as he imagines what kind of things you’d say right now. What are you doing? Where are you? Can Osomatsu join you when he’s finished getting advice? Would you smile and accept him? Will you eventually leave? What is he going to do if you go? These are things that worry him a lot, in fact more than they probably should but aren’t you so cute? Is he being selfish because Osomatsu wants to keep you all to himself forever? That he wants to be the only one you think about? When you hear a funny joke could it be Osomatsu you think to repeat it to first? When you hear good news or bad news can Osomatsu be the one you turn to first? The one you wake up next to in the morning, the one you show your tamagotchi grin to, the one who holds your hand, who kisses you?
“When I’m with Erina I feel really different – sometimes in a good way. It’s like a crush but kind of painful? With Totoko-chan I always knew none of us had a real shot but this is different.” Osomatsu begins after a long period of thought. “It’s easier to deal with fake rejection than real rejection…and that scares me? But I don’t know, I get so happy when I see her so I kind of want to ask her out even though I’m afraid?”
Choromatsu glares at his brother and plops onto the floor loudly. “And you’re looking for advice, right?” Osomatsu turns over to Choromatsu and nods with puppy dog eyes. “I like her.”
“You’re an idiot, you know that Osomatsu-niisan?” Choromatsu says with pseudo aggression. “Everyone can see you love her, so why not go confess?” Osomatsu’s surprised just how adorable his little brother can be, wow that guy really does have some redeemable qualities to him. “Should I?” Choromatsu nods excitedly, “Yeah! You definitely should!”
“Do you mean it?!” Choromatsu continues nodding.
“For real?!” Osomatsu sits up and Choromatsu keeps bobbing his head in agreement.
“Like, right now?!”
“Yes!” Choromatsu’s patience is waning but Osomatsu’s too excited and too much of a bully to let up.
“Get the fuck outta here!”  Choromatsu uppercuts Osomatsu and storms out of the room. “Thanks Chorofappsky-sensei!”
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