#and make him seem like a brute and like he can't make a good sire
stonesparrow · 3 years
You seem like you'd appreciate some Senku appreciation. You down for an essay? You know what I really love about Senku? He's like, the best possible version of the genius character archetype. There's his passion for what he's doing, is genuine excitement and joy about science (I love my brooding geniuses occaisionally, but watching someone do something they truly enjoy will always beat that) but what I think is more important, is how Senku is not a total bastard. Like, he's clearly aware of the fact that he's usually the most intelligent person in the room, but he doesn't value anyone less because of that. He values them both as people and for their own skills, skills that he readily admits, he doesn't have but are still valuable and worthy of respect. Ranging from craftsmanship to brute force to people skills. And he never acts like his expertise is more valuable than anyone elses. There's so many genius type characters who ridicule and devalue every other character around them simply because they don't have three doctorates in the STEM field. Even more importantly, Senku never treats anyone as stupid because they lack knowledge. Chrome's the best example here, He clearly doesn't know anything about modern science, believes it's magic at first, but Senku doesn't assume he's stupid, instead he teaches him and trusts him a lot when it comes to science later on. And this is so important, because it really pisses me off when some genius guy on a western Tv show goes: Oh? You don't know the intricacies of quantum physics? What kind of an idiot are you??? Because like, Sire, I'm chef. Or someone just couldn't afford to go to university, or had to study something you can make more money with or just. likes something else. This just makes me so happy. and another tiny thing, is that he also values things that technically have no practical application, like video games, anime, manga etc. Just entertainment. I can't quite remember when it was, but at some point he definitly talks about those as things that humans invented in the modern times, and he clearly appreciated them. No " I'm too smart to have fun" attitude to be found here. While he's a "repress my emotions, pretend I'm totally fine" kinda guy, he doesn't really do the whole "relationships between people are useless and a burden" either. Sorry about that. I had a lot to say. Hope it's not oo much of a bother. Anyway, I really enjoy your blog, it's seriously great!
Senku is such a fun character! I totally agree with you on that - it’s very refreshing to see “the smart character,” show so much emotion and compassion and genuinely value the skills of those around him. And when Senku shows off his science, he’s not trying to make himself seem more important or better than everyone else - rather he gets super excited to share his knowledge, especially with people like Chrome and Kaseki who get really into it along with him.
Despite being avoidant of overt affection and allergic to vulnerability, Senku is really quite emotional as a character. Like literally even just the moments where he reunites with Taiju every time they’ve been separated show his eyes filling up with this...this Look, that basically says “I missed you, I’m so happy to have you back” and aaa it’s so very good! He cares!
Senku gets frustrated, he has setbacks, he gets upset and happy and excited and scared. And it’s often subtle, but in a way that’s also obvious? Like outwardly Senku keeps things in, but sometimes the audience is shown things like him shaking with nervousness or gritting his teeth in frustration and it’s just...very well done, in my opinion. A reserved character that is in no way emotionless and unfeeling, but expressive and vibrant in his own way.
Gamer Senku is a detail that I also find very fun - despite being probably the smartest kid in the world with borderline superhuman determination and concentration, he’s also a nerdy teenager. That makes him feel much more real and human to me, the fact that at heart he’s still a kid who spent his days playing Dragon Quest and hanging out with his teen friends.
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Deputy!Cinderpelt/Medicine Cat!Cloudtail AU
- eat shit ableism
- Deadfoot helps retrain her in exchange for a favor from Thunderclan (which ends up being 'helping Onewhisker take over')
- She does *consider* becoming Yellow's apprentice, because she is a smart cookie and things seemed a little daunting, but... Silverstream's death convinced her it would be a way harder path than being a warrior and not one she could thrive in, so off to physical therapy babe!!
- Cinders becomes a capable hunter, fighting is a lil more difficult without function in a hind leg but she compensates for her weak point well. And by god is she determined, known mostly for her political savy and brute forcing any problem she can't talk Thunderclan out of.
- Whitestorm actually opposes Fire thinking of Greystripe as a future deputy and brings up Cinders instead, who will challenge him and work her ass off unlike sOME PEOPLE
- Starclan has to get very specific in their signs to Thunderclan, like you talking about Fire or Cinder here??
- Cloud never gets taken by humans, BUT notices the far higher quality of life of kittypets and his mother, and wants to provide that to his loved ones
- Cloud becomes Yellowfang’s apprentice instead, he and Moth eventually become great friends (Brightheart still has litters but, like her mother before her, never names a sire, h u h)
- TNP plays out similarly, except the Medis are cousins so they're very close and Cloud is very open about not receiving dreams, but he's damn good at deciphering Leaf's dreams and is smart as a whip and very good with herbs. (Also explaining how Thunderclan at least never hear about the prophecy, they gave it to Leafpaw and she just covered for her sister. Ends up being very embarrassing) And Thunderclan aren't missing a Deputy for several fucking books
- Cinder's position as Deputy means she still plays a big part in Fire's decision making process and they remain close, and Cloud is right up there with them. These two make up for Fire's case of chronic stupid is what I mean
- Cinders still dies near the end of TNP, roughly when shit with Hawk and Bramble goes down, leaving the post open for him. Maybe she's the one in the snare? Or she dies trying to fulfill her promise/favor to Deadfoot?? Idk
Ofc I'd probably change a lot of other things not directly related to the AU but that you damn well know I hate, but... i holds the them tenderly
ooo I love this!!! esp cinder trying out being a healer and then being turned away from it by silverstream's death--it makes silverstream much more impactful on her character arc unlike in canon when its just...kinda weak lmao
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