#and man i wanna watch sailor moon now asdfg
tvrningout-a · 9 months
is ko an only child and if not, how is his relationship to his siblings? how does his living space & his working space look like? chaotic? organized? is he still in love with chiyo or has that completely faded? how does he dress like? what are his thoughts on shonen anime & manga? does he enjoy sailor moon & who is his favorite sailor senshi? sorry i have so many questions aksbjsjs ❤️ answer as much or as little as u want ❤️
it's loving kojirou hours | @vonerde very kindly asks about ko!!
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is ko an only child and if not, how is his relationship to his siblings?
i'm so glad you asked about siblings bc for whatever reason, my brain always defaults to only children if i'm not making sibling oc's asdfg he's an older brother to one miss anju, who is seven years younger than him! they're really close bc ko looked after her a lot while their mom kept busy with work; he was typically the one making her lunch, helping her with homework, and even the one showing up to award ceremonies/special events ( and he absolutely skipped school or his own stuff to attend ). ko isn't perfect, but anju, particularly now that she's older, admires how much he stepped in to not only help their mom but to make sure that anju never felt overlooked, too. she knows that she can come to him with anything, and he's gonna drop everything to be there for her :' )
how does his living space & his working space look like? chaotic? organized?
it's very neat and organized! the complete opposite of chiyo's asdfg ko is very big on things having their place and making sure to keep it that way. having a disorganized space makes it difficult for him to concentrate bc it just feels cluttered and crowded, and you can typically tell if he's going through something bc that's the only time his home and work area will get messy. the more stressed and/or busy he gets, the more the space around him reflects that. i also wanna say!! ko probably appreciates minimalism and simple color palettes... or just plain ol' black and white :' ) it's just easier to match furniture and whatnot if it's all varying shades of black, grey, and white! pls make him put some color in his apartment
is he still in love with chiyo or has that completely faded?
ASDFG ASKING THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS!! AND WELL!! he thinks his feelings have completely faded :' ) until he meets chiyo again :' ) gradually, he realizes that it's really easy to fall right back into those feelings bc while they've grown older and changed, they still click so well. he can see himself dating her again, and maybe this time things could actually work, but ko can tell that chiyo still needs time. he can't hit her with " i still have feelings for you, " and expect her to take it well, not after finding out that she hasn't dated since they broke up. he's aware that she likely has a lot of fear surrounding love and vulnerability even now. ko is content to be her friend for now, though. he enjoys a good slow burn anyway <3 though, this isn't to say he's emotionally unavailable for anyone else who comes along! honestly, i think getting over chiyo and letting go of those feelings would be a fun plot point to explore, but that all depends on my writing partner's comfort level/interest. and ofc there's always the option of a lil polyship!! bc i can see ko being okay with it and actually contemplating the idea first bc he'd realize what's going on before the others most likely. i see ko as being very emotionally intelligent and confident, so he's probably the one pushing the other two to understand their feelings before finally going, " how do y'all feel about just? dating each other? all (x) of us? "
how does he dress like?
i think he keeps a very casual style most of the time, opting for graphic t-shirts and hoodies, comfy jeans, chunky sneakers, and the occasional dad hat. like chiyo, he wears dressier clothing only for work and special occasions, and when he does, he once again tends to gravitate towards greys and blacks with certain other dark colors thrown in. he'll probably avoid wearing ties as much as possible bc he always feels like he's being choked. generally doesn't accessorize very much, but you'll catch him with a ring or two on his fingers and a simple chain bracelet that anju gave him for his 25th birthday.
what are his thoughts on shonen anime & manga?
he enjoys them! but he tends to drop them for long stretches before picking them back up bc they tend to be so long, and he catches up with the released chapters pretty quickly ( though, there are shoujo manga that he does this with, too ). ko also tends to be kind of critical with how authors handle their characters and the relationships, though once again!! that's something he'll do with all manga and anime. i think he tends to kinda? skip over battle scenes or get tldr's from his friends bc he gets bored with those. he's almost always reading a manga for the lore and for the characters and the desire to see how they grow and whatnot, so reading the same battle scene for however many chapters is just :' ) not it for him :' ) even watching the anime gets tedious if the fight extends over more than two episodes. so the bottom line!! is he enjoys and appreciates shonen series, but they're not 100% his cup of tea.
does he enjoy sailor moon & who is his favorite sailor senshi?
he does!! tbh magical girl series in general somehow get a pass for battle scenes, but if i'm remembering right?? sailor moon's fights don't typically last for a ton of episodes! but anyway!! he grew up watching sailor moon with his mom and then his little sister, so it's got a special place in his heart :' ) his favorite sailor senshi is miss rei/sailor mars!! he tends to gravitate towards the more " fiery " characters in a series, and rei is definitely the cause of that. he also adores usagi herself bc she's such a goofball and secretly ships her and rei together!
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