#and man if that isn't sick as hell idk what is 🤷🏿‍♂️
echthr0s · 10 months
my favourite thing about interpreting fiction through my own "fictionality" is ascribing intention to elements that would otherwise be seen as random by the artists and/or the fans
the use of a Platters song as a hypnotic device in Far Cry 5 and the use of a Platters song as background in a certain scene in Twin Peaks are unrelated coincidences. unless you're me, for whom both FC5 and TP have Relevance because of a certain connecting element (our favourite Dark Man, represented here as the Voice and BOB respectively). now these songs are part of a greater esoteric narrative, glowing nodes on a complex constellation. now the Platters, a very good but otherwise unremarkable vocal group from the mid twentieth century, have become keystones. now their appearance in any work of fiction will always remind me to Pay Attention, because another connexion is about to be forged; another facet of the Great Configuration is about to be revealed
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