#and mangey Tails is just 🥺
tailshastwotails · 1 year
Guess who visited toy store just to get these two
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nightfurylover31 · 8 months
Thorn's and Nine's arcs are identical.
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I realized this even before we got season 3. But after it, WOW, the similarities increased big time! What happens with Nine in that final season mirrors what happened when we first met Thorn.
Both started off antagonistic towards Sonic when he met them, thinking he meant harm. Yeah, that was pretty common in the show, but they were the ones Sonic fought one-on-one right away. Even if the fights were brief.
They had moments of peace, but things were tense at times. Of course we have Nine for the main plot, but Thorn was the warm up.
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Both go completely mad with Prism power. As soon as Thorn saw the Shard, she took it from Sonic and went to attack the Scavengers. When Nine misunderstood Sonic's intentions, he took the Shards to complete the Grim. To the point they both would endanger others to get what they want and do what they thought needed to be done.
And you want to talk about cinematic parallels?
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Of all of Sonic's friends, it's hardest to see him getting into actual battle with Amy and Tails. But here he is. Fighting variants of two of his best friends. It really hurts. 🥺
But neither are evil. Thorn and Nine have deep problems. Nine has been bullied and hurt his whole life. He became cold and bitter towards the world. Even a slight betray of trust sets him off. Thorn tried to get the Scavengers to not take so much from the jungle, worried about hurting their home, but no one listened. She felt that forcing them out was the only option, even if it broke her heart.
Even so, there are some moments of waverings. Sonic kept trying to reach out to them, to talk to them.
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And it seems to work. Sonic tried convince Thorn she could express how she really feels and talk things through with the others, and that Nine, despite everything that happened between them, Sonic still saw him as a friend. He starts getting through to them... UNFORTUNATELY, this is when the others attack. And that once again breaks their trust in Sonic.
Even when Thorn and Nine are on full force assault, there are brief glimpses of them with some remorse. Thorn completely closed off all the entrances into the jungle and Nine witnessed Mangey and Sails' "sacrifice."
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They were briefly shaken, but went back to there resolves. They continued fighting for their worlds. No matter what the cost. That whole mindset the world was against them still going strong.
But then the final revelation comes. They were hurting the very thing they were trying to protect.
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Thorn just wanted to protect the forest she loved, and Nine just wanted a better life to not be hurt. But in that madness of power, they lost themselves. Blocking out the sun caused the plants to wither, and constant use of the Prism decayed almost the entire Shatterverse. The guilt, the regret, it all hits them hard.
But even after all they did, Sonic still stands by them. He believed in Thorn and Nine when no one else did. Everyone said they couldn't be trusted, he didn't listen. It came back to bite him, but the pay off was still there. He believed there was enough of Amy and Tails in them, even if they aren't the same friends he knew. It took while, but he was able to get through to them, by talking it out. At the end of it all, it feels like Nine and Thorn are the counterparts Sonic became closest to through this adventure. They had some of the hardest trials, but Sonic gave them the help they needed.
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000marie198 · 8 months
I was hoping to see it, but we never got a scene of it in the show, I wanted Sonic to give Mangey ear scratches so bad.
Poor boi was always scratching at his ears and head, and I just wanted to see Sonic unconsciously reach over and help him since he used to do that for Tails when he was younger 😢
Noooo, we were robbed of the ear scratches 🥺🥺😭😭
In the Prime Bros verse, I will make sure to add them as something Sonic gives Mangey quite often, subconsciously, and the little kit loves it.
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Would the Tails Polycule like to dress as each other?
You know, this is a good question, so I'll do my best to answer! (Under the cut, though, cause it's sort of a lot)
Nine's clothes
Technically Prime!Tails is modern Tails, and since modern Tails has official art/renders of himself in different clothing, Prime!Tails has also likely worn other clothes outside of his usual clothes.
That's all to say that Prime!Tails to me is no stranger to shirts or pants. So while he doesn't wear full outfits often, I don't think he'd mind Nine's clothes. Honestly, I think (minor design differences aside) he would probably enjoy looking in the mirror thinking about how much like Nine he looks and seeing if he can fool anyone into believing he's Nine.
Also I...kind of like to imagine Tails wearing Nine's vest shirt thing whenever they sleep in the same place together. I think it'd annoy Nine a bit at first but like...boyfriend jacket situation 🥺👉👈
Sails' clothes
Sshshsb I can imagine Tails trying them on for the first time like "So this is what I would like as a pirate! Arrrgh". Essentially, I'd think he'd have fun with it, probably play pirate for a bit. Plus, since he and Sails look pretty similar, I think it would be funny if they trained each other in their own dialects to pull a switcheroo move for fun.
All in all, I think Tails would find some of the choices unnecessary or weird (at least for when he wears Sails' clothes), but I can see him keep the outfit in mind in the event he needs to dress up in a different outfit for some reason or needs inspiration for a pirate costume. Sails also has this weird sorta little jacket thing so...boyfriend jacket again👉👈
Hey, what can I say😂 I think Tails would be the type to wear a piece of clothing from someone he's really close to/is dating around his place because it feels nice and smells like them
Mangey's clothes
I think he'd try his clothes on once, but I don't think he'd love it as much. Ultimately, out of the three, Mangey has the least clothing it seems like, and anything that's not his gloves is made out of leaves of some sort. So I think Tails would enjoy analyzing his outfit so he could make himself clothes in some hypothetical event that may never happen where he ends up on a deserted island without clothes. Even though the details of clothes probably really don't matter to Mangey much as long as they get the job done, I can see Tails trying to convince Mangey to wear something else. However, I don't see Prime Tails as someone who'd be a clothes designer expert, and he'd be hard pressed to get Mangey to wear something else regularly. So I think after futile attempts, at best he'd just succeed in making Mangey's current outfit more durable and just try not to worry about it all anymore.
Tails' clothes
You are getting him to do this like. Twice at most, for two reasons.
First, early in the relationship I think Nine would still have hangups on his similarities to Tails, so wearing Tails' clothes and seeing how much he looks like him makes him feel...a number of things, most of which he doesn't like.
Second, idk, I think Nine would feel exposed without the clothes he usually wears. Part of this is due to how he grew up, of course. Nine wore his usual clothes in that brief backstory moment in Prime Episode 1, so while there's not necessarily a confirmation, it's not a big stretch to assume he grew up wearing full clothing. Plus, multiple others in New Yoke can be seeing wearing more clothing/accessories than just gloves or shoes if not full clothing (like New Yoke!Big). So I think he's sort of just used to wearing full clothing and feels weird about it. The other part of this is that I personally see him feeling a bit awkward if not weird about his body, so he's not really confident even doing something small like losing the shorts or his top. I also happen to like headcanoning Nine as transmasc, so (while that's no confirmation of anything for this au) do with that what you will
I think the only times this is happening if Nine is convinced to swap clothes with Tails/loses a dare or game and has to, and/or if someone gets him to agree to try swapping places with Tails to see if anyone's fooled by it. Only two times I can see it.
Sails' clothes
Like with Tails' clothes, I can see him just feeling weirdly exposed about it all. Since Sails' outfit has the most coverage out of the three, I think he wouldn't mind wearing Sails' outfit as much as the others and one would have an easier time convincing Nine to wear it. But he would still be uncomfortable about it (while finding some choices in the outfit unnecessary or weird the same way Tails does). I think he'd be more comfortable wearing Sails' outfit if he had pants/shorts to wear with it or an undershirt at least.
I think Nine is someone who could come to like the "boyfriend jacket" idea like Tails, but ultimately wouldn't be incredibly keen on this for any of the variants usual wear. If Sails had a sweater or coat or something then yeah, okay. You could catch him wearing it and taking in his boyfriend's scent. But the jacket thing from his usual wear? Not his favorite.
Mangey's clothes
At most you will get him to wear it exactly once (see the Tails' clothes section for more detail). That one time would just be because someone convinced him or because for some reason or another he has to try it on. There's barely more clothing than what Tails wears when it comes to Mangey's outfit, so I think Nine would feel pretty uncomfortable and exposed about it.
I can see him taking interest in how the clothes were made (like the shoes for example) and keeping it in mind like Tails would, but that's about it.
All in all, while Nine would find all three of the other's clothes to just be uncomfortable and also not really understand how they walk around like that, he ultimately leaves them to their own devices and doesn't care what they wear.
Tails' clothes
I think being without certain accessories he keeps on would be a bit weird for him, but I don't think he'd mind it too horribly much. While he prefers his own clothes, it's also definitely not a bad thing that one of his boyfriends has decent quality clothes he can wear if he ever needs an emergency outfit change I guess (of course that's assuming Sails wouldn't keep a change of his own gloves at least, but I digress).
If anything, since Tails' regular outfit doesn't consist of a lot, I think the most interest he'd have in dressing up like Tails would be to pull some switcheroos and see if he can convince certain people that he's Tails.
Nine's clothes
I think he'd definitely get some enjoyment out of pretending to act like Nine (whether that's teasing him some or seeing if he can convince others that he's Nine for fun). I don't think it would be his favorite outfit to wear (bit restricting feeling maybe) but he's not necessarily opposed to wearing it. Like Tails, though, I can see him stealing Nine's shirt vest thing. While Tails usually does it in the comforting safety of the home, I can see Sails being a bit more bold in wearing his boyfriend's "jacket" around outside the lab or inside a home. Like with Tails' situation, it would doubtless annoy Nine for a while (but not forever).
Mangey's clothes
I think compared to Nine and Tails he'd probably be the most comfortable in Mangey's outfit. I don't think it would be the most fun for him to dress up in, but I think it's an outfit he could handle wearing like for days on end for example. If Mangey made stuff like the shoes himself, I can see Sails complimenting him on his work and learning from it just in case he needs the knowledge.
Tails' clothes
They're not that different from his usual wear in terms of how much clothing is there, but I think while you could get him in the clothes on occasion he doesn't really enjoy it. The gloves are one thing and I think the shoes are something he'd like looking at, but not to wear. He's the type of fox who wears the same kind of clothes all the time and is probably a bit picky.
But again since Tails' outfit isn't really restricting you could convince him to do it on occasion
Nine's clothes
Do not pass go do not collect $200
You may get him to dress like Nine once or twice and only for fun, but this fox does not love wearing a lot of clothing. I think wearing Nine's clothes it would feel weird in general, a bit restricting, and I can see it being a bit of a texture nightmare for him (even just with there being so much more than he usually wears).
However, I think he is someone who wouldn't mind wearing around Nine's shirt vest thing as a boyfriend jacket or like sleeping on a pile of his clothes. Mangey is not immune to the urge to smell like/breathe in that boyfriend smell.
Sails' clothes
I think he would be more comfortable than he is in Nine's clothes and find more enjoyment than he does with Tails' clothes. So I think on occasion you'd get him to fully dress up as Sails.
However, I think there are certain things (like how Mangey is with Tails' shoes) that he'd rather look at than wear. So more often than not I think he'd put on Sails' belt, bandana, or jacket thing whenever he wants to dress up like him or have the comfort of wearing his stuff. Like with Nine, I think he'd be known to steal the jacket thing sometimes (more than he does with Nine's shirt vest thing), or sleep with some of Sails' clothes/accessory items. He is not immune to deriving comfort from/pretending someone he cares about is with them by wearing or holding their stuff and breathing in their scent.
Thank you so much for the ask, anon! This one was a lot of fun to answer, as I enjoyed digging into my interpretations of these characters to answer your question and decide on what kind of occasions they'd even choose to dress up as each other🥰
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000marie198 · 7 months
Why can I see the prime bros try making Nine laugh. They seen him smile, and chuckle. But never heard him laugh out loud. Also who or what succeeded in making him laugh.
Yes 🥺
They care for him, they want him to be happy. Tails is quite understanding and does stuff with silent gestures which can be seen but not pressuring Nine into reacting
Mangey is timid at first but then becomes cheerful and clingy
Sails though. That kid fears no god or demon or brother. He was also the first one to make Nine laugh, and it wasn't even on purpose, dude just accidentally made a fool of himself.
And Sonic is the one who makes him smile the most with trying, Tails makes him feel welcome and appreciated and heard, Mangey claws away his insecurities by just being a loving little brother and Sails always takes him off guard and allows sudden emotions to be expressed which otherwise Nine tries to keep hidden
Nine opens up gradually but it's always a treat when one of them manages to make him smile or snort or laugh or grin
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