#and more about the fact that banri has /already/ actively chosen koko over linda and the actual conflict involves him trying to get over it
sarinatendouji · 10 months
honestly golden time would be a way better show if the opening and ending themes weren't entirely centered around banri and koko. by making koko the sole focus of the show, they make it seem as though there isn't even a slight possibility that banri could choose linda over koko, which really diminishes the effect of the emotional cheating drama when banri's feelings for linda resurface and koko witnesses it happen. really, i'd be all here for ghost!banri trying to ruin his present self's relationship with koko if the theme songs had just made the outcome a little more ambiguous! focusing on only one of the two love interests either makes it obvious from the beginning that the one girl wins, or it just ruins the ending if the other wins and it turns out that the intro/outro animations were a fake-out the whole time :|
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