#and musers became very happy
stcrmybastard · 4 years
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✦ ▓ AND WHO GOES THERE? oh, it’s just [ EDRIC STORM ]. some say [ HIS ] resemblance to [ TOMMY MARTINEZ ] is almost uncanny, but the [ TWENTY-SIX ] year old has been in the capital for [ HIS ENTIRE LIFE ]. many suspect that they are the notorious [ ASSOCIATE ] of the [ BARATHEON ] family: perhaps that has made them [ COMPETITIVE ] && [ DEFIANT ] of late, when they used to be so [ AFFABLE ] && [ CAREFREE ]. during the daylight hours, [ EDRIC ] can be found working as a [ CAR RESTORER ], but when night falls over king’s landing, they are best remembered listening to [ WRONG MAN BY MATT CORBY ]. may the gods be with them in these dark streets. 
H I S T O R Y ;
Growing up with the knowledge that neither of your parents want you is to be born with a chip on your shoulder.  A chip that despite all the attempts of sanding away by the hands of Renly and Stannis, still blemishes the marbled statue of Edric to this day.  
Edric was born out of a night of wine and lust between his father Robert Baratheon and mother Delena Florent.  Robert was married, Delena engaged.  Robert’s relationship with his wife was already fractured beyond repair, but she refused to have the living, breathing reminder of his constant habit of straying in her house.  And Delena, just on the verge of her own happy ending, soon to be married to a Norcross, didn’t want to constantly remind Hosman of the mistake he had only barely forgiven her for.  If not for Stannis and his utter loyalty to blood, Edric would have most likely ended up in the system, a boy to be passed around from foster family to foster family until eventually aging out.   Often times Edric finds himself wondering what his life would have been like, if Stannis hadn’t been such a staunchly honorable man.
But those thoughts, and the feelings that come with them are quickly crushed when he remembers on the way he did end up growing up.  Stannis was the closest thing to a father figure, and despite Renly’s constant degradation of the man and his personality, Edric always has and will appreciate what he did for him.  Sure, he may not be the most fun person to be around, nor was he one to hand out hugs and read bed time stories to the boys, but he did what he had to do to keep things going, and that’s what counts.
Edric also had Renly.  He always feels odd calling the man ‘my uncle, Renly’, as the man has always been more like a brother to him than anything else.  The two only 6 years apart, kept them close.  Of course, when Renly was a teenager and Edric still a child the two drifted, but Renly was still always around to provide the love and care that Stannis simply could not.  But as the two grew older, and Renly began to join the ranks of the family ‘business’ as the Baratheon name (a name Edric refused to use, despite being told it was his right if he so chose), and Edric turned down one of his own, the two remained close.  To this day, Renly is the only person Edric would do anything for.
As a teenager, he often tried to go out of his way to soil his father’s name: getting arrested, kicked out of the schools he was sent to, setting up illegal street races (okay, fine, he still does this, but now it’s only because he has a taste for speed), but he realized that his refusal of the Baratheon name also meant that his actions simply fell on deaf ears.  His actions were those of a bastard.
But as Edric has grown, the chip on his shoulder has as well, turning into fractures that run towards his heart.  Despite his love for Renly and appreciation for Stannis, he hates the Baratheon name, namely due to his father wearing it.  He may be an associate for the Baratheon family, passing along secrets he hears and helping when needed, but he does that only for Renly and Stannis, and not for the benefit of the Baratheon name. 
For the most part, Edric stays out of the family business by choice.  His hands aren’t clean by any means, but the stains on them tend to be grease rather than blood.  Mostly.  His garage is his so-called safe space, a space that is for the most part free of politics.  Of course he services members of other syndicates, restoring or finding beautiful vintage cars for them to have as status symbols.  And yes, if he hears anything that can be passed along to Renly, he does so.  Sure, once or twice he’s been asked to slip something illegal into a car only to be ‘found’ a week later by the cops.  But for the most part, the garage is exactly what it looks like.
P E R S O N A L I T Y ;
There is only one person that can tell Edric what to do, and that’s Stannis, which is borne purely out of respect for the man.  But, even then his sway only reaches so far, as now that Edric’s full grown, he has his own ideas on things.  Renly can ask things of Edric and he’ll most likely do them, but mostly because the man knows Edric, and knows if he were to attempt to ‘command’ him to do anything, it would result in that task not only not being done, but with Edric probably going out of his way to do the opposite.  To say that Edric has an issue with authority probably would be an understatement.  It stems both from an inherent need to piss off his father, and from a fairly young age being able to do whatever he wanted.  He was fortunate to be a boat on the rising tide of the name Baratheon, but he was not tied to them the same way Renly or Stannis were, he had choices on what he wanted to become or do.  
But even with this rebellious, defiant streak in the man, he is an easy going guy.  He may not carry the love of excess like some other members of his family have, but he does love to have fun.  That could be hanging out at the Red Keep with beers in hand, or racing his growing collection of vintage cars, or doing any number of things.  But overall he is fairly easy to get along with.  His lack of involvement in syndicate politics allows him to socialize with whoever he chooses, loving or hating them not for their loyalties but for who they are. 
But overall he is a romantic and has an addictive personality, and has a tendency to fall fast and hard for people who usually aren’t the best for him.  He craves a life of deep meaning, and tends to fall for artistic, poetic types.  He wants to be the muser and the muse, he wants to know what consumes people, wants to be consumed himself. 
W A N T E D  C O N N E C T I O N S ; 
OLD FRIENDS/RIDE OR DIE; The first half or so decade of his life was during a time when Baratheon didn’t mean much to anyone, and the friends he made during this time would have been those of the playground variety, but would have also been completely true.  I would love for him to have a friend that, 20 years later is still a staple in his life.  Due to his overall lack of participation in the syndicate, this person could be from any family or a civilian.
PAST LOVES; As mentioned previously, Edric tends to specialize in passionate, destructive type romances.  The type where you’re so deep in it, you didn’t realize that you were drowning in it until you’ve gotten out.  We can plot how it started, ended, etc.  Open to any one of any/all genders and from any family or a civilian.
LOVERS TO FRIENDS; Would love a friendship that was perhaps one of romance first, and while we could go casual romance to friends, I think a deep, true love that had to end but the two still wanted the other in their life, even as friends would be *chef’s kiss*.  Because I mean, c’mon who knows you better than a person you loved like that?  And have that innate sense of what you need in that moment?  Beer?  A good cry?  Ugh.    Open to any one of any/all genders and from any family or a civilian.
HOOKUPS; While he may be the type to fall fast, not every romantic interaction leads to love.  What’s on the tin, past or current hookups, can be friends with benefits, enemies with benefits, don’t talk other than to hookup, or even just casual non-monogamous dating.
ENEMIES; Edric is a very easy guy to get along with, doesn’t pay attention to family lines, and generally doesn’t like conflict because it ruins the vibe (VIBE CHECK!!), so something would have had to go seriously wrong between these two for Edric to consider them an enemy.  Open to any and all.
CUSTOMERS; A fairly nondescript and easy going connection, just a way to have them know each other, simply someone who is also a lover of vintage cars, just like Edric, and has bought some of his restored cars, or had him restore one of their own.  
NEW FRIENDS; Edric makes new friends all the time, both with his business, outgoing nature, and tendency to end up at all sorts of establishments (no matter who owns them), so if you’re looking for some casual friendship, here you go.
READY SET GO; His defiant streak may have ended (well, mostly), but some things stuck around, and racing was one of them.  He got a taste of speed and became addicted.  As often as he can, Edric organizes and partakes in some street racing, where there’s betting, drinks, drifting, and a whole lot of showing off.  Your character could be a fellow racer or just someone who enjoys going to the races.
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sims2snfkggh · 4 years
The Voetsol Legacy generation #3: the story of generation 3
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Way back in time, it was just Mees Voetsol, his fiancé Wendy Tierelantijn and their daughter Olivia.
They lived in a small house with all they needed: a little bathroom, a matrass for both Wendy and Mees to sleep on and a little loft, a.k.a. Olivia’s bedroom. The small livingroom included a few kitchen sinks and a bar. (Mees’s father was a chef, and Mees wants to be a mixologist.) At this moment it was all just fine for Wendy and Mees, but they always knew they wanted a big family. So it was just a matter of time...
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Very soon, Rosemary was born. Olivia was so excited to share her bedroom with her little sister, so she could show her all of her bugs, stones and all of the other stuff she loved to collect. Since Mees had a real essence of flavor and Wendy liked to garden as well, they had a little vegetable yard. Also, they thought it would be cute to name their kids after plants.
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Mees got up every night to bottle feed little Rosemary. They didn’t have that much of money, but they didn’t care at all. In fact, they decided to try for another baby when Rosemary still wás a baby.
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And they got triplets! Max, Tijmen and Ot. There wasn’t even room in their house for three baby beds! So they placed them in the foyer on the 1st floor. In fact they had enough money to build a little attic, which was the girl’s bedroom now. Wendy and Mees slept on a little bedroom without a door, so they could hear and see the baby’s all the time.
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The baby’s did well and grew up to kids! Max got his mum’s black hair and seemed to be a three-part triplet. Tijmen and Ot however, looked like identical twins. Apart from the fact raising 5 kids, including 3 babies, already was hard enough, Mees and Wendy often confused Tijmen and Ot with each other.
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Never did Mees, Wendy or the kids let them stop that to have fun! Mees studied hard for his mixology job, and often combined that with singing and listening to music. All of his kids loved to dance along. Every now and then misteriously enough Wendy took home some money as well. She never told Mees, but she could be very sneaky and actually knew some criminals from her teenage years that had a lot of small jobs for her to do. In fact, Mees thought Wendy earned this money with the harvest of their own vegetable garden. He wasn’t too good at math. Oh well.
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It was just a matter of time until they saved enough money to rebuild their house. All of the kids even had their own bedroom! They also re-newed their backyard. It had a pool and a terrace now, which made Olivia very happy: she loved being outdoors.
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Lucky for all of their friends, Tijmen (left) and Ot (right) had their own interests and these were the things that decreased mistaking them for each other throughout the years. Because hell, they looked such a lot like each other!
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Especially throughout their teen years, Ot and Tijmen started develop different personalities. Ot (in front) and Tijmen (in the back) shared a love for making music. Ot was a very outgoing and gregorious guy, who loved to see the good things in people. Tijmen was incredibly friendly as well, but had his introvert sides. Where Ot liked to go out and meet new Sims, Tijmen would stay inside with coffee and a good book. Also, his love for his guitar was way more next level than Ot’s: he dreamt of being an artist one day, and was a real muser. Ot’s aspiratoin had more to do with knowing as much Sims as he could, so he could have a lot of friends. Tijmen grew a beard every now and then. Ot thought it looked cool on his older brother, but didn’t think it would suit him that well. Despite the little differences that occured more and more, Tijmen and Ot were best friends. Max was their oldest brother, but you could say that Tijmen and Ot’s bond was deeper than the bond Max had with one of them. Max did more of his own thing, and didn’t interfine with his brothers too much. 
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Their dad Mees was happy however: another little that made it able to keep them apart!
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Max was the first born of the three of the triplets and was the first one to get into a relationship. Max wasn’t really good at making music, but listening and dancing to it did interest him. He went to parties a lot and he was a real dancing machine. That’s how he impressed Nick Robinson, a girl who refused to listen to the name Nicole or Nicky. She impressed him as well, with her gift of being a good photographer. She dreamt to be a pro one day. He found it all super intriging and fell in love with Nick right away. So in the mean time, Max showed up for a lot of try out photo’s. 
Just like their own household, the Robinson household counted a lot of kids: Nick had 1 older brother, 1 younger brother and 4 younger sisters. Max started spending a lot of time over there. 
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Dating seemed something Ot and Tijmen didn’t seem to be interested in yet. Until they noticed Nick had an older brother: Tim Robinson. For Tijmen, it all started that day Max didn’t answer his phone when he had to come home for dinner, and Tijmen decided to pick him up on his way back from the library. He saw Tim and knew it right away: he. was. in. love.
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But it was a little confusing as well. Did this mean he was gay? In that case, he should tell Ot anyhting about it. There were so much differences between them, lately. Him being gay could mean a greater gap between him and his twinbrother. He didn’t want that. By the way, he was way too shy to take action on the things he felt for Tim. 
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Tim though, wasn’t the type to be shy. He invited Tijmen over when Max and Nick went a night out and acted as if he didn’t knew Max wasn’t there at all. It appeared it was just the two of them.
Tijmen felt so awkward and didn’t knew what to do - he didn’t want Tim to notice about his feelings, after all -  but didn’t want to go home either. Luckily enough, Tim knew exactly to cut to the course and took Tijmen’s hand. It made it all clear to Tijmen.
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From that evening on, Tijmen came over more often at the Robinson household. It didn’t take too long before Nick became aware of the fact that Tijmen and Tim became friends in a special way. She knew about her own brother liking boys, but didn’t knew if Max knew Tijmen liked boys. She wasn’t sure what Tijmen knew, either. But she wasn’t the kind of Sim to interfere about these kind of things. But every now and then, she had a little chat with Tijmen whenever he was waiting for Tim to get home from... whatever he was doing.
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Tijmen was head over heels. Tim made Tijmen forget about all of his worries. He didn’t care about the fact he was different than his brother Ot. It was okay to have a secret, no one needed to know about it yet.
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One thing Tijmen didn’t know, was that Tim hanged out with Ot a lot as well. At least, not in the way he would have liked Tim to.
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He didn’t knew Tim was a curious one and was interested in all kind of Sims. As well as Ot.
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Ot discovered he had feelings for Tim, too. It was so exciting that he didn’t even bother to think twice. He absolutely got the reason why Tijmen became friends with Tim all of a sudden.
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Tim was too selfish to tell both of the boys he fancied both of them. For Tim it was the story of a different night, a different boy.
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Ot and Tijmen spend less and less time together. Tijmen was too afraid Ot would notice anything and his gayess would creative this gap between him. Ot was too in love to even notice that his brother was avoid him. After all, they were both too in love to see what was happening. What did I say? All three of them.
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Until that day Olivia aged to an adult and Max thought it was time for a big party. Since Olivia didn’t really have that much friends, she insisted to invite all of their own friends, too. 
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Also, she knew about Tim and Ot and she saw them kissing in the backyard a few times last week. She couldn’t wait for her brother to tell everyone, because she knew everyone would be excited for both the boys. 
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Tim was happy to come. He was very sure Ot would never make a move on him with half of his family around them. Ot told Tim more than once how he hated it when Max made out with his girlfriend and Tim’s sister, Nick. Also, he knew for sore Tijmen would never make a move with anyone around, either, because he just wasn’t ready for that yet.   
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Except for the fact he was wrong. Since Tijmen didn’t went to parties that much, he never expierienced with alcohol much. He loosened up a bit and got handy on Tim.
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And even though the music was too loud and Tim hoped Ot didn’t see and hear the move Tijmen made, the startled look on his face betrayed him. Besides, Ot knew his brother longer than today. Never ever saw he saw him flirting with anyone before. And suddenly he understand why. He was in love with someone who he didn’t want him to know about.
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At first he didn’t say a thing. He just gave Tim a cold stare. Tijmen didn’t notice yet, but he’ll deal with it later. Tim got up immediately to talk to Ot.
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Of course had to explain a lot. And even though Ot was a tough one, it made him sad how his brother and (what he seemed to think) boyfriend could have betrayed him this much.
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At the point Ot told Tim how he thought about it, Tim became all angry at him. How did Ot mean, what did he do to him? Ot did it all to himself. And Tijmen, too. How the hell should Tim have known Tijmen and Ot didn’t tell each other what was going on? 
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Ot felt defeated. The boy he was so head over heels about seemed to be a liar. But what about himself? He suspected his own twin brother about the fact that he didn’t tell him on purpose. But should’ve known beter...
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When Max heard Nick’s side about the story - that she already presumed Tim and Tijmen had something going on - all he could do was shake his head. Nick felt a little guilty as well. But Max wasn’t mad at her. The only one to blame was Tim, who had no blood left in his upper body.
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He was really happy Nick was just a loyal, truthfull and loving Sim that would never cheat on him. 
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In fact, she even proposed him - because fuck the normal gender stereotype thing where guys propose girls - and he said ‘yes’.
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Ot took an example in that. The first months after the big reveal on Olivia’s party, the only thing he could feel was guilt towards Tijmen and anger towards Tim. But after that he learned one thing: it wasn’t anybody’s fault. So in his head and heart it was all forgiven.
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Because he learned one thing: he loved Tijmen as a brother, and loved Tim very much as a lover. So he decided to continue with Tim in a real relationship. Despite the bond he had with his brother.
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Every once in a while, Tijmen encountered them. Of course it did hurt him. But he was trying to get through it, because he didn’t want to change their relationship because of it.
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Also, Tijmen knew it would get better. Especially since he knew Ot and Tim would move in to a house of their own. It did hurt, but he felt it would be okay in the end, and that’s because he knew it wouldn’t harm their twin relationship.
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And he was right: it took some weeks, but it helped Tijmen to move on. In the end they all got along just fine.
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At the time Max’s and Nick’s wedding was planned, it was all okay.
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Max was the first one to get a son (Ludo) of his own.
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Quick next to that Ot and Tim followed, with their adopted daughter Britt, a glutton bookwork who is also a music lover.
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 And Tijmen? He fell in love with Melanie Robinson, a perfectionistic violist who also loved making music. Ironic fact? She’s Tim and Nick’s younger sister. 
And this, lovely Simmers, is the story of generation 3!
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impala-dreamer · 7 years
Almost Home
SPN FanFic 
~Fluff Drabble~
Reader, Dean, Sam
715 Words (under 1K is a drabble, ok??)
A/N: I don’t know where all this fluff is coming from, but ya’ll better enjoy it while it lasts. ;)
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The gentle rocking of the Impala lulled you to sleep as it sped down the darkened highway. You'd gotten used to this over the past few months, the constant grueling schedule of hunting broken up by hours of mindless driving. The backseat had become your home. The cracked leather upholstery your bed; the windowsill your pillow. How strange to find comfort in the low vibrations that rattled through the door as you pressed your forehead against the glass.
As you drove on, the clear sky became even darker as rain clouds extinguished the stars and a light rain began to fall. Droplets crashed into your window and chased each other silently across your vision, pushed on by the wind and the speed of the car. Dean flipped on the wipers, their rhythmic swoosh adding another layer to the soothing noises around you. The tapping of rain on the metal hood, the roaring groan of the engine, Sam's fingers scanning and then turning each page in the book on his lap, Dean's hands quietly drumming on the steering wheel. These were the sounds you loved most, sounds that calmed you, allowed you to relax and let the tension fall from your shoulders, if only for a little while. With a deep, contented sigh you let your eyes fall closed and you tucked your arms around yourself, drifting slowly into slumber.
Dean kept a watchful eye on you through the mirror, his lips curling into a secret smile while he watched you relax. You let out a gentle snore as your head dropped backwards onto the tall seat. He exhaled in a tiny laugh that roused Sam’s attention and the younger brother looked up with a questioning gaze.
“What’s up?”
Dean shook his head and cleared his throat, looking back at the road. “Nothing,” he replied, his voice just above a whisper.
Sam shrugged, turning back to his book. He watched from the corner of his eye as Dean’s gaze drifted back up to the rearview mirror, lingering there and drawing another soft smile across his face. Sam turned his head and peeked at you, your sleeping face framed by the space between his seat and door. He nodded and turned back to Dean, understanding his brother’s happiness.
“You should tell her,” Sam said, looking down at his book once more, the light from his phone illuminating the text.
Dean pursed his lips, shushing his brother, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He set his shoulders and gripped the wheel as he adjusted himself in the seat. “There’s nothing to tell.”
“She makes you happy Dean. You should let her know.”
When there was no reply from the driver, Sam went back to reading, leaving the front seat in silence. Dean drove on through the rain, his body doing the work while his mind wandered into the backseat with you. Even in these quiet moments when you weren’t saying a word, weren’t doing a thing, he felt a lightening in his chest, his heart swelling at the very thought of you. Maybe Sam was right. Maybe when you woke up, he’d tell you how he felt; but Dean wasn’t good with words, he’d have to show you. Perhaps a grand gesture would be best for you, showing up at your door with a dozen red roses; but no, that wasn’t your style, or his. Maybe he could cook you dinner and confess his love over burgers lit by candlelight; romantic, but not enough.
The miles flew by as Dean pondered his move. His ears perked as you stirred behind him, waking slowly and stretching your arms above your head.
“Are we there yet?” you croaked through a yawn.
Dean bit his lip, trying not to smile at the fluttering your voice caused in his stomach. “Almost home Sweetheart.” He turned to look at your over his shoulder and you smiled at him as you settled back against the window. That’s when he knew. The minute the car was in park, the second you stepped out of the backseat, the very moment you were by his side again, he was going to grab your face between his hands and show you how he felt in the only way he knew how: with his lips pressed to yours.
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