#and my headcanon is that it didnt 'kill' his phoenix it only deactived them. and when he died in 4x04 they were reactived
winnie-the-monster · 2 years
I know Legacies is known for not explaining or clearing up anything. But to this day I still wish they explained the Golden Arrow. Like where did it come from? I can understand that being the thing that can kill Landon(a Phoenix) bc in the TVDU nothing and no one is truly immortal bc nature wouldn't allow it. But how did it mange to change his DNA("killing" his Phoenix side)??? Like how does something make a person no longer be what they were born?? That's just completely unheard of in this universe. Bc if someone was killed and they were brought back, they were still a witch or vampire(or an Original vampire in the Mikaelson's case). And if you were a werewolf you would come back as an untriggered wolf. So you would think they would want to explain how that's possible. But then again when it came to Landon Kirby they just didn't care to explain anything.
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