#and my hometown is rural af so i get to stay at home all day doing chores/watching tv
kawaiijellymonster · 1 year
I have too much time this summer, exhibit: the amount of anime I've watched in the last couple of weeks
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dunkalfredo · 7 years
sonic forces but its that one theory
okay so there’s that theory where like, infinite and gadget were friends pre-Forces (kinda ties into a theory about infinite’s backstory and stuff) and while i doubt that this theory is gonna happen (like im not getting my hopes up yall im just gonna go with whatever sonic team hurls at us) i wanted to have a little fun anyways bc why tf not
im developing a like. prequel based off of this theory that just follows their life up until the events of the game, but in all honesty i doubt im gonna ever do more than prewriting and planning for it so i decided to share some ideas for the two's personalities and the like.
(click keep reading to see the Things)
name never mentioned in [hypothetical story i’d write]; buddy can’t remember it during the main game due to [spoilers for hypothetical story i’d write]
all about that punk/goth aesthetic
wears the leather gloves/boots seen in-game for the drama
all his clothes have soft and comfortable material but it Must Be Black
smiles are small but have that all-encompassing warmth of true mirth
loves conspiracy theories
“i just think they’re neat”
unironically subscribes to illuminati theories
legit has a wall at home that’s like that one meme with all the connected points and shit with the dude in the middle of the shot freaking out
its really just a hobby and its very comforting to just go home and work on his theories; gets him in a zen headspace
fall is his favorite season
rainy weather = good for staying indoors with some hot tea, a soft blanket and a good book
halloween is the Best Holiday
pumpkin flavored everything
that crisp, organic smell of wet leaves, crumbling moss, and concrete cooled by rain
buddy/gadget has more of an excuse to hang out bc he’s usually in town in the fall so fall is just automatically superior
time for sweaters and punk af boots; also its finally cool enough for infinite to wear his favorite leather jacket
aspiring writer
wordy, needs to work on grounding abstractions
good sense of atmosphere
millions of story ideas but only one idea for a protag
protag is based on gadget; hasn’t told him yet
vent writes a lot
rainy weather is great x2 Bonus bc staying in and listening to the rain patter against the walls and roof while writing is such a mood
more into short stories than long narratives
bonus points if the short stories are connected tho
super bonus if its an abstract out-of-order narrative (because he’s extra like that)
quiet, reserved; secretly a snarkmaster and sarcastic
dry sense of humor
best deadpan when telling jokes, gadget busts out laughing every time
think phoenix wright’s internal monologue
way too polite; avoids conflict like the plague
will protect gadget with his l i f e
they’re fucking life partners bro they ride or they die and they do it together
there may or may not be a crush in there but shhhhh
ideal lifestyle
get a job that isn’t really his dream job but is still enjoyable and makes a comfortable salary
live in a nice apartment overlooking the cityscape
lots of houseplants
a pet fish maybe
fast wifi
walls absolutely covered with various things
posters for movies he likes
prints from local artists
photographs haphazardly pinned on top of and in between everything
a wall dedicated to his conspiracy stuff
conspiracy stuff interspersed with no rhyme or reason amongst other walls
vinyl covers
t-shirts of his favorite bands
maybe some cool lookin fabric???
time in the evening to write/read/browse the internet
gadget as a roommate
clothes that are both black and super comfy
wants to move out of rural hometown and to somewhere like seattle
plans to move out with gadget; they’re both saving up
the thematic antithesis of infinite’s aesthetic
while infinite is slow and contemplative, gadget bursts and bubbles with energy
clothes? colorful. music? cheery, peppy, lots of chiptune thrown in.
quick temper (aka will fight anyone in a denny’s parking lot at a moment’s notice)
like damn he can be an angry boi sometimes
mostly he’s just excited; he’s in general rather bombastic and immediate in his self expression
this can also translate to impatience when he wants to get on with something.
along the lines of “Cmooon its time to do things! It’s all so cool and neat but its gotta happen now!”
“lmao watch this” proceeds to do something that’s extremely dangerous and threatens life and limb, somehow survives, laughs it off and drinks some kool-aid
loves to travel
can probably speak thirty different languages at any given point, even if only in segments
expanded worldview due to Going Places and Seeing Things
to infinite: “dude you gotta like. go outside. youll get more inspiration for your writing. i just saw a guy stuff an entire corn dog down his throat before diving into a harbor and i think that just gave me a whole new outlook on life.”
favorite seasons are late spring/summer
days are long
lots of sunshine
great for going outdoors and explooooring
sun feels heavenly on his fur
if he wasn’t a wolf and thus had skin he’d be a Golden Boy
that fresh cut grass smell tho
bonus points for Smokey Smell of Barbecue
everything is berry flavored
only downside is he’s usually not in town so its harder to visit infinite
hobbyist mechanic (see: nerd mechanic)
likes to recreate weapons from video games and anime
just in general likes the flashy stuff more than practical creations
often draws out blueprints for whatever fictional contraptions infinite talks about in his short stories
sometimes forgoes the electrical aspect and just outright makes final fantasy-type swords in his basement for fun
pretty happy with current life but wouldn’t mind moving out with infinite and sharing an apartment
granted an apartment wouldn’t have the room he’d need for his equipment but that’s fine as long as he’s with infinite
would probably leave the equipment back at home and travel out on weekends to do his mechanic stuff
during the week/whenever he couldn’t travel back home he’d put more focus into drawing out and selling blueprints on the internet (there’s enough space in an apartment to do that)
tactile and affectionate
is okay with rainy days when w/ infinite because guess what? time to hang out and watch netflix while they both huddle under a blanket for warmth
(gadget gets cold easily lmao)
lots of nudges, casual touch, slaps on the back, hugging, bro just wants that sweet sweet contact yo
i mean he respects people’s personal boundaries but let’s face it. if you let him He Will Sit On You
sonic is his idol
infinite doesn’t really think he’s hot shit but boy howdy gadget loves this dude.
infinite supports gadget even tho he doesn’t like sonic a whole lot bc goddammit a happy gadget is a blessing
thats about it thank u for reading
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