#and my mum flew off the handle on her accusing her of calling her crazy and proceeded to bring that one thing up for i think abt 3 months
killerboyratzmp3 · 2 years
asked my mother why she doesn't have a pension and she said she doesn't think she'll make it to pension age. she is a healthy woman....... i hate hate hate living in this house
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andiwantitliao-blog · 6 years
Part 5 of my first fanfic. It takes place in highschool where kaitlyn and MC meet for the first time.
The New Girl. Part 5
The trip home was quiet without Connor there. Charlotte's dad had left work early to pick her up so her mum could stay home and take care of him. The silence gave Charlotte plenty of time to go over everything in her head, again and again.
"Charlie..." Her dad said softly, breaking the silence. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Charlotte gave a weak smile and shrugged. "Hmm? Talk about what?"
"Whatever is on your mind. Your not as good of an actor as you think..." He nodded towards her bouncing knee. "You do that constantly, but it speeds up when your worried about something."
"Its just school stuff. I can handle it." She said, sounding falsely confident.
"Oh I know you can. My daughter can handle anything, but I asked if you wanted to talk about it."
At that, a thousand thoughts rushed through her mind. The ambiguous text, the guilt, the mixed feelings, the uncertainty about what she was feeling.
"Maybe soon? But, not now. Is that ok?" She mumbled.
"Of course. Whenever you want, Charlie."
They were quiet for the rest of the journey. Charlotte kept her eyes open, hoping to see Kaitlyn. Maybe she'd want a ride home? But probably not. Anyway, there was no sign of her.
As soon as she walked through the front door she was greeted by her mum.
"Charlie, how was school? Oh and...." She was cut off as charlotte's dad shook his head slightly. He kissed the top of his daughter's head and told her to go and try to relax a little.
As she walked by the door to the living room, Charlotte saw Connor asleep, still on the couch. It looked as though he hadn't moved all day. She climbed the stairs to her bedroom and headed straight for her bed, collapsing face first on to it. Laying there for a few minutes didn't help. Her head still buzzed with every confusing detail.
Pulling out her phone, she decided to message Laura.
-Hey. How are you doing? You're going to the party?! Can't wait! [Sent]-
A few minutes passed which gave Charlotte time to read through the messages between her and Kaitlyn. She thought of all the things she could have said differently and winced as she got back to the last text. Snapping her out of it, her phone buzzed again.
-Obviously I'm coming to the party! When do I not? I'm fine. Did I miss anything good at school?-
-Not really, the twins have been annoying as hell. Kyle and Sara are gross. Mr Hopkins still can't find a pit stain remover that works. [Sent]
-That's not what the twins tell me.. apparently there are rumors about you and some cutie. Details plz??!!-
-Wow. First, you speak to the twins before me? Second, they're the idiots that started the rumor and also the only ones who believe it. [Sent]-
-They text me. Obviously I spoke to you first. And are you sure it's not true? Or are you just hiding something from me?-
The accusation sank her stomach like a lead weight. She wasn't hiding anything. She told herself that over and over.
-Nope, not a thing. Why so curious anyway? [Sent]-
-Because I have a right to know which guys are sniffing around my girl :P -
-When one does, you'll be the first to know lol [Sent] -
The rest of the week flew by. Kaitlyn hadn't said a word since they last spoke, despite Charlotte trying constantly to make things better. Laura still wasn't at school, but kept in text contact with her. The twins seemed to have gone back to their usual ways now that they had nothing to joke about. Before she knew it, the weekend arrived.
Charlotte stood in front of her mirror, double checking how she looked. A stylish jacket worn over a low cut, boy racer vest and her favourite black torn jeans. She pushed back her hair and let out a deep sigh before picking up her phone and leaving her bedroom. She almost reached the front door before her parents both called out to her.
"What? I don't want to be too late." She whined.
"We just want to make sure you're home at a decent time." He mum warned, sternly.
"Also..." Her dad began, sitting up a little straighter. "...Are you sure you're up to going out? You've been really quiet lately."
It was heartwarming to see her dad so concerned. The feeling of frustration was quickly replaced by warmth as she smiled to her parents. "Going out is exactly what I need. But thanks for asking. I won't be home late."
With that, she stepped outside. Giving kaitlyn's house a quick glance, she could see her bedroom light was on, but the curtains were drawn. Not giving it any more thought, she carried on to the twins house.
By the time she was there, the party was in full swing. Someone had obviously managed to pick up plenty for everyone to drink and the guests were spilling out of the house in to the front yard. Charlotte pushed through the mass of bodies until she was inside. Music was blaring and the huge crowd had fallen in to smaller groups of people looking comfortable and tipsy. She was turned around by a light touch on her shoulder, making her jump slightly. As she turned the view of striking blonde hair struck her vision.
"LAURA!" Charlotte practically screamed as she pulled her best friend in to a powerful hug. Laura hugged back even tighter as though it had been years since they were last together. "I'm so glad you're here!"
"As if I'd miss all this..." She gestured to the party around them. "...Plus I missed my favourite girl." She grinned.
"I wanted to ask how you're doing... with, everything?" She whispered in to Laura's ear, not breaking the hug until Laura pulled away, holding on to charlotte's shoulders.
"Later, I promise. But for now, drinks!" Without another word, Laura pulled her along to the kitchen where tens of bottles were laid out on the counter. The twins were standing back to back, holding conversations with two different groups. They didn't even notice the two girls pick up a bottle of rum and slip back out of the kitchen.
The two of them sat on the stairs looking out at the party, pouring themselves generous helpings. Familiar faces scattered the house, along with plenty they didn't quite recognise. The two of them spoke about the last few days; Charlotte left out everything about kaitlyn, trying her best not to let it ruin the good mood she was feeling, not that she even wanted to admit how bothered by it she was. Laura told her what it was like to tell her parents about the pictures. Apparently her dad went bezzerk, focusing on finding the guy responsible and making sure he was never found again. Her mum just cried with stress. The police were eventually involved, and because the pictures were of a minor, it was 'easily' dealt with. Laura said she'd be back at school next week and Charlotte couldn't wait to have her friend around again, especially now.
As the night went on, between drinking more and a lot of dancing, Charlotte felt her head spin. Noticing it, Laura took her by the wrist and lead her up the stairs where it was less occupied and more quiet. They stepped in to a large bedroom (probably the twin's parent's) and sat on the large bed that was covered with jackets and a few small purses. As she laid back, Charlotte felt her head connect with something, hard. Reaching under her, she pulled out the denim jacket that was covered with punk pins and anarchy symbols, throwing it further up the bed.
Laura laid next to her smiling contentedly. Her face was red, she had drank enough to make her warm up and the party didn't leave a lot of fresh air.
"I'm so glad you're back." Charlotte mumbled, trying not to slur.
"Me too. I missed you like crazy babe." Laura grinned back at her.
"You know..." Charlotte propped herself up on her elbow. "...You can't disappear like that again. Or I'll replace you" she giggled. Laura took tell same position, resting her head on her hand.
"As if! I'm irreplaceable and you know it" she winked.
"Ok.. Maybe you are. Where would I ever find another girl like you?" As she said that, her eyes felt heavy. As her eyelids closed, she felt a warm touch cover her cheek, leading her to lean in to it. Her heart almost stopped as she felt a pair of warm, glossed lips connect with hers, slowly and deliberately.
Lost in the sensation and the shock, Charlotte almost fell back off of the bed. Her eyes shot open and the soft touch that was cradling her face was now holding her in the kiss.
Charlotte pulled back to question her friend, only to notice the figures standing in the doorway. A large group that had wandered upstairs were looking on excitedly at the two girls. Time seemed to freeze until one guy in the back of the crowd yelled out;
"Damn Laura. From posing online to this? Nice!"
Laura didn't speak, or even look up. Instead she grabbed her jacket and rushed out of the room, pushing aside anyone between her and the stairs. A few people followed her in concern, leaving only a couple behind. At the front of them, looking somewhere between shocked and flustered, was Kaitlyn.
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