#and my parents look at my twin's progress report first by pure chance. and he had a 65 in spanish. (below 65 was fail)
spookyyenna · 5 years
Power Rangers Wing Commanders: Episode 1: Wings of Change Pt. 1
Greetings everyone! It is I, Spookyyenna! I’ve decided to return to Tumblr and give it another chance. And along with that, here is the first episode of my PR story! So if you’re a Power Rangers fan, then this is the story for you! Leave a comment and enjoy the story.
In the deep, dark, depths of space. There were multiple stars and planets orbiting around the cold and quiet atmosphere, but, suddenly a massive portal appeared and out came an alien spacecraft that was in the color of fuchsia with a hint of grey. It had two engines in the back and two sets of missiles under each wing. Inside the spacecraft were reptilian-like foot soldiers, otherwise known as, Nexors, were either carrying an alien blaster or a laser-blade. Their attire consists of a magenta battle armor and holsters for their weapons. Most of them patrol through the corridors, while others were guarding the more private parts of the ship. However, the only flaw about these reptilian-like beings was the fact that they lack basic knowledge and had tendencies to not follow simple directions. Luckily, there were four other beings that had more sense than these incompetent fools. 
At the front of the ship, stood three different figures; each of them being an anthropomorphic animal. The tallest one was the timber wolf named Rag-Zar. He was a mighty warrior with a ferocious temper, a powerful saber, and a pack of mysterious daggers. The wolf also had a serious demeanor that meant business and most definitely wasn’t the type to fool around or to make “jokes”. He was also a general of sorts and he expects everything to go his way. Unfortunately, the other two weren’t so agreeable. One was a female spotted hyena named Sheira; she didn't fit the stereotypes about hyenas, although, she was fierce and was not to be underestimated. In combat, she fights to win, even if her opponent parishes in the process. Sheira also happens to be the master of blades. Whether it be a knife or a short sword, the cunning hyena will use it to her advantage. However, she doesn't work alone. By her side is her twin brother, Zerrick, a tough spotted hyena with a twisted personality and an underbite to boot. Unlike his twin sister, the spotted hyena can only handle one blade and solely relies on his gauntlet that he wields on his dominant wrist. These twin hyenas are extremely dangerous, especially when they work together. However, because they're brother and sister, they have a tendency to get into squabbles, in which, gives both Rag-Zar and their master a living headache. Unfortunately, it makes the latter more angry and more likely to punish the two mammals. However, when it comes to their undying loyalty to their master, there’s no doubt that they will be by their master’s side until the bitter end. But, for now, they all have their eyes set on conquering a new planet. A planet that is known throughout the entire universe; a planet known as, earth.
“How much longer until we reach the planet!? I’m dying to cause some destruction!” Zerrick asked with impatience and confidence in his voice.
“And as I told you 10 minutes ago...you impatient malcontent...we’ll get there WHEN WE GET THERE!!! NOW STOP PESTERING ME BEFORE I USE YOUR HEAD AS AN ORNAMENT PIECE!!!”  Rag-Zar yelled as he was getting sick of the hyena’s constant questions. “Why don’t you go bother your sister or something!?”
“Because she threatened to rip my fur off if I continue to pester her…plus she told me to bug you,” Zerrick pouted. “And must you always yell?! I swear you’re gonna lose your voice one of these days.”
Rag-Zar rolled his eyes before replying, “Not if I lose what’s left of my sanity and brain cells talking to you first.”
Zerrick took an offense to that statement and whipped out his gauntlet as he got up and personal in the ill-tempered wolf’s face. “Listen here snaggletooth! I may not be the brightest mammal in the room, but, I will NOT tolerate your petty insults. So take it back or I’ll-”
“Or you’ll what!?” Rag-Zar growled as he started to size up the hyena. “In case you forgot: I’m a wolf, I’m twice your size, I’m better than you in combat, and if it was up to me or even our master, I would’ve launched you to the nearest and biggest black hole that we can find in this galaxy.”
But before the two mammals could go any further with their confrontation, a sudden ear-piercing sound waived through their ears and caused them both to fall onto their knees and grip their ears in pure pain and agony as they whine and beg for the sound to stop and go away. Fortunately for Rag-Zar and Zerrick, the sound went away. Unfortunately, the source of the sound came from someone that they both feared and respected; their master. He was a tall individual with a dark demeanor and an aura that was made out of pure evil and darkness. He also wore a metallic-silver suit of armor with a hint of light green in some areas; most of his body, except for his mouth, was covered by the armor. In his dominant hand, which was his right, he wielded a mighty spear that glowed a dark purple-ish color when releasing the powerful sound waves. He then proceeded towards the two mammals as they were getting their second wind from the horrible ringing in their ears.
“Get up...Now!” he demanded as he stomped his spear on the ground. “You were supposed to be warriors. Not childish brats fighting over a toy! Sheira has more common sense than the both of you combine!” he continued as he glared at the two grown mammals. “If I hear any more of this nonsense between the two of you, I will turn you lot into fur and dust!! Am I understood!?” Dark Sparrow growled.
“Forgive us, Master Dark Sparrow!” Rag-Zar and Zerrick said in unison as they got back on their feet and bowed to show respect and forgiveness towards their master. Once that was said and done, both warriors stayed quiet and kept their distance from each other to avoid another confrontation. Dark Sparrow was satisfied with this result and walked back to his throne with a quiet but stoic look on his face as he had his mind on other things. But, suddenly, his train of thoughts came to a close when he was approached by his second-in-command; Sheira.
“I must apologize for my brother's childish behavior master,” bowed Sheira. “I'd say he needs more ‘home training’ but, I'm positive that it'll just go through his empty head. Like his brain!” she added, in which, earned her an embarrassing glare from her twin sibling and a light chuckle from Rag-Zar. “Anyways, I came to inform you that we are getting close to the designated planet.”
“Excellent!” Dark Sparrow smirked, “Engage the ship’s thrusters and prepare the Nexors for battle. I want to hear the inhabitants of this planet scream as we destroy their homes and watch them plea for mercy.” he smirks once more as he makes a tight fist.
“As you wish, Master.” Sheira bowed once more and proceeded with Dark Sparrow’s instructions as he took his seat on the throne. But not before giving a sinister laugh that echoed throughout the entire ship.
*Time: 8:00 am.
*Location: Earth.
*Destination: Finn Hill, California.
“Good Morning Finn Hill!! FHN Reporter J.B Bell, here reporting live from Downtown on this beautiful Monday morning!” The news reporter announced with great enthusiasm in his voice. He was an anthropomorphic blue jay with feathers that were groomed to the touch. He also wore a grey business suit with a white shirt and a blue tie under. “The Mayor will be holding a special celebration in honor of the city's founder; Finnigan Weston Hill. We will keep you guys updated at the station as preparations for the big event is in progress. This is J.B. Bell, signing off.” and with that, the avian news reporter took a huge breath relief before retreating to the news van and grabbing a bottle of water. “That was exhausting…”
“Nice work J.B.!” Said the cameraman as he turned off the camera and put it into the van. He was a middle-aged man with light skin, jet black hair and a slightly receding hairline. His uniform mainly consists of a leather jacket with a crimson t-shirt underneath, a pair of navy blue jeans, and grey sneakers. “You always know how to start everyone's day.”
“...Thanks, Leonardo.” J.B. yawned. “I'm not used to being out so early in the morning...not since high school at least. But enough about me, how you've been doing since...you know…?”
The cameraman, Leonardo, got quiet and sheepish. He knew what question his boss and friend was about to ask, and it made him uncomfortable every time. But Leonardo knew, if he doesn't talk about it, it'll drive him crazy for months. “I-I’ve been alright...I guess… it's just something new for me to deal with..”
“Leo…I'm sorry. M-Maybe it was too soon to bring it up,” Said J.B. “If you don't feel comfortable talking about it, I understand.”
“Jerome-Bernard Bell,” Leonardo started. “It’s okay. I’ll be alright. Getting divorced can have different effects on people; Ava needs her space and our son is handling it in his own way. Although, I can’t imagine he’s hurt about this.”
“Yeesh...the only people that full-named me were my parents, my partner, and our boss. But I didn’t think you had it in you...” J.B. replied bashfully. “But you make a good point tho Leo. C’mon! Let’s go make sure the equipment is set up correctly. That should take your mind off things.” he says as he smiled at his cameraman.
Leonardo appreciated the suggestion from his news partner/friend as he follows him back to his van. Suddenly both individuals and their vehicle were overcast by a massive shadow. They looked up at the sky and saw a massive spacecraft hover over them until three figures teleported to the ground with their weapons in their paws. J.B. and Leonardo were stunned with fear and couldn’t move a muscle. All they could do was watch as the three figures walk up to them with the female one pointing one of her blades at the frightened avian’s throat.
“Alright, bird boy. Unless you want to be a featherless bird, you better start talking.” the female figure threatened. “What’s the name of this civilization that you, earthlings, call ‘home’?”
“F-Finn Hill...Finn Hill, California. T-That’s the name of our city. I swear that’s all I know.”
“Hmph! Smart bird. I’ll let you live. For now. You might get lucky and get enslaved for all of eternity. Now for your friend over here,” she says as she puts one arm around Leo’s neck, with the other one wielding a blade that is aimed at the side of it. “So, ‘quiet one’ who’s the leader of this place, that you call Finn...Hill…?”
Leonardo stayed quiet for a few seconds which honestly felt like forever. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to talk or not. But, he knows if he doesn’t speak, the female figure and her two companions could hurt J.B. or worse. “...our ‘leader’ is Mayor Suzuki. That’s all I know as well. Please, we both have families. I couldn’t forgive myself if anything happened to them…” Leonardo pleaded.
“Save your pity party for the next group of invaders who actually cares about your simple lives,” the female figure sassed. “Rag-Zar, be a good boy and take care of these two. We got all of the information that we needed.”
“I’m not your little ‘puppy-dog’ Sheira! But as you wish.” said Rag-Zar, as he began to, murmur an ancient spell with his paws and eyes glowing a bright orange-ish color. Once he was done with the spell, the male wolf zaps the avian and human, as he put them both in an energy sphere, in which, puts the two in a sleeping trance. “Shall I leave them here? Or do we allow the master to deal with these two witnesses?”
Sheira smiled devilishly at the energy sphere, before replying with, “Don’t worry. The master is already in the midst of a plan.”
Time: 9:00
Location: Finn Hill High School
As the school bell ranged, students of all shapes, sizes, colors, and species were roaming all over the hallways. Most of them trying to find their classes or their friends in all of the chaos. But before it can get any louder and crazy, a large brown bear in a blue blazer with matching trousers walked into the middle of the hallway with a cup of coffee in one paw and a silver whistle in the other. He then proceeds to blow into the small instrument, in which, got every student to quiet down and give their attention to the large mammal in the center.
“I hate to ruin your meetups and conversations, but the first bell just rang. And If you don’t like to spend your first day back at school in detention, then I suggest we all go to class, Yes?” the mammal smiled.
“Yes, Principal Bernstein…” the crowd of students replied with a few of them grunting and rolling their eyes in annoyance.
“That’s better,” said Principal Bernstein as he started to make his way back to the office. Along the way, he said good morning to a few students and fellow faculty as they all headed off to their individual classrooms and offices. Suddenly a blur, which was in the form of a student, flew past the principal. Miraculously, the bear already recognized the student and immediately stopped him in his tracks. “Running late again...Mr. Jones?”
The student stopped in his tracks and turned around in a very awkward matter. He also had a sheepish grin on his face. “Heyyy, Principal B! How’s it hanging? Did you do something to your fur? It looks so smooth and ravishing” the student said as he tried to sweet-talk his way out of the situation. But alas, this wasn’t going to end well.
“...Detention?” the student sighed.
“Same time after school, Mr. Jones. Don’t be late,” said Principal Bernstein as he gave the student a pink slip before heading back to his office.
“Yes, sir...I’ll be there,” the student sighed once more as he shoved the slip into his back pocket and proceeded towards his classroom. “Smooth move Roy Jones. ‘How’s it hanging’!? God that was cliche. I need to come up with some better material.”
Inside one classroom, the teacher was given a history lesson about the city of Mariner Bay and the ancient burial ground that is located underground. But before the teacher could go any further with her lesson, the classroom door was opened to reveal super-late student, Roy Jones, who quickly took to his seat as he was getting menacing daggers from his teacher and awkward stares from his fellow classmates. Especially from one student who was not only a friend of his, but he was also a German Shepherd; he had blue eyes, tan fur, black markings on his nose, ears, and his tail. He was also wearing a sleeveless green t-shirt and a pair of blue jean shorts.
“Let me guess: Trying to impress a couple of girls? Failed to skip class? Or better yet, tried to stay home sick?” the shepherd raised his eyebrow.
“Worst my canine compadre,” Roy replied. Overslept, missed the bus, and got the infamous pink slip from good ol’ grizzly butt.”
“Ouch. That’s what happens when you have an all-night movie marathon. And I told you to get your rest too.” the shepherd scolded. “Plus, as your friend, I think you need-” but before the teenage canine could finish his sentence, his teacher stormed over to his desk and slammed a pink slip on his desk. “Oh no…” he groaned.
“I’m sorry Adrian, but you already know that I have a no talking policy in my class.” said the teacher as she gave the shepherd a disappointing stare before returning to the classroom board.
“I never get detention…” Adrian whined as his ears folded to the back of his head. “Ugh, my parents are gonna kill me..”
“Aww c’mon dude! Cheer up,” said Roy. “Your boy, El Roylando, will keep you company!” he smirked.
“Joy…” Adrian replied in a deadpan tone.
Down by the football field…
A group of students in gym uniforms was lining up at the front of the track for their daily classroom laps. On the sidelines were the two P.E. coaches; one was an anthropomorphic Red-Tailed Hawk in a male uniform and a school official cap and the other was a female coach with a tan muscle tone and in a female uniform.
“Alright, everyone! Listen up!!” said the avian coach, “I want you all to run your fastest! I want you to sweat! And I don’t want any bland excuses--unless your paw or ankle is twisted, suck it up and run. Am I clear?”
“Yes Coach Talon…” the students mumbled.
“I said...AM I CLEAR!? OR DO I NEED TO ADD 50 PUSHUPS TO EACH LAP?” he shouted as his feathers start to ruffle from anger.
Without another peep, all of the students got into their starting positions in fear of making their coach angrier. Three students, in particular, were having a private conversation amongst themselves. Two of them were male and the third one was a female; one was a Red Doberman, the other one was a Welsh Corgi, and the third one was a Caucasian female with a grey pixie cut.
“Yo, what’s birdbrain's problem?” the Doberman grumbled, “It’s not our fault that we’re tired and not in the mood to run.
“Exactly bro!” the Corgi added, “I was working my tail off this entire summer! My paws and body ain’t build for this stuff! What am I? A Pitbull!?” he scoffed.
“Don’t be such a puppy Billy,” said the female student. “You’re a squirt, yes, but you need to get rid of those extra pounds. Especially in the gut area,” she added as she poked his belly.
“Hey! I may be short, but, I am not fat! And you know it, Mira.” Billy growled.
Mira laughed as she watches her short canine friend try and fail to be threatening. But to the teenage girl, it was both entertaining and adorable. “Poor Billy...so ‘scary’ and cute.”
“...Forget you, Mira.” Billy blushed with embarrassment as he rubbed his belly.
“Okay you two, save the insults for a chump that deserves it,” said Nelson as he glared at a male student with red hair, light green eyes, and freckles on his nose. “You’re going down Anderson...that I can promise you.”
And with that, the female coach blew the coach and all of the students took off in a matter of seconds. Most of the canine and feline students, with the exception of the red-haired student, taking the lead. The red-haired student was completely focused as he kept a good and steady focus on running until something, or someone broke his concentration and made him fall to the ground. Once the student got back on his feet, he heard immense sounds of laughing and teasing from the trio of students. Mostly from the Welsh Corgi and Red Doberman. They then proceed to whip out their phones and start recording the student.
“Is that even necessary Nelson?” asked the student, “like your ego needs to be any bigger than your test scores.”
“What do you care Jerry-boy!? I think it’s about time that a ‘good guy’ like you be put in his place!” Billy smirked. “Ain’t that right Nelson?”
Nelson nodded before saying “You may be the ‘star’ of the track team Anderson...but you’ll always be a goody-two-shoes loser!” the Doberman laughed.
“Ha! Good one bro!” said Billy as he joined his friend in the laugh.
The student rolled his eyes in annoyance as he proceeded to catch up with his fellow classmates. But just before he could get a running start, he was forcefully tackled to the ground by Nelson. As he tried to get his bearings, the Red Doberman kept him pinned to the ground as he got in the student’s face before saying, “Going somewhere, Anderson…? You and I got some unfinished business.” as he said that, the canine grew a cruel smile, and made his paw into a fist before striking the student in the face.
Back at the bleachers the female coach, otherwise known as, Coach Eloise Landers was patching up the red-haired student’s injuries after his sudden encounter with Nelson Skuller, the Red Doberman that loves to terrorize other students that are scared of him.
“Coach Landers, I’m fine! It’s just a couple of bruises.” said the student as he winced from the stinging sensation of alcohol being dabbed on his cheek.
“Maybe so Jeremy,” said Coach Landers. “But those bruises aren’t going to heal themselves. However, though, I’m just glad you didn’t turn it into a full-on-brawl. As for Nelson...he’ll be punished for not only his brash actions but, for also attacking another student. Is that okay with you Jeremy?”
“Yes Coach Landers,” Jeremy replied. “And besides, Nelson has had it for me and other students since last year. But I’m not gonna let a bully like him bring me down. And if he gives anyone else problems, I’ll be sure to tell Principal Bernstein.” he reassured.
“I’m glad to hear that Jeremy,” Coach Landers replied back. “And it looks you got some visitors,” she says as three of Jeremy’s classmates and one of the cheerleaders walked up to them.
“Yo, Jeremy, are you okay?” An ocelot student asked. “Nelson was a real punk for throwing that punch.”
“I agree,” a female deer student added. “I’m surprised you didn’t knock that malcontent’s teeth in. Or at least retaliate against his goons.”
“C’mon Natalie!” said another student. “You know Jeremy isn’t the type to pick a fight with someone like Nelson. He’s more of a peacekeeper anyway.”
“Okay guys, I’m sure Jeremy would like some alone time now,” the cheerleader smiled. She was African-American with light-orange eyes, all black hair with a streak of yellow in the middle, and she was also wearing an orange and purple cheerleader’ uniform. “And about Nelson; he’s just a big puppy with a childish grudge.” she winked.
“Hehe! Thanks, Kayla, thanks, guys.” Jeremy smiled.  “I appreciate all of you checking on me, but I’ll be fine, get back to running before Coach Talon loses any more feathers.”
Agreeing with their friend and not wanting to tick off the already agitated avian coach, Jeremy’s classmates went back to the track to continue their laps and Kayla went back to practicing her routine with the other cheerleaders. But, unbeknown to them they were being watched by two mysterious men inside of an all black SUV. One man had his hand on the wheel and was looking through a pair of binoculars, while the other man was talking through a communicator in his ear.
“No signs of any suspicious activity Commander. But we’ve identified both Mr. Anderson and Ms. Hopkins, no sign of the other three yet.”
“Excellent work Agent! Knowing Mr. Jones and Mr. Cooper, they’re most likely in class. As for Ms. Garcia, she’s probably playing hooky or in detention. She’s rebellious--but she has spunk. Keep me posted agent.”
“Yes, sir. Signing out,” the agent took his fingers off the communicator and put his attention back on his partner and the students of Finn Hill High School. “How’s it going?”
“Like you told the commander,” the other agent replied. “No signs of suspicious activity. And may I ask? Why are we spying on five specific teenagers? I’m sure the commander or at least the professor has a good explanation for this.”
“They do actually,” said the first agent. “It’s for a ‘Top Secret’ project. Otherwise known as, Operation: Wing Commanders.”
Up in the sky, a military aircraft carrier was hovering over Finn Hill. It had four powerful engines that keep the entire ship airborne, state-of-the-art weaponry, a runway to launch and land all aircraft vehicles and cargo, and a built-in cloaking device to keep it hidden and safe from enemies to uninvited guests. Inside the carrier was a huge base where multiple agents and soldiers were hard at work at monitoring the activities of the city while others are deployed and tasked with secret missions. At the center of the base was a middle-aged man who donned the uniform of a commanding officer; his facial features include a grey mustache, sideburns, and a scar on his right eyebrow. Next to him was a male anthropomorphic Red Fox, who was donning a lab coat, a purple t-shirt, and a pair of grey slacks. He also had golden eyes and was sporting a pair of spectacles.
“Remind me again Ethan...why teenagers?” asked the vulpine. “And please don’t say ‘because they have the attitude!’, not only is that a common stereotype about teenagers, they always have an attitude, they constantly complain about everything, and they have the attention span of a-”
“Well, Jonathon,” Ethan replied. “I’m 100% sure that most of the things you just said are common stereotypes about teenagers. Am I wrong?” he smirked.
“Alright, alright, don’t be so smug of yourself,” Jonathon rolled his eyes. “Anyways, about Operation: Wing Commanders, I made some minor adjustments to the ‘gears and tools’ that we need for the five chosen teenagers.”
“That’s good to hear John,” Ethan nodded. “How long until they’re ready?”
“Just a little bit longer,” John replied. “I need to make sure they don’t malfunction during battles and work any bugs out of the system.”
Suddenly, an emergency alarm went off and the entire base was repeatedly flashing red lights. Some of the agents and soldiers went to their stations to track down the source of the emergency alarm, and others were trying to get all of the monitors turned on to see live footage of the potential threat. Once the screens were turned on, live video footage played of Dark Sparrow and his minions in the middle of town, with their now three hostages, trapped inside the same energy orb from before while still being in an unconscious state.
“Commander, who is that?” one of the soldiers asked.
“I don’t know,” the commander replied. “Turn it up! I want to hear what he has to say.”
“Attention! Earthlings of Finn Hill! You probably don’t know who I am. But, allow me to introduce myself; I am Dark Sparrow. An intergalactic space pirate, conquer of planets, and destroyer of the weak! Now then--the reason I came to your planet. It’s a simple reason; I want to rule it. But not just rule it. I want to enslave all life on this threshold you call home. Some of you will become warriors of my army or even my personal slaves. Whether you like it or not. Because, as of today, I am your new ruler! And if anyone dares to defy me...here’s what happens:"
Dark Sparrow aimed his hand at the energy sphere as he fired a jolt of dark energy which caused the hostages to scream in pain and agony. Along with this, Rag-Zar and Sheira launched multiple blade slashes at several buildings which resulted in all of them exploding and crumbling down to the streets below. People and children were screaming and crying as they ran to take cover and find shelter. Unfortunately, some weren’t so lucky and got badly injured in the chaos.
“Your time is running out Finn Hill! Make your choice: Accept me as your new leader or Perish along with these hostages and the rest of your precious city. Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock."
End of Transmission
“Oh my god…” Jonathon gasped. “H-He can’t be serious…”
“This is a Code Red Emergency! All hands on deck! NOW!!” Ethan commanded. “I need a medical team and an evac team down to the city! We got casualties who are severely injured or worse. This is not a drill people, I repeat, this is Not. A. Drill.”
“SIR! YES, SIR!” all of the soldiers shouted as they prepare to deploy down to the city.
Ethan placed his hand on his fox companion’s shoulder before saying, “Professor, how fast can you get those ‘gears and tools’ done?”
The vulpine readjusted his spectacles and gave his commanding officer and companion a reassuring smirk. “Faster than you can say Lightspeed, Commander.”
“All I needed to hear,” the commander nodded before turning on his earpiece. “Agents, assemble the rangers.”
Back at the school, Principal Bernstein was in his office, drinking his second cup of coffee, and reading the reports about a troubled student who has once again caused mischief. The Ursa sighed in frustration, knowing that, this wasn’t the first time he had to deal with this particular student. Ironically enough, it was only the first day of school. It's going to be a very long day.
“Mrs. Evans, would you kindly send Ms. Garcia into my office please?” Principal Bernstein asked, via intercom.
“Right away sir,” she replied back. “Here she comes now.”
And right on cue, a female student walked into the office and made herself comfortable by sitting in one of the available seats and planting her pink sneakers on the principal’s desk. The student was wearing a pink hoodie with a plain white shirt under, a pair of baggy jeans with holes in the knee area, and a pink beanie with a bunny skull in the center. “What am I in for this time chief?”
“That’s Principal to you, young lady,” glared Principal Bernstein. “And as for what you’re in for; playing hooky and spray painting ‘PINK PUNK’ all over the lockers of FH High students, Nelson Skuller, Billy Blake, and Mira Thompson. Care to explain, Ms. Garcia?” he raised his eyebrow.
“What can I say? Social Studies isn’t my forte,” she shrugged nonchalantly. “And as for those three chumps, they deserved it. They think because they’re the ‘Alphas’ of the school, they have the everloving right to harass anyone whenever and whatever they want! Someone’s gotta stand up to them.” she says as she crosses her arms in defiance.
“Ms. Gar--Lucy,” Principle Bernstein cleared his throat. “While I understand your concern. And I really do. But I don’t think vandalizing a fellow student’s locker is the right way to get back at a bully.”
“Then what would you do!? Let them off the hook!? Someone has to stop this!” exclaimed Lucy.
“Lucy, please try to listen. You can’t just put matters into your own hands and expect bad students to stop bullying other students.”
As Lucy was about to give the principal another piece of her mind, one of the mysterious men in black walked into the office and grabbed the teenage girl by her arm. “Lucy Garcia. I’ll need you to come with me.”
“Hold up business dude!” Lucy struggled. “Who the heck are you!? Where are you taking me!? And how do you know my name!?”
“All of your questions will be answered soon. But for now, I need you to calm down and come with me,” The man replied as he calmly took Lucy out of the office. Leaving the poor principle dazed and very confused.
“...I’m switching to decaf.”
Meanwhile, the other mysterious man in black was escorting Adrian and Roy, outside, towards his vehicle.
“So...are you with Secret Services? or the CIA?” asked Roy. “Because if you are, I’m willing to joy. If the pay is good of course.”
“That’s confidential information, Mr. Jones,” the man replied. “And I’m going to have to ask you to refrain from asking any more questions until we reach our destination.”
Roy nodded to the man’s request, but, he decided to open his mouth once more. “But can I just say-”
“Roy,” Adrian said sternly. “Please shut up. I got detention for the first time, I might get grounded until I graduate High School, and we’re possibly being kidnapped,” Adrian added as he starts to rub his temple from all of the stress. And with that, Roy kept his mouth shut as he and Adrian entered the back seat of the man’s vehicle. Once they were inside, they were greeted by two other students, Jeremy Anderson, and Kayla Hopkins.
“Well, well, well,” Roy smirked. “It seems we have a cheerleader amongst us. How's it hanging sunshine?”
“Get a reality check, Jones.” Kayla sassed. “We all got ‘escorted’ out of class by a couple of dudes in business suits, and you’re choosing now to make flirty advances? Not your brightest moment.”
“Agreed,” Jeremy and Adrian said in unison.
“Oh, who asked you guys…?” Roy grumbled. “But in all honesty, why are we here? We didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I’m with Jones on this one,” said Kayla. “They must’ve had a good reason for why they chose us four and nobody else.”
“It’s about to be five,” Jeremy pointed out as he saw one of the men in black came back with a reluctant Lucy who was trying to break free of his grip. He soon got out of the way as she ferociously opened the door to the vehicle and sat next to the teenage redhead.
“Sheesh, they got you guys too huh?” Exclaimed Lucy. “So who am I stuck with? The pretty boy, cocky smartmouth, madam pep squad, and the good boy.” she snarked.
The other four teens made very unamusing expressions at Lucy, as they weren’t a fan of the rebel teen’s nicknames for them. “Tough crowd,” she says. “and I thought my abuela and tia were hard to laugh.” Lucy shrugged as she sat back and enjoyed the ride.
And so, the five teenagers were assembled into the vehicle and are currently being transported to an unknown location. Unbeknownst to them, their lives will never be the same. Once they were on the highway, one of the men in black, who was driving, started to pick up speed in a very increasing rate. “Prepare for flight mode.” said one of the men.
“Roger that,” the other man replied. “Should we give them the heads up? This might be a bumpy experience for them.”
“Nah, let them experience it for themselves,” He smirked. “It's always fun to watch the newbies scream and squirm. And besides, they’re teenagers. I’m sure they’ve been through worse.”
In the backseat of the SUV, the five teenagers were starting to get weary and notice something was wrong. Adrian was looking out the window and noticed that they were going a little bit faster than usual, Roy was trying to comfort Kayla by putting his arm around her shoulder, but, all he got was a hard elbow blow to the side, Jeremy was wondering where he and his fellow schoolmates were going, and Lucy was keeping herself distracted by listening to her music. Then suddenly, the SUV started to pick up even more speed and it forced the teens to sit back and tightened their seatbelts.
“Why are we going so fast? Don’t they know about the speed limits here?” asked Adrian.
“They’re probably in a hurry to get somewhere...” said Roy as he began stretching. “Wake me up when we’ve reached our abductor’s hideout,” he says as he starts to fall asleep.
“You’re a lost cause Jones…” Kayla mumbled.
Meanwhile, outside the SUV started to transform. First off, jet wings started to appear on both sides of the vehicle, then the wheels began to hover, in which, caused the whole vehicle to float above the ground and start to take flight, and finally a pair of twin thrusters formed from the back of the vehicle and were starting to power up. Inside the vehicle, a female A.I. voice came on and stated the following: Preparing for Launch! Please make sure all seatbelts are fastened, secured, and everyone is in their assigned seats. Thank you and have a nice day~
“Well that wasn’t too bad,” said Adrian. “At least we can relax now.”
Initiating Countdown: In 5…
“We’re doomed,” Adrian sighed.
“Get ready guys! This is gonna be intense!” informed Jeremy.
“Thanks for the heads up Red,” said Lucy as she gives Jeremy, a mocking salute. “I think we’re completely aware that we may possibly die.”
“Would it kill you to not be a sarcastic smart alec for five minutes?” Kayla asked in a frustrated tone, “I mean seriously, don’t you care that we might not see our friends and family again?”
“Of course I do!” Lucy replied. “But you should be telling that to Prince Snoozy-Butt next to you,” she says as she nods her head at Roy, who was not only snoring but was starting to drool a little.
And just like that, the vehicle blasted off into the sky in a matter of seconds. Leaving only dust and groups of drivers in their path. The two men in black were enjoying their flight to the atmosphere. The man that was driving, however,  grew a huge smile on his face as he can hear the sound of the teens screaming in possible awe or terror. “Tch, newbies.”
Once their vehicle was in the air, it started to slow down its speed and proceeded towards its designated location. The military carrier, that was hidden, thanks to its built-in cloaking device. “Commander Hunter, Sir, we got them. Permission to land?”
“Permission Granted! And hurry! We don’t have that much time.”
“Yes, sir.”
And so, the two men landed their flying vehicle on the runway as it and the entire ship instantly turned visible. The two then proceeded to let the five teenagers out. Fortunately, they made it in one piece, unfortunately, some of them were feeling groggy and kinda sick.
“...I think I’m gonna throw up…” Adrian groaned.
“Yay! We’re alive,” said Lucy. “and on solid ground,” she says as she hugs the pavement.
“Ugh, hey, who turned on the lights…?” Roy yawned as he just woke up from his nap. “Where are we anyway?”
Jeremy and Kayla were the last two to get out of the vehicle. Kayla was regaining her bearings as she took a second to look at the new environment she’s in, and Jeremy cautiously walked towards the edge and noticed that they were no longer in the city anymore. “Uh, guys? You might want to see this,” he says as he looked down at all of the clouds and buildings down below. The others came to see what their schoolmate was talking about, and they were surprised by the massive view.
“That’s a long way down,” said Kayla. “Good thing I'm not afraid of heights.”
“Hate to be the poor sucker that slips and fall to their doom,” Lucy added.
But before anyone else can say anything, the five teens were escorted inside by the two men in black. Once they were inside they took a quick look at their surroundings and were impressed by all of the technological wonders within the place; from massive computers to odd inventions that have never been seen before. Soldiers and workers were scrambling all over the place, while some of them took quick glances at the teenagers and were mumbling things like “That’s them?”, “I didn’t think they were teenagers.”, “Why is one of them a dog? Why not a wolf or something?”. As they continued with their walking, they were soon approached by the commander.
“Commander Hunter, Sir!” The two men saluted.
“At Ease, you two,” said the Commander. “I’ll take it from here,” he says as he motions Jeremy and the others to follow him.
“You’re probably wondering where you are and who I am,” he acknowledged. “Well, allow me to finally answer them for you: My name is Commander Ethan Hunter and you five are in a state-of-the-art military carrier! In other words, it’s a secret base in the sky and the main headquarters of the W.C.O.”
“And what exactly is the ‘W.C.O.’?” asked Jeremy.
“The Wing Command Organization, or, W.C.O. for short,” replied the Commander. “tactical military ops that specialize in dealing with ordinary and unordinary threats. Both in the sky and on the ground. We’re also tasked with keeping Finn Hill and all of its citizens safe. And that’s where you five come in.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” said Roy. “Why us? We’re just teenagers. We don’t know anything about being part of the military. Heck, I’m barely passing history.”
The Commander stopped in his tracks and was in complete silence. He stayed quiet for a few more seconds until he cleared his throat, and gave the five teenagers a stern but serious stare. “Tell me,” he started. “Have any of you five...ever heard of the Power Rangers?”
Jeremy, Roy, Adrian, Kayla, and Lucy, were completely thrown off by the commander’s question. However, they were familiar with the legendary team of heroes. Especially Adrian, whose tail was wagging like crazy. “Seriously!? Who hasn’t!? I’ve always wanted to be one since I was a pup! And, and-ahem-I mean, of course, they’re pretty well-known heroes.” he says as he grabs on to his tail and attempts to hide his embarrassing blush.
“You’re such a nerd dude.” Roy chuckled.
“I don’t know,” said Lucy. “I think it’s cute that he’s a fan.”
“Good, so you’ve heard of them…” nodded the commander. “I need to show you all something,” he says as he directs them into a room with a large square table, a silver briefcase, a monitor, and an anxious Professor Foxworth.
“Yo, who’s the fox dude?” asked Roy.
“Roy…” Adrian elbowed Roy’s arm.
“Show some respect,” Kayla scolded.
“It’s quite alright,” Professor Foxworth sighed. “I’m kinda used to it by now,”
Commander Hunter walked towards the male red fox and rested his hand on his shoulder. “I would like you all to meet Professor Jonathon .H. Foxworth, the leading scientist here at the W.C.O.”
All five teenagers said their greetings to the male vulpine before taking a seat at the table. Once everyone sat down, both, Commander Hunter and Professor Foxworth stood at the front before proceeding with the briefing.
“We have a Code Red Emergency! Earlier today, we got a video message from an individual, that calls himself, Dark Sparrow.” said the Commander as he replayed the footage from earlier. “He’s an intergalactic space pirate whose sole purpose is to conquer and enslave other planets. Unfortunately, Planet Earth is his next target.”
“It gets worse from there,” said the Professor. “His forces have leveled several city blocks, destroyed multiple buildings, and innocent civilians were hurt in the attack. And to add the cherry on top--he has hostages. One of them being the mayor herself…” he says as he displayed images of the hostages.
The five teens watched in horror and anger as they watched their city get destroyed, and innocent people and mammals running for their lives, as they all try to escape the chaos and destruction; Jeremy was clenching a tight fist to display his anger, Lucy was speechless and possibly scared, Kayla was trying to hold back tears as she feared for her own family’s safety, Adrian covered his ears to muffle the sounds of all the people crying and screaming, and Roy was stunned because he recognized one of the hostages. “This isn’t happening...” Roy mumbled.
“What is it Mr. Jones?” asked the Professor.
“I know one of the hostages…” Roy replied. “The cameraman...its my dad!”
To be Continued...
Next time on Power Rangers Wing Commanders!
The Rangers are given their morphers and are soon put to the test when they make an attempt to rescue the kidnapped hostages from the clutches of Rag-Zar, Sheira, and Zerrick. Meanwhile, Dark Sparrow unleashes a horde of Nexors and a monster upon the city! Can our new heroes work as a team and save the day? Or will this be the end of Earth and Finn Hill?
That’s next time! On Power Rangers Wing Commanders!
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