#and nada can only leave when she realises that Dream doesn't have the power to yoink her away
myrskytuuli · 2 years
I think one of the more interesting things they could do in Sandman season 2 is that the story of Nada and Dream is told through folktale, as in the comic, but this time we hear both the men’s version, the women’s version and couple other versions that circulate around. And they are clearly all contradictory and you can kind of see how they all slant towards their target audience. Who has agency, responsibility, depth, sympathy, etc varies wildly from story to story.
and then we never find out what the “truth” of their affair was. If Nada was innocent little girl, or arrogant and dangerous witch queen, just a victim of circumstances, or just a fool dallying with forces she shouldn’t have. And wether Dream was capricous and evil, hurt and lashing out, or more of a mindless force of nature.
We just see Nada and Dream reconciliating, but never actually hear the words they exchange, so what actually happened is a secret those two won’t share even with the audience.
I just really like that all the other relatinships that Dream has had have been very...realistic. They have ended with hurt feelings, but not because anyone was technically at fault, more that they just fizzled out for myriads of reasons that are exactly the same as with normal mortal relationships. I would like for Nada to get the same kind of treatment, instead of being an object whose story starts and ends with being a tool for Dream’s character development.
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