#and natasha is about ready to stab him with his own chopsticks
normaltothemax · 8 months
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5 Love Languages prompts [ absentminded ] sender casually takes receiver's hand in public, laces their fingers, and doesn't let go ( wanda to clint because she is just the kind to be like… still there? still there.)
They were out to dinner, celebrating a successful mission. Well, okay, really, they were all just starving after that fight and a single Chinese restaurant had somehow remained open. It was fate. Destiny. It would’ve been stupid to turn down their offer of a free “thank you” meal. Plus, it gave everyone time to just sit down and breathe for a minute or two.
Clint was in the middle of regaling everyone with stories from the circus, exaggerating only a little (who was going to tell on him?), making big, grand gestures with his hands, chopsticks almost jabbing Natasha in the eye a time or two. Partway through a(n entirely made-up) story involving popcorn, a horse, and a tightrope-walking bearded lady, a smaller hand slipped into one of his. He didn’t have to look to know who it belonged to—Wanda was the one seated directly to his right, after all.
He didn’t pause in his storytelling, didn’t stutter or even look over at her, just gave it a squeeze and continued on, dragging her hand along for the ride.
@writteninscarlet (x)
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