#and necessary to maintain faith in humanity πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
molotovmochtail -> help-me-find-a-name-please-lol
no-one asked but:
my original blog name was a cute little superhero-sidekick name I gave to my dog when I was doing a "make fitness fun by turning it into a nerdy superhero game" thing, which I used purely because I could not think of anything else that wasn't already taken and I just wanted to be able to be a part of tumblr.
now I still can't think of anything new, but when it already sucks for haters to find and reblog your posts attacking you or your thoughts/interests etc, I especially can't stand to keep seeing these attacks directed towards my (now deceased) dog's nickname. (disclaimer: I know opinions posted on here are generally public and no-one can totally control who sees or responds to them, and that I myself am bitter and opinionated and deserve for others to be able to reply in kind. and that me picking a sentimental url is no-one else's fault. the point is just that I'm correcting my own past actions that have made the expected online interactions worse for me). hoping I can come up with a new neutral url so that when I'm faced with absolute bullshit opinions on a reblog, the tough decision of whether to argue back against the stupidity (which is a fruitless exercise against wilful ignorance) or to just block, let them pat themselves on the back and think they are clever (which they'll do anyway) and get on with my life, at least won't mean letting my beautiful girl's name be stuck undefended on their toxic blog forever. cos I just don't have enough time to waste it with idiots. I've waited much longer than I should have to change this, but while I haven't built many friendships or associations here, I just didn't want to lose connection to the people who might at least have grown passingly familiar with me in an occasionally-positive way πŸ˜…
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